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Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks: 700 (Weightage 70Yo) Note : (i) Section A has fiue questions carrying 20 marks each'.Attempt any three questions. Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

(ii), (iii)

Graph paper will be supplied on demand.

SECTION A l. Write an essay on the scope and methodology of Operations Research,explainingbriefly the main phasesof an OR stgdy. Comment on the techniquesused in solving OR problems.



2 . Solve graphically the following linear programming

problem : Minimizez=3xl+5x, Subject to 3*, + 4xr< 72

2x, + 3xr2 72

2 *-' i:;;2
*). , x|xr>o
Five men are available to do five different jobs'. From past records, the time (in hours) that each man takes to do a job is known and is given in the following matrix :


Men I il

Jobs III N

V I 1 1 1


6 4

9 8 6



3 3 5


Find the assignmentof men to jobs that will minimize the total time taken.


4 . What is integer linear programming ? Explain the merits

and demerits of "rounding off" a continuous optimal solution of an I-P problem to obtain an integer solution. Also explain the Branch and Bound method of solving it.

5 . Two breakfast food manufacturing firms A and B are

competing for an increasedmarket share. To improve its market share, both firms decide to launch the following strategies: AtBt : Give coupons AzBz: Decrease price A3B3 = Maintain present strategy A+B+ : Increaseadvertising The pay-off matrix shown in the following table describes the increase in market share for firm A and decreasein market share for firm B.

Firm.B 81
A1 Firm A A2 A3 A4




4 5 6 5 2 5 5 2 4 55 0 0 3 5 60 0 0 1 0 10 5 1 0 0 15

Determine the optimal strategiesfor each firm and the value of the game.





A wholesaler supplies 30 stuffed dolls each day to various shops. Dolls are purchasedfrom the manufacturer in lots of 720 each at Rs. 1200 per lot. Every order incurs a handling charge of Rs. 60 plus a freight charge of Rs. 250 per lot. Multiple and fractional lots can also be ordered, and all orders are met the next day. The incremental cost is Rs. 0'70 per year to store a doll in inventory. The wholesaler finances inventory instalments by paying its holding company 270 monthly for borrowed funds. How many dolls should be ordered at a time in order to minimize the total annual inventory cost ? Assume that there are 250 weekdays in a year. How frequentlyshould he order ?

7 . The Sondhi Service Station has a central store where

service mechanics arrive to take spare parts for the jobs they'work upon. The mechanicswait in queue if necessary and are servedon a first-come-first-served basis.The store is manned by one attendant who can attend 8 mechanics in an hour on an average. The arrival rate of the mechanicsaverages6 per,hour. Assumingthat the pattern of mechanics' arrivals is Poisson distributed and the servicingtime is exponentiallydistributed,deterrhine (a) (b) The expected time spent by a mechanic in the system. The expected time spent by a mechanic in the queue. The expected number of mechanicsin the queue. 1';OOO


M S - s@ 1


MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination June, 2006


Time :3 hours Maximum Marks : 700 (Weightase 70%) Note : (i) Attempt any three questions from SectionA, each carrying 20 marks, Section B is compulsory qnd cqrries40 mqrks.


SECTION A l. Detailed Project Report (DPR) forms the foundation on which the entire superstructure the project is built - If of it is weak the project cannot withstandthe turbulent times ahead. Bring out the dos and don'ts of a good detailed project report (DPR). 2. What is resource levelling ? What is the importance of resourcelevellingin project management? Which resource managementtechniquesare most popular in India ?




Discussthe importance of a good accounting system for successfulproject implementation. What are the factors that affect project cost and how can they be controlled ? Explain what you mean by "The Performance Analysis Approach". How does it constituie an improvement over the Variance AnalysisApproach ? A large number of project-managementsoftwares have been developedto facilitateand control various projects of all kinds. How can Microsoft Project/Primavera Project Planner help with the variety of schedulingand costing of tasks ?



