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Joint Session

08 July 2011
OSA Conference Room 1 and 2

Attendance/People in the Meeting:

Drew Copuyoc Ana Raymundo
Gio Alejo Bryan Chua
Ian Agatep Jerome Zapata
Steph Gumaru Toni Potenciano
Moses Albiento- GOT Work, 6:43 arrived
Claudia Vega Kyla Javellana
Fara Supetran Dan Remo
Bene Go
Alwyn Chua Lance Viado
Mich Dionaldo (class) Chris Reyes- Training
Alvin Yllana Jenica Dizon- GOT Work, religious reasons,
Ina Roa- Absent (6:29 pm late) 6:43 arrived
Joben Odulio Nicole Reyes
Jiggy Villamin
Alyssa Gaisano AJ Elicaño
Carlos Arrelano Mari Mantaring- 6:29 pm (late)
Abi Sulit Nick Lucero
Cheth Mundin
Tata Babaran- got Ken Abante- 7:08pm arrived
Charm Chan Justin Tan
Tin Andujare Gerald Chua
Cate Sison Jore Vergara

Mikki Roa
Tony Chew
Billie Dumaliang
Reg Guevara
Misha Solano
Jove Sinco

Pat Santos
Eljohn Yee
Kim Perez
Felix Mintu
Ryan Yu

*Video Recording? No
*Audio Recording? No
Time Start: 6:18
Time End: 9:05 pm


1) DPR Project Approvals c/o Misha (15 mins)

2) Project Grant System Presentation c/o Steph (15 mins)
3) Budget Cycle c/o Gio (10 mins)
4) FOI Bill discussion c/o Ana (15 mins)
5) Blue Residences c/o Drew (25 mins)
6) Grand Consultation Phase 1 and 2 presentation c/o DRS and Drew (35 mins)
7) CB Video presentation c/o Lance (20 mins)
8) Important dates and reminders c/o Ian (10 mins)
9) Special agenda (15 mins)


Prayer was led by Tin Andujare and the Philippine National Anthem was led by Gio

Motion to approve agenda by Dan Remo seconded by Alwyn Chua

1) DPR Project Approvals c/o Misha (15 mins)

 Sanggunian Website- centralized info hub
o Tabs per school and Sectors; Department‟s information pages
o Tracking Device- Students can see where Sanggu is in real-time
o Videos- Internal and External, 60 Seconds Report
o Downloadables- forms
 Sanggu Internal Video
o Made by Mustachio Productions of SOSS
o Target: Ateneo Students
o Pitch services Sanggu can offer
o Positions and Descriptions (Structure)- will help in elections
o Overall feel: Ateneo-based/Ateneo culture
 Sanggu External Video
o 4 AB Com Majors
o Target Market: Non-Ateneo Students
o Content: External affairs, milestones, timelessness
o For events like Conferences, Best Practices Sharing
 Sanggu 60 Seconds
o Monthly update of what Sanggu has done
o News bits and highlights
 Bulletin Boards
o To be decorated
o EDSA cor. Berchmans
o Free-for-all Board: Freedom Wall-esque (Anyone can post there)
 Deadlines
o Website: Sept. 1
o Internal Video: Aug. 5
o External Video: Aug. 5
o Sanggu 60 Seconds: Every 15th of the month
o Bulletin Boards: End of 1st Semester
 Discussion
o Gio: Video on Cafeteria TVs?
o Misha: MISA says they don‟t work.
o Misha will try to rent the COSA TVs

Motion to approve agenda by Ian Agatep, seconded by Alejo.

2) Project Grant System Presentation c/o Steph (15 mins)\

 Research and thesis, project and endeavour, conferences (individual)-
School Board
 NSTP Project/Endeavor, OSCI-related endeavour, History/Literature Play
etc. (Class Project), LIONS- Finance Officer
 Nature: Academic Requirements, Lone Initiative
 Application- may not be removed, but can be added to
o Application form c/o OFO
 Criteria by OFO
 Deliberation Committee: Chairperson, Sec-Treas, Project Director of Grant
 Consult with a professional in the Project before Deliberations
 Grading- A (100%) to B (60% of what they‟re asking for)
 C+ to F: Appeal; consult mentor
 Criteria for Research and Thesis by OFO
o Add to Deliberation Committee: All-around thesis adviser
 Grant- cash advance, reimbursement
 Maximum grant- SB‟s call
 Total of requested grants: Php750k
o SOSS 150k
o SOH 150k
o SOM 50k
o SOSE 300k
o FO 100k
 AJ: CEA, CB Reps, and FO
o FO as Grant Head
o LIONS separate grant system
 Arellano: Order for check? Problem: Grants may carry-over to next SB (eg.
3rd year students)
 Gumaru: Discuss how to specialize
 Albiento: FO only? CB should have a say about giving the money. Sanggu
should be put to a greater cause.
 Copuyoc: That‟s why we have deliberations.
 Dan: You can include CFS in deliberations committee when it comes to
NSTP, OSCI, etc.
 Copuyoc: Important for dissemination to constituents

Motion to approve by Alejo. Objection by Albiento

 Dan: Approved means on the principle level?

