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CB Meeting

23 June 2011
LDP Room MVP 217-218

Attendance/People in the Meeting:

Drew Copuyoc Nicole Reyes – proxied by Lance Viado
Gio Alejo AJ Elicaño
Ian Agatep Nick Lucero
Steph Gumaru Ken Abante
Alwyn Chua – proxied by Alvin Yllana Justin Tan – proxied by Alyssa Gaisano
Arrived 9:19pm
Alvin Yllana Claudia Vega
Joben Odulio Ana Raymundo – proxied by Toni
Cheth Mundin – proxied by Charm Chan Potenciano left 8:44pm
Charm Chan Alyssa Gaisano
Cate Sison Lance Viado
Moses Albiento
Dan Remo Carlo Reodica
Kyle Salcedo

Kyla Javellana
Jiggy Villamin
Fara Supetran

Video Recording? No
*Audio Recording? No
Time Start: 6:39pm
Time End: 950pm


1) Approval of CB_061711 minutes 5 mins

2) Buklod Atenista Resolution adoption and Reporting 20 mins
3) Grand Consultation c/o Drew 20 mins
4) Reggie Blue Resolution c/ o CAA 15 mins
5) COA Reporting c/o Ken 15 mins
6) CEA Agenda Resolution c/o CEA 10 mins
7) RH Bill Info Campaign c/o Gio 10 mins
8) Important RecWeek Reminders c/o AJ and Ian 15 mins

National Anthem led by Kyla Javellana and prayer led by Jiggy Villamin.

No objections from the CB regarding agenda. Motion by drew, seconded by AJ.

Motion to approve Agenda by seconded by

1) Approval of CB_061711 minutes 5 mins

Motion to approve Agenda by Gio Alejo seconded by Cate Sison. No objections from
the Central Board.

2) Buklod Atenista Resolution adoption and Reporting 20 mins

 Presented by Joben Odulio (Ambassador)
 Theme: Pakiglambigit
 1st day
o Talks on Ateneo Youth Agenda and the past events of 27th Buklod
o Objectives of Buklod before were for Marcos regime
o Peace Process
 Created a resolution on the peace process in Mindanao
o Environmental issues and climate change
 Other schools, they do not follow environmental initiatives
 Made a resolution to implement it
 2nd Day
o Talk on Jesuit education
o The Aquino Administration talk by NYC
 Ninoy’s platform
o Service-Learning Program
 3rd Day
o School’s best practices
 Own publication
o Resolution-Making
 Resolutions (19 resolutions)
o Bagong Bughaw as official theme song of Buklod Atenista
o Support for house bill no. 4454
o Waste management act
o Sangguniang kabataan reform and empowerment bill
o Gathering input on the different formation programs of the five
Ateneo universities
o Creating programs in relation to campus politics among students in
Xavier university
o Mandatory endorsement of all organizational files
o Peace process
o Ateneo publications to launch Ateneo beat
o Umbrella organization on recognized organizations
o Integrating student organizations
o Restructuring and standardizing FFC clusters in all Ateneo schools
o Encouraging other religions
o Conduct data-gathering to determine feasibility of lobbying a more
a more
 Questions:
o Elicaño: (res 15) why only in particular schools not here?
o Alejo: there is a huge chunk of non-catholics in schools so have
large membership base so they have a stand on school issues and
o Agatep: Beat is a publication that applies to all schools to know
what is happening around
o Copuyoc: The Guidon knows already
o Copuyoc: service-learning should be attached to your course like
nstp. Learning yung dapat natuturo sa class (apply accounting to
what you’re doing)
o Potenciano: number 13 should be taken into consideration by
sanggu also
o Elicaño: why standardize all FFCs
o Abante: it doesn’t affect ADMU
o Agatep: reso 17, echo everything we talk about to our constituents
o Abante: information management. You must make sure that it will
reach constituents
 Motion by Gmaru, seconded by lance.
 In favor: unanimous done by raising of hands

