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CB Meeting

10 May 2011
LDP Room MVP 217-218

Attendance/People in the Meeting:

Drew Copuyoc—Absent, LOA Nicole Reyes – Late, Arrived 7:17pm
Gio Alejo AJ Elicano
Ian Agatep Nick Lucero – Proxy: Milena Gamboa
Steph Gumaru Ken Abante
Alwyn Chua Justin Tan
Alvin Yllana
Joben Odulio Claudia Vega – Late, Arrived 7:37pm
Cheth Mundin – Late, Arrived 6:32pm Ana Raymundo
Charm Chan Alyssa Gaisano
Cate Sison Lance Viado - Late
Moses Albiento Chris Reyes
Dan Remo Bryan Chua

Liang Borlagdan
Billie Dumaliang
Ina Roa
Tommy Tomelden
Mara Sy

*Video Recording? No
*Audio Recording? No
Time Start: 6:00pm
Time End: 9:00pm


1) Approval of 050311 minutes of the meeting (5 mins)

2) Project-Budget Approvals of Freshmen School nights + CWM Resolution on Cap
Costs amendments c/o Steph (60 mins)
3) OrSem updates c/o Misha (15 mins)
4) Sanggu 2011 GC Report c/o Rob Roque, Sanggu 2011 President (20 mins)
5) College Fair Resolution and Discussion c/o CEA (15 mins)
6) Resolutions to be passed ( 20mins, 5 mins each)
 Block/ Course Rep Inclusion re CB meetings c/o AJ
 Gas Subsidies c/o CSPA
 Trike Rates c/o CAS
 Support for Athletes c/o CEA
7) CB Committee reports (25 mins, 5 mins each)
 Reporting re SMDC Blue Residences c/o CSPA
 NSTP reporting c/o CFS
 APO reporting c/o CFS
 Athletics Council c.o CEA
 Curriculum Meeting reporting c/o CAA
8) Important reminders (10 mins)
 Summer Sem schedule
 Next CB
 Sanggu Top 55 PlanSem

Opening prayer was led by Ken Abante National anthem was led by Joben Odulio.

Motion to move the Athlete’s Support Resolution was made by AJ Elicano, and
seconded by Dan Remo. There were no objections from the Central Board. Status:

Motion to approve the agenda was made by Cate Sison, and seconded by Joben
Odulio. There were no objections from the Central Board. Status: Passed.

1) Approval of 050311 minutes of the meeting (5 mins)

Motion to approve the minutes of the May 03, 2011 meeting was made by Dan
Remo, and seconded by AJ Elicano. There were no objections from the Central
Board. Status: Passed.

2) Project-Budget Approvals of Freshmen School nights + CWM Resolution on Cap

Costs amendments c/o Steph (60 mins)

Motion to change presider from Vice-President (Gio Alejo) to Finance Officer

(Steph Gumaru) was made by Cate Sison, and seconded by AJ Elicano. There
were no objections from the Central Board. Status: Passed.

 Gumaru:
o We did not distribute BPs.
o Uploaded in the Y!G so we can minimize paper use.
 School of Social Sciences
o Freshmen Welcoming Night
 Overtime and Snack food
 Total: P23,400
o Fellowships Night
 Meet with COA counterparts (30 people)
 Invite to a dinner gathering
 Total: P2,400
o TOTAL: 25,800
o Alejo: Rates of overtime given by OAS?
 Chua: No, just an estimate, might go higher.

Motion to extend the time allotted was made by Gio Alejo, and
seconded by Dan Remo. There were no objections from the Central
Board. Status: Passed.

o Gumaru: For fellowship, we did not approve the SOSE fellowship

night, so will we approve this?

Motion to extend the time allotted was made by Gio Alejo, and
seconded by Moses Albiento. There were no objections from the
Central Board. Status: Passed.

o Alejo: We passed new resolution. This will be the last of that case.

