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29 March 2007 Paper I (3 hours)

Discuss the Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit (SAECK).


Write short notes on a) b) c) The Mellanby effect. The Widmark formula. The elimination of alcohol from the body. (5) (5) (5) [15]

List and briefly discuss the possible causes of a negative semen analysis in a case of sexual assault. [15]

Write short notes on the following a) b) c) Discuss or tabulate the survival times of spermatozoa in the different penetrable body orifices as well as on clothing. (5) What are the indications for collecting blood from the victim of sexual assault? (5) What are the indications for collecting urine from the victim of sexual assault? (5) [15]

Discuss the Tanner stages of development in the female individual, as well as the medico-legal implications thereof. [15]

Discuss child abuse with respect to the background of the child, injuries notes and approach treatment. [15]

29 March 2007 Paper II (3 hours)

Discuss the possible findings in Non-Accidental Injury Syndrome in a 3-year-old child, as well as the ethical and legal responsibilities of the medical practitioner considering such a diagnosis. [25]

Write short notes on the following a) b) c) Bruises with reference to causation and ageing. (5) The differences in mechanisms of causation of lacerations versus incised wounds. (5) Bite wounds and their medico-legal importance. (5) [15]

Write short notes on a) b) c) The use of radiology in clinical forensic medicine. (5) Colour changes in bruises. (5) The differences in appearance between incised wounds and lacerations. (5) [15]

A member of the legal profession consults you in connection with Paternity Testing. Discuss your approach to this matter. [15]

a) b)

Discuss the differential diagnosis of a patient presenting with an alleged head injury. (8) Discuss the differential diagnosis of a patient presenting with alleged alcohol intoxication. (7) [15] Discuss the general principals of consent. (10) Discuss consent for blood transfusion in a 5-year-old patient whose parents are Jehovahs witnesses. (5) [15]

a) b)

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