3) Grand Consultation c/o Drew 20 mins

Motion to move presider to Gio Alejo by AJ Elicaño. Seconded by Gumaru

 Copuyoc: added students are primary stakeholders in LS so entitled to give

feedback. Quantitative research/data w/ emphasis on curriculum reviews
excluding freshmen batch. Minimum target of 50%. Consult department
chairs and program directors. After qualitative data. Based on
recommendations from DRS and CB committees. Final say would be on the
school chairs. Min of 1 FGD per course per year level.
 Questions:
o Yllana: Ilan students kasama sa FGD?
o Copuyoc: aiming for 10
o Elicaño: FGD format is not effective for SOH because they have a
small number of people per course
o Alejo: add special clause - whatever will be deemed fit and
necessary by school board chairs
o Abante: impt. To FGD the block reps also after they FGD per course
because its breps responsibility to consult. There should also be a
year level distinction because diff formation programs
o Alejo: sose plans to have FGDs. Will it be integrated with this?
o Gaisano: No. purpose of FGD is for asking for results. If they felt the
change, if what they asked was acted upon.
o Elicaño: are we still allowed to ask freshmen?
o Copuyoc: Yes.
o Albiento: Suggestion, if this will approved, he hopes school chairs will
really focus on this. It might affect your projects and activities since
it’s a big project.
o Alejo: it will be great if DRS heads this project
o Copuyoc: chairs discretion if they will do hard copy or soft copy
o Gaisano: if online, monitoring won’t be as effective as hard copy.
For online, easier for drs and easier to collaborate.
o Albiento: how will they ensure that you will get 50% of each course?
o Copuyoc: Magiging one survey per course.
o Lucero: operations should be discussed by chairs
o ALbiento: hawthorn effect: how will ensure quality of data?
o Agatep: the ones who are spreading the surveys will be monitoring it.
Methodology will come in operationalization. Crucial marketing
 Motion by Dan Remo, seconded by AJ Elicaño.
 Done by raising of hands: unanimous decision

4) Reggie Blue Resolution c/ o CAA 15 mins

 No ratings, no students comment on teachers or anything
 Course = subject
 Program = program of study
 Teachers section’s to help them to learn more about Ateneo faculty
o Teaching staff, methods and procedures in class
o Course syllabus
 Base choice on syllabus.
o Write up screened and edited by CAA
 Electives
 Minoring
o Content
o List and write-ups
 LS Programs
o To know more about programs in Ateneo
 If the want to shift or curious
o Write up by student on what program is about
o Perspective of student
o Avenue for students to send in complaints
 Questions and Inquiries
o Potenciano: When you have a website like this, who will continue to
run this? Consistency? What will happen to tie-up with reggie blue?
No interaction makes this a dead website.
o Lucero: reps appreciated the fact that its centralized.
o Copuyoc: sanggu project. In house reggie blue year. The continuity
of this project depends on the Sanggu heads this year.
o Sison: write-ups will be written by reggie blue team. Assigned person
per people. They will ask the teacher also about their methods.
o Copuyoc: the person writing has to have an experience with
teacher. Not necessarily core member of team but ask people to
o Villamin: aim is to be more objective. Since it’s screened and asked
teacher. Its more biased to the teacher. Automatically biased
towards the teacher. Not truly objective.
o Copuyoc: basically giving you more information of the teacher.
Depends on the quality of the write-up
o Gaisano: Include student comments thing but screened. Defeats
the purpose if you screen and ask the teacher pa. your goal is to
help the students.
o Viado: if there’s no ratings, why would you call it reggie blue?
o Copuyoc: change the name. it’s not reggie blue. It’s a new kind of
feedback for teachers
o Gumaru: when you look for teacher, its not only look for good stuff
but also the bad stuff. Puro good stuff lang lalaay. Defeats purpose
of checking that site
o Sison: all the write ups that when you publicize, like newspaper. Get
both sides already.
o Copuyoc: filtered. It doesn’t try to solve everything. Trying to adapt
to everyone’s principles

