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Windows Applications Day 1 Introduction: What is Computer?

Parts of Computer, Desktop Introduction Typing Day 3 Keyboard Introduction, How to Start and Turn off Computer. Shutdown and Restart Day 5 Introduction to Paint Paint Tools, File Menu : New, Open, Save Day 7 File and Edit Menu Day 9 View, Image and Help Day 11 Notepad Day 13 WordPad Day 15 Control Panel a. Date and Time b. Display c. Mouse d. Keyboard e. Regional Settings Day 17 Windows Explorer Creating, Moving, Deleting Files and Folders Recycle Bin, Attributes of File and Folder Day 19 Calculator, Character map, Magnifier, Revision Day 21 Theory Test Day 18 Practical Day 2 Practical Typing Tutor Day 4 Practical News Paper Assignment Day 6 Practical Day 8 Practical Day 10 Practical Day 12 Practical Day 14 Practical Day 16 Practical

Day 20 Practical Day 22 Practical Test

Fundamentals of Computer Day 1 Day 2 Introduction to Computer, Definition, Functional Components (Block Characteristics, Applications, History diagram) of Computer, Primary and and Generation of Computers Secondary Memory RAM, ROM, HD, CD, DVD, Blue Ray, PenDrives, External HD Day 3 Day 4 Types of Computer, Data Representation: ASCII, ISCII, Introduction to number systemBCD, EBCDIC Decimal, Binary, Computer Languages- LLL, HLL, ALL, Hexadecimal, Octal. Translators Conversions: Computer Software and Hardware, Decimal to Binary and Binary to Types of software Decimal Decimal to Hexadecimal and Hexadecimal to Decimal Day 5 Day 6 Operating System, Parts of OS, Types Practical of OS Introduction to DOS, Types of DOS Commands, Internal Commands: Cls, Date, Time, Copycon, Copy, Ren, Del. Day 7 Day 8 Internal Commands: MD, CD, RD Practical External Commands: Attrib, Edit Day 9 Day 10 Disadvantages of DOS, Introduction Practical to Windows Advantages and Disadvantages of Windows Versions of Windows, Network OS and Desktop OS. Day 11 Day 12 Theory Test Practical Test

MS-Word Day 1 Introduction to MS-Word, File Menu, Formatting Using Format Tool Bar Day 3 Edit and View Menu, Assignment Day 5 Insert Menu : Picture, Clipart, Wordart, Text Box, Shapes Assignment to Create ID Card Day 7 Insert Menu: Page Break, Page Number, Comment, Symbol, Hyperlink, Bookmark, Auto Text, Date and Time Day 9 Footnote, Cross Reference, Index and Tables Assignment Day 11 Format menu Day 13 Tools Menu: Spelling and Grammar, Word Count, Track Changes, Protect Document, Envelops, Labels, Mail merge, Macro Day 15 Table Menu, Assignment to create Student table Day 17 Window Menu, Help, Revision Day 19 Assignment to Create Resume and Letter using Template Day 21 Assignment to create advertisement from newspaper Day 23 Assignment to create webpage Day 25 Theory Test Day 2 Practical Day 4 Practical Day 6 Practical Day 8 Practical Day 10 Practical Day 12 Practical Day 14 Practical Day 16 Practical Day 18 Practical Day 20 Practical Day 22 Practical Day 24 Practical Day 26 Practical Test

MS-EXCEL Day 1 Introduction to MS-Excel, File Menu Student Mark List, Formatting using format tool bar. Day 3 Edit and View Menu Day 5 Insert Menu: Insert row, cell, column and sheet, Chart, Hyperlink, Comment Day 7 Math and Trig Functions, Statistical Functions, Logical Functions Day 9 Text Functions, Employees table Day 11 Format menu, Product Details Table Day 13 Tools Menu Day 15 Data Menu Day 17 Window and Help Menu, Revision Day 19 Theory Test MS-POWERPOINT Day 1 Introduction to MS-PowerPoint, Inserting, Formatting, Deleting Slide, Simple Presentation Day 3 View and Format Menu Day 5 Slide Show Menu Day 7 Presentation Including all Options, Revision Internet Day 1 Introduction to Internet, Elements used in Internet Day 3 Creating Email, Sending and Receiving Email Day 5 Attaching Files, Surfing, Browsing, Download and Upload Day 7 Yahoo Messenger, Chatting Day 9 Video Conference Day 11 Theory Test of PowerPoint and Internet Day 2 Practical Day 4 Practical Day 6 Practical Day 8 Practical Day 10 Practical Day 12 Practical Test Day 2 Practical Day 4 Practical Day 6 Practical Day 8 Practical Day 2 Practical Day 4 Practical Day 6 Practical Day 8 Practical Day 10 Practical Day 12 Practical Day 14 Practical Day 16 Practical Day 18 Practical Day 20 Practical Test

