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Exploitation of Women By Nirmal Savariar A

Poverty doesnt affect me till My brother dies of hunger Robbery doesnt bother me till My house is robbed by burglars Murder doesnt terrify me till My friend is murdered by merciless killers Likewise Exploitation of poor women wont touch us till Our own beloved ones supper exploitation

My heart bleeds with compassion and concern for women who are exploited. My heart misses a beat and my brain is not willing to communicate the atrocities and speak about the exploitation of marginalized women. My whole system is wounded and is mentally handicapped because of the exploitation against the suffering women Mahatma Gandhi who got freedom for the nation and gave his life voluntarily as a sacrifice said, India will get true freedom when a women is able to walk alone from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. So I tend to think that our freedom fighters struggled to the end and liberated our country from the hands of the British. They had exploited our wealth for almost 200 years. They did very little to uplift impoverished women. We have had many dictators like Amin who had killed and explicated his own country people. Hard struggle has ended such brutality, so we should work hard to liberate our country especially our women from the hands of exploiters of our own country. As a crane is waiting to catch and cherish the taste of the fish, many men are waiting to hunt the virginity of women. Some men look at women in a lustful way. Often we hear of

exploitation of women not exploitation of men. So many women are afraid to come out of their closed shelters. When a girl comes of age, then onwards she stars to grow as women. From then on evil of exploitation begins. Once I heard a painful and unbearable event from a little girl bird. Last year went I went for ministry, I happened to meet a girl and I asked her, how she was. After a long silence.. With tears, she said, I should have been born as a boy, because being a girl I am not given much freedom. Society tries to restrict my movements. Many men are waiting to exploit and even possess me. Then she continued saying our great people used to profess proudly that Charity begins at home, I would say that exploitation also begins at home. Because her father is a drunkard and he drinks every day and then beats them and gives them unbearable torture to her mother. So, every day her Mom and she are encountering hell in their day- today life. Once she asked her dad, Why are you troubling and exploiting us? Proudly he confessed, I am a man so I have all rights to exploit you both. Yes, this is a case in many parts and corners of our countrywomen are considered as curry leaves which are kind of use and throw in cooking. Many uncivilized men used to think that women are only for sex and pleasure and they are good for nothing. But it is crystal clear that this kind of thinking is absolutely wrong. The abusers are always male. In the Holy Scripture it is mentioned clearly that once a man went and prayed, O God! I am delighted to thank you because of not creating me as a pig (or) women. Yes women are not given equal rights and respects. It is not happening only now but it has been happening from olden days onwards. Statistics says that a women is raped every 29th minute. Women are explicated in all areas of life like, work place, educational centre, at home and so on. In states like Kerala, women cannot go out after 7O clock in the evening. If they go out there is no guarantee for their safety. Our earth is considered a mother and we begin to exploit that too. So in a way we exploit all which are considered as women and go against Gandhis vision of real freedom. So are we ready and willing to heal the wounds inflicted on women?

Friends, we the educated and royal citizen of this nation should gather together to raise our voice for voiceless and walk towards Gandhis vision of real freedom.

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