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[u]Individual[/u] [b]Character's full name: Michael Risuque Falling[/b] [b]Alias/ Nickname/ Code name: Not applicable.

[/b] [b]Gender: Male[/b] [b]Age: Nine[/b] [b]Date of Birth:[/b] (06/30/2003) [b]Nationality/ Ethnicity: Caucasion[/b] [b]Birthplace/ Home/ Place of origin: He was born in a rather small village on the coast of Maine. The town is called Friendship.[/b] [u]Appearance[/u] [b]Hair color and style: Its a brown color, a dark hazelnut, but sometimes it looks a bit black. Frankly, it all depends on the lighting. His brown hair is often messy and unbrushed, considering how much he hates to take showers. Water gives him the feeling of being pulled away, because the current of water is uneven.[/b] [b]Eyes: A smoky grey to a light blue.[/b] [b]Height: Three foot ten.[/b] [b]Build: Skinny and slightly malnourished[/b] [b]Visible mutation: His hand, left, is made of something other than ski and bones. Its a rather hard metallic substance. This is often covered by a long black glove he tends to wear over it. .[/b] [b]Scars/ Tattoos/ Piercings: One right along his back. Its very long, he got it when he had another one of his moments as a little baby. He hurt himself when falling into his coma.[/b] [b]Other features: His expression normally remains sad, or gaunt.[/b] [b]Everyday clothing style: Very very loose clothing, jeans and a large white t-shirt.[/b] [b]Uniform: Not applicable[/b] [b]Sleepwear: Whatever he wears during the day normally.[/b] [b]Miscellaneous clothing: There is one thing that he does always keep on him. Its a leather wristband, around three inches long. Nothing else is really special about it, he just enjoys the feeling of leather. Other than that, he has a few different kinds of gloves, long, to cover up his mutation involving his hand. Some of them he made himself.[/b] [u]Character[/u] [b]Personality:[/b] It is not really known, nor has it been diagnosed, but Michael has a form of autism. Its called Aspergers. This is something that really affects his ability to form social relations. Its not a very severe case, but he has a tendency to not speak to people he does not like, or even feel threatened, and lash out. He will physically throw something at someone. If he gets too emotionally stressed, in a certain way, his mutation might become a problem. Other than that, he is a person that really loves to do certain things, and is very, very kind hearted. Whenever someone tells him

that he could hurt someone, he starts to dislike himself even more. Not growing up around others like him put him in a rather weak psychological state, with little to no self-confidence. Making other people happy often makes him feel like hes compensating for his own faults, but thats only if he likes the person. If the person is disliked, they will be treated as a hostile enemy. He most likely wont let them touch him. [b]Hobbies/ Interests: Part of his Aspergers is that he gets very attached to certain things. For instance, he has an obsession with languages and with math. Hes learned over 2 different languages. English, Japanese, and only a bit of latin. Enough to know E pluribus Unum. No one can really hold a knuckle to him in math either, he just blows right through it. Japanese is his more recent language because he does have quite an obsession with the Japanese culture and history, and finds Anime fascinating.[/b] [b]Job or part time job and description: Not applicable.[/b] [b]Fears/ phobias/ concerns:[/b] The fear of getting hurt, the fear of other people getting hurt, and also he has quite a large fear of violence in general. People often scare him enough to be considered a large phobia, and his mutation being discovered scares him as well.[/b] [b]Special talents:[/b] As mentioned before, hes quite good at languages and math. His languages include: English, Spanish, French, Latin, German, Russian, and Japanese. His math skills are most likely at a college level, and he particularly enjoys functions. He likes the uniformity. Also, Michael is a Japanese history buff. [u]Morality[/u] [b]Good/ bad/ neutral/ other:[/b] Other. Hes not really good or bador neutral. He doesnt have a stand, but he doesnt know what the stands he could have are, or what the options are. [u]Mutations[/u] [b]Mutation description:[/b] This mutation is something Michael himself is mystified by. All knowledge in here aside from the fact that his hand is silver, and it can sometimes make bad things happen, is not known by the character himself. The silver hand that he was born with is hard to the touch. When hidden by his glove, it seems to be just like a human hand. The reason being that it copies his other hands form. This hand that he has can often be alright to deal with, and it would be easier for a normal person. Physical will or emotional stress will cause it to be activated. The hand itself, and its form cannot expand or duplicate itself instantly. It takes a week or regeneration for it to return to its normal size and shape. The releasing of this metal substance forms a little round ball. The round ball is the size of a rubber ball, commonly played with by kids. This ball can float away from him, but not more than twenty feet. If his power grew, this would be a problem, due to the fact that it is an explosive substance. As soon as it is released from him, there is a minutes delay before the ball explodes. Currently, his power is enough to explode most known materials, and acts as a bomb, to blow up surrounding things as well. The entire explosion

