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Biomolecule Notes

Atom - smallest unit of matter (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorous are the atoms that make up most biomolecules) Molecule - group of atoms bonded together Polymer- molecules of many repeating units Biomolecules- molecules needed for life
Nucleic Acids (DNA and RNA) Proteins Lipids (Fats) Carbohydrates (sugars)

Carbohydrates -sugars
Structure: polymer - repeating unit called saccaride Function - Used by all cells for energy and used by plants for structure
Energy is stored in the bonds between carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

Types of Carbohydrates 1. Monosaccharides: One ring sugar
Ex : Glucose, fructose

2. Disaccharides: Two ring sugars

Sucrose (Table Sugar)= glucose + fructose Maltose (beer sugar) = glucose + glucose

3. Polysaccharides: Many Ring sugars
Starch - many glucoses bonded together to store energy in plants Glycogen - Many glucoses bonded together to store energy in animals Cellulose - Many glucoses bonded together to give plant structure
Although they all are glucose molecules bonded together, the way in which they are bonded is different in each, giving the molecules different functions.



glycerol and fatty acid molecule bonded together
A Fatty acid is lots of carbons bonded to hydrogens Large molecule (not a polymer)

energy storage to cushion organs insulation part of the plasma membrane (phospholipid)

Lipid Structure

Lipids, Oils, & Fats


Nucleic Acids
Nucleic Acids- DNA , RNA
Structure - Polymer - repeating unit called Nucleotide
Phosphate group, ribose sugar, and nitrogen base

These molecules are the instructions to the cell on making proteins. Called Genetic code

Nucleotide Structure

Nucleic Acid Polymer


Structure : Polymer- repeating unit called amino acid

Proteins are also called polypeptides. There are 20 different amino acids. Many different proteins can be made by making different sequences of these amino acids Structure of organisms Transporting material around organisms Signaling other cells Movement Defense against invaders Enzymes



Protein structure is based on the sequence of amino acids.

Enzymes are proteins that act as a catalyst.
A catalyst speeds up a reaction without being consumed by the reaction.

Enzymes function depends on the temperature and acidity of the environment.

Too hot, too cold, too acidic, too basic and the enzyme wont work!

Self Check
What are the four types of biomolecules we discussed? What are the base units of each biomolecule? What is the function of each biomolecule? What is an enzyme?

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