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User's Manual And Reference Guide


HPC301 User's Manual and Reference Guide

Table of Contents

HPC301 Introduction

HPC301 Software Installation

Starting the Software

Registering the HPC301

Software Up dates

Calibrating the Palm handheld screen

Appendix A: LD301 Configuration


Smar Research Corp.

HPC301 User's Manual and Reference Guide

HPC301 Introduction
The HPC301 (HART Pocket Configurator) is a Palm OS based software that runs in the Palm Operating System version 3.5 and later. The HPC301 Package is comprised of three parts: 1. 2. 3. The communication interface, specifically the HPI311 (HART Pocket Interface), the Palm OS based handheld, and the configuration software, specifically the HPC301 (HART Pocket Configurator).

The HPC301 software is compatible with most Palm handheld versions, this gives the user the flexibility to choose which handheld would be best suited for their purposes. Listed below are the three communication interfaces supported (refer to the HPI311 Reference Guide): HPI311-V - Compatible with Palm V/Vx. HPI311-III - Compatible with Palm IIIc, and VIIx. (Palm VIIx is available only in the USA.) HPI311-M5 - Compatible with Palm m125/130, m500/505/515 and i705. (Palm i705 is available only in the USA.) NOTE The configuration software is always the same independently of the interface or Palm handheld model chosen.

Smar Research Corp.

HPC301 User's Manual and Reference Guide

HPC301 Software Installation

NOTE If you are unfamiliar with the Palm handheld and its associated terminology, read the manual that came with your handheld to become familiar with its terminology and usage. Any Palm terminology used hereafter in this section will be denoted by italic font.

The HPC301 setup program, HPC301.EXE, may be obtained from the Internet at or from your local Smar distributor. To Install/Upgrade the HPC301 software: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ensure the cradle is connected to your computer and the Palm Desktop software is installed. Exit all open programs. Start the setup program by double clicking on the HPC301.EXE file. When the HPC301 Installer menu appears, click the Next button to begin the installation procedure and follow the on screen instructions. Start the Hotsync Manager, if not already started. Insert your handheld in its cradle and press the HotSync button. The HPC301 application will automatically be installed into your Palm handheld.

Now you should be able to see the HPC301 icon in the Palm Handheld (Figure 1).

Figure 1

Smar Research Corp.

HPC301 User's Manual and Reference Guide

Starting the Software

To start the HPC301 software: 1. Tap the HPC301 icon. The following screen will appear:

Figure 2 2. Now select the device polling address by choosing an address from 0 to 15. Select a particular device address, a particular device tag, or a range of addresses. NOTE Please refer to the field devices operation manual for connection of the Configurator to the HART Network.


Tap the Poll button and the HPC301 will poll the network for the desired device. After execution of the Poll function, the list of polled devices found on the bus will be available (Figure 3).

Figure 3 4. Select a device from the list by taping on it. The HPC301 will provide acces s to all functions available for this device. For instance, if the selected device is a LD301, the next screen shown would be Figure 4, but if instead the device is a TT301 Figure 5 would be shown.

Smar Research Corp.

HPC301 User's Manual and Reference Guide

Figure 4 5.

Figure 5

For further explanation of specific field device procedures, please refer to the instructions provided in the Appendix. If no instructions for the specific device are available, refer to the Generic device section.

Smar Research Corp.

HPC301 User's Manual and Reference Guide

Registering the HPC301

To register the HPC301, please send the information below to Smar Research by fax or e-mail. (* Required information.) To: Smar Research Corporation E-mail: Fax: +1 631 737 3892 Users Information User Name: Title: Company Name: Address: City: Phone: *E-mail: HPI311 Information *HPI311 model and serial number:

State: Fax:

Zip Code:

NOTE Registered users receive technical support, early notification of product upgrades, and new product announcements.

Smar Research Corp.

HPC301 User's Manual and Reference Guide

Software updates
Software updates are available at

Calibrating the Palm handheld screen

Sometimes when you try to tap the buttons or icons on your Palm screen, the handheld will activate the wrong feature. When this happens, it usually means that the Palm handheld screen needs to be calibrated. Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (tapping and writing problems) section of your Palm manual for calibration instructions.

Smar Research Corp.

Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

Appendix A: LD301 configuration Table of Contents

Introduction A2

Manufacturing Data and Identification


Primary Variable Trim - Pressure


Primary Variable Trim - Current


Transmitter Adjustment to the Working Range


Engineering Unit Selection


Transfer Function for Flow Measurement


Table Points


Totalization Configuration


PID Controller Configuration


Equipment Configuration


Equipment Maintenance



Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

NOTE: Refer to the LD301's Operation and Maintenance Instruction/Manual for detailed information of the topics described below. By means of the HART Configurator, the LD301 firmware allows the following configuration features to be accessed:

Transmitter Identification and Manufacturing Data. Primary Variable Trim - Pressure. Primary Variable Trim - Current. Transmitter Adjustment to the Working Range. Engineering Unit Selection. Transference Function for Flow rates Measurement. Linearization Table. Totalizer Configuration. PID Controller Configuration. Device Configuration. Equipment Maintenance.