Motion to approve the budget with revisions (half of fellowship

expenses by COA) was made by Gio Alejo, and seconded by Cate
Sison. There were no objections from the Central Board. Status:

 School of Humanities
o ExeCom PlanSem
 Total:
o SOH Freshman night
 Count: 176
 Total:
 Gumaru: Why 250?
o C.Reyes: Lance wants to invite alumni and members
of involved orgs.
 Gumaru: There is a cheaper supplier of lights and sounds –
o C.Reyes: We’re looking into it
 Gumaru: Is the lace included in the IDs?
o C.Reyes: Yes
 Gumaru: There are cheaper ballers – P7.50
 Gumaru: Itemize materials please.

Motion to extend the time allotted was made by Gio Alejo, and
seconded by Ian Agatep. There were no objections from the Central
Board. Status: Passed.
o C.Reyes: I don’t want to give breakdowns of items that
don’t exist yet.
 Gumaru: Will not approve.
 Alejo: I want assurance from Lance about the 250 attendees
because it might get wasted.

Motion to extend the time allotted was made by Steph Gumaru, and
seconded by Cate Sison. There were no objections from the Central
Board Status: Passed.

 Remo: Can we move BP given that there are so many

o Agatep: The next CWM meeting will be held during
o Gumaru: Can it be done this week?
 Agatep: You need 11 for quorum

Motion to vote on the budget was made by AJ Elicano, and

seconded by Gio Alejo. There were no objections from the Central
Board Status: Passed.

Motion to approve the SOH ExeCom PlanSem budget was made by

Gio Alejo, and seconded by AJ Elicano. Voting was done by show of
hands. Results are as follows:

Gio Alejo
Ian Agatep
Steph Gumaru
Alwyn Chua
Alvin Yllana
Joben Odulio
Cheth Mundin
Charm Chan
Cate Sison
Moses Albiento
Dan Remo
AJ Elicaño
Nick Lucero
Ken Abante
Justin Tan

Budget Status: Approved.

Motion to approve the SOH Freshmen Night budget (food, lights and
sounds, P15 tarps, giveaways [rates of SOSS 2011]) was made by Gio
Alejo, and seconded by AJ Elicano. Voting was done by show of
hands. Results are as follows:

Gio Alejo
Ian Agatep
Steph Gumaru
Alwyn Chua
Alvin Yllana
Joben Odulio
Cheth Mundin
Charm Chan
Cate Sison
Moses Albiento
Dan Remo
AJ Elicaño
Nick Lucero
Ken Abante
Justin Tan

Budget Status: Approved.

o Gumaru: We need to be meticulous about approving. This is not our

money. We have to be strict.

 School of Science and Engineering

o Freshman Night Invitations
 Total: P1590
 Raymundo: Have ink refilled to be cheaper?
 Gumaru: How can you assure that the only Sanggu will use
the ink? Is this the Sanggu printer?
o Arellano: Printer of one Exec Officer
 Gaisano: I promise that only Sanggu will use the ink
 Abante: Why not use the Sanggu printer?
o Agatep: Will buy ink but it will take long
o Freshman Night Volunteers GA
 Total P2700
 Gumaru: P40 snacks from Shakey’s?
o Gaisano: I have a card
Motion to extend time allotted to 3 minutes was made by Steph
Gumaru, and seconded by Gio Alejo. There were no objections from
the Central Board. Status: Passed.

o Freshman Night
 Total: P61,215
 Lights and sounds – overtime of OrSem
 Gumaru: Not willing to pay for hula hoops; borrow na lang;
we won’t use it after
 Agatep: Have you asked DSLD? Will try getting in touch with
Kat Lee
 Chua, Alwyn: Can you change your program to remove

Motion to extend time allotted to 3 minutes was made by Steph

Gumaru, and seconded by Moses Albiento. There were no
objections from the Central Board. Status: Passed.

