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Business Laws

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Explain different kinds of contracts. What are the different ways by which contracts are discharged? What are implied conditions under the Sale of Goods Act? Explain the three tier system of redressal of consumer grievances. What are the essentials of a valid meeting? What are the rights and duties of an agent? Explain different types of marine policies.

8. Explain the meaning and remedies of breach of contract. 9. Define a contract of bailment what are its essentials. 10. Enumerate the rights and duties of a seller in respect of the sale of goods. 11. The Indian Partnership Act has effectively, ensured the registration of firms without making it compulsory comment. 12. Explain briefly about the functions of Life Insurance Corporation of India. 13. What do you understand by formulation of a company? Discuss in brief the procedure for the formation of a company. 14. How a company is incorporated? What documents are required to be filed with the registrar of Joint Stock Company? 15. Explain legal provisions relating to free constant. 16. What is contract of agency? What are the essentials of relationship of agency? 17. Explain how bailment may result without the owner actually delivering the goods to bailee. 18. Who are liable for mis statement in a prospectus? Explain the extent of the liabilities for such misstatements. 19. Explain the objectives of consumer protection act 1986. 20. Discuss the rights, duties and liabilities of partners in a partnership firm. 21. Define marine insurance. Explain the different types of marine policies. 22. Define contract. What are the essential elements of a valid contract?

23. What are the duties and rights of Bailor and Bailee? 24. What are the rules for ascertaining the intension of the parties as to the time when the property of specific goods is to pass to the buyer? 25. What are the circumstances under which reconstitution of a firm takes place? 26. Distinguish between assignment and nomination in life insurance. 27. What are the different clauses in the Memorandum of Association? 28. What are the functions of consumer protection council? 29. Discuss the rights and obligations of a finder of goods. 30. What is Sale? Differentiate sale fwrom an agreement to sell. 31. Who is an Unpaid Seller? What are the rights and responsibilities of an unpaid seller? 32. Define a holder in due course. Explain his privileges under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. 33. What are the consequences of the dissolution of a firm? Elaborate the rights of the creditors after dissolution. 34. Explain the express and implied warranties in a contract of a marine insurance. 35. What is Articles of Association? Explain its contents. 36. Discuss the various remedies available for breach of contract. 37. What is a contract of insurance? Explain the fundamental principles of insurance. 38. Who is an agent? Who can appoint on agent? What is the authority of an agent? 39. Evaluate the essential elements of insurance. 40. What do you mean by Qvasi contracts? Explain the different provisions relating to Qvasi contracts as per Indian contract Act, 1872? 41. Enumerate and explain the different types of acceptance with suitable examples. 42. Explain the nature and kinds of companies according to Companies Act of 1956. 43. 44. 45. 46. What are the essential elements of a valid contract? Describe the various modes by which a contract may be discharged. Discuss the rights and duties of bailor and bailee. Explain the rights of an unpaid seller against the goods and the buyer personally.

47. What is meant by implied authority of a partner? What are the statutory restrictions on such authority? 48. 49. Describe the procedure to make a formal claim under a fire policy. What is a statutory meeting? What is a statutory report and what are its contents?

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