Ms - 5 2 @

SECTION B 6. (a) Discuss the management. (b) Explain contracts planning and contract negotiation, giving examples, use of Cybernetics in project


For a given network, work out the expected time of completion and varianceof variousactivities,with the data given below : S. No. Activity Optimistic Pessimistic Most likely time time time



7 13 18 3 10

3 4 5 6



5 74 35





Also determine (a) (b) The critical path. The distribution of project completion time.



MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination June, 2006


T i m e: 3 h o u r s Nofe :

Maximum Mqrks: 700

Section A has fiue questions carrying 20 marks eqch. Attempt qny three questions from Section A. SectionB is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

SECTIONA 1. (a) What are the reasons the successful application for ? industries of robotsin manufacturing

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The following table contains information concerning four jobs that are awaiting processing at a work center. Job Job time (days) Due date (days)


74 10 7 6

20 16 15 17


Sequencethe jobs using (i) (ii) First cum first sgrved(FCFS) Time (SPT) Shortest Processing

(iii) Earliestdue date (EDD) For each method, determine the average job flow time, the average lateness,and the averagenumber 10+70 of jobs at the work center.



What are some changes a company may make in the way it operates so that it will require less inventory ?


Using the information contained in the table shown, answer each of the following : (i) Draw a precedencediagram.

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Assuming an eight-hour work day, compute the cycle time needed to obtain an output of 400 units per day.

(iii) Determine





work-stationsrequired. Task
a b c d e f Immediate follower b e d

Task time (minute)

0.2 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.3 1.0 0.4 0-3



g h

h end



Suppose you were asked to set up a cost-control program for an established automobilemanufacturing firm. Briefly, what steps would you Ieel were absolutelyvital to such a program ?

MS-53 o



A time study of an Idaho mining activity revealed a cycle time of 6'50 minutesfor a worker rated at are 108 percent.The allowances as follows : Personaltime = 30 minutesper day, Fatigue= 74 minutesper day, Delay = 40 minutes Per daY. Determine the standard time for an 8-hour-per-day 70+70 operation.



diagrams have any advantages Do cause-and-effect over a simple list of possiblecausesof a problem ? Explain with suitableexamples. Given below are the actual demand and the forecasts made by two forecast models : Actual Demand Forecast Model A Forecast Model B


3,189 4,038 3,874 3,322 4,1.1.6

(i) (ii)

3,700 3,496 3,773 3,777 3,595

3,480 3,594 3,708 3,822 3.935

Compute the MAD for both forecast models. Compute the Running Sum Forecast Error (RSFE)for both forecastmodels.

(iii) Indicate which model you think is better and 70+10 whv ?




What are CAD and CAM ? How do they differ {rom integratedCAD/CAM ? The specifications a critical characteristic an for of electric resistor call for it to have a resistance of 500 t 25 ohms. The process for making the resistors produces a normal distribution of measurements resistance of with a standarddeviation of 5 ohms. (i) (ii) CalculateCp for this situation. Is the process capable of performing the operationsuccessfully ? 70+70


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SECTION B 6. (a) What is Total Quality Management (TQM) ? How does it emerge from the traditional concept of quality management ? panelling Factory Built Homes, Inc. (FBH) purchases componenrs from a nearby mill for Rs' 50 per unit' It expects to use about 4,000 units during the that it costsRs. 300 to coming year. FBH estimates place an order and Rs' 15 per unit-yearfor carrying and storage costs. The mill can provide FBH with immediate delivery of any reasonablequantity' (i) (ii) What is the most economicalquantity for FBH to order ? How many orders per year should be placed ?


(lii1 What is the total yearly cosi associatedwith ordering, carrying, and purchasing the EOQ 70+70 amount ? 7. Write short notes on anyliue of the following : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (fl (g) (h) Zero Detect ForecastError Vendor Rating Pareto Diagram Internal Customers Sporadic Loss CIM AGVS


MS-53 o


MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination June, 2006

Time :3 hours Maximum Marks : 700 (Weightage 70o/o) Note .' Attempt any three questions t'rom Section A. Each question carries 20 marks. Section B is compulsory qnd carries40 mqrks.