 Gumaru: Try to look first; will we give them a budget for this?
 Abante: Program can be tweaked
 Raymundo: We have rates for cheaper balloons
 Javellana: We have extra balloons

Motion to approve the SOSE Freshman night budget (except for the
hula hoops, IDs and balloons) was made by Steph Gumaru, and
seconded by Ian Agatep. Voting was done by show of hands. Results
are as follows:

Gio Alejo
Ian Agatep
Steph Gumaru
Alwyn Chua
Alvin Yllana
Joben Odulio
Cheth Mundin
Charm Chan
Cate Sison
Moses Albiento
Dan Remo
AJ Elicaño
Nick Lucero
Ken Abante
Justin Tan
Budget Status: Approved.

 School of Management
o Invitations
 Total: P4,092

Motion to approve the Additional SOM Freshmen Night budget was

made by Gio Alejo, and seconded by Dan Remo. Voting was done
by show of hands. Results are as follows:

Gio Alejo
Ian Agatep
Steph Gumaru
Alwyn Chua
Alvin Yllana
Joben Odulio
Cheth Mundin
Charm Chan
Cate Sison
Moses Albiento
Dan Remo
AJ Elicaño
Nick Lucero
Ken Abante
Justin Tan

Budget Status: Approved.

 Ateneo Student Concern Center (Project Proposal)

o Borlagdan: We will change name
o Sy – Physical forms (bulletin boards, DSWS), internet and SMS
 Advantages for postpaid SMS – number can be customized
 Disadvantages – 2 year contract
 Advantages for prepaid – amount is flexible
 Disadvantages – not customizable
o Borlagdan: Promos - Business cards with numbers
o Budget
 Option A – 16939.50
 Option B – 13245.50
Motion to extend time allotted was made by Ian Agatep, and
seconded by Gio Alejo. There were no objections from the Central
Board. Status: Passed.

o Agatep: Have you talked to Smart Info Board? Were planning to

make Smart a bigger network in Ateneo. There is a big culture
change from Smart to Globe. It’s good if we can use the subsidy
that ADSA gives. Combine with Sanggu hotline?
 Borlagdan: We want to get this done by the time IDs and
validated and handed out. Our target is now.
o Gumaru: Photocopy in UP instead

Motion to extend time allotted was made by Ian Agatep, and

seconded by Gio Alejo. There were no objections from the Central
Board. Status: Passed.

o Mundin: I have a concern with business card. It’s easily lost.

o Gaisano: Will this be integrated in the Sanggu website?
 Borlagdan: Yes, it’s just a form.
o Abante: Why do we still need a teaser? It’s not an event.
 Borlagdan: It’s just the name. It’s not a really a teaser, but a
smaller poster.
o Gumaru: Make sure that the 8.5x11 poster is readable.
o Sison: What will you use the load for? To reply to the concerns? Or to
reply that you’ve received the concern? Technically, the different
committees should be the ones responding to the concerns
 Borlagdan: Part of the job description of ASCC is to be the
bridge of the student to the Central Board. Aside from
receiving concerns, it will also forward them to the CB, and
update the student about the status of the concern. Also,
what if we’re asked if there are classes, etc.? We need load
to reply.
o Chua, Alwyn: You’ll include the number of offices in the business
card? So students gain access to this?
 Borlagdan: Yes, it’s available.
 Chua, Alwyn: But that defeats the purpose of the CAS if the
students can directly forward their concerns.
 Borlagdan: It’s not necessarily the concern. For example, they
can call the LS Health Services because they have a hold
order. They can go directly to them to ask.
o Chua, Alwyn: How can you filter the concerns?
 Borlagdan: It depends. Filtering isn’t really objective.
Motion to extend time allotted was made by Ian Agatep, and
seconded by AJ Elicano. There were no objections from the Central
Board Status: Passed.