takes place in a rather definite area. The ball will explode and create a sound like a gun shot, and the blast has about a ten foot diameter. Of course, smaller balls will create a smaller blast zone. [b]Strengths:[/b] There are many strengths to this power. Its able to explode most anything, including shock-proof material. This is rather handy for things that other people might see useful, though Michael never really wanted it. So, the strengths in this power lie in its ability to cause what seems to be every item it gets near to explode. [b]Weaknesses: There is a lot of weakness to this, as well. His entire power depends on either the strength of his mentality, or his emotions. Twenty feet away from him is really only something he can manage if he wants this to happen, and hes focusing. The rubber ball sized drip is also not normally the size. Normally, if its released, it will be out of anxiety. If it is, then all that michaels brain pushes from his hand will be marble sized, and the explosion about five feet. If his glove is on, the silvery metal ball cannot simply rip through it. He cannot push it forward to break anything, only to place it at a certain place. [b]Secondary mutation description:[/b] Not applicable. [u]Fighting Style[/u] [b]Explanation: Michaels fighting style is mostly the fight or flight response of flight. So, he doesnt normally go into fistfights. Physically Michael is extremely weak, even his metallic hand doesnt pack much of a punch. It mimics his right hand, after all. So, technically his hands are both dominant. The muscles for writing in his right hand are active in his left.[/b] [b]Pros for fighting style: His power really helps him get away, and this fighting style really helps him realize how much he cannot fight.[/b] [b]Cons for fighting style:[/b] Well, the sum and total of the con of this fighting style is that Michael will be completely beat up if his mutation is not used to help him get away. He also refuses to use it to hurt a person at all. [u]Faction Allegiance[/u] Unaffiliated [u]History Of Your Character[/u] The little brown haired boy that was born at the hospital late one June night, in 2003, came out kicking and screaming. Or, he would have if he was a strong baby. He was a bit underweight even coming out of his mother. His silver hand did not go unnoticed by the doctor in charge. In fact, the hospital was rather unsure with what to do with the predicament. They left the room and told the parents that they would be right back to be sure that the mutation wouldnt be a problem with any medicines in the future. These parents didnt understand Michaels mutation, and as the doctor came back, the mother begged and pleaded for an understanding family to take him

in. The nurse who helped birth Michael took pity on him. She suggested her sister, who had been trying to have a baby with his husband for a long time. Well, her sister agreed, and Michael grew up with this nurses sister, the adoption papers were never made, and his birth to these two people was forged, so Michael still has no idea of this part. He suspects it often. He was not an ordinary child, the mitten on his hand was not the largest concern. If he had one bad thing done to him by another child, he never forgot. He wouldnt ever talk to them, or work with them, and might even throw toys at them. His parents just thought this would be something he would grow out of, but he didnt. This wasnt the only thing. Michael, all through pre-school had an obsession with the few books there were. He made the only teacher, Ms. Risty teach him how to read the words, and what the meant. No matter what the time was, even if it was lunch, he would attempt to get this teacher to help him. He was persistant, and wouldnt stop in his thirst for the knowledge of these words. Not once did he want to join into the activities of the other kids. The boy soon turned six and it was time for kindergarten. Michael was used to being babied, because the daycare teachers knew that he needed some extra attention, but it happened a bit less in kindergarten, and he began to hate his teacher. This teacher spoke to him, and he would completely ignore her. She didnt matter to him, but another boy did. He was good at his language arts. He read well, and could understand the teachers bigger words. Michael felt respect for this other little boy, and would at times follow him. On the playground one day, while Michael was following the other boy, the boy pushed him to the ground, and his glove fell off his hand. Normally he tied a piece of string so it wouldnt come off on his wrist, but not this time. The boy began to call him a freak, and he laughed at Michael, making fun of him for having his silver hand, and for being so weird about words. Michael had anger in him hed never felt before, pure anger. A little marble sized silver from his finger, literally a chunk from his finger, followed the retreating boy. In a minuteit exploded. Michael, scared from the noise ran away, and managed to get out of the play area and run home. The little boy, who was so close to the silver ball, was put in the hospital, and paralyzed from the neck down due to serious spinal injury. It was a miracle he survived. His friends around him had also gotten a bit injured, though none as serious as that boy. His parents were called, and the daycare teacher spoke of the incident and the boys disappearance. Michael was at his home, on the couch when that call changed his life. He doesnt recall how his parents sorted it out, but he was told by his shaking parents he was a monster. Michael did not fit in with other kids. He was simply a bother, so he wasnt allowed to go into school with those other kids anymore. He was sent to his roomand an outside lock was put on it.

