NarrativeReport Jom

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What have I learned from the experience either Technical or Personal Values? In working as a student trainee at PLDT.

I've learned about how the telephone line flow from the CO(central office) down to secondary line and through every connection at home. Inside the central office of PLDT Diliman, I've learned that every cable wire you connect from the horizontal(also called cornet) or IP address to primary connection of telephone line is first you must check the dial tone and the telephone number on the cornet or IP address side before you connect a new cable connection or repair a telephone line. Also I learned about how the approval goes with the PLDT on field. You must be patient and carefull all the time. mostly, when repairing a trouble of line connection and dial tone. What is my experience with the people around me? When working at the CO(central office) with my co-student trainee and regular employees. It's a great privillage to work with the employee and fun and excitement with my co-student trainee. All of the employee working in that office teach me and us how to work inside the CO and how to deal with the regulars and organic who work in the office. Also I experienced how they threated their ojt student as like we're not young for them.

What is my most memorable event during OJT? THe most merorable event in my ojt training was when one of the cable repairman or regular gave me a tip when I finish the work that he gave to me at given time. Also when every time I get ground from the frame of each dial tone slot.

What are your recommendations for the OJT Program? My recommendation for the OJT Program is that it should be more organized and deploys students accurately so that the agency where the students are deployed will observe formality and seriousness from the school so that the agency will show good treatment to the trainee students.

What is my advice for the future students who will take OJT? As an advice for the incoming ojt student. They must know your responsibility as a student trainee and an attitude to deal with you co-worker inside the office where you are working. Respect for each and everyone in the office and have aprofessional ethics.

OJT WEEKLY REPORT Name: Jomari M. Corpuz Agency: PLDT (Diliman,Quezon City) Period Covered:July 11-15,2011 Previous Total Hours:16 Present Total Hours:40 Running Total:430 Detail of Work Undertaken During the Week: 1. Answering phone call of PLDT contractor on field(Thursday and Friday). 2. Inserting jumpers on cable frame. 3. approval of repair jumpers to those PLDT contractor on field. Name: Jomari M. Corpuz Agency: PLDT (Diliman,Quezon City) Period Covered:July 18-22,2011 Previous Total Hours:56 Present Total Hours:96 Running Total:390 Detail of Work Undertaken During the Week: 1. Answering phone call of PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 2. Inserting jumpers on cable frame(Monday to Friday). 3. approval of repair jumpers to those PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). Name: Jomari M. Corpuz Agency: PLDT (Diliman,Quezon City) Period Covered:July 25-29,2011 Previous Total Hours:96 Present Total Hours:136 Running Total:350 Detail of Work Undertaken During the Week: 1. Answering phone call of PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 2. Inserting jumpers on cable frame(Monday to Friday). 3. approval of repair jumpers to those PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). Name: Jomari M. Corpuz Agency: PLDT (Diliman,Quezon City) Period Covered: August 1-5,2011 Previous Total Hours:136 Present Total Hours:176 Running Total:310 Detail of Work Undertaken During the Week: 1. Answering phone call of PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 2. Inserting jumpers on cable frame(Horizontal-vertical frame)(Monday to Friday). 3. approval of repair jumpers to those PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). Name: Jomari M. Corpuz Agency: PLDT (Diliman,Quezon City) Period Covered: August 8-12,2011 Previous Total Hours:176

Present Total Hours:216 Running Total:290 Detail of Work Undertaken During the Week: 1. Answering phone call of PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 2. Inserting jumpers on cable frame(Horizontal-vertical frame)(Monday to Friday). 3. Approval of repair jumpers to those PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 4. Configure, Huawei, IP and DSL. (Monday to Friday) 5. Splitting jumpers by those PLDT contractor on field. Name: Jomari M. Corpuz Agency: PLDT (Diliman,Quezon City) Period Covered: August 15-19,2011 Previous Total Hours:216 Present Total Hours:256 Running Total:230 Detail of Work Undertaken During the Week: 1. Answering phone call of PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 2. Inserting jumpers on cable frame(Horizontal-vertical frame)(Monday to Friday). 3. Approval of repair jumpers to those PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 4. Configure, Huawei, IP and DSL. (Monday to Friday) 5. Splitting jumpers by those PLDT contractor on field. Name: Jomari M. Corpuz Agency: PLDT (Diliman,Quezon City) Period Covered: August 22-26,2011 Previous Total Hours:256 Present Total Hours:296 Running Total:190 Detail of Work Undertaken During the Week: 1. Answering phone call of PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 2. Inserting jumpers on cable frame(Horizontal-vertical frame)(Monday to Friday). 3. Approval of repair jumpers to those PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 4. Configure, Huawei, IP and DSL. (Monday to Friday) 5. Splitting jumpers by those PLDT contractor on field. Name: Jomari M. Corpuz Agency: PLDT (Diliman,Quezon City) Period Covered: August 31 - September 2,2011 Previous Total Hours:296 Present Total Hours:320 Running Total:166 Detail of Work Undertaken During the Week: 1. Answering phone call of PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 2. Inserting jumpers on cable frame(Horizontal-vertical frame)(Monday to Friday). 3. Approval of repair jumpers to those PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 4. Configure, Huawei, IP and DSL. (Monday to Friday) 5. Splitting jumpers by those PLDT contractor on field. Name: Jomari M. Corpuz Agency: PLDT (Diliman,Quezon City) Period Covered: September 5-9,2011

Previous Total Hours:320 Present Total Hours:360 Running Total:126 Detail of Work Undertaken During the Week: 1. Answering phone call of PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 2. Inserting jumpers on cable frame(Horizontal-vertical frame)(Monday to Friday). 3. Approval of repair jumpers to those PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 4. Configure, Huawei, IP and DSL. (Monday to Friday) 5. Splitting jumpers by those PLDT contractor on field. Name: Jomari M. Corpuzr Agency: PLDT (Diliman,Quezon City) Period Covered: September 12-16,2011 Previous Total Hours:360 Present Total Hours:400 Running Total:86 Detail of Work Undertaken During the Week: 1. Answering phone call of PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 2. Inserting jumpers on cable frame(Horizontal-vertical frame)(Monday to Friday). 3. Approval of repair jumpers to those PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 4. Configure, Huawei, IP and DSL. (Monday to Friday) 5. Splitting jumpers by those PLDT contractor on field. Name: Jomari M. Corpuz Agency: PLDT (Diliman,Quezon City) Period Covered: September 19-23,2011 Previous Total Hours:400 Present Total Hours:456 Running Total:30 Detail of Work Undertaken During the Week: 1. Answering phone call of PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 2. Inserting jumpers on cable frame(Horizontal-vertical frame)(Monday to Friday). 3. Approval of repair jumpers to those PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 4. Configure, Huawei, IP and DSL. (Monday to Friday) 5. Splitting jumpers by those PLDT contractor on field. 6. Creating a presentation for the VP secretary. Name: Jomari M. Corpuz Agency: PLDT (Diliman,Quezon City) Period Covered: September 25-29,2011 Previous Total Hours:456 Present Total Hours:496 Running Total:0 Detail of Work Undertaken During the Week: 1. Answering phone call of PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 2. Inserting jumpers on cable frame(Horizontal-vertical frame)(Monday to Friday). 3. Approval of repair jumpers to those PLDT contractor on field(Monday to Friday). 4. Configure, Huawei, IP and DSL. (Monday to Friday) 5. Splitting jumpers by those PLDT contractor on field. 6. Creating a presentation for the VP secretary.

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