o Albiento: The problem is there are too many questions because it

hasn’t been talked about in the Central Board Proposal first, before
presenting this budget.
o Abante: I like how you’re promoting ASCC. But most of that is not
effective, like the business cards. You can promote it in other ways,
like the forms in AOB. It has to have an internal system. In that sense,
you don’t need tokens for MIS. You can use a Google Doc for the
form. Thirdly, I don’t think we need a new number since there’s the
Sanggu hotline.
 Borlagdan: For the business cards, it’s not just for ASCC, also
the offices. It’s like bringing everything you need in a business
card. It’s not just all that money for one number.
o Alejo: Moses is right. The process was by-passed. My concern is that
this is our flagship project for the year. This is for our constituents and
this is for their concerns. It’s important that we start the year with a
 Borlagdan: The posters are for the number. What is there to
promote if it’s not approved?
o Agatep: Use the existing number.
o Gumaru: Are there people texting the Sanggu hotline?
 Agatep: Yes. When there was a storm recently, around 50
 Gumaru: Use this for the meantime.
 Borlagdan: Once we start it, it should be that already. It’s
hard to change.
 Alejo: Buy one Globe SIM card. That’s P40. Use that first. We
have a Smart and Globe phone, that’s okay. If ever you
need load, just pay for it first.
 Borlagdan: The thing about the business cards, we want to
give it out by the time IDs are validated. We want this to be
approved now because it will lose sense altogether.
o Remo: If our mandate is to reach out to these people, every avenue
must be explored. I don’t see why having a personalized note
doesn’t personalize it further.
 Agatep: Let’s approve half of it.
 Alejo: Approve 2000.
o Gumaru: Next time, project proposal first before budget. We’ll take
too long with this.
 Alejo: This is a learning experience but it’s an urgent concern.
Motion to approve the budget (poster, 20 teasers, 2000 business
cards, 1 Globe SIM card, drop boxes, photocopying [50¢], table signs)
was made by Gio Alejo, and seconded by Steph Gumaru. Voting
was done by show of hands. Results are as follows:

Gio Alejo
Ian Agatep
Steph Gumaru
Alwyn Chua
Alvin Yllana
Joben Odulio
Cheth Mundin
Charm Chan
Cate Sison
Moses Albiento
Dan Remo
AJ Elicaño
Nick Lucero
Ken Abante
Justin Tan

Budget Status: Approved.

 BCA Legacy Launch

o 560 public schools
o ACED is beneficiary.
o Venue is at Wak-Wak .
o It is a loan and not an approval.
o Revenue at P60,000.
o Gumaru: PartySchool night party
o Sison: Not well publicized
 Target date is mid July
o Raymundo: Show program.
 Sison: Batch thing, books and public dance competition,
fashion show, party at the end.

Motion to extend the time allotted to 5 minutes was made by Ian

Agatep, and seconded by Gio Alejo. There were no objections from
the Central Board Status: Passed.

o Gumaru: Chairpersons have you asked? Wak-wak?

o Raymundo: Why do you need it outside?--> Try the school and cut
on costs.
 Sison: Easier to cater for the batch
 Gumaru: Try a closer venue
 Roa: It’s nearer and we see the potential. Volunteers.
o C.Reyes: Which part of the country club?
 Sison: The one used for Xavier Ball. With round tables.
o Raymundo: Even though you’re loaning it? Even though you’re
doing this, and you’re practically showing a tone for the students.
o Remo: I think this is important, we cannot simply limit our projects, it’s
building the structure of the batch
o Gaisano: How can you assure that people can go, including the

Motion to extend time allotted to 5 minutes was made by Steph

Gumaru, and seconded by Gio Alejo. There were no objections from
the Central Board Status: Passed.

