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Leaders Name

Group Name Literature Circle Worksheet Group Leader

*Note: Your questions should be ones that require thought and get everyone talking and sharing their opinions and reactions. The best discussion questions come from your own thoughts, feelings, and concerns as you read. Do NOT write questions that call for a simple yes or no answer or a factual detail! Also remember to encourage positive thinking! Order for Leading Your Group Meeting Call on the Recorder to read the summary from the last group meeting. Share each one of your questions to your group for discussion. Ask for each member of your group to state his/her comments/questions about this section of the novel. Lead your group in response to what each person says. Call on the Illuminator. Call on the Word Master. Call on the Connector. Pick one activity from the board and lead your group in completing it. Call the teacher over to share ideas explained on the Group Record Sheet. Discussion Questions or Topics for our Group Meeting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Group Activity Every time your group meets, there will be an activity for you to complete on the front board. Attach your completed assignments to this sheet. Make sure all papers completed during your meetings are put in your literature circle group folders. Group Participation Your recorder will work with the group to mark scores for the group participation on the record sheet. Your job is to make sure the scores are fair and impartial. Please alert the teacher if your group needs further guidance in this area. Remember to give this sheet to the teacher before leaving today.

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