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CHAPTER 3 Methods and Procedures This chapter discusses about the approach that were used by the researchers

in conducting the research. The sampling technique used by the researchers upon selecting the subjects as well as the procedures as how the experiment took place. The instruments and test that were used in the experiment were also further expounded in the chapter. Research Methodology The researchers used the experimental method in conducting the study. This involves manipulating conditions and studying effects. Using this method gave the researchers an outcome based on facts and results with no bias and only if, extraneous variable that could cause conflicts to the experiment would be eliminated. The design that was used by the researchers was between- group design in which there would be two different groups that would receive two different kind of treatments. Subjects of the study The subjects of the study was composed of 20 Female Freshmen Psychology students from Centro Escolar University. They were divided into two groups. Each group was composed of 10.

Sampling Technique The process of selection of subject was through purposive sampling technique where the researcher chooses the sample based on who they think would be appropriate for the study.
This is used primarily when there are a limited number of people that have expertise in the area being researched.

In assigning groups, random assignment was used in which all respondents have a chance of being assigned equally in the different treatment conditions systematically. This was possible through odd-even scheme. The researchers arranged the names of the respondents alphabetically, wherein each group was composed of 10 students each. Instruments Used The instruments used by the researchers were questionnaires. In measuring the attitudinal change of the respondents, the researcher made a video presentation. The video presentation was about hair treatments its positive and negative effects. The questionnaire goes like this: First set
Name: Age: Would you like your hair to undergo treatment such as hair rebonding, hair straightening or hair relaxing?

Second set:
Name: Age: Would you still like your hair to undergo treatment such as hair rebonding, hair straightening or hair relaxing?

Procedure of Data Gathering The researcher made use or a room in Dentistry-Science Building Room 313, where the respondents have been experimented. Class list of Freshmen female Psychology students was obtained from the Science and Technology office. The researchers selected 20 female students and divided it into two groups. Each group was composed of 10 students.The names of the respondents that were part of the experiment were chosen using the purposive sampling and in their group designation random assignment was used (Group A and Group B). Group A were asked to go to DS 308, while group B in DS 301. In the classroom they were given two sets of questionnaires. The researchers presented a video presentation. Group A watched Good news before bad news video presentation, while group B watched bad news before good news. The respondents were asked to answer the first set of questionnaire before watching the video presentation, then after watching the video they were asked to answer the second set of questionnaire. All answers of the respondents were collected by the researchers. .

Statistical Treatment The following statistical procedures was applied for the study. 1. Mean. This was the average of all the responses of the students obtained in the study. X=fx N

Where: X = mean f = frequency of each group x = class mark N = the total number of subjects

2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution. Percentage was computed by dividing the frequency scores of the students to the total number of respondents multiplied by one hundred (100). Frequency was computed by getting the total number of responses for each item. Percentage = f/ N x 100

Where: f = frequency N= total number of subject

3. Standard Deviation. This was used to reflect the average deviation of the score of the mean. Sd = f x (x-x) 2

Where: Sd = standard deviation f (x-x) 2 = total frequency multiplied to the squared of the summation of x= values minus mean N =total population

4. T- Test. The statistical treatment was used when there were two different purposively selected samples of respondents. t= x1 x2 s12 + s22

Where: t = t-test x1 = mean of the first sample x2 = mean of the second sample s1 = sample standard deviation of the first sample s2 = sample standard deviation of the second sample

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