Dip Sap 2006 08

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31 August 2006

Paper I (3 hours)

Answer all of the following questions. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer)

Discuss the autopsy findings and the possible causes of death in a body retrieved from a burnt-out motor vehicle. [25] Discuss the causes, age determination and complications of subdural haematomas. [15] Write short notes on the following a) b) c) Contre-coup contusions. Intracerebral haemorrhages. Hyperthermia. [15]

Write short notes on the following a) b) c) Carbon monoxide toxicity. Postmortem artifacts. Neurogenic cardiac arrest. [15]

Write short notes on the possible postmortem findings in a case of hypothermia. [15]

Briefly discuss the following a) b) Cardiac tamponade. Amniotic fluid embolism. [15]

31 August 2006
Paper II (3 hours)

Answer all of the following questions. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer)

Discuss the following a) b) The features of a wound of the forehead caused by a handgun that has been fired at a range of 2cm. Vertebral artery injuries. [15]

Discuss the complications of spinal cord injuries. [15]

Describe the procedure to be followed in the identification of human remains. [15]

Define the following a) b) c) d) e) Cot death. Sudden unexpected death. Natural death. Unnatural death. Mechanism of death. [15]

Discuss the determination of the approximate time of death. [25]

Discuss wounds caused by shotguns. [15]

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