TheSun 2008-11-04 Page17 Malaysians Optimistic About Economy Research Agency

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theSun | TUESDAY NOVEMBER 4 2008 17

media & marketing

M’sians optimistic
Man to share RM500,000 win about economy:
Research agency
with 18 family members MALAYSIANS have a more of Malaysians said they are
optimistic outlook pertaining worried about the economic
to the state of the economy situation but they can’t stop
compared with bigger markets, spending all together – the
according to a survey by Syno- highest out of the nine coun-
by Angela Sargunan vate, a global market research tries surveyed. Malaysians agency. are generally optimistic and
Around 45% of Malaysians philosophical,” he said.
IT was a thrilling experience for think that the state of the econ- He also revealed that over
businessman Koon Woh, 47, who omy is weak but half (58%) of Malay-
walked away with half a million believe that it will sians have made
ringgit on Saturday in the grand soon improve, said cuts in their spend-
final of the MBF Cards ‘Got 5, Get Synovate Malaysia ing habits.
RM500,000’ campaign. managing director When asked
The father of four from Sri Steve Murphy on if they had made
Petaling jumped with joy when Thursday. changes in their
he was announced the winner The survey monetary habits
after he completed a number of explored consum- in the last six
challenges. ers’ attitudes and months, Murphy
“I’m very happy and have perception in said Malaysians
decided to split my winnings with spending habits were saving less
the rest of my family members, and the economy. (36%) and invest-
18 members in total, who also It involved a ing less (25%) as
participated in the campaign but sample size of well as generally
did not manage to make it to the 6,500 respondents spending less on
finals,” said the faithful user of
aged between 15 basic necessities
MBF Cards since 2000.
The close-knit family man and 64 across all Murphy presenting the and in particular
Koon Woh income levels from findings of the survey. luxury items.
said he will give all 18 family leaps for
members about RM26,000 each nine countries, “We found that
joy after namely Malaysia, Malaysians were
and as for his own share, he cardmembers to register were
winning Brazil, France, Taiwan, Turkey, not the only ones to cut back
might place it in a fixed deposit finalists in the second round instantly rewarded with RM50,
RM500,000 South Africa, Russia, Japan and as respondents from countries
account. walked away with consolation explained MBF Cards (M’sia) Sdn
Bhd president John Ding. in the Got 5 the United States. like Japan, Taiwan and the Phil-
“Since the economic prizes of RM1,500 each.
The final five hopefuls had “We received overwhelming contest. From Malaysia, 1,000 inter- ippines also shared the same
environment is not very
stable, it’s wise to have extra to compete in two back-to- response to this campaign, viewees involved in the survey sentiments,” Murphy added.
cash in hand and not splurge back rounds to determine the given that the possibility of were from the urban areas. He said Malaysians are
unnecessarily,” said Koon RM500,000 winner and the walking away with half a million “Malaysians definitely have paying more attention to food
Woh, adding that it has been remaining four finalists received ringgit was made relatively a more positive outlook on the prices with a majority acknowl-
surely rewarding to be a MBF RM5,000 each. uncomplicated,” he said. economy when compared with edging that they are now more
cardmember all these years. Cardmembers were also “This has been the style of other markets. likely to check the price of their
The six-month nationwide awarded with attractive daily all MBF Cards campaigns and “For instance, close to two- food items and make price
campaign, which ran from April prizes, with over 35,000 cash this one in particular was a thirds of respondents in the US comparisons with other food-
till September, was part of MBF prizes totalling about RM2.5 significant milestone for MBF (63%), Japan (63%) and France related products before making
Card’s on-going drive to reward million. Cards with the biggest cash (64%) believed that their econ- a purchase.
its cardholders. Each week, five finalists payout to one individual.
omy is going downhill and will The survey also showed that
In the finals, 125 shortlisted were chosen for the final event, “We will continue to bring
fresh and fuss-free ideas get worse before it gets better consumers have or will sacrifice
finalists participated in a series resulting in the 125 finalists on
that reflect our philosophy compared to only 22% of Malay- spending on leisure travel (18%),
of fun challenges that tested their Saturday.
skills and wit in four elimination “The Got 5 campaign was of enriching lives through sians,” said Murphy, adding that followed by branded items (13%)
rounds. intended to be simple and easy. practical innovations to our the majority of the respondents as well as eating out (12%), and
The first round had 75 finalists Cardmembers who obtained cardmembers,” he added. are from the younger generation spending on luxury items such
eliminated after being given the number ‘5’ on a credit card For more information, visit aged 15 to 24. as plasma TV (12%). – Angela
RM1,000 each while 45 other transaction slip, and the first 205 “Despite everything, 53% Sargunan

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