SECTION A l. (a) "Decision making is the key to success."Explain. How do you identifyinformationneededfor decision making ? Give examples. Discussdifferent types of decisions.How can you manage information as a "resource" ? Give examples.



(a) Explain System development life cycle giving its

salient features.

(b) "Managers must have a sound implementation

strategy for information systemprojects." Explain.





Discussevolution of data modelling concepts, giving examples. What are the common data transmissionerrors and how can they be removed ? Explain. the advantages RDBMS. of Discuss What is a virus ? How can it be identified and removed ? Can we prevent virus attack ?



(a) (b)

5 . Write notes on any four :

(il (ii) Multiplexer Mode of Transmission

(iii) Networkstructures (iv) LAN (v) Query l-anguages


SECTION B 6. You have been retained as a software consultant by a school which has around 3000 students. The school authorities are thinking to invest in hardware and software for computerisation of school activities. Suggest various actMties of the school which can be computerisedand give them a complete step-by-stepsystem development flow chart. Also suggest hardware requirement. present in a report format.



I rssr@l
Time : 3 hours Note : (i) Secfion A has six questions each carrying 20 marks.Attempt any four quesfions. Section B is compulsory, qnd cqrries20 marks. SECTION A l. What are the primary responsibilities the logistics of group and the marketing group within an organization ? Why is there a conflict between the hvo ? What measurescan be taken to enhancecooperation? 2. What are the three anglesfrom which integration of Supply Chain and Demand Chain can be seen ? Also, discuss supply chain strategiesthat have to be followed for an effective integration. Msximum Marks : 700


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3 . Explain the key processesconsidered in both ERP and

SCM. How are these processes different from each other ? What are the supply chain managementpitfalls ? How are these pitfalls eliminated?


Deline Benchmarking.Describeits role in improvement of organizational efficiencies. What are various kinds of challengesfaced during the processof benchmarking? Explain the procedure of transport and carrier selection' Why is it carried out and what are the major ? characteristics What are the essentialdifferencesin a B2C and a B2B supply chain ? List the respective characteristics that such differences. necessitate



MS-55 @

SECTION B 7. Read the following case and answer the questionsgiven at the end of the case : Benchmarking Contributes to the success of Reliance Energy Groqp Limited (REGL) Reliance Energy Ltd., a member of the Reliance group, is India's leading private sector utility group. Reliance Energy ranks third among Indian private companies in terms of net worth. The net worth of the Company stood at Rs. 6,339 crore (US$ 1.5 billion) as on 31't March 2005. The group distributes nearly 16000 million units of power to over 5 million consumersacross an area covering 7,24,900 sq. kms. Reliance Energy generates941 MW of power, through its power plants located in four states across India. Reliance Energy is ranked amongstIndia'stop 20 listedprivate companiesin terms of all major financial parameters,including assets, sales, profits and market capitalization.Reliance Group acquired the management control of the Company two years ago and made rapid strides in improving its operational and financial performance. Reliance Energy has since become a world-classutility, benchmarkedto international standards of quality, operational performance, efficiency and customer care. Their net profit has increased Rs. S2O crore (US$ 119 million), to

Ms-55 @


against Rs. 367 crore (US$ 84 million) in the last financialyear, an increaseof 42 percent. The two Delhi Distribution Companies, viz. BSES Rajdhani Power Limited (BRPL) and BSES Yamuna Power Limited (BYPL) witnesseda complete turnaround in their performance during the year under review, by improving their financials from aR aggregate loss o{ ngt profit of Rs. 67 crore Rs. 8J crore to an aggregate during the year. All this is due to ihe Electricity Act by 2003, which aims to benefit consumers offering them leadingto competitive the freedom o{ choice of suppliers, tariffs and improvement in the quality of power. Electricity would soon be made a service, which will be traded on benchmarks o{ customer satisfaction such as quality, pricing, and service. The interests of consumers will be served best by increasing competition in power, generation, transmission and distribution of costs of power. In order to see the high potential in this sector one can compare India (the total installedpower generation capacity stands at .about 1,18,000 MW) and China (installedcapacity _of 4,00,000 MW, nearly four times that of India). Over the last 5 yea1s,the averageannual addition to power generation capacity in India is only

