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Worldwide Campaign to stop the Abuse and Torture of Mind Control/DEWs

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Posted by Mindcon on June 1, 2009 at 2:16pm in MEMBERS BLOG View Discussions STOP BIO-Electronic/PSYCHOTRONIC TORTURE BRAINMIND/BODY CONTROL/ANNIHILATION ORGANIZED STALKING/TERROR SLAVERY ASSASSINATION WEAPONS!!! Dear Sir, Madam, Cheryl Welsh, Mind Justice: The Militarization of Neuroscience, By Hugh Gusterson, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (Online), 10 April 2007 A Message For You, April 09, 2000, Part 3: MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL: MODERN TORTURE AND CONTROL MECHANISMS ELIMINATING HUMAN RIGHTS AND PRIVACY, by Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD, October 23, 1999:

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Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Christians Against Mental Slavery: (SATELLITE) BIO-Electronic/Psychotronic BRAINMind/Body Control/ANNIHILATION Weapons: Resources / Other Sites : FREEDOM FROM COVERT HARASSMENT AND SURVEILLANCE : Eleanor White, ORGANIZED STALKING: A TARGET'S VIEW, January 20, 2009, International Movement for the Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous System by Technical Means Judy Malloy, Systems of Surveillance, Timeline: Electromagnetic Weapons

Latest Activity walaa commented on Soleilmavis's blog post 'Soleilmavis - Case summary of Mind Control torture and abuse'

My family and I are victims of use of this type of torture, I went to the police to tell them crazy and they said I need to go to the hospital and not find a way to what happens to me and how to get

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Timeline: Electromagnetic Weapons by Judy Wall, Editor, Resonance Newsletter BAN ELECTRONIC WARFARE ON CIVILIANS Yours sincerely.

to me and how to get rid of it

31 minutes ago

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GSS "Safe House" Community Cooperatives Episode 190 Safe House Community Cooperative Proposal
Blog posts by Chris 1 hour ago

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Reply by Mindcon on June 21, 2009 at 4:43pm

Perspective vs Synchronisity
David Lynch has proven 'a cure' for many of the symptoms TI individuals suffer. I hope the following information may prove helpful for anyone who is suffering from known or unknown causes.In light. In love. In peace. v=qWcOuUgPEME&sns =emMEM See More
Discussion posted by MVN 4 hours ago 0 0

STOP BIO-Electronic/PSYCHOTRONIC TORTURE BRAINMIND/BODY CONTROL/ANNIHILATION ORGANIZED STALKING/TERROR SLAVERY ASSASSINATION WEAPONS!!! Dear @Sir, @Madam, Cheryl Welsh, Outlaw nonconsensual human experiments now, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,, 16 June 2009, a href=""> >. Quote: < > Yet today, some officials still have the power to waive regulations requiring informed consent in classified government experiments. < > Currently, the 1991 Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects PDF is the binding regulation on human-subject research for 17 federal agencies including the military and the intelligence agencies. Although it outlines the guidelines for informed consent, it also states, "Unless otherwise required by law, department or agency heads may waive the applicability of some or all of the provisions of this policy." In other words, a person participating in an experiment must be informed and give his consent unless a highlevel government official doesn't think it is necessary. Not surprisingly, this authority doesn't stop with the heads of agencies and departments. < > In order to overcome more than 50 years of failed reforms, new approaches to human subject protections for classified experiments need to be developed, and troubling questions need to be an answered. How

NEW IMPORTANT UPDATE: Dutch Press ready to receive us (on 15

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for classified experiments need to be developed, and troubling questions need to be an answered. How could this have happened and happened for so long? < > Read full article: --- --Cheryl Welsh, JD,, June 2009, a href=""> > Its bizarre but true: Nonconsensual human experiments have been legal for nearly twenty years How did this happen and how is it that most experts, the media, and the public did not find out until now? < > Read full article: Yours sincerely. Reply
Reply by Mindcon on August 17, 2009 at 3:29pm

receive us (on 15 februari) and we'll go over to the NOS building on 16 februari
Dutch Press of NIBURU NLhttp://www.niburu. nl/ or the less visited version in english http://www.niburunew ) is planning to make a documentary on the 15th and 16th of Februari..Other press and people of the agencies who are following my actions will be there too...On the 16th we will go to the NOS building a few miles from the headquarters of Niburu Nl..I will make a recorded call See More
Blog post by Stefanie VdV 5 hours ago 0 0