Michael developed into a boy with a fascination for anime, having seen an episode on the TV. He has been working for the past three years on his Japanese language skills and English language skills. Just recently, his parents started fighting about the ethics of michaels situation, and his mother slammed the door, and got in a cab, never to return. His father is often abusive of Michael now, explaining that its michaels fault, and he should have never become their child. Food is rare, and he is scared of his fathers entrance. [u]Roleplay[/u] [b]Where did you learn about this site?:[/b] I wanted to do an X-Men roleplaying site, and I went on google, searching through a bunch of them. This one seemed really cool!! So I decided to make an application. [b]Do you have any other characters on MRO, if so who:[/b] I do not have another character on this site, no. [b]Sample RP: (takes place in michaels past)[/b] There was always some kind of noise in Michaels room. His parents had tried taking it away once, and hed almost kicked them. He was yelling and crying. So, the noise remained. It was mostly the familiar noise of the TV blaring anime in Japanese, with no subtitles. He never liked subtitles, because they hid the artwork he really liked. One of his favorite shows was bleach. Bleach held a lot of respect from Michael, because there were a lot of really weak people who got beat up, and then returned a lot stronger. This particular episode hed seen many times, and he was speaking along with the tape as it played, though his eyes were focused on another thing. It was the drawing he was doing. This drawing was a common character for him, his favorite character ichigo plastered the walls of the room, in fact. He was rather good at drawing, because he liked the lines to be in the right place, and couldnt stand having them be different from ichigo. It sometimes took him hours to perfect one line to get his beloved character correct. As he looked down at the artwork, mumbling some sound effects, he heard a knock on the door and his eyes lit up. The boy, who was curled up in his favorite circular, black chair, sprang up, almost tripping over fallen pencils that were worn down to nubs. The blue jeans he wore also did not prove to help him much. He managed to keep his balance and run to the door, opening it happily. Mum always came back from the caf with very yummy things. But it wasnt his mom. It was dad. Dad was more of a stranger to Michael. He didnt bring yummy things, and he wore a suit and tie all the time. Even in the house. His frown quickly returned and he glanced the other way, holding the door. His father was used to Michaels blatant disrespect, and refusing to talk to him, but he was holding a tray of food for Michael. He spoke first. Your mother said that you might like it if I brought you food. Shellshell be home late. But she got you this DVD.

This brought Michael to glance over at him. A DVD? Was it the one hed asked for. He slowly took it from his father and glanced over it. It was. The boy hugged it to his stained white t-shirt, then looked up at the food. He wasnt hungry anymore. The boy actually started to close the door on his father. He was just a stranger who yelled at him a lot to clean his room, after all. The thing that also made him dislike his father was that his father just left. He didnt try to set the food down or anything like his mother did when she had made him upset. He simply walked out of the room, and down the hallway to the stairs without saying another word. When he started down them, however, Michael could hear him speak. Weird kidwonder why we dont just send him away. And he sat in his chair again. The boy curled up, still holding his DVD, and started to cry.

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