thereby eliminating monopolies and bringing down unit

Ms.55 @

around 4,000 MW. In contrast, China has been adding over 20,000 MW of capacityevery year, five times that of India, India is witnessing severeshortagesin power availability, which is impeding our economic growth. Reliance Energy has a comprehensive plan to explore various opportunitiesin coal, gas, hydro and wind based power generation projects. REGL is taking initiatives towards coal based power generation,gas based power generation. RelianceEnergyaspiresto becomea customercentric organization with a mission to provide uninterrupted, affordable,and clean power to millions of its customers. The year 2004 - 05 witnessed various steps and initiatives to meet Reliance Energy's commitments to internationalstandardsof customerservice.To enhance service standards, they have introduced a series of customer-friendly services and amenities, including the following : User friendly and informative bills for understanding. easier

First-in-world pioneering initiative of making the bill available the language customer's in of choice. Introduction of another path breaking step by launchingbills for the blind in Braille.

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Introduction of Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) to eliminate billing related errors. Increasein payment locationsto nearly 1,000 to suit the customers'convenience. A single window, state-of-the-art24 x 7 call center with multi skilled staff to respond to customer and queries. complaints. Redesignedinternational look customet care centers. Their power stations received several prestigious awards for Safety and Environment during the year that include Maharashtra Safety Award - 20Og for having the lowest accident frequency rate in the year, and for running uninterruptedly for over one million man-hours; National Safety Award - 2O0g for its longest period of accident free operation; 4 Star Rating by the British Safety Council for its overall performance in Occupational Health and Safety; Yogata Praman Patra by National Safety Council in a national competition for its salety 'Environment Manager,nent'. The record; Silver Award for Dahanu Power Station, recipient of several national-level in awards and accolades the past was named of the world's top 12 power plants of 20A4 by Platts Power magazine, in its July,/August 2004 edition, based on several selection criteria such as operational efficiency,

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minimal environmental impact, technology use, and financing structure. The Company has a high calibre, multifunctional team of over 1, 100 engineers and professionals, who are well equipped to handle any assignment in the power sector. Training programs and workshops are regularly conductedto continually enhance the competencies employees,and to encouragethem of to upgrade their skills and knowledge. The Company is committed to achieving excellence in environmental performance and continues to strive towards its commitment to protect and promote the environment. Reliance Eneigy is able to keep its service

commitment dynamic, by benchmarking with the best in the world as well as by understanding customer needs through surveys/feedbacks. 2004, RelianceEnergyLtd. ln was presented "Qimpro Benchmark 2004" award by QIMPRO, an affiliateof the world's largestquality system registrationagency,in the 'ServiceCategory'on the basis of its performance on 15 parameters,including attributes such as Leadership,Strategicplanning, Communication, Quality Management Systems and Customer Interaction Management,among others.

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Questions : (a) In your opinion what has helped RelianceEnergy the benchmarks or the opportunities in the power sector ? Why ? What are the other initiatives that REGL could take in future ? of Discussother processes RelianceEnergy that need benchmarking.



MS-55 @


Term-End Examination

June, 2006


Time :3 hours MaximumMarks: 700 (Weishtage70%) Note : There ore eight questions in this poper. Attempt any fiue questions. AII questions carry equal mqrks.


Discuss the value-added activities included in Materials LogisticsManagementprogram (MLM). Describethe three interfacesthat MLM covers,indicating how they affect the materialsmanager'sdecisionmaking process.