STOP BIO-ELECTRONICE/PSYCHOTRONIC TORTURE BRAINMIND/BODY CONTROL/ANNIHILATION ORGANIZED STALKING/TERROR SLAVERY ASSASSINATION WEAPONS!!! BIOEFFECTS: That's Impossible Dear @Sir, @Madam, Cheryl Welsh, New cable TV program on the mind control issue, U.S. secrecy methods for mind control weapons have fooled almost everyone,, August 11, 2009, a href=""> >. Quote: < > I was interviewed for the Mind Control program and presented the argument that advanced mind control weapons are already developed. No one has been able to establish enough evidence to prove either that there are secret advanced government mind control weapons, or that there are not. Mind control weapons are an important public concern. The experts say its a future concern, while I argue, the

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Government Mind Control

5 hours ago Shashi Kant left a comment for bernd

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control weapons are an important public concern. The experts say its a future concern, while I argue, the public should be concerned now. There is significant new information and a rarely heard argument in support of the existence of developed, advanced, remote mind control weapons, and that illegal government mind control experiments allegation are true. I was also asked to discuss my claim of illegal government mind control experimentation. Since the 1950s, thousands have made similar allegations. < > The government secrecy surrounding mind control research is a threat to democracy because the successful development of mind control weapons has or almost certainly will take place in secrecy. < > I. < > The human body is essentially an electrochemical system. Most U.S. bioresearch has focused on a biochemical approach to the human body, such as drug research. The science of mind control weapons is based on the "electro" research of the electrochemical system of the human body. This is the study of human electromagnetic signals in the brain and nervous system and the bioeffects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on the human body. It can be shown that for over half a century, the U.S. government has underfunded, suppressed and controlled "electro" research, the scientific basis for EMR mind control weapons. The "electro" research is the scientific research that experts describe as the scientific basis for remote, advanced mind control weapons with the capabilities of mind reading, implanting thoughts, direct communication with the brain, surveillance and tracking a human, etc. < > Conclusion The experts were wrong about major facts of U.S. secrecy methods and mind control weapons. It will be up to the public to recognize the U.S. secrecy methods and deceptive scientific tactics that has resulted in the record breaking mind control weapons secrecy. < > The government should declassify the "fact of" mind control weapons. Like the atomic bomb, the technical secrets can remain secret while the existence of the atomic bomb can be publicly known. The outline of a silent, remote, advanced, EMR mind control weapon and weapons system is becoming apparent. < > Read full article --- --That's Impossible, Episode: Mind Control,, a href=" action=detail&episodeId=472844"> >. Quote: Miracle technology could allow people to transmit their brainwaves and speak to each other mindto-mind. Scientists are working to create computers that read thoughts to find terrorists, and machines to scan our minds like thumbprints--causing some to wonder if "thought theft" could become the crime of the future. Watch this video

comment for bernd

yes you are right man, I think there would be life once they'd left me alone, but I still think there is something they are interested in. There is always something behind an act I dunno what exactly it is after reading your comment watching
5 hours ago bernd left a comment for governmentalienrobotgod

hey Greg, I understand why you shut out and down, with that type of full eh it is impossible to know what will happen next and getting them to stop is the number one priority. I have been going up and down last night I was being harassed so much
6 hours ago bernd left a comment for Shashi Kant

this is something that has been planned right from the start and part of the trauma the psychological tools used are all there to perpetuate the target further into hopelessness, embarassment and

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Watch this video --- --Watch this video That's Impossible Mind Control 1, VIDEO,, 15 augustus 2009, That's Impossible Mind Control 2, VIDEO,, 15 augustus 2009, That's Impossible Mind Control 3, VIDEO,, 15 augustus 2009, That's Impossible Mind Control 4, VIDEO,, 15 augustus 2009, That's Impossible Mind Control 5, VIDEO,, 15 augustus 2009, Thank you! Yours sincerely. Reply
Reply by Mindcon on August 23, 2009 at 5:18pm

embarassment and anger and loneliness,. Don't feel stupid

7 hours ago More...