Tally Day 1 Introduction to Accounting, Need for Accounting, Book Keeping Day 3 Definition of Account, Types of Account, Accounting Cycle Day 5 2nd and 3rd Problem Day 7 Introduction to Tally, Opening Screen, 1st Problem: Creating Company [Account only] ,Ledgers, Vouchers Day 9 2nd Problem Day 11 3rd Problem Day 13 4th Problem Day 15 Company Accounts with Inventory , Stock item, Group,1st Problem Day 17 Stock Categories, Godowns, inventory Vouchers, 2nd Problem Day 19 Problem on Debit, Credit notes Day 21 4th Problem with Inventory Day 23 Cost Centre and categories 1st Problem Day 25 2nd Problem Day 27 Introduction to VAT, Rates, 1st Problem Day 29 2nd Problem on VAT Day 31 3rd Problem on VAT Day 33 Introduction to CST, Problem Day 35 Introduction to Import & Export Day 37 Problem including all types of tax Day 39 Introduction to TDS 1st Problem on Professional or Technical Services Day 41 2nd Problem on Winnings from lotteries Day 43 Import of Data Day 45 Day 2 Terms of Accounting Day 4 1st Problem Day 6 4th Problem Day 8 Practical Day 10 Practical Day 12 Practical Day 14 Practical Day 16 Practical Day 18 Practical Day 20 Practical Day 22 Practical Day 24 Practical Day 26 Practical Day 28 Practical Day 30 Practical Day 32 Practical Day 34 Practical Day 36 Practical Day 38 Practical Day 40 Practical Day 42 Practical Day 44 Practical Day 46

Theory Test Hyper Text Markup Language Day 1 Introduction to HTML, Structure of HTML Program, Basic Tags Simple Program Day 3 Other Tags of HTML: Heading Tags, Logical Formatting Tags, and Simple program to display text. Day 5 Physical Formatting Tags, Font Tag and Attributes Paragraph Tags, Colors in HTML Day 7 Physical Formatting Tags, Font Tag and Attributes Paragraph Tags, Colors in HTML Program on Physical formatting tags. Program to create Home page. Program on <code> and <cite> tags. Day 9 Programs on HTML: Program on <font> tag and its attributes. Program on different heading styles. Program on Inserting Image using background tag Day 11 Inserting Table in HTML files: Program on Student table. Program on Employee table. Day 13 Ordered List, Unordered List, Menu List: Program on Ordered list. Program on Unordered list. Program on Menu list. Day 15 Definition List and Adding Frames: Program on Definition List. Program on Frames Day 17 Internal and External Links: Program on Internal Link. Program on External Link. Day 19 Creating Forms: Text box, Radio Buttons, Check Box, Combo Box, List Box etc. Program on creating Form. Day 21 Theory test

Practical Test

Day 2 Practical Day 4 Practical Day 6 Practical Day 8 Practical

Day 10 Practical

Day 12 Practical Day 14 Practical

Day 16 Practical Day 18 Practical Day 20 Practical

Day 22 Practical test

C Programming Day 1 Introduction to Programming, Source Code, Object Code, Translators, Computer languages, Algorithms Day 3 Sum of 3 Nos., Calculate Circumference, Simple Interest, Factorial of a Number, Even or Odd, Print the Number Divisible by 7, Largest of Two Numbers Day 5 Flowchart (All above algorithm solved in Flowchart) Day 7 Introduction to C, Character Set, Tokens, Identifiers, Constants Day 9 Variables, keywords, Instructions, Data Types, Operators Day 11 Structure of C Program, Input & Output Functions Programs: To Print Message, To Print Bio-Data, Add 2 Nos., Subtract 2 Nos. Day 13 Programs: To Print Result, On Employee Details, Calculate Net Price Day 15 If, If-Else Conditions, Programs: To Check Eligibility for Vote, To Check Even or Odd Number To check Largest of 2 Number, To check Largest of 3 Number Day 17 Nested If-Else, Programs: To Calculate The Result, To Calculate salary Day 19 Switch Statement, Programs: Calculate Product Price, Different Arithmetic Operations Day 21 For Loop Programs: Print N Natural Nos., N even Nos., Multiplication Table, String, Fibonacci, Factorial Day 23 While & Do-While Loop Print N Natural Nos., N even Nos., Multiplication Table, String, Fibonacci, Factorial Day 25 Arrays, One Dimensional, 2 Dimensional, Declaration, Initialization , One Dimensional Programs: Read & Print Elements, Addition, Product of Arrays Day 27 Sum & Avg of array elements, Largest in an Array, Sort an Array Day 2 Practical Day 4 Practical Day 6 Practical Day 8 Practical Day 10 Practical Day 12 Practical