 Answer to Dan: Yes

Objection withdrawn by Albiento

Gio Alejo
Ian Agatep
Steph Gumaru
Alwyn Chua
Alvin Yllana
Joben Odulio
Cheth Mundin
Charm Chan
Cate Sison
Moses Albiento
Dan Remo
Nicole Reyes
AJ Elicaño
Nick Lucero
Justin Tan

Unanimous approval, project approved.

3) Budget Cycle c/o Gio (10 mins)

 Problem: Students do not have a say.
 Cycle Before:
o Depts submit budget proposals to budget committee (May-July)
o Budget Committee w/student reps (Aug)
o Budget Deliberations (Aug-Feb)
o Magtanong sa VP Dekano (Feb)
 New Budget Cycle:
o Add „Key Meeting‟ between Magtanong sa VP Dekano and
Submission of new budget proposals (July)
o Consolidated student‟s concerns regarding budget allocations
 Meeting with LSVP and Deans on July 27- LSVP, Top 4, 4 Deans
 Means of Consultation: Facilities Improvement Form
o 1 per department/program/year
o 2.5 weeks
o Return form by July 22
o Online Option (vs. Sanggu GC)
o Sanggunian GC 2010 results
 AJ: Why not include in second wave of GC?
 Answer: Too late
 Plan for Magtanong sa VP Dekano: HOR-type
 Raymundo: Form on consultation might be too formal, given time

Motion to extend for 2 minutes by Elicano, seconded by Remo.

 Copuyoc: Consult informally with your reps

 Sinco: Why survey? Why not FGDs?
 Alejo: FGDs were conducted last year. Will be included in the report.
 Sinco: Might solve overlap problem with GC
 Reyes: I don‟t trust that we‟ll get many results. Get surface concerns.
 Dan: Motion to extend to 3 minutes.
 Albiento: Second.
 Sinco: Risky if informal methods.
 Alejo: Conduct FGDs with reps (DRS)
 Remo: Standardized question form for reps and CB reps; 1 form per CB rep
 Copuyoc: To formalize things, raise a motion

Motion for CB Reps to conduct an FGD with block and course reps before July 27, 2011-
08-07 by Alejo, seconded by Agatep.

Gio Alejo
Ian Agatep
Steph Gumaru
Alwyn Chua
Alvin Yllana
Joben Odulio
Cheth Mundin
Charm Chan
Cate Sison
Moses Albiento
Dan Remo
Nicole Reyes
AJ Elicaño
Nick Lucero
Justin Tan

4) FOI Bill discussion c/o Ana (15 mins)

 Freedom of Information Bill- not yet passed, around for 3-4 years
 1987 Constitution: Right to information
o Duty to Disclose
o Article II, Section 28
o Full public disclosure of government activities
 Problems
o Absence of uniform access procedure
o Release is discretionary
 Salient Features
o Culture of openness, accessibility, understandability
o Duty to publish information
o Keeping of records, etc.
o Presumption- government shall have the burden of proof of
showing evidence that info should not be disclosed
o Mandatory Disclosure- All government agencies‟ transaction,
contracts, steps, agreements, etc.
o If they don‟t disclose, clear administrative, criminal, and civil liability
o Exceptions
 War
 Weaken negotiations
 Render military operation ineffective
 Personal information of a third party natural person
 Prejudice 3rd party
o Why are we handling this?
 Transparency
o Sanggu‟s Role: Ties to Matanglawin and Assembly, Sanggu (DEA
and SOSS), Joint effort to promote passage
o Task force or resolution, inform students (forums), stand
o Viado: DBM looking for ID majors. Military controversies: security
o Ana: Solon Tanada supports this bill
o Abante: ADS has structure for this Bill. (Access for information in the
o Alejo: Craft a stand
o Ana: Information campaign, forum, task force w/Assembly, ADS,
o Copuyoc: Solon Tanada wrote a letter sent to RLance.
o Agatep reads letter
o Alejo: Motion to extend to 5 minutes.
o Agatep: SOSS started signature campaign. CB agreed to tackle this
last year. Senate ignores it. I urge DEA to research on this topic.
o Albiento: Sanggunian released everything. Part of the Sanggunian
values, we‟ve worked hard for this.
o Potenciano: This is something we should do. We should support this
and engage people. I appeal to school boards.
o Abante: I think we should. COA‟s core values also involved, in
principle and personally, full support.
o Later action plan
o Vote by all in here: Support it.

