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IRGC ground troops begin war games in eastern Iran




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Latest Egypt vote brings Islamic groups closer to win

T I M E S . C O M

Venezuela to receive Iranian-made oil tanker in September



Kiarostami to return with Shirin charity screenings




16 Pages Price 5000 Rials 33rd year NO.11340 Sunday JANUARY 8 2012 Day 18 1390 Safar 14 1433

Iranians honor wrestling legend 13 Gholam-Reza Takhti

Fordo enrichment facility to come on stream soon

Political Desk BAS, Hormozgan Province The subterranean Fordo enrichment facility, located near Qom, will start operating in the near future, the director of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) announced on SatBANDAR ABurday. The Fordo facility will be launched soon and will be able to produce 20 percent, 3.5 percent, and 4 percent enriched uranium, Fereydoun Abbasi said during the opening ceremony of an exhibition displaying the countrys nuclear achievements in the port city of Bandar Abbas, in the southern province of Hormozgan. In August 2011, the AEOI announced that it plans to transfer the production of uranium enriched to a purity level of 20 percent from the Natanz nuclear site to the Fordo enrichment facility under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and to triple the production of 20 percent enriched uranium. Iran needs 20 percent enriched uranium to produce nuclear fuel plates for the Tehran research reactor, which produces radioisotopes for cancer treatment. Abbasi also said that the rst batch of 20 percent enriched nuclear fuel will be loaded into the core of the Tehran research reactor within a month. Contd. on P. 2

Iran mulling over Russias revised step-by-step plan: envoy

TEHRAN The ambassador to Moscow has said that the Russian proposal for a step-by-step plan toward Irans nuclear program has undergone a number of revisions. On July 13, 2011, Russia made a proposal for a step-by-step approach, according to which Iran could address questions about its nuclear program and be rewarded with a gradual easing of sanctions. