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The Sad Saga Of Indian Professional Educational System A note to the Prime Minister ! V.I.G.

Menon Here is a brief on how a majority of the ordinary,low value,private medical/engineering colleges are run like mere tutorial colleges : To start with, someone ambitious and having focus only on sustainable "business" procures the land paying huge bribes for its registration etc.,then he gets regulatory approvals by mandatory bribes. And even before the approval, constructions start,there again violating the municipal or regulatory standards.Then they start admitting students ,in half completed dingy buildings as per the university/management quota since that generates money and promise of sustainability. Along with that there is a frenzy to appoint faculty to "teach" students.And where will you get or appoint quality staff when private colleges are mushrooming ?Also students join not because they have the talent,inspiration or committment but only because they got some "marks" and his/her parents arrange money/loan to pay for the same ,so that the family's justifiable expectation to see him/her employed and soon married can be met. Once he is in after paying hefty fees,students are treated as literal slaves by the uncommitted faculty,and management,even physically hurting them,since the college is under pressure to ,make them "pass",ie get "marks".This causes a series of tests by the colleges day in and day out ,without any attempt create,vision,focus,motivation and development of analytical and intutitive skills of the students . Students this way get enormous skills as test takers than as a doctor or an engineer !!! With out any meaning or purpose in the larger interest of the society ,the whole system creates a bunch greedaholic professionals whose only motive is to use their profession as a money maker, for a good return on their investment.In this process the focus of self development and social relevance are thrown to winds ! And lack of research facilities in such dummy professional colleges creates a host of dummies who are out to "survive" by making money,but not improving capability to provide cheaper solutions to the nation . Result :The enormous social cost we see today in medical area.Thus for example a pneumonia affected labour earning hardly Rs 5000 per month, is thrust with a daily medicine bills of Rs 1000,with a" buy or die" scorn by hospitals which are again pure busineses, supported by the credit card mafia. Of course the system is partly compensated because of the requirement for free/low cost treatment in the medical college run hospitals,though these patients are used as guinea pigs for testing and learning about diseases.

Similarly in engineering ,technology or research, it results job-craving,but not for an ardent desire to create solutions that are relevant and that by which we can lead other nations.Mere infusion of research supportive funds from government will help.We need to create a professional who yearns to bring in changing the systems , services , products and projects for the nations future for adapting to the changing times ! We need to look deeply at this syndrome to change it .Of course the only method is to make the shining examples of excellent private institutions to work as bench marking partners for these hapless institutions . If you can call me at 91984060051, I can help you to take the solutions thinking.

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