The operations, which take place between the configurator and the transmitter do not interrupt the Pressure measurement, and do not disturb the output signal. The configurator can be connected on the same pair of wires as the 4-20 mA signal, up to 2 km away from the transmitter.

NOTE: All HPC301 button sequences provided in this Appendix assume that you are starting from the main LD301 menu (Figure 1). Refer to Starting the Software section of this manual to get to this position.

Figure 1


Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

Manufacturing Data and Identification

To configure the TAG, DESCRIPTOR, MESSAGE and DATE (Figure 2): 1. 2. 3. From the main LD301 menu, click the Info button. Enter the desired value(s) in the corresponding field(s). Click the Send button.

Figure 2 To configure the FLANGE TYPE, FLANGE MATERIAL, O-RING MATERIAL and DRAIN/VENT MATERIAL (Figure 3): 1. 2. 3. From the main LD301 menu, click the Maint -> Advanced -> Sensor Info -> Flange Info buttons. Select the desired value(s). Click the Send button.

Figure 3 To configure the REMOTE SEAL TYPE, FLUID, DIAPHRAGM, and QUANTITY (Figure 4): 1. 2. 3. From the main LD301 menu, click the Maint -> Advanced -> Sensor Info ->Remote Seal buttons. Select the desired value(s). Click the Send button.


Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

Figure 4 To read the SENSOR TYPE, RANGE, FLUID and ISOLATING DIAPHRAGM (Figure 5): , 1. From the main LD301 menu, click the Maint -> Advanced -> Sensor Info buttons (Note: These variables are Read Only).

Figure 5


Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

Primary Variable Trim - Pressure

To execute the LOWER TRIM (Figure 6): 1. 2. 3. From the main LD301 menu, click the Trim -> Lower button. Enter the correct reading for the applied pressure. Click the Send button.

Figure 6 To execute the UPPER TRIM (Figure 7): 1. 2. 3. From the main LD301 menu, click the Trim -> Upper button. Enter the correct reading for the applied pressure. Click the Send button.

Figure 7 To execute the ZERO TRIM (Figure 8): 1. 2. From the main LD301 menu, click the Trim -> Zero button. Click the Send button when the pressure is stabilized.

Figure 8 A5

Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

To execute the CHAR TRIM (Figure 9): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. From the main LD301 menu, click the Trim -> Char button. Enter the desired value for Point 1 (Type the correct reading for the applied pressure). Click the Send button. Enter the desired value for Point 2 (Type the correct reading for the applied pressure). Click the Send button. You will be prompted for additional points, if more points are desired, repeat steps 2 and 3 (maximum 5 points). You will be prompted to activate the Characterization Trim, click Yes to activate, or No to cancel.

Figure 9


Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

Primary Variable Trim - Current

To execute the 4 mA or 20 mA Trim (Figure 10): 1. 2. 3. 4. From the main LD301 menu, click the Trim -> Current button. Click the 4 mA or 20 mA button. Enter the current readout of the precision ammeter. Click the Send button.

Figure 10


Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

Transmitter Adjustment to the Working Range

To execute the CALIBRATION WITHOUT REFERENCE (Figure 11): 1. 2. 3. From the main LD301 menu, click the Range button. Enter the desired URV and/or LRV in the corresponding field(s). Click the Send button.

Figure 11 To execute the CALIBRATION WITH REFERENCE (Figure 12): 1. 2. 3. From the main LD301 menu, click the Range button. Click the Lower or Upper button. Click the Send button when the pressure is stabilized.

Figure 12


Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

Engineering Unit Selection

To configure the ENGINEERING UNIT (Figure 13): 1. 2. 3. 4. From the main LD301 menu, click the Range -> PV Unit button. Select the appropriate Unit Family (Pressure). Select the desired Unit. Click the Send button.

Figure 13 To configure the USER UNIT (Figure 14): 1. From the main LD301 menu, click the User Unit button.

To configure the 0%, 100%, and/or User Unit: 2. 3. Enter the desired value(s) in the corresponding field(s). Click the Send button. (Note: If the User Unit is on, the changes will take effect right away.)

To Enable/Disable the User Unit: 2. Click the On button to enable, or click the Off button to disable the User Unit.

Figure 14


Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

Transfer Function for Flow Measurement

To configure the Transfer Function for Flow Measurement (Figure 15): 1. 2. 3. 4. From the main LD301 menu, click the Conf button. Select the appropriate Function (Sqrt, Sqrt**3, Sqrt**5, Sqrt+Table, Sqrt**3+Table or Sqrt**5+Table). If the Function selected was Sqrt or Sqrt+Table, enter the desired Cutoff value and/or select the desired Cutoff Mode . Click the Send button.