o Albiento: This is reminiscent of ATF, advocacy then advocacy. This is

a SaturdayNSTP?
 Remo: Gives assurance of support from the projects.
o Gumaru: Will you earn from this?
 Profit: P25,670 300 people
o Abante: Who are the organizations concerned? Attendance may
not be as big, even though I am optimistic about the projects.
o Raymundo: Was proper consultation done on the level of the school
o Alejo: This is a budget approval session and not project approval.
Advocacy is great but the way we’re doing this we could have
done this together.
 Together in PlanSem in June - Not something for today.
 The whole concept has not been approved yet.
 PMS, frame work won’t be followed, if done well we can do
this properly.
 First CB in June/ PlansemJune 4
 Sison: Asking for sponsorships so June is too late.
 Gumaru: We have a process, bypass it, we don’t do it well.
Take into consideration.
 Alejo and Gumaru: Your project’s not dead. But your chairs
don’t even know. We’re here to help. But we have to follow
the process. June present again and talk to all of us so we
can help you.
 Roa: Launch of projects of schools.
Motion to postpone the BCA was made by Dan Remo, and seconded
by Moses Albiento. There were no objections from the Central Board
Status: Passed.

o Elicano: They have assured their batches, though they haven’t

talked to us.

 Freshmen ORSEM
o Baunans: 2,907 pcs
 Contingency for more freshmen, dirty baunans, and guests
 Total order: 3,000pcs
 Total: P75,000
o Agatep: This is based on historical cost? This is the cheapest they’ve
 Donato: Yes
o Remo: Volunteers included?
 Donato: Yes
o Agatep: Also include COA logo in sticker, we can use the new one.
o Gumaru: It raised awareness through the stickers.
o Roque: It was a good presentation; many applied but the
volunteers were not utilized. If you’re talking about a flagship, like
ASCC, maybe you could shift the attention to that more than the
o Alejo: Try to put something more informative in the sticker, like the
Sanggu hotline.
o Roque: Stickers were used because we didn’t get into the shirts.
o Raymundo: Do we have to pay if we try to get back into the shirts?
o Gumaru: It might be more expensive.

Motion to approve the baunans and stickers budget for OrSem 2011
was made by Dan Remo, and seconded by Alwyn Chua. There were
no objections from the Central Board. Voting was done by raise of
hands. Results are as follows:

Gio Alejo
Ian Agatep
Steph Gumaru
Alwyn Chua
Alvin Yllana
Joben Odulio
Cheth Mundin
Charm Chan
Cate Sison
Moses Albiento
Dan Remo
AJ Elicaño
Nick Lucero
Ken Abante
Justin Tan

Budget Status: Approved.

 Gumaru: Next time, we will decline immediately if budgets are proposed

without approval of project.

Motion to move presidership from Finance Officer (Steph Gumaru) to

Vice President (Gio Alejo) was made by Ian Agatep, and seconded
by Moses Albiento. There were no objections from the Central Board
Status: Passed.



Freshmen Welcoming Night 23400 Overtime & Snacks
Fellowships Night 2400 Half of Fellowship expenses by COA
TOTAL 25800
ExeCom Plan Sem
Food, Lights, Sounds, P15 Tarps,
Freshmen Night Giveaways (based on rates of
EXCEPT: Hula Hoops, IDs and
Freshmen Night 61215
4290 ADD: Invitations, Volunteers' GA
TOTAL 65505
Freshmen Night Invitations 4092
TOTAL 4092
Poster, 20 Teasers, 2000 Business
Project Expenses Cards, 1 Globe SIM Card, Drop
Boxes, Photocopying, Table Signs
Baunans and Stickers 75000
TOTAL 75000

3) OrSem updates c/o Misha Solano (15 mins)

