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Artificial Intelligence And Expert Systems

Artificial Intelligence is a branch of science, which deals with helping machines, finds solutions to complex problems in a more human like fashion. Artificial Intelligences scientific goal is to understand intelligence by building computer programs that exhibit intelligent behavior. This paper presents some back ground and potential of Artificial Intelligence and its implementation in various fields. We discuss issues that have not been studied in detail with in the expert systems setting, yet are crucial for developing theoretical methods and computational architectures for automated reasons. The tools that are required to construct expert systems are discussed in detail

sensitive to infrared radiation instead of visible light. There are two methods of operating night vision systems, being either in a 'passive' mode or an 'active' mode. Passive systems amplify the existing environmental ambient lighting, while active systems rely on an infrared light source to provide ufficient illumination. Active systems are often used today on many consumer devices such as home video cameras.


Digital Image Processing

ABSTRACT: Night Vision scopes and binoculars are electro-optical devices that intensify (or amplify) existing light instead of relying on light source of their own. The devices are sensitive to a broad spectrum of light, from visible through infrared.An accessory illuminator can increase the light available at the infrared end of the spectrum by casting a beam of light that is not visible to the human eye.An infrared night vision system senses heat radiated by things and produces a video picture of the heat scene. The gadget that senses the heat is a photocathode, similar to the one in a video camera, except it is

This paper is an attempt to give a wide view of Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology, which is a micro mirror device finding application in many fields .DLP has bought a revolution in the video projection environment.It provides all digital projection displays that offers superior picture quality in terms of resolution, brightness, contrast and colour fidelity This was the invention of Larry Hombeck, a scientist from Texas instruments in 1987. The paper illustrates the advantages of DLP over existing projection technologies . The winning of two Emmy awards for broadcasting excellence by DLP products is an example for its technical excellence. Based on thousands of hours of life and environmental testing ,the DLP systems exhibited inherent reliability. Human eyes see more visual information and perceive higher resolution with DLP.It has revolutionized the audio and video industry. As a conclusion, DLP is only choice of digital visual communication , today and in the future.


This paper deals with communication through optics using one of the latest technologies called the free space optics (FSO).FSO may sound new and experimental but in fact it predates optical fiber and has its roots in wartime efforts to develop secure communication systems that did not require cable and could withstand radio jamming. As a commercial communications technology, FSO has been around for more than a decade, but it is only recently that interest in this technology has started to grow. It was only recently developed for use in metropolitan area networks. The technology has its roots in military applications that reach back as far as the 1940s.It was not until the 1960s, however, that the first significant FSO technology advancements began to occur in the United

ABSTRACT:Cant we generate solar power during night times? Yes my paper suggest a solution to
generate solar power during night times. It is probably well known that we are running out of fossil fuel. Most of the energy sources we are using are non renewable. Oil and gas are not to last longer than about fifty years, whereas coal will probably last another two or three centuries. Uranium and nuclear plants will not last forever either. So, in order to provide the generations to come with energy, we have to find the way to use unlimited sources. And this is where SPS gets in action. It provides solutions to use one of the most renewable and unlimited source on earth : the SUN.

Tele-immersion is an advanced form of virtual reality that will allow users in different places to interact in real time in a shared simulated environment. This technology causes users to feel as if they were in the same room. The tele-immersion technology uses a "tele-cubicle" which is equipped with large screens, scanners, sensors, and cameras. The telecubicles are linked together in real-time so that they form one larger cubicle. Through the virtual environment, participants are able to interact with other group members. Also, virtual objects and data can be passed through the walls between participants, and placed on the shared table in the middle for viewing. Tele-immersion has the potential to significantly impact educational, scientific, manufacturing, and many other fields Spectral Clustering is a popular algorithm that can identify clusters with very general shapes based on pairwise
similarities between all the objects. Despite its empirical success, the performance of spectral clustering under noise is not well understood. Moreover, for large-scale datasets, it might be prohibitive to obtain or compute all the similarities. This talk will provide a precise characterization of the misclustering rate of spectral clustering under noisy similarities, and propose a new spectral method which optimizes the number of similarities that need to be measured to guarantee consistent recovery of the clusters. Using minimax theory, we first establish information theoretic lower bounds on the amount of noise any clustering algorithm can tolerate and demonstrate that spectral clustering is nearoptimal. Based on this analysis, we devise a novel spectral method which only requires O(N log^2 N) noisy similarities, instead of all O(N^2) pairwise similarities between the N objects.

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