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Introduction to HR MBA B&F Group Members Names:_____________________________ Student IDs:________________________________________ Marks: 10+10 ________________________________________________________________________________ Guidelines for Assignment Dear

Students, Read carefully following guidelines before you start your assignment. 1) This is a group assignment. All groups are required to conduct an interview of an HR person (Officer or Manager) from a well reputed organization. Assignment # 2

2) Organization must have proper HR setup and should meet all standards of HR Management
that we have studied so far in our literature with regards to candidate recruitment & selection, training & development and compensation and performance management. (Junior level organizations may not produce desired results.)

3) You need to prepare atleast 15-20 structured open-ended interview questions yourself
focusing on areas you have covered in literature so far. There should be a good mix of topics mentioned in point 2. Ask these questions to the HR person and document responses of the interviewee in your own words in the assignment by clearly explaining the responses. Theme of the assignment is to find out organizations HR policies & practices and strategies/approach they use from the phase of hiring to firing of the employee. 4) This assignment has been given to you on Dec 08, 2011. You all are required to distribute assignment load amongst group members equally and at the start of assignment clearly mention designated tasks under the heading of Tasks Assigned.

5) All groups are required to submit assignment scope on Dec 15, 2011 which will include
organization selected, brief introduction of organization, duties assigned to each group member and Questions to be asked from interviewee.

6) Your submitted scope will be marked during the week and feedback will be given to you on
Dec 22, 2011. From this point onwards all groups will have two weeks to prepare assignment. Deadline of submission will be Jan 05, 2012.

7) Your final draft of assignment must include detailed introduction of organization (vision,
mission, background, number of departments, staff strength, locations etc.), detailed introduction of the HR Department of that organization (vision, mission, background, staff strength, locations etc.), hierarchical structure of the organization and HR department both and duties assigned amongst group members followed by answers to questions. At this stage, if you feel, slight amendments may be done in questions depending upon the replies of interviewee. Here, you are also required to mention brief introduction of the interviewee and attach his visiting card with assignment.

8) All groups will be required to give presentation of assignment in groups in last week of
semester. However, selection of presenter(s) will be your own choice. 9) All assignments should be typed and font size should be 12 in Times New Roman.

10) Assignment and presentation will carry equal marks i.e. 10+10=20.
Thanks and Good Luck

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