Figure 15


Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

Table Points
To configure the TABLE POINTS (Figure 16): 1. 2. 3. 4. From the main LD301 menu, click the Conf -> Table button. Select the desired Number of points (minimum 2, maximum 16). Enter the desired X(s) and Y(s) values. Click the Send button.

Figure 16


Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

Totalization Configuration
To configure the TOTALIZATION (Figure 17): 1. From the main LD301 menu, click the Total button.

To configure Max Flow, Factor (Totalization Increment), and Total Unit: 2. 3. Enter the desired value(s) in the corresponding field(s). Note: Totalization should be Off. Click the Send button.

To Enable/Disable the Totalization: 2. Click the On button to enable or click the Off button to disable the Totalization.

To Initialize the Totalization from value "0". 2. Click the Reset tot. button.

Figure 17


Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

PID Controller Configuration

To configure the PID SAFETY LIMITS (Figure 18): 1. From the main LD301 menu, click the PID -> Safety button.

To configure the Safety Out, Out Rate_Chng, Low Limit, and High Limit: 2. 3. Enter the desired value(s) in the corresponding field(s). Click the Send button.

To configure the SP Power On: 2. Click the A button to set the SP Power On mode to automatic, click the M button to set it to manual, or click the Last Mode button to set it to the last mode prior to a power failure.

Figure 18 To configure all other PID parameters (Figure 19): 1. From the main LD301 menu, click the PID button.

To Enable/Disable the Controller: 2. Click the On button to enable or click the Off button to disable the Controller.

To configure the TUNING parameters: 2. 3. Enter the desired value(s) in to the Kp, Tr, and/or Td field(s). Click the Send button.

To change the read out of the PV and SP: 2. Check the (E.U.) check box to change the read out to engineering unit or uncheck it to change the read out to percentage.

To Enable/Disable the Setpoint Tracking: 2. Check the SP Track. check box to enable the setpoint tracking or uncheck it to disable the setpoint tracking.

To configure the Control Action: 2. Click the D button to set the Control Action to direct or click the R button to set it to reverse.


Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

To configure the Control Mode : 2. Click the A button to set the Control Mode to automatic or click the M button to set it to manual.

To configure the Manipulated Variable (MV): 2. 3. Enter the desired value in the MV field (Note: The Control Mode must be in manual). Click the Send button.

To configure the Setpoint (SP): 2. 3. Enter the desired value in the SP field (Note: The Setpoint Tracking must be disabled). Click the Send button. Note that when the Setpoint is changed, it is only the current operating Setpoint that is changed. After a power-off it will be lost unless you desire to save the Setpoint in EEPROM. Click the Yes button to save the Setpoint in EEPROM, or click the No otherwise. This is done to reduce the number of times this memory location of the EEPROM is written; the maximum number of changes is somewhere above ten thousand.


Figure 19


Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

Equipment Configuration
To configure the Damping (Input Filter): 1. 2. 3. From the main LD301 menu, click the Range button. Enter the desired value in the Damping field. Click the Send button.

To configure the BURN OUT (Fail Safe): 1. 2. 3. From the main LD301 menu, click the Conf button. Select the desired value. Click the Send button.

To configure the ADDRESSING (Polling Address): 1. 2. 3. From the main LD301 menu, click the Multidrop button. Select the desired value. Click the Change Polling Address button.

To configure the DISPLAY INDICATION (Figure 20): 1. 2. 3. From the main LD301 menu, click the Conf -> LCD button. Select the desired value(s). Click the Send button.

Figure 20 To Enable/Disable the WRITING PROTECTION: 1. 2. From the main LD301 menu, click the Conf button. Click the Enabled button to enable the write protection, or click the Disabled button to disable it.

To configure the Level of password for each menu (Figure 21): 1. 2. 3. From the m LD301 menu, click the Maint -> Passwords button. ain Select the desired value(s). Click the Send button.


Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

Figure 21 To configure the operation passwords (Figure 22): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. From the main LD301 menu, click the Maint -> Passwords -> Change Passwords button. Select the password level to be changed. Enter the new password in the corresponding field. Click the Send button. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 to change other passwords.

Figure 22


Appendix A: LD301 Configuration

Equipment Maintenance
To configure the ORDER CODE: 1. 2. 3. From the main LD301 menu, click the Maint -> Ordering Code button. Enter the desired value in the Ordering Code field. Click the Send button.

To read/configure the SERIAL NUMBER: 1. 2. 3. From the main LD301 menu, click the Info -> Dev. Info button. Enter the desired value in the De vice Ser. # (Transmitter Number) field. Click the Send button.

To view the OP_COUNT: 1. From the main LD301 menu, click the Maint -> Operations Counter button.

To execute the BACKUP: 1. From the main LD301 menu, click the Maint -> Advanced -> Write To Sensor button.

To execute the RESTORE: 2. From the main LD301 menu, click the Maint -> Advanced -> Read From Sensor button.


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