List the important documents that

are required for

purchasing products from foreign suppliers.What are the essentialelementsof each of these documents?



3 . One of the important shortcomings of Manufacturing

Resources Planning (MRPII) is that it is a "poor scheduler". How can this shortcoming be' overcome ? Explain a mixed strategy based on the integraiion of MRP with Optimized ProductionTechnology (OPT).


Discuss what do you mean by probabilistic inventory models. When are they used ? Discussin detail any two of the following probability inventory models : (a) Simple single period discrete probabilistic inventory models Simple single period inventory models continuous probabilistic



Multi-period probabilisticinventory models

5 . What do you mean by processinventory/Work in process

inventory WIP) ? Identify the factors influencing WIP inventories.Also discussthe methods of controllingWIP inventories. 6. Describeand list the major shortcomings FIFO, LIFO, of and Average methods of stores evaluation. Under what conditions are the three inventory flow methods essentially equivaleni? 7. Discuss the various losses in warehouses.What are the reasons for their occurrence? Describe the procedure of preventing and conholling lossesin warehouses.



Write short notes on any four of the following : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) EnvironmentalIssuesin Logistics Process& Main Objectivesof Negotiation MRP with Elementsof JIT V-E-D Analysis Standardization Random AccessStores System



MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination June, 2006

Time : 3 hours Nofe : Maximum Marks : 700

This question pqper containsseven questions.All quesfions carry equal morks. Attempt any fiue questions,


What is a maintenance strategy ? Why is a good maintenance strategy essential for the well-being of a plant ? Discussthe factors affecting maintenancestrategy and give the guidelinesfor selectingthe best maintenance strategy.


What is the aim of spare parts inventory management? In what way does it influence the different stagesof the life cycleof spare parts ?


Many organizations have standing conflicts amongst maintenance and production/operations employees. Describe the nature of these conflicts. What are the main causes?




"Plant shutdov.rns for equipment overhauls need to be planned." Why ? What will happen if this is not adequately done ? What ara 'the various steps , of .planning of maintenanceshutdownl ? :


Discussthe origin of Total ProductiveMaintenance(TPM). What are the three specific motives for the adoption of TPM in Japan according Taka$shi.? io Under which two main heads can the commonly used methods of qualitative analysis in maintenance managementbe classified Discuss. ? Write short notes on any tour of the following : (a) (b) (c) (d) Proactivemaintenance Steps in CMMS softwareimplementation Benefits of condition-based maintenance Use of Weibull management QC circles distribution in maintenance




MS - s 7 @


MAT{AGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination June, hOOG


Time: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 7Aa {Weightage7@/o)

Nole ;

Attempt all questions. AII questions corry equal marks.


Examine the nature of technological change in historical perspective. What different explanations have been given in this regard ? OR Discuss the following non-structured techniques for enhancing creativity in creailve problem solving : (a) (b) MorphologicalTechnique Attribute listing




What coutd be different types of approaches used fof R & D budgeting? Which approach in your opinion would be most desirable? OR Discussthe rationale of partnership in innovation and R & D. Why is the need for partnership in innovation felt more sirongly. today ? Who could be partners in innovation ? Discusstheir role and limitations,


Discussthe four dimensionsof human resource practices that foster innovation and creatMty for effective R & D. OR What is a learning organization? What are the benefircof being one ?' Also, describe the features of a leaming organizationfor R &


In the context of national R & D infmstructure and institutional framework, write notes on the following : (a) (b) (c) Indian Council of Agricultural Research0CAR) Department of Science and Technology (DST) Nationat (NRDC) Research Development Corporation


Deparhnent of Elechonics (DOE) OR


Discussthe salient features of the incentivesand support measures provided by Ihe following countries for promotion of R & D technology development : (a) (b) 5. Malaysia UK

What are patents ? What are the conditions that are applicable for patentability? Also, discusssome important featuresof patents. OR Write short notes on the following : (a) (b) Small tndustries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) Industrial Credit and InvestmentCorporation of India




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