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We will begin our study of physics with a study of motion. Look around you, and you will find that almost everything is in motion: flying birds, running people, falling books, etc. We will analyze their motions and think about how fast the object moves and how far. 3a.1. Distance and Displacement Distance and displacement are different. When you traveled 50 km to the East and then 20 km to the West, the total distance you traveled is 70 km, but your displacement is 30 km East. In physics, we say that distance is a scalar and displacement is a vector. Scalar has a magnitude and vector has both a magnitude and a direction. Scalar is one dimensional and vector is two dimensional. QUESTION: A car moved 50 km to the North. What is its displacement? (e.g. "10 km East") QUESTION: A car moved 20 km East and 70 km West. What is the distance? (in km) 3a.2. Speed, Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocity Speed is the distance travel per unit time, it is a scalar quantity. (v = s/t) Velocity is the displacement per unit time, it shows how fast an object is moving to which direction. (v = s/t) Average velocity can be calculated by dividing displacement over time. (v = s / t ) For example, when a car moved 50 km in 2 hours, the average velocity is 25.5 km/h because.

The instantaneous velocity shows the velocity of an object at one point. For example, when you are driving a car and its speedometer swings to 90 km/h, then the instantaneous velocity of the car is 90 km/h. QUESTION: A car moved 20 km East and 60 km West in 2 hours. What is its average velocity? (in km/h) QUESTION: How far will a car travel in 15 min at 20 m/s?(in km) 3a.3. Position-time Graph A position-time graph simply shows the relationship between time and position. From the following data, for example, time (s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 position (s) 0 20 50 130 150 200 You can draw the following graph:

QUESTION: Answer the questions using the previous graph: What is the average velocity during the first 2 seconds? (in m/s) What is the average velocity of the whole trip? (in m/s) 3a.4. Velocity-time Graph A velocity-time graph shows the relationship between velocity and time. For example, if a car moves at constant velocity of 5 m/s for 10 seconds, you can draw a velocity-time graph that looks like this:

The area below the line represents the displacement the object traveled since it can be calculated by xy, or (time * velocity) which equals to displacement. QUESTION: Calculate the distance traveled by the car. (in m) 3a.5. Relative Motion When the car A is at 50 km/h and the car B is at 30 km/h at opposite direction, the velocity of the car A relative to the car B is 80 km/h. QUESTION: If you are walking at constant velocity of 5 km/h and a car passed you by at the speed of 20 km/h from behind, what is the car's velocity from your viewpoint (in km/h) QUESTION: If you are running at constant velocity of 5 m/s, what is your relative velocity to Earth? (in m/s)

3a.6: Lesson 3a -Quiz (Take the quiz to see how well you can do!) 1. If you move 10 km North, 10 km East, and 10 km South, a. What is your displacement? (e.g. "10 km South") b. What is the total distance you traveled? 2. The below graph represents the position of a mouse at a given time.

a. What is the average velocity between t = 0 to t = 4? b. What is the distance you traveled from t = 3 to t = 7? c. What is the total displacement? 3. Answer the questions using the following graph.

m/s m m

a. What is the distance it traveled between t = 0 to t = 2? m b. What is the instantaneous velocity when t = 4? m/s 4. Jack and Michael are both running together at constant velocity of 10 m/s. a. What is Jack's relative velocity to Michael? m/s b. What is Michael's relative velocity to Jack? m/s 5. A rat and a cat are 25 m apart. When the rat started to run at 2 km/h, the cat started to chase him at 10 km/h. Can the cat catch the rat in 10 seconds?

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