Portfolio Ende2011 Web

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Jrn Lutter

exterior interior


table of

this magazines gives an overview of the work I have done the last years of studying design in the fields of product, transportation and graphic. it is focused to transportation due to my interests of motional thing. I assure, that all work was done by myself. Visit my blog on joernlutter.com, where I publish not only sketches, but also photographies.

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introduction Audi exterior Audi interior ballpen exercise MA2 interior [raumnetz] Passat B3 follower exterior Passat B3 follower interior swedish exterior swedish interior MA1 exterior - different eyelines BUG .3 exterior/interior bimma sketches Locust: waste disposal CX revival

Jrn Lutter // Berlin 2011

name age hometome languages: education HS Pforzheim //
Master Transportation Design 2nd semester finished HBK Braunschweig // BA IndustrialDesign/ (graduated) Communication Design

Jrn Lutter 24 Berlin German, English

internships nr21 Design GmbH // Berlin Storz Design // Zell am See interests design, photography, art, cycling, alpine skiing, fitness, table tennis, race simulations, football

contact joernlutter@hotmail.com +49 (0) 171 1124115 joernlutter.com



this shortproject is about an audi for a new segment, placed between an A3 and A4 with the attitude of a TT. my focus was the evolution of the signle frame grill, also for the time, when the engine changed to an electric one. the sketches you can see are not a final result, but a collection of ideas, to figure out different directions for the brand. after the exterior pages it continues with interior themes for Audi.



middle console





raumnetz is a concept about an interior, which is influenced by a threedimensional cobweb. I analysed the strings structure and the volume; the concentration und the gaps. Out of that I created a theme, where the flow of the lines are focused on to the driver. the corners of the interior are the connectors where the web is attached to, like a branch.

the final interior design is an interpretation of a three-dimensional cob web. the solid structures are surrounding the passengers to create a feeling of safetyness. at the same time, the surfaces are giving the passengers the opportunities to use it as a digital interface for communication and entertainment. it is possible to drive that vehicle via a joystick or a steering wheel. the components for both driving modes are the same. they just need to be mountet with an armrest at the seat, to have joystick; or with a steering column to have the steering wheel. This flexibility is achieved through the technology of drive by wire.


managing the surfaces

in this course, the task was to choose a favourite car and design a follower of it. i took the passat b3. it is a car which is not everyones favorite. but i like it because of its special notes, like the closed front with the nosehole and the clean proportions. i also think that its boring to design a follower of a perfect sportcar or something like this. i thought its possible to designer a new Passat with a news design language but also with that individual character like the original.

the design-language of current cars want to communicate sportiness and dynamic. this effects a high shoulder line and a heavy wedge profile. its also owing to the requirement of security and giving the pessengers a room of privacy. in the result, the field of view is very small; too small for family cars especially for young pessengers. for me, it is important to design a family car with huge window-sites, that the passengers can discover their environment on a journey.

front light detail rear light behind the glass

final stage
the clay model was done in April 2008. this rendering shows an alternatve version for 2011 with a different side profile. it has a stylised seam with an opening at the rear wheel to strengthen it optically.

alternative rear end and alternative side profile

clay model

Original Passat B3 dashboard

dorpanels for the Passat interior with the low window line. the panels are atached to the glass.

...finding a new approach... early sketches..

a vehicle for travelling

the autobahn
500mm hight differential between the driver and the passengers


Theory of the theme

I decided to place the driver in the upper level of the vehicle. Thereby the driver has the best view to the traffic. The passengers have a large area to relax.

the driver up or down?

finding a reason for different seating levels

seperated cabines


formal explorations

sidecar theme


flying surface

top surface protects the subjacent area. breakup between the driver and the passenger part.

final CAD


surface developement

figuring out the side theme

final CAD

tape drawing

intelligent surface material allows you to decide which part should be transparent

wireframe / Alias Model

alternative rims

an idea, how to translate the system of shapes of an insect into a vehicle; also to combine exterior with interior parts.

the glass parts are turning into the interior. from outside, its just the window; from inside its a part of the dashboard and the armrests.

one material - one function

the open door describes the flow of the window down to the ground of the interior

grap into the gap to open the door

BMW sketching

this project was created during my internship at Storz Design in Austria. The initial idea was the waste problem in cities. I wanted to have an vehicle, that is able to grap waste and rubbish on the street with artifical muscles. The muscles can detect pieces and collect them flexible. The driver can stay in the car. He/ She only needs to supervise this activity. I created a ruff clay model of it, scanned it and continued my work digitally.

collection in progress

the task was to redesigning a car of the 70s. My choice was the Citroen CX. It took the design language of the DS perfectly into the next decade; kept its originality- the typical futuristic silhouette of Citroen, combined with the latest technology.


Jrn Lutter joernlutter.com joernlutter@hotmail.com 0049 171 1124115

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