Motion to extend by 10 mins by Dan Remo seconded by Nick Lucero

o Potenciano: what this project should focus on is how you talk about
o Remo: is this a priority that we should be focusing on? Waste a lot of
precious time since filtering. Since we are conducting the write-ups,
we are directly liable to whatever is put there. We’re the ones put at
the gray area. Decisions of stdents will be based on what we said so
are will we willing to take that risk?
 1) In soss, Ateneans guide to SOSS. An overlap of their project.
 2) How will yo be able to monitor the write-ups considering
that there will be one person per course in order to make it
good, it has to be from a multitude of people.
 3) What do you mean by teaching style because it varies?
o Copuyoc: Reggie blue team. It’s a question of trust, how well do you
trust caa team. Even if there’s guide to SOSS, needs elective
sections. People don’t know a lot of this stuff. If we give it to them, to
some it will matter. SOSS lang ‘yong guide. Yung content we can
get from soss. Para hindi mag-overlap, ‘yong guide pwede
magamit for this site and use to other students and not just SOSS.
o Potenciano: objectifying teacher will be saying this teacher has two
eyes and two legs. Scrap the project, focus on other things.
o Elicaño: pulse of reps, more comfortable with old reggie blue format
bt sensor for offensive or inappropriate comment. Give to an
external group so we are not liable for it. If accept this, were liable
for no matter what. Frankly be liable to what batchmates or what
they want say rather than CAA.
o Yllana: free comments but want no liable. Look at essence of
project instead. Okay na may profile pero yung tinitignan yung
Motion to extend by 3 mins by Elicaño seconded by Dan Remo.

o Lucero: okay sa profiling and everything else. Pero kasama pa rin

siya sa organic-ness as sanggu
o Chan: becase of reggie blue, magiging busy na sila sa caa. Why
focus on reggie blue when can focus on something also? Give to
external group that sanggu moderates.
o Copuyoc: ask if it will help your constituents or not.
o Remo: we would appreciate it more if we were given a heads up

Motion to extend 2 mins by Ken Abante seconded by Dan Remo.

o Abante: kailangan talaga siya. I think its impt that we bring a

multiplicity of se. profiling is good. I say yes to sanggu proj. we have
a lot to say about teachers. Mas gusto ko na nagcocomment mga
tao tungol ditto. Its impt that this becomes a dynamic website.
Pwede pagkaroon ng profile and get comments as well. We have
to step us as sanggu.
Motion to approve project by Nick second by Alvin. 2/3 vote

Drew Copuyoc Justin Tan
Ian Agatep Nick Lucero
Steph Gumaru AJ Elicaño
Alwyn Chua Dan Remo
Alvin Yllana
Joben Odulio
Cheth Mundin
Charm Chan
Cate Sison
Moses Albiento
Nicole Reyes
Ken Abante
Project is approved.

Motion to change presider by Joben Odulio back to the President, seconded by Steph

5) COA Reporting c/o Ken 15 mins

 Abante:
o bagong logos ang orgs and names
o tagline: excellence synergized. Healthy balance between internal
and external arrangement
o internal: transpareny, consultation
o external: provide avenues for dialogue, build relationships
o sanggu and coa to work together. Many have been positively
responding to this.
o Coa work is backfround work
 Representation – coa that listens more, is more transparent.
Coa that puts orgs into its frontline. Relevance of council is
the success of their orgs.
 Administration – coa that can coordinate better
o Coa general dept. trainings
o Better involvement in formation of applying orgs
o Perfect institutional decisions in sanggu events
o Wag kayo magoverlap sa orgs papatayin ko kayo
o Transision systems: new coa documentation and post-
project eval procedures
 Formation – Forming organizations for others
o Involvement with Buklod Atenista
o Participative representation
 75-80% complete
o Majority of what they do is in helping the calendaring
for orgs
o Great potential. Better follow up activity.
o Organizations are on pressure. They (presidents) should
be the ones to instill that Ateneo has the best org life.
o COA Consultation – help from sanggu in lobbying for this
 Important that presidents realize that coa and sanggu
shouldwork at the same ground.
 Hope we can learn more together as the year progresses

Motion to extend by Gio Alejo seconded by Cate Sison.

