Sagem Errors

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For anyone wondering how to access their DTR 6400T/6700T's HDD contents, you nee d * a Torx T10 screwdriver

* a cavalier approach to anti-tamper stickers * some means of attaching the drive to a pc, either via an internal interfac e (IDE or SATA as required by the drive) or via an external adaptor (USB or Expr essCard as available on the pc/laptop) * a fast free hex editor, something like HxD Once you've got a (read-only for safety) view of the drive contents, take a look at the second sector. At offset 0x20C you should find a bigendian 32bit LBA ad dress that'll hopefully take you to where the firmware is stored. At least ther e's a little over 2MB of something interesting;) Anyone for tennis? Er00 - The software that was available for upgrading was of an older or of the same version as the one already in the digital-box. Er01, Er02 -The upgrade failed. Some information was missed out. Er03 - The internal memory is not large enough to receive the upgrade. Er04 - The signal was disturbed during the upgrade. Er05 - Wrong type of data was received during upgrade. Er06 - Not used. Er07 - Access problem in back-up memory (EEPROM). Er08 - Access problem in video memory. Er09 - Can not find any data to do an upgrade. Er10 - Poor or no cable-TV signal. Er11,12 - Not used. Er13 - Unauthorised data signals received by the digital-box. Er14 - Faulty data signals received by the digital-box. Pb01 - A problem in the ROM memory is detected. Pb02 - Memory size is too small. Pb03 - A problem occurred during start up (initialisation problem). Pb04 - Internal communication failure. PbF9 - Hardware error identified during start-up Requirements: 1 hard drive. Set Acoustic properties (AAM) to minimum sound & performance. OAD transmission (eg 13-16/1/06). Steps (for 62xx, and maybe 66xx?): 1) Ensure Menu/User settings/User Preferences/Network Monitoring is set to 'ON'. 2) Remove old hard drive (after removal of cover etc.). 3) Insert new hard drive. Reassemble cover etc.

4) Plug in power adapter to mains socket. 5) Displays shows 'Er01' (instead of 'init'). 6) Press 'OK' on remote. 7) Fan speeds up, then the download occurs. 8) The sequence should be '00--' for 3 sec; '01--' for 7 mins; '02--' for 10 sec s; '03--' for 3 secs; '04--' for 1 sec. 9) Unit should reboot 'Init' 10) Check the results.. Steps (for 72xx owners): You only need to do - 1 to 4, then 9 & 10 as above. Killbait! (with software 0.3.6) discovered that you do not require an OAD to for mat a new drive on your pvr. See: So for you lucky owners, just plug it in and go! At the moment we're not sure if this is a built-in feature of 72xx models or to particular 72xx software versions. Background information/pioneering work ====================================== Thanks to russellelly and all contributors, especially: Anyone been inside one yet? HDD replacement - initial bad news HDD change - some success! HDD Upgrade/swap findings Notes1: ====== Be careful, don't rush the job. Do this at your own risk. Don't hold anyone else responsible if it fails or dama ges your pvr. If you can't time the upgrade for this OAD transmission, then I'm sure it'll be repeated soon. I haven't performed much testing of the results - the estimated time left was in creased. I've only tested this solution on a recent hard drive purchase - a Samsung SP251 4N (250GB, 8MB cache) and the estimated time left showed 104h-53min-28sec which sounds about right. I suggest anybody thinking of doing this should upgrade the original hard drive on the pvr first. Keep the upgraded original hard drive stored in a safe place ready to slot back in if necessary. Notes2 - choice of new hard drive: ========================== If you wish to ensure maximum compatatility between the new drive and the pvr, u se a drive similar to the older one, i.e. from the same make & series. Eg in my case from the original WD400BB- to WD800BB- or WD1600BB- (my pvr only c ame in 40/80/160GB capacities). The reason why I suggest this is because: a) a similar drive should have similar characteristics to the original and hopef ully give trouble free service (eg power consumption, noise level & performance) b) if Sagem place any validation on the next OAD for 'non-standard' drives you s