4) Sanggu 2011 GC Report c/o Rob Roque, Sanggu 2011 President (20 mins)
 Roque: I will present how to read the data. Will give Ian the copy of all the
results. We weren’t able to complete all the data sets.
o Full title: Data-gathering Consultation for Policy :obbying and
o Last year’s Thrust
 Externalization
 Policy Engagement
o GC – central part of Policy Engagement
o Objectives
 Father meaningful input
 Challenge the students to be more engaged in their
o Focus is Student Perceptions.
 They reveal what students think and feel.
 Some of the data you might find, the admin will not agree to.
 It is important for the admin to know the perceptions so they
can change.
o How to Approach:
 Can be used to determine if school programs are well-
 Understand factors that might hinder students from receiving
a meaningful learning experience.
 Correct points in perceptions that are misunderstood and
o Methodology
 Survey 3000 students
o Why is 3000 important? The bigger the number, the
more credible it is.
 FGDs
o You want to understand why you get a yes or no.
 Additional data
o For example, the question was, ―Are you a member of
 Non-COA orgs were included.
o Constitutional duty:
 It is the right of the students to be properly
 Participate in governance of the school
 Reality: If you don’t have data,
especially in Dr. Vergara’s term, you
won’t be listened to.
 Quality education
 Adequate welfare services and school services
o Realities of student representation
 Not backed by data
 Not grounded on constituents needs or wants
 No clear understanding of goals and means of achieving
 Not just about asking but about asking the right questions
 Make sense of numbers
 Using data to push agenda
o The Atenean according to the Atenean
 Primary concern is academics
 Sensitive to requirements
 Participation in orgs
 Career preparation
 Academic choices dependent on teachers
 Minoring
o Issue 1: Service Learning
 Buklod Atenista Resolution
 Faculty Dependent

Motion to extend time allotted to 3 minutes was made by Ian

Agatep, and seconded by Gio Alejo. There were no objections from
the Central Board. Status: Passed.

o Recommendations
 Plan which issues you’d like to tackle this year.
 Lay down long term consultation mechanisms (i.e. budget,
career prep, minoring, core curriculum).
 Enlist the help of more groups to conduct studies (i.e.
consolidate work with COA).
 Make it the Sanggu culture to conduct studies.
 Make sure that all data is used at the end of the year – make
everyone own the data.
 The bigger the number, the more credible it is.
5) College Fair Resolution and Discussion c/o CEA (15 mins)
 Albiento: Planning to retain the task force
o Elicano: To bring it more in line with the goals that we’ve stated
 Agatep: Presently are there BCA reps?
o Albiento: None yet
o Elicano: It doesn’t necessarily have to be a rep.
o Tomelden: Preferably a block/course rep
 Agatep: To the BCA chairs of the each of the schools, CB reps kindly inform
your BCA chairs to look for the reps per school per year level. That’s 12. 16
with freshmen. CAA to make list. It doesn’t have to be made into a
 Alejo: Updates will come from them not the task force.
 Elicano: By when do you need the list?
o Alejo: First CB meeting of the first semester,

Motion to approve was made by Dan Remo, and seconded by Joben

Odulio. There were no objections from the Central Board. Status: Passed.

6) Resolutions to be passed ( 20mins, 5 mins each)

 Block/ Course Rep Inclusion re CB meetings c/o AJ
o Alejo: who will monitor the reps?
 CB committees
o Raymundo: Clarifying to what extent we are covering?
 Elicano: It is ideally the rep’s job, will contact the involved SBs.
o Alejo: How is the process of communication done? Is it necessary?
 Abante: At the minimum information and before, CC people.
o N.Reyes: My concern is that when the reps ran, they are not aware
of this
 Viado: The reps might be overworked, be mindful of risks.
o Agatep: Have the reps know what they have to do, have a simple
o Vega: Have an orientation for a clear idea of what they have to do
for the year.
o Agatep: Prepare a sheet for rules and regulations for all schools and
o Gaisano: Give the chairs an idea what they are up to.

Motion to approve the Resolution to Include Block and Course

Representatives in Central Board Committees was made by Cate Sison, and
seconded by Charm Chan. There were no objections from the Central
Board. Status: Passed.
 Gas Subsidies c/o CSPA
o Albiento: There is no issue to talk about. We can’t do anything as a
Central Board.
o Remo: It’s critical that we pass as a historical precedence.
o Alejo: Relevant to the students, as a new perspective, look at issues
we can help them with.
o Edit wording: Add DSWS carpool system to make more concrete on
what we can do.

Motion to approve the Resolution regarding Gas Subsidies was made by

Moses Albiento, and seconded by Alwyn Chua. There were no objections
from the Central Board. Status: Passed.