o This summer has been the best administrative part for coa.
 Comments
o Alejo: commend coa. Never had a coa that is very open to
sanggu/ to avoid overlaps in the past.
o Lucero: need the presentations to present the reps
o Abante: you can even invite us to talk. most of the things were
doing are monitoring ors so hindi rin masyado free time.
Externalization efforts

6) CEA Agenda Resolution c/o CEA 10 mins

 Elicaño:
o Renew commitment in suposrting lions, consult with coa, osa and all
other concerned bodies
o Help long-term reestablishment of athletics council
 Questions
o Abante: we also have a structure that is already for home org
o Sison: when will coordination take placen for program directors?
o Elcano: second sem

Motion to approve CEA Agenda Resolution by Ian Agatep seconded by Nick lucero.

Gio Alejo
Ian Agatep
Steph Gumaru
Alwyn Chua
Alvin Yllana
Joben Odulio
Cheth Mundin
Charm Chan
Cate Sison
Moses Albiento
Dan Remo
Nicole Reyes
AJ Elicaño
Nick Lucero
Justin Tan
Resolution is passed.

7) RH Bill Info Campaign c/o Gio 10 mins

 Conceptualized last week
o Be a precedent of debate on rh bill that hasn’t been
conceptualized yet
o Inform our constituents first regarding the bill. Something that should
be discussed first. Presented a proposal on how to go about process.
o House bill 4244: Its not as detailed as we expect it to be. Vague
 Inform the stdents what is meant by the diff authors of the bill
regarding the diff sections of the bill
o Not good for sanggu because we are interpreting the
bill with regards with how it was written
 Dangerous to tell the students what they mean
when the authors have different interpretations
and meanings
o Instead of going through the bill, it is good to
contextualize how and why the bill is here
o 4 main issues we can revolve on:
 History (since 1st Aquino admin)
 Focus on the statistics. Population, mortality
 To know if rh bill will really help statistics
 Millenium development goal #6: to reduce
maternal mortality by the end of year 2015
 State the different objections on diff sectors on
why rh bill shouldn’t and should be passed.
o Contacted 3 orgs
 HSS, PMSA,Bio organization
 Met already. They weren’t really responsive on
how they presented.
 Adopting on what doc sio presented in giving
an information campaign
 MOA in process. Not rushing because we must
be careful on how to give the context of the rh
bill. Give them guidelines to help students make
decision by themselves.
o CSPA – Alejo want to give representative from CSPA to
be present in meeting.

Motion to extend by 5 mins by Ian Agatep seconded by Moses Albiento.

o Moses suggestion: if you want to include SA dept.

o Yllana: sama yng ibang bills na nag-overlap dito
o Alejo: assembly not included because want to focus
on health aspect of bill.
o Sison: to give diff opinions, pwede assembly
o Albiento: mdg so ds dept.
o To include: ads, fa, sa, assembly, ds dept

8) Important RecWeek Reminders c/o AJ and Ian 15 mins

 Agatep: Monday is recweek
o Location of sanggu booth
o Sign-up sheets
o 1 paragraph write-up. 3-4 sentences y Saturday 12 noon
 Volunteer pool
o Top 4: write projects per office
o SJC with us, COMELEC nakahiwalay
 Elicaño: Sign up in the groups because it sucks shifting alone
 Albiento: People asking saan pwede magisignup to run
 Agatep: Put information about elections. We will be a sanggu booth not
party and coalition group. Always inform them of the projects.
 Albiento: Pwede magsama ng mga BCA’s
 Agatep: Wear old sanggu shirts or blue
 Agatep: Open ang offices, admin services tomorrow kahit walang pasok.
Next CB meeting is July 1.
 Copuyoc: Check email

Motion to adjourn by Dan Remo seconded by Joben Odulio. No objections were made.
Closing prayer was led by Prayer by carlo reodica

Ended at 9:50pm

Prepared By: Endorsed By:

Ma. Kathrina May J. Vizmonte Francis Ian L. Agatep

Office of the Secretary-General Secretary-General
Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga
Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila

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