Famous Inventions and Inventors

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1. Thomas Edison 1847-1931 The first great invention developed by Thomas Edison was the tin foil phonograph.

A prolific producer, Edison is also know for his work with lightbulbs, electricity, film and audio devices, and much more. 2. Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1869 In 1876, at the age of 29, Alexander Graham Bell invented his telephone. Among one of his first innovations after the telephone was the "photophone," a device that enabled sound to be transmitted on a beam of light. 3. George Washington Carver 1864-1943 George Washington Carver was an agricultural chemist who invented three hundred uses for peanuts and hundreds more uses for soybeans, pecans and sweet potatoes; and changed the history of agriculture in the south. 4. Eli Whitney 1765-1825 Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1794. The cotton gin is a machine that separates seeds, hulls and other unwanted materials from cotton after it has been picked. 5. Johannes Gutenberg 1394-1468 Johannes Gutenberg was a German goldsmith and inventor best known for the Gutenberg press, an innovative printing machine that used movable type. 6. John Logie Baird 1888-1946 John Logie Baird is remembered as the inventor of mechanical television (an earlier version of television). Baird also patented inventions related to radar and fiber optics. 7. Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790 Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rod, the iron furnace stove or 'Franklin Stove', bifocal glasses, and the odometer. 8. Henry Ford 1863-1947 Henry Ford improved the "assembly line" for automobile manufacturing, received a patent for a transmission mechanism, and popularized the gas-powered car with the Model-T. 9. James Naismith 1861-1939 James Naismith was a Canadian physical education instructor who invented basketball in 1891. 10. Herman Hollerith 1860-1929 Herman Hollerith invented a punch-card tabulation machine system for statistical computation. Herman Hollerith's great breakthrough was his use of electricity to read, count, and sort punched cards whose holes represented data gathered by the census-takers. His machines were used for the 1890 census and accomplished in one year what would have taken nearly ten years of hand tabulating.

List of Famous Inventors Archimedes: the Archimedes screw is use for pumping liquids. Albert Einstein: He is responsible for the special and general theory of relativity, and his work on the photoelectric effect. He also invented a few devices like Einstein calculator.

Charles Babbage: programmable computer and is said to have invented the first mechanical computer. Karl Benz: the German engine designer and automobile engineer who invented the gasoline-powered automobile. Tim Berners-Lee: Internet or the World Wide Web On December 25, 1990. Laszlo Biro: modern ballpoint pen. Clarence Birdseye: founder of the modern frozen food industry. Nils Bohlin: invented the safety belts Louis Braille: a number of visually impaired people can now read and write - yes, he was the inventor of the Braille system, which is now used worldwide. John Browning: modern automatic and semi-automatic firearms and has as many as 28 gun patents under his name. Bartolomeo Cristofori: invented the piano. Leonardo da Vinci: Strut Bridge, the automated bobbin winder, the machine for testing the tensile strength of wire and the lens-grinding machine. William Kennedy Dickson: created and an early motion picture camera. Rudolf Diesel: the compression ignition engine. George Eastman: invented the roll film Thomas Edison: inventor who developed several devices like the electric light bulb and the phonograph. Willem Einthoven: invented the first practical electrocardiogram also known as ECG. Douglas Engelbart: invented the computer mouse. Michael Faraday invention of Faraday's rotator, Faraday's cage, Faraday's law of induction and of course the unit Faraday. Faraday also discovered the laws of electrolysis and popularized terminology such as anode, cathode, electrode, and ion, terms largely created by William Whewell. Alexander Fleming his discovery of antibiotic Penicillin from the fungus Penicillium notatum in the year 1928. He also discovered the enzyme lysozyme in 1922. Jean Bernard Leon Foucault: Jean Bernard Leon Foucault invented the lightning rod, bifocals, the Franklin stove, a carriage odometer, and also a musical instrument. William Friese-Greene: pioneer in the field of motion pictures and also known as the inventor of cinematography. Dennis Gabor: invented holography. Bette Nesmith Graham: the inventor of Liquid Paper, which is nothing but the brand name of opaque correction fluid, which is used to cover up mistakes on paper without retyping the entire sheet. Johann Gutenberg: invented mechanical printing. Elias Howe: the sewing machine.

Whitcomb L. Judson: invented the forerunner of the modern zipper in 1893, which was called the clasp-locker. John Harvey Kellogg: inventor of the cornflakes breakfast cereal with help from his brother Will Keith Kellogg. Rene Laennec: stethoscope. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek: Known as the father of Microbiology, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek is best known for his work on the improvement of the microscope. He also created over 400 different types of microscopes. Charles Mackintosh: invented waterproof fabrics Guglielmo Marconi: invented the radiotelegraph system. Dmitri Mendeleev: Known popularly as the father of the periodic table of the elements, Robert Moog pioneer of electronic music, best known as the inventor of the Moog synthesizer. Samuel Morse: nvented the single wire telegraph system, and co-invented the Morse code. James Naismith: invented the popular sport of basketball and is also credited with inventing the first football helmet. Isaac Newton: Isaac Newton was the one to discover gravity. Newton is known for his theories about the phenomenon of universal gravitation and also propounded the three famous laws of motion. Nicephore Niepce: inventor of photography. Hans Christian Orsted: known discovering the relationship between electricity and magnetism known as electromagnetism. Nicolae Paulescu: discovery of insulin. Les Paul: inventor of the solid-body electric guitar. John Pemberton: invented Cola. James Leonard Plimpton: invented and patented roller skates in 1863. Charles Francis Richter: inventor of the Richter magnitude scale, which is used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes. Erno Rubik: who invented the popular mechanical puzzles including Rubik's Cube, Rubik's Magic and Rubik's Snake. Adolphe Sax: inventor of the saxophone. Igor Sikorsky: invented and flew the world's first multi-engine fixed-wing aircraft. He also discovered the first of Pan American Airways ocean-conquering flying boats in the 1930s, and the first successful American helicopter too! Levi Strauss: pair of blue jeans

Percy Spencer: the inventor of the microwave oven. Edward Teller: inventor of the hydrogen bomb. Theophilus Van Kannel: invention of the revolving door. Alessandro Volta: invention of the first electric cell in 1800. James Watt: James Watt is the man who improved and materialized the steam engine. Charles Wheatstone: invention of the English concertina, the stereoscope (which is a device for displaying threedimensional images), and the Playfair cipher (which is an encryption technique). Eli Whitney: cotton gin, which is a machine that efficiently separates the cotton fibers from the seedpods.

Paul Winchell: built and patented the first mechanical, artificial heart, implantable in the chest cavity. Wright Brothers: Orville and Wilbur Wright were the two Americans brothers who are credited with inventing and building the world's first successful airplane and also for making the first controlled, powered and sustained heavierthan-air human flight. Arthur Wynne: invented the crossword puzzle in 1913.

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