Day 14 Practical Day 16 Practical

Day 18 Practical Day 20 Practical Day 22 Practical Day 24 Practical Day 26 Practical Day 28 Practical

Day 29 Programs on 2D Array: Read & Print, Addition, Product, Transpose of Matrix Day 31 Strings: Introduction, Declaration, Initialization, Building Strings Printing String Using scanf() and gets(), display string with & without\0 String Functions: strlen(), strcpy() Day 33 String Functions: strcat(), strcmp(), strcmpi(), strlwr(), strupr(), strrev() Day 35 To Check Palindrome, To count no. of Vowels & Consonants, To count character in a String, To check whether Given Character is letter/Digit/ Special Character Day 37 Structures: Introduction, Defining and Declaring Structures Define Structure & Initialize its Member, Reading Values using scanf(). Day 39 Structure and Array : To calculate Result of n Students using Day 41 Pointer: Introduction, Declaration Display address using & operator and Pointer, Displaying array Day 43 Functions: Introduction, Declaration, Local and Global Variables Display Msg Using Functions, To show effects of Local & Global Variable, Program on Arithmetic Operations using functions. Day 45 Types of Functions with Programs Level II: 1. Without Arguments and Return Value 2. With Arguments but without Return Value 3. With Arguments and Return Value 4. Without Arguments and with Return Value Day 47 Call by Value and Call by Reference, Revision Day 49 Theory Test

Day 30 Practical

Day 32 Practical

Day 34 Practical Day 36 Practical Day 38 Practical

Day 40 Practical Day 42 Practical Day 44 Practical

Day 46 Practical

Day 48 Practical Day 50 Practical Test

Day 1 Introduction to POP and OOP, C++, Programming Elements Day 3 Structure of C++ Program, Input & Output Functions Simple Programs: Print Student, Employee Details, Addition etc. Day 5 Conditional Statements and Programs Day 7 Loops and Programs Day 9 Arrays One Dimensional Programs Day 11 Arrays Two Dimensional Programs Day 13 Structures and Programs Day 15 Classes, Definition, Object, Visibility Modifier, Data Members, Member Functions. Programs: On Student Details Using Classes and member functions Outside Class. Day 17 On Product Details using Class Constructor and Destructor Pointers to classes, Memory Management Operators, The Const Qualifiers Day 19 Inheritance Single Level, Multi Level and Multiple Level: Programs Day 21 Functions: Definition, Declaration Call by Value and Reference: Programs Default Arguments in Functions Day 23 Inline Functions Operator Overloading Day 25 Friend Functions Polymorphism: Static and Dynamic Binding Virtual Functions Day 27 Static Member Functions and Static Data Members, Revision Day 29 Theory Test Day 2 Practical Day 4 Practical Day 6 Practical Day 8 Practical Day 10 Practical Day 12 Practical Day 14 Practical Day 16 Practical

Day 18 Practical

Day 20 Practical Day 22 Practical Day 24 Practical Day 26 Practical Day 28 Practical Day 30 Practical Test

Visual Basic Day 1 A brief description of Visual Basic, The Visual Basic Environment Creating Your First Application Day 3 Steps in Building a Visual Basic Application Program to calculate the volume of Cylinder, to design simple calculator. Day 5 Working with controls, The Control Properties Textbox, Label, and Command Button Day 7 The Picture box, Image Box, List Box, Combo Box Day 9 The Check Box, Option Button, HScroll and Vscroll Day 11 Creating VB database applications using ADO control, Assignment 1 Day 12 Creating VB database applications using ADO control, Assignment 2 Structured Query Language Day 1 Introduction to SQL Select Statement: Selecting all Columns, Specific Columns, Using Arithmetic Operators, Concatenation, Where Clause Day 3 Creating Table, Inserting Rows, Updating Rows and Deleting Rows Day 5 Theory Test of VB and SQL Day 2 Practical Day 2 Practical Day 4 Practical Day 6 Practical Day 8 Practical Day 10 Practical Day 12 Practical Day 14 Practical

Day 4 Practical Day 6 Practical Test

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