DC Only 12 Registration From

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Registration Instructions

Conference Choice:
There are two conference registration forms. One for Growing with Children attendees and one for Directors Chair attendees. Please ll out the appropriate registration form. Make copies if needed.

Growing With Children Registrations:

For each session, please choose one workshop and two alternative workshops from those listed. You will be assigned classes based on this ranking and space availability. The earlier we receive your paid registration, the more likely it is you can have your top choice. (In the unlikely event there is no room for you to attend any of your choices, we will call). If you would like conrmation of your assigned classes please include your email address on your conference registration.

Directors Chair Registration

Directors Chair Conference has no optional choices of workshops.

A buet lunch is included in your registration fees. If you are needing a special meal, please indicate that on your registration form. Cold pop will be sold for $1.00 each.

Early Bird Discount:

Registrations postmarked after the Early Bird cut o date (2/17/12) will not qualify for a discount and any balance will be due at the time of check-in on the day of the conference. You will be sent an email detailing if and why you owe an additional registration fee.

Member Discounts:
The cost for Growing with Children is reduced for those who have a current 2011-2012 membership with Child Start. The cost for Directors Chair is reduced for those who have a current 2011-2012 membership with the Early Childhood Directors Organization. Child Start Professional Development Membership credits do not apply to this conference.

Sorry, there are no refunds for either Growing With Children or Directors Chair. If you are wanting to add a dierent name to an existing registration, you must do so by 2/27/12 Child Start GWC Conference Registration 1002 S. Glendale St Wichita KS 67218

Mail the registration form to:

Directors Chair Registration Form

Participant Information
Please ll out one form per participant. Copies can be made. Name: Center Name: Address: City: Day Phone: Email: Profession: State: County: Evening Phone: Zip:

Directors Chair Registration Options

For discounted rate you must be a member of the Early Childhood Directors Organization (ECDO) Lunch included with registration Please check appropriate amount: Member Non-Member Early Registration: Postmarked by 2/17/2011 $60.00 $70.00 Regular Registration: Postmarked by 2/27/2011 $65.00 $75.00 Walk-in Registration: After 2/27/2011 or at conference $70.00 $80.00

Directors Chair Payment Information

Payment Method: Card #: Signature: Total Registration: $ Please describe any special accommodations including diatary restrictions you require: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Cash Check Credit Card Exp. Date:

Attention Center Directors!

Save Money!

Register you and your staff early!

Directors Chair participants are automatically registered for both Directors Chair sessions.
SORRY NO REFUNDS Mail to: Child Start, GWC Conference Registration, 1002 S Glendale St, Wichita KS 67218 Printed o website

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