TheSun 2008-11-04 Page07 Kuas Contract Not Extended

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theSun | TUESDAY NOVEMBER 4 2008 7

news without borders

Kua’s contract
not extended
A 10-3 vote by Dong Zong to be run based on
(United Chinese School the constitution of the
Committees Association) Press Digest college management
not to extend the contract by Kong See Hoh and that of the centre.
of Kua Kia Soong as New He said it was also
Era College principal agreed that Dong Zong
made headline news in the Chinese press would continue to actively participate in
yesterday. the management of the non-profit DJZ
The decision, made at Dong Zong’s Education Centre.
extraordinary general meeting in Kajang Apart from Dong Zong, other
on Sunday, put a period to months of stakeholders of the centre are Jiao
bickering over the issue. Zong (United Chinese School Teachers
Kua will now have to leave the college Association), Merdeka University Berhad
when his contract expires on Dec 31, and the centre’s sponsors.
having failed to put in an application Yap said he believed Dong Zong
when the Dong Jiao Zong Education would not be split on the college issue
Centre, which runs the college, advertised and urged its three dissenting state
for a new principal. The closing date for components to respect the decision
applications was Oct 31. reached at the EGM.
Dong Zong chief Dr Yap Sin Tian, who Kua said what was decided at the EGM
is also the college’s senate chief, said he was Dong Zong’s stand on the matter, and
would leave the matter of hiring a new that as far as he knew, Merdeka University
college head to the centre. Berhad had taken a different stand a day
Kua, meanwhile, expressed earlier.
disappointment at Dong Zong’s decision He stressed that he had never asked to
and said he would leave the matter to the have his contract extended.
Chinese community – his “real boss”. Asked what he would do next, Kua
At the two-hour closed-door EGM said: “What can I do when the boss has
which attracted a record turnout, 10 state written to me to say I will not be rehired?
Dong Liang Hui (components of Dong I will have to look at the response of the
Zong) voted against a motion by Malacca, Chinese community, which is my (real)
Negri Sembilan and Johor to extend Kua’s boss.”
contract. He said he was willing to serve as New
Speaking to the press after the meeting, Era head but would not apply for the job.
Yap said that apart from a vote on the “This is my stand,” he said, adding that
motion, the state components reached a he had taken up the position when it was
consensus on three points, including a offered to him by Yap’s predecessors in
decision that New Era would continue Dong Zong.

China’s CNY exports expected to suffer

THE recent melamine-in-milk scare is expected ers in Hongkong, Macau and Thailand.
to exact a toll on the export of China’s Chinese “We also expect more stringent inspection
New Year goods. of imports from China this year, causing delays
Worried that many Malaysians have lost at customs,” he said.
confidence in Chinese food products, import- A spokesman for the Malaysian Association
ers are expected to slash imports of Chinese of Sundry Goods Importers and Wholesalers
New Year goods from China and are turning concurred with Lim that sales of Chinese New
elsewhere to source products. Year goods from China would be affected.
Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Sundry Shop However, he said, food products found
Owners Association president Lim Hock Chai to be contaminated were mostly distributed
said consumers had lost confidence in Chinese in China and were cheap and sub-standard
goods as a result of the milk scare. products.
“In the past, Chinese New Year goods were He said China is strict with its food exports
mainly sourced from mainland China, but this and consumers should not unduly worry about
year importers will buy more from manufactur- the safety of food products from the country.

Anwar: Economic progress possible

only with dedication, high morals
by Humayun Kabir should also be given to others who may have the expertise to excel in areas that would benefit the
nation, he said in an address entitled “Executive
IPOH: Economic progress can be achieved only Talk” to some 2,000 state civil servants at the
with dedication, efficiency, accountability, a code State Secretariat here yesterday.
of ethics and high morals on the part of both civil Anwar urged the five Pakatan Rakyat state
servants and politicians, Opposition Leader Datuk governments of Perak, Penang, Kedah, Selangor
Seri Anwar Ibrahim said. and Kelantan to work with confidence in their
The Permatang Pauh MP said civil servants administration and fulfil their election promises
must also live up to the people’s high expecta- to retain the people’s support.
tions in public services. High morals and a code At a press conference later, he said the ap-
of ethics must be promoted in the work place to pointment of Low Siew Moi as Selangor State
reduce corruption and wastage, he said. Development Corporation (PKNS) acting general
Anwar said although Malaysia had recently manager should not be made a racial issue.
been referred to by the World Bank as the East On former de facto law minister Datuk Zaid
Asian economic miracle, “the economic gap Ibrahim’s statement that the “concept of Malay
between the rich and the poor between 1957 supremacy has failed”, Anwar said: “By Malay
and 2008 has widened and there is a need to supremacy, we enrich a few, I do not believe in
narrow it”. that. I believe that the Malays and bumiputra
While Bahasa Malaysia is the official language have a place here and cannot be marginalised,
of the nation, importance should also be placed and we should do everything possible to help the
on English – the international language – and Malays together with the Chinese and Indians.”
Mandarin, which is becoming the language of the “Enriching a few Malay billionaires while leav-
Asian economy, he said. ing the majority of Malays living in deplorable
While the bumiputra are now the main conditions is just unacceptable. In that sense,
stakeholders in the civil service, consideration Zaid’s views must be carefully studied.”

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