 Trike Rates c/o CAS

o Chua, Alwyn:
 Formalize what CAS has been doing
 Might explore FGDs
 Look for reliable and credible facts to present
 Evaluate old matrix
o Wording: CAA to CAS
o Alejo: inclue HEC in discussion

Motion to approve the Resolution regarding Trike Rates was made by AJ

Elicano, and seconded by Cate Sison. There were no objections from the
Central Board. Status: Passed.

 Support for Athletes c/o CEA

o Elicano: Advertisements – most radical
o Agatep: More publicized in the AOB?
o Abante: A space for them in the Guidon?

Motion to adopt the report was made by Ian Agatep, and seconded by
Alwyn Chua. There were no objections from the Central Board Status:

7) CB Committee reports (25 mins, 5 mins each)

 Reporting re SMDC Blue Residences c/o CSPA
o Odulio
 The order to stop construction was lifted.
 Discuss the legal options of Loyola Heights community.
 Expensive and long
 Meta-legal action
o Elicano: Are we having the protests done also?
o Alejo: A new memo will be released regarding the stand
o Abante: I believe we are should not move for the

Motion to adopt the CB Committee report on SMDC Blue Residences

(including recommendations 1, 2b and c) was made by AJ Elicano, and
seconded by Cate Sison. There were no objections from the Central Board.
Status: Passed.

 NSTP reporting c/o CFS

o Albiento: OSCINot sure where the full NSTP fee goes.
 Make ROTC and athletes’ NSTP more available.
o Sanggu is pushing this year with the various RTGs.
 Make students more aware of politics in and outside of the
 Recommendations:
o LS VP’s councilNSTP fee
o OFO and SB look into partnering with OSCI and INAF.
o Better establish communication lines.
o Abante: We have to come up with a system on how we should go
back to the recommendations. It’s a concern.
 Have SJC audit well.

Motion to adopt the CB Committee report on NSTP was made by Dan Remo,
and seconded by Cate Sison. There were no objections from the Central
Board. Status: Passed.

 APO reporting c/o CFS

o To present results of consultation to APO
o Consult with them regarding the projects that will be done next
o Will meet again next week to calendar with COA
o Results:
 Director pleased with results.
 Help in terms of attendance in their events
 CB to adopt the report
 Consult constituents
o Remo: Calendar of events by APO?
 Chan: To follow by APO

Motion to adopt the CB Committee report on APO was made by Ken

Abante, and seconded by Moses Albiento. There were no objections from
the Central Board. Status: Passed.

 Athletics Council c/o CEA

o Alejo: council being bypassed; have you met with them?
 Remo: Courtesy calls

Motion to adopt the CB Committee report on the Athletics Council was

made by Moses Albiento, and seconded by Dan Remo. There were no
objections from the Central Board. Status: Passed.

 Curriculum Committee Meeting reporting c/o CAA

o Modified curriculum of MIS in masters program to fit CHED
o PhD of CS will be redesigned so that it will be presented in local and
national level.
o In general, only masters program was changed.
o BA in diplomacy and international relations – focus is in East Asia;
skills-oriented; language electives; flexible curriculum.
o Difference with EU—focus of EU is in Western world; EU is an area
o People who take FSA are those who are in SocSci.
o Identify Asian partners.

Motion to adopt the CB Committee report on the Curriculum Committee

Meeting was made by Charm Chan, and seconded by Nicole Reyes. There
were no objections made by the Central Board. Status: Passed.

8) Important reminders (10 mins)

 Summer Sem schedule
o May 23-25: Exam Week
o May 26-29: Buklod Atenista Leadership Conference
o May 31: Joint Session
 June 4-5: Sanggu Top 55 PlanSem
 June 7: ECA
 June 9-11: OrSem
 June 13: First Day of Classes

Prepared By: Endorsed By:

Mikaela Viktoria Eleazar Francis Ian L. Agatep

Office of the Secretary-General Secretary-General
Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga
Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila

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