Dip Sap 2006 03

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30 March 2006

Paper I (3 hours)

Answer all of the following questions. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer)

a) b)

Give the medical definition of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). (4) Briefly discuss the possible autopsy findings in cases of suspected Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). (9) [15]

Discuss complications and possible mechanisms of death in a case of extensive and widespread blunt force trauma to the body. [15]

Briefly discuss the differences between a) b) c) Lacerations and penetrating incised wounds. Lividity and bruises. Natural and unnatural deaths. (5) (5) (5) [15]

A 3-year-old little girl allegedly died suddenly and unexpectedly while in the care of her uncle a) Which injuries would you specifically look for during the external and internal post mortem examination of her body, to exclude possible child abuse? (10) Which additional examinations should be performed to exclude possible child abuse? (5) [15] PTO/Page 2 Question 5


-25 Write short notes on 5 (five) of the following a) b) c) d) e) f) Factors influencing the absorption of alcohol in the body. (5) Factors determining the effect of electricity on the body. (5) Factors which might influence the extent and appearance of contusions. (5) Causes and effects of raised intracranial pressure. (5) Aspiration of gastric contents. (5) The classification of anoxia / hypoxia. (5) [25]

Describe the typical features of an entrance bullet wound in the following circumstances a) b) c) A contact gunshot. A close-range gunshot. A distant-range gunshot. (5) (6) (4) [15]

30 March 2006
Paper II (3 hours) Answer all of the following questions. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer)

You have been asked to perform a medicolegal post-mortem examination on an anaesthetic associated death case. a) What do you understand by the term anaesthetic associated death? (7) b) Briefly discuss your approach to such a case. (8) [15] Briefly discuss the possible mechanisms of deaths in a) Electrical shock. b) Ligature hanging by the neck. c) A knife stab wound into the chest.

(5) (5) (5) [15] Describe your approach to the post mortem examination of an adult male, who was found hanging from a rope around his neck in a room. State any specific autopsy techniques, evidence or samples you think might be value in investigating this case thoroughly. [15] Describe briefly the macroscopic features at autopsy in the following cases: a) Electrical burn wounds. (5) b) Hypothermia deaths. (5) c) Chemical burns. (5) [15] Write short notes on a) Diffuse axonal injury. (7) b) Shotgun injuries. (8) c) Post mortem skin abrasions. (5) d) Mechanisms of death in a case of a stab wound in the abdomen. (5) [25] PTO/Page 2 Question 6

-26 Tabulate the essential differences in the macroscopic appearances of a) b) c) Ante-mortem thrombo-emboli and postmortem blood clots. (5) The lungs of a newborn baby who has breathed and one who was stillborn. (5) Subdural and epidural haematomas. (5) [15]

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