MD 2009 2

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Forensic Medicine Degree Examination, May 2009 (2004 Scheme) Paper II : CLINICAL FORENSIC MEDICINE AND MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE
Time: 3 Hours Instruction : Answer all questions. I. a) What are the defences possible for a doctor, who is the defendant in a medical negligence suit ? b) What is the relevance of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, in relation to medical profession ? (10+10=20) II. Write briefly on : 1) Karen Quinlans case 2) Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act 3) Gustafsens technique 4) Methods of proving paternity. III. Write short notes on : 1) Surrogate mother 2) Problems related to A.I.D. 3) Ethical issues in diagnosis of AIDS 4) Amniotic fluid embolism. (104=40 Marks) (104=40 Marks) Max. Marks: 100

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