5) Blue Residences c/o Drew (25 mins)

 Last Year
o No consultation with Loyola Heights
o No justification for exemption
o No due process
 Certificate of Exemption was granted under suspended rules
 But suspension of rules can only be done under time issues
such as emergency situations
o No deliberations
 Period of discussion was terminated soon after it was
 Approval was done swiftly
 They should have discussed it more
 2 other SMDC Developments with same process
o Meetings with SMDC with Summer
 Mediated by Vice-Mayor Belmonte
 At QC Hall (3 times)
 In Ateneo
o LHC- Stop construction and begin genuine dialogue.
o SMDC- We won‟t stop but we will entertain LHC.
o Joy B.- Show unified positions of LHC and SMDC
o Office of the Mayor issues stoppage order
 Writes to Mayor Bautista that they will address concerns with
LHC through meetings
o Releases LHC Position Paper. These are studies by our experts.-LHC
o Releases SMDC Paper. Studies by experts.-SMDC
o Are you open to compromising on your position to not lessen
number floors?
o We‟re not in a position to answer your question.
o Conclusion
o SMDC not open to genuine dialogue
o Never sends decision makers
o We will build
o Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (Atty. Bernardo)
 Gather evidence against SM Blue
 Letters on June 28
o 18 QC Council

 Power to revoke
 Councilor Vargas and Castelo
 Proposed resolution must go through 3 committees
 Different players have different recommendations/actions
o ATF Re-grouped last July 5!
 Elders will look for a “Champion” Concilor
o Privilege speech
 Info Campaign (July-Aug)
o Poster and Video (COSA and Mustachios)
 Mass Action for Good Governnance-Aug
o Mari, Mich, Jerome, Tata
o LHC Town Hall Meeting
 Main objectives:
o Increase awareness
o Goal: Revoke exemption
o Send a message to QC Council: We stand for Good
o Send a Message to the Ateneo Community: We
have to fight graft and corruption.
o We are in a position to influence and form Ateneans
to be more socially/politically involved.
o July 11, 4:30-6pm Meeting for Reps
 Sison: By the time we start info campaign, SMDC would be
allowed to advertise/market SM Blue.
 Alejo: Motion to extend 2 minutes.
 Reyes: Media?
 Copuyoc: Create more noise!

6) Grand Consultation Phase 1 and 2 presentation c/o DRS and Drew (35 mins)
 Copuyoc: We have data, but they‟re not so useful for planning process.
This time, we‟re looking to validate deeper insights. No focused data.
Because it‟s hardcopy, we had lots of responses. Some data not encoded.
 Vega: Some of the things we‟re trying to push for were not feasible.
 Type of questions, quantifiability, actionable
 Reyes: Started as curriculum review and service-learning resolution.
Integrated CAS, CFS, and CEA. Extension of/based on last year‟s GC
 Objectives:
o Survey
o Consultation w/Admin
o FGD: Inform, understand, recommend.
o End Goal: Effectively lobby.
 Step 1:
o Wave 1: CAS and CFS
o Offices and INAF
o Wave 2: CAA and CEA (?)
o Elicano: Org population, LIONS and COA. Satisfaction and home
o Why online? Data in format, efficiency
o Help Needed: 8.52% of student population have answered survey
as of 07/08.
 PR Effort
o Small Scale
o Big Scale
o Room to Room: Reps and Top 55 Officers
o Sanggu GC Station: Sec B Foyer
 Villamin: “Pinakapakain ng pinapakain.”
 Reyes: Problem is what is done after the GCs.
 Comments: Forced, black and white, too long.
 Sinco: Should we change it?
 Raymundo: Locker registration?
 All: Too late.
 Remo: Centralize schedules for Room to Room. At least 2 rooms per
person per day. Monday & Tuesday.
 Reyes: 1 core class per Sanggu Officer.
 Lucero: Beadles
 Albiento: Reps
 Sison: COA GA‟s
 Abante: We‟ll try to promote.
 Gaisano: Posters
 Alwyn: No time
 Sison: Guidance Testing of sophomores on Monday
 Remo: Lobby of UD
 Tan: We‟ll have room to rooms by next week.
 Copuyoc: Raffle (incentive system)
 Go: Doesn‟t look nice. Incentive must be the results of GCs.
 Copuyoc withdraws his proposal
Motion to adopt the Sanggu GC proposals, comments, and suggestions of DRS of length,
neutrality, schedule, and to adapt a centralized system to promote system through
room to room, GC station, and coordination with COA and ARSA by Remo seconded by
Approval by viva voce. The ayes have it.

 Vega: Second wave?

 Sinco: Pin on Second Wave.
 Vega: Objection to have room to room with first wave only.
 Copuyoc: We won‟t lose anything if we try.

7) CB Video presentation c/o Lance (20 mins)

 Lance was Asst. to the President for Knowledge Management and many
more things
 “Sanggunian Anthologies”- promote sustainability
 Gino Limcumpao on the Central Board
 Relevant to CB and improvement of Sanggu as a whole

8) Important dates and reminders c/o Ian (10 mins)

 July 21: Special Academic Convocation
 July 29: St. Ignatius Mass 9:00 AM
 Aug. 1: St. Ignatius Holiday
 Aug. 3-5: Freshman and Special elections
 Claudia: Meeting with La Salle and UP tomorrow

9) Special agenda (15 mins)

Motion to adjourn was made by Gio Alejo and was was seconded by Charm Chan
Adjourned at 9:05 pm.

There were no objections from the Central Board.

Prepared By: Endorsed by:

Billie Crystal C. Dumaliang Francis Ian L. Agatep

Chairperson, Department of Internal Affairs Secretary-General
Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga
Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila

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