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BIOEFFECTS: SILENT HOLOCAUST ! Dear Sir, Madam, Conference Call News, FFCHS Weekly Newsletter, August 22, 2009, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, a href=""> id=ddjf2c5x_158g9kg3672 >, a href=""> >, a href=""> >, Quote: GALINA AND ROBIN'S LETTER TO THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT Those who would like to sign this letter, please contact Galina at:

Petition date starting in Ottawa and Toronto from Aug. 25, 2009 Dear Member of the Canadian Government: We are writing you on behalf of the Organization of Victims of Psychotronic Weapons (OVPW) to ask for your help for the many constituents in Canada who are being targeted unjustly without their informed consent by Psychotronic (or Mind Control, Electronic, Directed Energy, Neurological, Non-lethal) Weapons. We, and many others, are being TORTURED AND MUTILATED IN A MIND CONTROL CONCENTRATION CAMP 24/7. We wouldn't be tortured and manipulated in a properly functioning legal system/society. Victims of psychotronic weapons detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous incidents of psychological torture, and mental and physical mutilations. Criminals place human subjects under continuous surveillance, no matter where he/she is. They monitor the human brain, including thoughts, reactions, motor commands, auditory events and visual images. They continuously alter consciousness, introduce voices, noises, commands, images, "dreams", and other disturbances into the brain. They directly abuse, torture and assault our bodies - including performing advanced medical procedures from remote locations. The technology they are using is so advanced that it allows the controllers to see through the eyes of the targeted individual, essentially seeing whatever the victim sees. These are some of symptoms of targeted individuals: 1). Microwave hearing and torture with intense, loud, electronic-sounding noise. 2). Visual distortions and hallucinations.

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2). Visual distortions and hallucinations. 3). Manipulation of will, emotions, feelings, and perceptions. 4). Manipulation of human behavior: forced speech, involuntary body movements, transmission of specific commands into the subconscious, compulsory execution of these commands. 5). Reading thoughts remotely, retrieving memories, implanting personalities. 6). Debilitation of mental acuity: inability to concentrate, disruption of ability to think rationally and independently. 7). Loss of memory and knowledge. 8). Inadequate states, which targeted individuals have never experienced before (states of narcotic intoxication, depression, obsessive desires and so on). 9). Control of sleep patterns: sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleep 10). Blurred vision 11). Cramps, seizures and spasms 12). Excruciating, artificial pain in any part of the body, including heart attacks and other serious, medical conditions. We have contacted the police, RCMP, Security/Intelligence Agencies, Courts and other Government institutions over and over and over again, but have had our appeals for assistance and protection almost completely ignored or suppressed. The government doing nothing in this situation is a form of sanctioning these horrendous, fascist mind control experiments on innocent and defenseless people. That is why the Canadian Government is responsible for these crimes. The government of Canada must uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law and protect Canadian citizens by these laws. Instead we see the huge disconnect between its professed principles and values and the reality. It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes and the extreme danger that these technologies pose to democracy, human rights, privacy, mental and physical freedom, and the health of all people. These are the most horrendous weapons and crimes imaginable, and the people, using them, are mass-murdering conspirators, pursuing fascist, totalitarian, fundamentalist schemes. Doctor Joseph Mengele and other Nazis, who started developing these techniques in concentration camps during World War II, were brought over here from Europe after the war to continue their atrocities. MKULTRA was the first of these illegal and immoral experiments with unwilling victims. We are the latest victims. THIS MUST STOP! And the people responsible exposed and brought to justice for these unspeakable crimes against humanity. We demand only that our human rights are respected, and that the Canadian Government appoint a Committee to get to the bottom of this most serious matter based upon the evidence collected, intercepted, and compiled by victims for many years. This gross violation of human rights must be investigated immediately. Sincerely, Galina Kurdina,, 385 Apache Trail, North York, ON, Canada, M2H 2W6. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic Weapon and THE

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TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic Weapon and THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE AND ABUSE, USING DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS. Carlo Calandra,, 21 Knowland Dr, Toronto, ON, Canada, M9A 4L7. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. David Smith,, 1454 Trillium Way on Gabriola Island, BC, Canada. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Jiansheng Yang,, 305-1562 Trossacks Ave, London, ON, Canada, N5X 2P2. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Carmen Marie France Markey,, 406-1575 Best Street White Rock, BC, Canada, V4B5K1. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Nicole Delpeuch,, 3130 rue Berthiaume, Laval, Quebec, Canada, H7M 2K3. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Robin Yan,, 1807-160 Alton Towers Cir., Scarborough, ON, Canada, M1V 4X8. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Alan Grieve,, 31 Alexander St, suite 312, Toronto, ON, Canada, M4Y 1B2. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Rob Beattie,, 10 Redfield Ave, Nepean, ON, Canada, K2H 6A8. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Derrick Robinson, President of Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, Dr Feisal Salim A S,, Crescent, Kaniyapuram P O, Trivandrum, 695301, Kerala, INDIA. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Moe Hosny,, PO BOX 10, Gedimino Str. 7, Vilnius 01002, Lithuania. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. < > Read full article Thank you! NB! Yours sincerely. NB! Search: < STOP BIO-ELECTRONICE/PSYCHOTRONIC TORTURE BRAINMIND/BODY

