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The Mining Act fully recognizes the rights of the Indigenous Peoples (IPs)/Indigenous Cultural Communities (ICCs) and respect their ancestral lands. Thus, in accordance with DENR Administrative Order No. 2, and consistent with the new Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA), the following shall be observed:

No mineral agreements, FTAA and mining permits shall be granted in ancestral lands/domains except with prior informed consent in: a) CADC/CLC areas; and b) areas verified by the DENR Regional Office and/or appropriate offices as actually occupied by Indigenous Cultural Communities under a claim of time immemorial possession; Where written consent is granted by the ICCs, a royalty payment shall be negotiated which shall not be less than 1% of the Gross Output of the mining operations in the area. This Royalty shall form part of a Trust Fund for socioeconomic well being of the ICCs in accordance with the management plan formulated by the ICCs in the CADC/CALC area. (In a large-scale mining operation the 1-% Royalty could easily run into several tens of million pesos per year). Representation in the Multi-partite Monitoring Committee;

SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The Mining contractors/operators shall allocate a minimum of 1% of their direct mining and milling costs for the following: Development of the host and neighboring communities and mine camp, including the construction and maintenance of social infrastructures to promote the general welfare of the inhabitants in the area. Such infrastructures include roads and bridges, school buildings, churches, recreational facilities, housing facilities, water and power supplies, etc.; For the development of mining technology and geosciences, particularly those related to improved efficiencies and environmental protection and rehabilitation; The mining contracts under the regimes of MPSA and FTAA also provide for the mandatory Filipinization program, technology transfer, and the training and priority employment of local residents. These contracts further mandate that mining operations shall maximize the utilization of local goods and services, the creation of self-sustaining generating activities, and skills-development.

ENVIRONMENTAL AND SAFETY CONCERNS A significant feature of the Mining Act of 1995 and its IRR is the premium given to environmental protection. Stringent measures were institutionalized to ensure the compliance of mining contractors/operators to internationally accepted standards of environmental management. On top of the ECC conditionalities, herewith are some of the highlights provided for in the IRR;

Mandatory allocation of an approximately 10% of the initial capital expenditures of the mining project for environment-related activities; Mandatory annual allocation of 3-5% of the direct mining and milling costs to implement an Annual Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program;

Mandatory establishment of a MINE REHABILITATION FUND (MRF) to be composed of: a) a Monitoring Trust Fund of P50,000 which is replenishable; and b) a Rehabilitation Cash Fund of P5 Million or 10% of the EPEP cost, whichever is lower. Such Funds are to be deposited as trust account in a government depository bank to be managed by MRF Committee composed of the MGB Regional Director, DENR Regional Executive Director, representatives from the LGU and an NGO, and the Contractor;

Mandatory establishment of the Contingent Liability and Rehabilitation Fund (CLRF) to be managed by a Steering Committee chaired by the MGB Director with members coming from concerned government agencies;

Conduct of Environmental Work Program (EWP) during the exploration stage and an Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program (EPEP) during the development and operations stage.

Institutionalization of an incentive mechanism to mining companies utilizing engineered and well-maintained mine waste and tailings disposal systems with zero-discharge of materials/effluents and/or with wastewater treatments plants; Mandatory constitution and operationalization of a Multipartite Monitoring Team composed of representatives from the MGB, DENR Regional Office, affected communities, Indigenous Cultural Communities, an environmental NGO, and the Contractor/Permit Holder, to monitor mining operations;

Mandatory establishment and operationalization of a Mine Environmental and Protection and Enhancement Office (MEPEO) in each mining/contract area which shall set the level of priorities and marshal the resources needed to implement environmental management programs;

Conduct of an independent environmental audit to identify environmental risks affecting mining operations as a basis for the development of an effective environmental management system;

Mandatory preparation and implementation of a final Mine Rehabilitation/ Decommissioning Plan at least five (5) year prior to the end of the life of the mine, to be undertaken in consultation and in coordination with the concerned communities, and shall be submitted for approval by the MGB and LGU concerned;

Imposition of higher penalty (P50.00/MT) to mining companies that are found to have illegally discharged and/or discharging solid fractions of tailings into areas other than the approved tailings disposal area; Authorizing the MGB Regional Director to summarily suspend mining/quarrying operations in case of imminent danger to human safety or the environment; Mandatory compliance with the rules and regulations of the Mines Safety Rules and Regulations by all Contractors, Permittees, Lessees, Permit Holders and Service Contractors; and Institution of the Presidential Mineral Industry Environmental Award to be given to exploration or operating mining companies based on their exemplary environmental performance and accomplishments.


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