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1. Tell me about your self? 2. If we were to call your current supervisor, in which area of accounting would he or she say is your strongest? Which area would he or she say is your weakest? 3. What unique skills or knowledge can you contribute to our company? 4. What additional training or experience will we need to provide you with in order to perform the duties of this position? 5. Tell us about any accounting process that you ve either developed or revised. How would you evaluate the effectiveness of your work? 6. Why have you chosen a career in Accounting? 7. What aspect of accounting do you dislike the most? 8. Tell me about your experience in reconciliation? 10. Give us an example of how you have used your creativity to solve a problem on the job? 11. What is difference between cost accounting and financial accounting? 12. What is the difference between accounts and finance? Basic functions of Accounting department On the monthly basis, keep track of accounts relating to equity and make plans on partner preferences, accounting changes, income distribution, and statement of partners capital; Supply the summery reports on administration and business operations to senior managers and to related departments; Help managers in charge of assets get appropriate information of selling and acquisition of assets in an allowed and proper time; Take any additional responsibilities asked by the managers to assist the development of a certain department. This also helps the infrastructure of the Company s Accounting Department efficient and updated; Be in charge of daily management over issues relating to accounting and internal reports of certain investments; Pay attention to financial, even the most minor note to ensure of accuracy and completeness; Timely fulfill both internal and external reports on audit, tax and third parties. Key duties/responsibilities of Accounting assistant:

INTERVIEW PREPARATION SHEET FOR ACCOUNTS POSITION BY CRYSTAL CONSULTANTS 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Responsible for vendor maintenance on Banner Finance System ensuring compliance to data standards. 2. Assists with the research, testing and implementation of updates to Banner software. 3. Provides training to staff on the Banner Purchasing/Accounts payable modules ensuring system proficiency and compliance to data standards. 4. Prepares and processes purchase orders, invoices, cheque requests, manual cheques and contract payments. 5. Ensures purchase orders, receiving and invoices are matched. 6. Responsible for processing and maintenance of encumbrances (Fee for Service Contracts, Lease Agreements, Rental Agreements, etc). 7. Reviews and approves purchasing and accounts payable transactions for posting to Banner. 8. Provides guidance regarding purchasing and financial standard practices to college personnel and vendors. 9. Provides basic purchasing and accounts payable orientation to new employees. 10. Responsible for ensuring compliance of standard practices. 11. Recommends change to purchasing and other financial policies and practices. 12. Responsible for maintaining the interface between Banner A/R and A/P to ensure data integrity and the timely processing of student refunds. 13. Responsible for managing year-end cut off processes for Accounts Payable. 14. Responsible for the accuracy and timely processing of weekly cheque printing. 15. Responsible for cheque stock inventory & safekeeping of same. 16. Liaises with Budget Officer to solve day to day budget issues. 17. Provides reports as required by Finance management team. 18. Other general accounting duties as assigned. 1. Common general questions Tell me a little about yourself. Why should I hire you? How do you define success? Where would you like to be in five years? Ten years? Describe your personality. What past accomplishments have given you satisfaction? Why?

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What made you choose to apply to this position? Why do you want to leave your current position? 2. Common last job questions Why did you leave your last job? Tell me about your last position and what you did? If you don t leave your current job, what will happen there? How far can you advance? What did/do you enjoy most/least about your last/p resent job? 3. Common new job questions What are you looking for in a job? What kind of people do you like to work with? What type of work environment do you prefer? Do you have any questions for me? What do you know about this position? What do you know about this company? Explain why you are qualified for this job. Are you looking for a permanent or temporary job? Why? 4. Common experience questions How would you define a great work environment? Have you ever worked for a difficult person? Have you mostly worked alone or in groups? How many projects can you handle at one time? What was your workload in your current/last position? What are some things you find difficult to do on the job? Why? 5. Common education questions What tertiary qualifications have you attained? What if (if any) self improvement courses have you attended? What certificates have you attained? What is the most recent skill you have learned? What have you learned from your past jobs? 6. Common competencies questions What are your strengths? What is your weakness? 7. Common behavioral questions How do you work with new people? We have a problem with ______ . How would you handle this problem? Are you a persistent person? Give me an example of this, if so.

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Where do you stand with your former employer? Explain a difficult situation in which you were involved and how you handled it. 8. Common stressful questions How long have you been looking for a new job? Why? How long would you stay with us? Have you ever had problems getting along with others? What can I tell you about my organization? What can you bring to the table that someone else could not? What outside interests do you pursue? Do you have any reservations about the job of the company? 9. Common goal setting questions What (exactly) do you want to achieve? Who needs to be involved in this goal process in order to accomplish it successfully? Why invest time and energy into this goal? Why would this goal relate to purpose, vision, or organizational values? Who possesses the skills and talent necessary to meet the goal or do we need to train? 10. Common management skills questions How do you handle a subordinate whose work is not up to expectations? How do you coach a subordinate to develop a new skill? What have you done to develop the skills of your staff? When do you give positive feedback to people? Tell me about the last time you did? Give an example of how you handle the need for constructive criticism with a subordinate or peer? 11. Common conflict resolution questions What Is conflict resolution? Tell me about a situation when you were given job instructions and you were unable to comprehend the instructions. How did you go about completing the task? What types of disputes can be addressed through conflict resolution? 12. Wage negotiation What kind of salary do you need?

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