Escalation Process

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To From

Global Project Management Team Name Company


May 13 2011

Escalation Procedure

Escalation Procedure for Hardware Rollout project

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be made public or reproduced, stored in a data processing system or transmitted in any form by means of print, photocopy or in any other manner whatsoever without the prior written permission of the director of Getronics Nederland BV. Company

Table of Contents
1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 Escalation Procedure CUSTOMER GPS III Rollout project 3 Introduction 3 Scope 3 Glossary Error! Bookmark not defined. Participants Roles and Responsibilities 3 Escalation Process Approach 3 Identification and Notification of Escalation 3 Joint Escalation Discussions 4 Escalation to Higher Level 4 Resolution and Closure 4

Escalaiton Procedure for BASF GPS III Rollout project May 13 2011


Escalation Procedure Hardware Rollout project

This document describes the Escalation Process for the CUSTOMER Hardware Rollout project to be delivered by Company. The purpose of the Escalation Process is to raise an issue, action or concern to a higher level of management for resolution, particular when the resolution cannot be reached at the project level. The project should always strive to make decisions and address items at the lowest possible level, however when a resolution cannot be reached, the item should be escalated to ensure a decision is made before it causes impacts to the project.


The Escalation Process identifies the procedures used to coordinate the discussion and resolution of critical items 24*7*365. In addition to documenting the approach to escalation, the process covers who participates in escalation, and how resolutions are documented.


Participants Roles and Responsibilities

The following are the participants and the level of the escalation process in which they participate. 1st level Name, email, telephone 2nd level Name, email, Telephone


Escalation Process Approach

The escalation process consists of four steps: y Identification and Notification of Escalation y Joint Escalation Discussions y Escalation to Higher Level y Resolution and Closure

Insert Escalation Process flowchart


Identification and Notification of Escalation

Several Processes may trigger the escalation process including issue tracking, contract management and risk management. This process assumes that prior attempts have been made to resolve the item and the appropriate parties cannot reach a solution. When an item is escalated, the appropriate participants are notified by formal letter which includes the date of the scheduled meeting. The meeting must be scheduled within five days of the notification of escalation. The notice of escalation includes a summary of the concern/issue and the analysis of each parties position. The participants must review the analysis and concerns prior to the scheduled meeting. If an action item does not already exist to track the item, action is opened on the SharePoint to track the progress of the resolution. All correspondence is stored in SharePoint.

Escalaiton Procedure for BASF GPS III Rollout project May 13 2011


Joint Escalation Discussions

The involved parties meet to discuss the item. The participants discuss the item, each others position (if appropriate), the impacts of not resolving the item, and the key points of the issues or disagreement. Meeting minutes are documented and representatives from both sides must sign the minutes. If the item is resolved at the meeting, the Project Manager sends a letter to the other party indicating the proposed resolution and the detailed discussion of the key points. Both parties work together to implement the resolution and the action item is closed in the SharePoint. If the item cannot be resolved at the meeting, the committee may call for another meeting or may escalate the item to the next level if they cannot resolve the item.


Escalation to Higher Level

Ten days after the notice of escalation was received (or sent), the Escalation Process moves to the next level of management. Note that the project must move to the next level of management if the time limit expires. On the tenth day the Project Manager send the Notification of Escalation to the participants in the next level of escalation and schedules the meeting. The process is the same as described in the previous section. Only the participants are different.


Resolution and Closure

When a resolution is reached between the project office and the other party, a detailed discussion of the resolution and the decision is documented, store on the SharePoint and referenced in the action item. The appropriate parties (including sponsor, users and stakholders) are notified of the resolution and work together to perform the resolution. Upon completion of the resolution the action item on the SharePoint is closed.

CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS: 1 Escalation Procedures Rollout Provider shall develop with CUSTOMERs review and approval, implement and maintain escalation procedures to be followed during the Project. Such procedures shall at a minimum: Set forth standards for triggering escalation which provide for escalation upon request from a designated CUSTOMER representative. On a Service-by-Service basis where appropriate: (a) Describe procedures for escalating problems 24x7x365 (b) Set forth the maximum period of time before a problem is escalated to the next higher severity level (c) Describe the consequences of escalation that is, the steps Rollout Provider will take at each severity level and the personnel it will involve (d) describe the process for notifying and involving Rollout Provider Management at each severity level Identify, by category of Service, Rollout Provider personnel who have responsibility at each severity level; provide directions for contacting such personnel, including pager, mobile phone, after-hours and holiday telephone numbers as available; and provide the name and phone numbers for their alternates in the event such personnel cannot be reached when required under the procedures.

Escalaiton Procedure for BASF GPS III Rollout project May 13 2011

As part of its response to the RFP, Rollout Provider shall provide an organization chart that sets forth all levels of Rollout Provider management and shows the reporting obligations of Rollout Provider personnel to whom issues are escalated.

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Escalaiton Procedure for BASF GPS III Rollout project May 13 2011

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