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Reply by Mindcon on August 29, 2009 at 4:16pm

STOP BIO-ELECTRONIC/PSYCHOTRONIC TORTURE BRAINMIND/BODY CONTROL/ANNIHILATION ORGANIZED STALKING/TERROR SLAVERY ASSASSINATION WEAPONS!!! BIOEFFECTS: SILENT HOLOCAUST ! Dear @Sir, @Madam, Die staatlichen Psychotron-Sadisten Russlands, Verein gegen den Missbrauch psychophysischer Waffen e.V.,, < >. Quote: < ... > Die russische Zeitung "Nowaja Gazeta" schrieb: Wie in Russland Ttungen im Interesse des Staates begangen werden Die russischen Geheimdienste haben parallele Strukturen fr die Vollziehung von auergerichtlichen Urteilen geschaffen. Darber schrieb am Donnerstag "Nowaja Gazeta" mit Bezugnahme auf das vorliegende Dokument, das nach den Angaben von Journalisten eine geheime Instruktion der russischen Geheimdienste ist, die den Mord im Interesse des Staates sanktioniert. In dem Artikel wird auch mit Bezugnahme auf Augenzeugen und Teilnehmer jener Ereignisse eine Serie von Anschlgen und Morden analysiert, die kriminelle Staatsbeamte und -Funktionre, Journalisten und Mitarbeiter der Nachrichtendienste und des FSB seit 1990 bis heute begangen haben. Der Autor kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die Geheimdienste von der Sanktionsgewalt des Kremls die Rolle "der staatlichen Killer" bernommen haben. Die Zeitung bringt Auszge aus dem Dokument, das nach deren Urteil "auerordentliche ffentliche Bedeutsamkeit" hat. Dem Artikel zufolge kann man feststellen, dass die

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"auerordentliche ffentliche Bedeutsamkeit" hat. Dem Artikel zufolge kann man feststellen, dass die hochgeheime Instruktion von 70 Seiten vieles erklrt, was in Russland in den letzten 15 Jahren vor sich ging. < ... > Read full article --- --Google Translate German Die staatlichen Psychotron-Sadisten Russlands, Verein gegen den Missbrauch psychophysischer Waffen e.V.,, < >. Russian

Google Translate --- --VIDEO: German Staatliche Menschenversuche, Folter und Mord in der BRD, Video,, 4 augustus 2009,

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Staatliche Menschenversuche, Folter und Mord in der BRD, Video,, 4 augustus 2009, Quote: Auch in der BRD wird gefoltert und gemordet. Jeder kann es selbst verstehen und nachweisen. Unser Verein hat viele Beweise und es wird in Krze zu einer Anklage gegen die BRD kommen. Wir alle leben noch immer im Dritten Reich. Alles ist immer noch eine Diktatur. Zu weiteren Erkrungen wenden Sie sich bitte an den Verein gegen den Missbrauch psychophysischer Waffen e.V.. ANMERKUNG AN DIE TTER UND MITTTER: Alle Kommentare, die versuchen auch noch die Opfer zu diffamieren bzw. diese lcherlich zu machen werden sofort gelscht. Watch this video Mind Control und die Psychiatrie Teil1,, 11 juli 2009, --- --VIDEO: For english speaking people, The " Association against the Abuse of Psychophysical Weapons ", Video,, 1 juli 2009, Quote: Countless people are cruelly tormented day and night in Germany with ray-weapons . The police, the public prosecutor's office, the regional crime department, the Criminal Investigation Department, and above all, politicians do not take any action. How is it possible that in our democratic constitutional state the most horrendous human rights' violations like mental institutionalisation, criminalisation, torture and murder can be tolerated and be kept secret for many years with the full knowledge of all responsible and influential organs ? The " Association against the Abuse of Psychophysical Weapons " and hundreds of German victims request our Federal Chancellor Mrs. Merkel to give a public account of these inconceivable human experiments which have already caused death tolls. Verein gegen den Missbrauch psychophysischer Waffen e.V., Weitere Informationen: , , ,

