Biophysics Exam Example

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Exemplary test in biophysics This is a single choice test and has a similar form to the Final Test in Biophysics.

. Students should decide, which one of the proposed answers (a,b,c or d) is the most correct or the most general and complete. (the correct answers are underlined) 1. Changes in enthalpy of an ideal gas are equal to changes in its internal energy only in processes which are: a) isothermic b) isobaric c) isochoric d) adiabatic 2. The mean velocity of blood in a vessel of 20 mm diameter is 20 cm/s. If the vessel branches into two vessels, each of 10 mm diameter, mean velocity of blood in the branches equals: a) 10 cm/s, b) 20 cm/s c) 40 cm/s, d) 80 cm/s 3. Density of mercury is 13.6 g/cm3. The pressure exerted by 75 mm height of mercury is about: a) 8 Pa, b) 80 hPa, c) 100 hPa d) 136 hPa. 4. Due to deposits of cholesterol, diameter of a certain segment of an artery decreased by factor of 2. In consequence, the resistance to flow of this segment: a) decreased 2 times, b) increased 2 times, c) increased 4 times, d) increased 16 times 5. Sedimentation rate of blood cells may change in certain pathologies due to: a) changes in plasma viscosity, b) changes in RBC density c) changes in RBC density and size of RBC aggregates d) changes in plasma viscosity and size of RBC aggregates 6. Transmural pressure inside a vessel with stenosis in comparison to normal vessel conditions is: a) the same, b) higher, c) lower, d) higher in veins and lower in arteries 7. A blood flow of 100 cm3/min equals: a) 100 l/s b) 1.67 l/s c) 1.6710-3 l/s d) 0.01 l/s

8. A fraction of energy produced in metabolic processes under conditions of BMR which is transferred to environment in a form of heat is about: a) 30 %, d) 80 %, c) 100%, d) increases with mass of a body. 9. Consider a converging lens with f=10 cm and object placed in the object distance x=25cm. The image created by the lens is a) magnified, on the opposite side of the lens b) diminished, on the opposite side of lens c) there is no image (image is not created) d) magnified, on the same side of lens 10. Different types of ionizing radiation are: a) microwaves, X-rays, alpha particles, laser b) laser, proton beam, Roentgen radiation b) X-rays, neutrons, -particles, -rays c) UV, microwaves, X-rays, -particles

11. Contrast between different tissues on radiographs is due to their difference in: d) elemental composition, b) mass density and mean atomic number c) color and water content, d) hardness and blood concentration 12. Contrast between different tissues on MRI images is due to their difference in: a) hydrogen concentration, b) density, c) proton density and effectiveness of energy exchange between protons and between protons and surrounding molecules d) elemental composition and microscopic mobility of molecules and atoms.

Exemplary test in biophysics 13. The 18F compound are often used in PET because they are: a) safe for patients b) - radioactive, c) + radioactive, d) emitters.

14. A conversion of acoustic, mechanical wave into electric impulses in nerve fibers occurs: a) at tympanic membrane, b) at oval window c) in hair cells d) in brain 15. Knowing the value of the respiratory quotient (RQ) one can: a) estimate the total energy consumption of a body b) calculate the amount of heat released in metabolic processes c) get information on type of food components used as substrates in cellular respiration d) estimate the total of work and heat given away by an organism 16. When temperature of ideal gas increases from 300 K to 360 K: a) the velocity of random motion of gas molecules increases by 20% b) the kinetic energy of the gas molecules increases by 20% c) the velocity of random motion of gas molecules increases by ca. 44% d) the kinetic energy of the gas molecules increases by ca. 44% 17. Clinical MRI image represents: a) spatial distribution of tissues of different density b) spatial distribution of hydrogen nuclei in a body c) distribution of tissues with different penetration depth of electromagnetic waves d) distribution of magnetic permeability of body tissues 18. The images below were obtained with CT and MRI techniques. The type of each image is given by: a) (1) CT, b) (1) - MRI T1 weighted, c) (1) - MRI T1 weighted, d) (1) - CT, (1) (2) MRI T1 weighted, (2) CT (2) MRI T2 weighted (2) MRI T2 weighted (2) (3) - MRI T2 weighted (3) - MRI T2 weighted (3) - CT (3) - MRI T1 weighted (3)

19. Consider two equal compartments of water solutions separated with a membrane. The compartments contain: I 103 molecules of glucose (the mole weight of glucose 180) II 103 molecules of sucrose (the mole weight of sucrose is 342). The osmotic water flow will go a) from I to II b) from II to c) there is no water movement d) the answer depends on temperature and pressure

Exemplary test in biophysics 20. The diffusion potential across the membrane is created only when a) the membrane is not permeable for one kind of ions b) the ions has different mobility in the membrane c) the ions have different mobility and there is a difference in ions concentration between the solutions separated by the membrane d) there is difference in ion concentration between two membrane sides 21. Reflections of ultrasonic waves occur always at a boundary between a) tissues of different density b) tissues of different absorption of sound waves c) tissues of different elemental composition d) tissues of different acoustic impedance 22. Experimentally determined flow rate through a vessel was (20 1) ml/s and the drop in pressure along the vessel was (10 1) Pa. The absolute uncertainty in calculated resistance to flow is: a) 75103 Pas/m3 b) 2103 Pas/m3 c) 3.3 102 Pas/m3 d) 2 Pas/m3 23. The radiation risk due to absorbed dose in regular chest X-ray exam is approximately equivalent to: a) smoking 2 cigarettes b) smoking 20 cigarettes a day for more than year c) smoking 5 cigarettes a day for 6 months d) driving 5000 miles in a car 24. The frequency range of acoustic waves which we percept as sounds is (20 Hz -20 kHz). If velocity of acoustic waves in air is 340 m/s, than the respective range of wavelengths is: a) 59 mm-59 m, b) 17 mm-17 m c) 59 m-59 mm d) 17 m-17 mm.

25. If basal metabolic rate BMR= 100 W and body mass approximately equals 100 kg, then in conditions of complete thermal insulation an increase of body temperature by 5 degree will occur in (specific heat of body is ~ 3.5 kJ/(kg K): a) 2 hours, b) 5 hours, c) 12 hours, d) 5 days.

26. In a process of isothermal expansion a work of 200 J was done by an ideal gas. It means that: a) internal energy of the gas increased by 200 J b) internal energy of the gas decreased by 200 J c) the gas lost 200 J energy in form of heat d) the gas acquired 200 J energy in form of heat. 27. Electroencephalography EEG is an electric potential which represents electrical activity of a) a heart b) a muscle c) a brain d) a limb

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