hould be ok because your new hard drive will look very much like the ones they use for their larger capcity p vrs. c) I have never installed or used a hard drive upside down before seeing this ar rangement on my pvr. So if you're thinking of using another model of hd, maybe double check to see if it's ok to use it upside down. Notes3 - trying the solution without aerial connection: ======================================== It won't work. Much like trying it without an OAD transmission floating around. I've tried this many times during the last few months. The steps 1-7 above will be the same. For step 8) The display sequence will show '00--' for 7 sec, then 'Er09' flashes (if you then press 'OK' 'Er01' will flash). The similarity between this failure and a successful OAD update was what caught my attention and led to this solution. Notes4 - estimated storage capacity: ============================ Assuming that 1 hour of transmission takes 2 to 2.5GB of storage. A 40GB drive should give 16-20 hours recording capacity, an 80GB drive should give 32-40 hours, a 160GB drive should give 64-80 hours, a 250GB drive should give 100-125 hours, a 300GB drive should give 120-150 hours . Remember these estimates depend upon the visual quality of the recording materia l, i.e. the channel and program. Results so far ========== I've performed minimal testing on the Samsung SP2514N (250GB, 8MB cache) I need this drive for other purposes. As stated earlier the approx 105 hours estimated remaining time seemed like a go od sign. I've since formatted a Samsung SP1614N (160GB, 8MB cache) and tested it a little . The estimated remaining time showed 66h-43m-50s for the blank drive. I've now recorded 13-14 hours of material. The estimated remaining time now shows 60h-07m-53s. The Recording List shows 9% used. The channels I recorded used were Channel 4, E4 and QVC - perhaps not the best c hoices of material in terms of visual quality. I should have chosen program material with more movement etc. Now for the bad news. I still get split & short recordings although less so than before. These seem to occur when I'm flicking through the channels whilst the pvr is sim ltaneously recording something and is about 1.0-1.5 hours into the recording. I also notice that the menus were unbearably slow just before it gives up on the recording. This sounds similar to Radfoo's experience when he slotted in the 80GB drive int o an 40GB model way back in Sept. Unfortuantely its happened more than once. So I'm not sure if it's compatability issues or bugs in the newer firmware. Feb: I've lived with the new firmware 0.34 for over 2 weeks.

Judging by other peoples posts and my experience the increase in split & short r ecordings are down to Sagem's lazyness at testing their updates. Menu slowdowns seem to occur when the unit is about to start/stop a recording. I .e. during a scheduled start/stop time or when it suffers a 'signal fault' and is about to stop a recording of it's own accord. A 'signal fault' display seems to be Sagem's odd idea of reporting an actual sig nal fault or any unknown/uncatered error. Apart from that (and other software bugs), I'm happy to report that the unit wor ks well with the Samsung drive. The only thing I'm not sure about whether the ba ckground hum is nosier than the original drive. It's difficult to tell without a side by side comparison. (I'm not keen on hard drive noise in general and wasn' t 100% happy with the acoustics of the original WDD400.) The maximum number of recording timers I can set is still 30 (ie 5 pages). The Recording List menu can show 100 recordings (ie 10 pages of unlocked & locke d titles). 'Full List' will appear under the prgress bar when you get to 100. The Recording Timers menu shows 'Too many recordings - please remove some recordings' after about 83 recordings. 'Insufficient space on HDD - Please remove some recordings' after the HD is abou t ??% full. Standby to powering on time (for 6240). This seems to be affected by the size of the drive and/or the amount of recordings on it. The original 40GB drive with 7 0+ recordings and 90% full seems to startup in less than 50 seconds. Swapping this with the 160GB Samsung that has 100+ recordings and 70% full seems to startup in approx 90 seconds. Amendment history: (added after initial post) 13/01/06 1220 initial post. 13/01/06 1820 Changed subject title from 'Upgrading to a larger hard drive on th e Sagem PVR' to 'Use OAD to format larger drive on Sagem PVR'. Renamed notes to notes1. Added notes2. 14/01/06 1035 Updated step 7 a little. Notes3 & notes4 added. Underlined the not es headings. Added Results so far. 02/02/06 1850 Updated and renumbered steps. Added Background information/pioneer ing work. Updated Results so far. 03/03/06 19:25 Deleted requirement for blank hard drive. Added Killbait!'s disco very for 72xx owners in steps. 05/03/06 11:25 General tidy up & updated results so far. 30/09/06 10:20 Step 1 not neccessary. Updated results so far.

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