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Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API LG Swetlana Watch this video --- --Video Russian For russian people: Mind Control and the psychiatries, Part 1,, 15 juli 2009, --- --For russian people: Mind Control and the psychiatries, Part 2,, 15 juli 2009, --- --For russian people: Mind Control and the psychiatries, Part 3,, 15 juli 2009, --- --For russian people: Mind Control and the psychiatries, Part 4,, 15 juli 2009, --- --helenkurdin, Against use of Psychotronic (mind control) Weapons,, Video,, 17 juni 2009, --- ---

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Eleanor White, Credibility Reviews: Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment,, November 21, 2008, a href=""> >, a href=""> >. Quote: < > July 30, 2009 < > Credibility reviews, posted here, are intended to help those who are not familiar with the crime of organized stalking and electronic harassment, or are targets who may be new or have limited awareness of literature relating to this crime. < > Read full article

Thank you! Yours sincerely. Reply

Reply by Mindcon on January 18, 2010 at 1:50am

STOP BIO-ELECTRONIC/PSYCHOTRONIC TORTURE BRAINMIND/BODY CONTROL/ANNIHILATION ORGANIZED STALKING/TERROR SLAVERY ASSASSINATION WEAPONS!!! Dear @Sir, @Madam, Thank you for all these resources. Read more here: mindcon, HELP THE VICTIMS!, January 17, 2010, mindcon, Brain Destruction, January 17, 2010, mindcon, Mind Control = Mind Destruction, January 17, 2010,

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mindcon, Mind Control = Mind Destruction, January 17, 2010, mindcon, Brain Destruction, January 14, 2010, mindcon, Mind Control = Mind Destruction, January 10, 2010, mindcon, STOP INFOWAR AGAINST CIVILIANS!, January 1, 2010, Thank you! Yours sincerely. Reply
Reply by Mindcon on February 15, 2010 at 3:53am

Reply by Mindcon on February 26, 2010 at 6:36pm

Dear @Sir, @Madam, You can read more here: MINDCONS THEORY OF INFOWAR AGAINST CIVILIANS!

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Reply by Mindcon on March 9, 2010 at 2:15am

Dear @Sir, @Madam, PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION! Coyet Kaspen Jak, Report: Current U.S Satellite Mind Control Technology Secret Daily Worldwide Attack Activities - Public International Investigation Request & Need to Disarm U.S Space Weaponizations, INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITIES/AGENCIES, PetitionOnline,, Artifice, Inc.. 2008 , a href="" target="_blank"> >. Quote: < > This new rewritten petition is to pursuit pulic international investigations to unveil and disarm U.S from its current space-based mind control technology and other most current sophisticated spacebased weaponries already employed into space and in daily activities, and others being in developments. It was 2003 that it started its secret satellite attack/probe activities using these weaponry equipped satellites. All these ground-to-orbit space-to-remote target attack activities are most current high profile national security threats to all other countries. The number of most likely unsuspected victims of U.S satellite mind control immoral attacks already reached milions, and is adding hourly in U.S land and outside U.S. In this sphere of such unsuspected remote attacks, it is all true to current claims on such current horrible U.S. governments being committed. It must be to have public international investigations to most cruel human-rights torture and privacy violation, territory border violation U.S Governement being commited using satellite mind control technology freely and secretly going on unsuspected. It, also, is to provide a unfamous place victimized peoples are to be able to join in with true reports and true crime claims against U.S. governements now and then. The U.S. government has in hands in-active-space-based weapon systems with capable of attacking information and psychological security which can destroy information system and influence individuals to large populations in real time multiple targets factor. The U.S. government is the current most secret threat to national security of other countries in this sphere for the reason of top secret-already-spaceweaponization-and-deployment and in daily actions. Secret methods of information-psychological influence can not only harm a person's health, but also lead to "the loss of people's freedom on the unconscious level, the loss of capability of political, cultural and other self-identification, manipulations with social consciousness" and even "the destruction of a common informational and spiritual integrity of

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with social consciousness" and even "the destruction of a common informational and spiritual integrity of other countries. These attack methods named "spychotropic weapons, or psychical weapons" are so destructive secretly. Selective list of its effects can be blinding targeted ones, disorientating ones, causing nausea and diarrhea, influencing hostile and influencing populations to risen rebellions everything is possible in this sphere. (please see details and updates in section "View Petition Signature Sections" of this petition). The U.S. governments are totally cowardly lying all the time with their statement "The U.S. government official position is that U.S. mind control weapons are classified or that there are no U.S. government mind control weapons programs." In reality, for recent years since 2003, they did have and current own capables of remotely collect intel, steal secrets, steal decissions, influence populations, influence ones to rise in rebellions, steal personal privacy from unsuspected peoples using its most sophisticated mind control technology weaponry equipped satellites controlled from U.S ground base teams. In reality, the United States is, for all practical purposes, a military and intel police state. This reality is hidden behind a facade of representative government and media psyops and lies. The evil empire had an evil twin. Citizens can be selected at random for horrible experiments and abuses. Those who seriously challenge the corrupt system face covert harassments and abuses with threaten at first explicitly and implicitly; they become victimized ones of U.S. government's secret attacks attempting to make them bad reputation, bad image to public while they are being under influences of mind control technology attacks mimic mental illness as their fullblown cover lies. U.S governments are the biggest hypocrites and rank right up there with the worst cowardly immoral cruel torturers, rapists. The cowardly U.S. governments hide themselves behind mind control technology mimics mentality illness to inffect victims, and to commit some of the worst atrocities imaginable to cause perfect crimes on unsuspected victims, and blamed victims for natural causes. They do all means to cover up totally their reality satellite mind control technology activities using fiction-science covers. Almost Americans are being blinded by such fiction science senses and helping U.S Governments lyings. Regarding victims, they face round-the-clock suffers from such remote attacks that can selectively list to - beared voice projection, thought projection forced onto victims' brain by attackers; - beared sexual stimulated beamed by attackers. - bombarded daily with dirty rapeful, conspiracy torture executions committed by remote attackers; - blocked constantly ears and neck (unsuspected target does know about but a feeling of blockage on such) by remote attackers for mind control attacks projected onto victims which include voice projection, thought projection; (it is like to acquire a file handler prior to to be able to write to a computer file) - forced felt abnormal angers without a reason while mind control attackers is trying to cause hostile enviroment behaviors to the victim(s) and ones around. - lowered eye sight visual temporarily and then back to normal attackers beamed onto victims' visual cortex. - beared physical suffers from such remote invisible mind control attacks - in fact, all unsuspect beaming attacks leave traceable traces when suspected and monitored appropriately. - ...More further, please read in the "View Petition Signature" section of this petition - click on the button "View Signatures" and follow the link there)

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"View Signatures" and follow the link there) The effects exist during the attack activities, and go off when the attack activities are off. The followings are the least two typical tricks being used by U.S Mind Control Technology Attack Teams: [1]. For victims to be wise, typical procedures that is always used by U.S. Government's satellite mind control attack teams are that they secret plant some immoral and dirty conspiracies to target unsuspected ones secretly using secret distant thought projection. They, then, use those planted conspiracies to threaten virtually victims to prevent the victimized ones from freely and effectively fighting back, reporting those crimes to public about the attackers. Besides, it is very difficult for victims to report such unsuspected crimes being committed by U.S mind control attacks that for at least self-evident two reasons: 1. Attackers launch sort of such attacks onto ones being reported to (everyone can be targeted under their beam scope scan) 2. Sounds like fiction-science stories. For victimized, be wise, do not worry about such full of craps of planted forced conspiracies; those are their full cover lies of the attackers; Please join in and gather together to provide traceable proofs to global communities and agencies to fight back against U.S Satellite Mind Control Technology Stalking & Attack Secret Missions. To disarm U.S from Satellite Mind Control Technology Attack Activities and Space Weaponization, let global communities and agencies know the truths to root it out no place to hide, and finish it. [2]. Another cowardly U.S. Governments' dirty trick of their strategies they use is that they attempt to perceive victims that they are in co-op with other countries' - for example, China Authorities, India Authorities, Vietnam Authorities, Korean's, Canada's, England's,...; also they try to impersonate they are other nation authorities'. Be wise that, those are all cowardly dirty tricks of U.S. Government's attack ground teams in attempt to cover it up in a pool which most of U.S victimized victims have been blinded on. Be wise please, all such attack activities specially satellite mind control technology attacks are U.S. Government based top classified Operations being most covered up by all means. An important note to victims living in U.S land is that they should never report them as mind control victims to U.S Authorities; otherwises, victims are going to claimed as an mental ill patients need to be rushed to mentality hospital prisons. The followings are some of traceable proofs published globally to everyone having concerns to trace and to root out Unsuspected Secret U.S Satellite Mind Control Technology Attack Activities to the surface of justice: [1]. One of internal persons who knew the whole satellite mind control technology attack secret missions of the US Governement started after 2002. He has been a victimized one of U.S. Government's mind control weapon attacks. That guy had American name "Kevin Kieu", an U.S citizenship, came from China. He is about 40 years old, round face, short hair style, dark brown skin; he is living in the U.S. He is very good at English, Chinese and Vietnamese languages. He was in Can-Tho province of Southern Vietnam before he oversea left Vietnam for the U.S. While he was in the immidiate camp prior to coming to the U.S, he was recruited and trained to be an informant guy for U.S Government's Secret Services on Intelligence Collect. [2]. One of their U.S ground teams has been intercepted consists of 4 service men and 2 women; one of

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[2]. One of their U.S ground teams has been intercepted consists of 4 service men and 2 women; one of them can speak Chinese well; another one can speak Vietnamese well; of course all speak English. They all are so much cruel, cowardly, lying, mocking craps, conspiracies and dirty acts at level not seen in normal daily life. All their acts are to abuse and torture remotely victims in physical and mental ways. Why they are doing that to victimized? U.S Governments use sex war methology, specially after 2001, to torture ones being seen 'unfriendly' to U.S Government's political policies and activities. Their acts match exactly with high profiles of other U.S. Government's satellite mind control weapon attackers. Besides, this team remotely probes everyone being in scope of their satellite beam scans. They are trying to trace to find any spy network (if any from China, Taiwan, Korea, India, Vietnam,...) planted in U.S land, and itself sleeper-cells inside its land. Since 2004, their probings have been carrying out in U.S. land and right in territory of other countries. Satellite mind control weapon and other most current sophisticated weapon successful achievements help U.S. Governments launching all secret attacks remotely anywhere and any place (only Russia is probably an exceptional to that) silently with almost no trace visible when unsuspected. [3]. They might be using this remote unsuspected technology to communicate with their spies already planted in other countries; planted spies do not need any devices to transmit information back to their Government; all they need is let U.S ground teams using Satellite Mind Control Technology beams to remote communicate with spies' brainwaves. It is very hard to detect unless monitor activities of satellites in scope of orbit space over a country territory, and monitor country territory space for any in-and-out beams to and from orbit space. The best bet is go equipped space defence system covering up entire country territory. [4]. It is going to publish ahead next their probe and attack activities - include location, who if any possible. [5]. It is going to frequently update daily information about traceable current and new victims - who, location, attack activities. Everyone, especially to victimized ones please join in. When do it, please provide publics as much as possible information about attacks, current attacks and next attacks such as current locations of attacks, information of ones known as occasional, frequent and always-on victims. < > Read full article: --We endorse the Report: Current U.S Satellite Mind Control Technology Secret Daily Worldwide Attack Activities - Public International Investigation Request & Need to Disarm U.S Space Weaponizations, Petition to INTERNATIONAL & RUSSIA., View Current Signatures, 2008 - , a href="" target="_blank"> >. View Current Signatures,

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View Current Signatures, 7.03.2010: COMMENTS, Quote: < > 59 Total Signatures View Signatures : 59 9 1 - 9, 10 59, < > Read full article: === PS! PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION, Report:Current U.S Satellite Mind Control Technology Secret Daily Worldwide Attack Activities: --Dear @Sir, @Madam, PLEASE HELP THE VICTIMS! PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION, Thank you! Yours sincerely. NB! STOP THE COLD WAR AGAINST CIVILIAN POPULATION!,

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Reply by Mindcon on October 10, 2010 at 3:39pm

Kuango STOP DEW-N-IT, Expose and End Bio-Electro-Weapons Torture,, 15 maart 2006, a href="" target="_blank"> >. Quote: < > Torture is being done with bio-electro-weapons in the United States. This crime against humanity needs to end. There is a silent war happening in the United States. Activist,Women, people of color and many other people are experiencing vicious assaults with lethal pulsed-radiation weaponry that causes injuries, chronic illness. Causing slow-kill injuries such as cancer, Alzheimers-type brain damage, etc. as well as fast kill injuries stroke,aneurysm,heart attack, etc... This is also known as "Electronic Harassment" if you do a google search you will find more information. "Radiation Attacks on people's bodies is more than harrassment. So we must call what the WAR CRIMINALS, themselves call it: "SLOW-KILL"-TORTURE-MURDER!" (Lynn Surgalla) Educate yourself about these very lethal weapons which do indanger our democracy and freedom in every way. People are silently murdered and it is made to look like death by natural causes. When the real cause is lethal pulsed-radiation weaponry. "In October 2000, Congressman Denis J. Kucinich introduced in the House of Representatives a bill, concerning these weapons. In this bill, the definition of a weapons system included: "any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea- based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations. As in all legislative acts quoted in this article, the bill pertains to sound, light or electromagnetic stimulation of the human brain." (Mojmir Babacek Electromagnetic and Informational Weapons) "[The European Parliament] calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings" (Christians Against Mental Slavery) There is a petition to Expose and End Electronic Weapons Torture sign it and spread the word. Its up to us to care about our democracy to get this exposed and ended or face a system of repression and oppression that will destroy freedom for generations to come. Right now musicians, activist, ordinary people who have never gone to a protest, working men and women, childern are complaining of torture with these weapons not only in the United States but in all the NATO countries. Several States have laws

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with these weapons not only in the United States but in all the NATO countries. Several States have laws on the books regarding "Electronic Weapons" There is no enforcing of those laws currently. These weapons and the misuse of them need to be on the table of open discussion. The fact that these weapons not only exist they are a matter of public record. One example of beams and sounds being directed at a person and singling them out: this mentioned in the Mkultra hearings of 1977 Senator Schweiker asked Admiral Turner about Mkultra subproject 54 which involved techniques to cause brain concussions and aminesia by using sound waves. This research did not end it continues. "It took the Nazi Rogue Regime 12 years (1933-1945) to perfect the deadly design of the Holocaust. In order to assure their success of genocide, the Nazis created a powerful system of propaganda to mold and manipulate people's beliefs. However, it was people's apathy, indifference, and in many cases approval that allowed the Nazi's plan of genocide to come to its full fruition." (Kemeka Phillips: Triangles, Badges & Stars: Remembering the Mosaic of Victims of the Holocaust) Right now any victim of torture with bio-electro-weapon who dares to tell the truth about what is happening to them is in danger and vicious attacks are intensified. They are subject to the most vicious slander and discrediting. Right now there is tremendous fear of retaliationon the part of many human right agencies that could help those who are victims of torture with lethal pulsed-radiation weaponry, because of fear they will not help expose and end this torture. Computers are also remotely tampered with. Lethal pulsed-radiation weaponry directed at electronic equipment damages circuits even if the electronic equipment is turned off that is one of the reasons the military perfers these weapons. The worst damage of all is the damage to childern, women and men, and all life on this planet. Clarification: "Activist are being subjected to covert slow-kill pulsed-radiation weapons assaults rather than an experiment and the larger population is being slow-fried with weapons signals piggybacked on the energy grid with other electromagnetic weapons for purposes of "remote influencing."(Lynn Surgalla Former Vice President United States Psychtronics Association). STOP (Surveillance Torture Operations) DEW-N-IT (Directed Energy Weapons National-International Torture) REFERENCES Lynn Surgalla Former Vice President United States Psychtronics Association Nick Begich Earth Rising: The Revolution, Toward a Thousand Years of Peace Harlan Girard Bio-electromagnetic Weapons The Institute of Science in Society Mojmir Babacek Electromagnetic and Informational Weapons: The Remote Manipulation of the Human Brain Kemeka Phillips: Triangles, Badges & Stars: Remembering the Mosaic of Victims of the Holocaust THE MISUSE OF MICROWAVE WEAPONS BY CRIMINALS AND TERRORISTS Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Germany, Erlangen < > Read full article: Reply

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Reply by Mindcon on November 14, 2010 at 5:40pm

Anatole, STOP BIO-ELECTRONIC/PSYCHOTRONIC TORTURE BRAINMIND/BODY CONTROL/ANNIHILATION ORGANIZED STALKING/TERROR SLAVERY ASSASSINATION WEAPONS!!!, Infotopic, FFCHS Town Hall, Message board for freedomfchs, FFCHS Town Hall Forum Index -> Weapons Technology,, Apr 07, 2007 Jun 21, 2009, pdf, Page 1, Page 2, Reply
Reply by Mindcon on January 7, 2011 at 5:22pm

Dear @Sir, @Madam, On the Road to Freedom: WELCOME TO YOUR BRAIN! in mindcon, STOP INFOWAR AGAINST CIVILIANS!,, 1.01.2010, STOP TORTURE NOW! PLEASE HELP THE VICTIMS! Yours sincerely. Reply Reply to Discussion

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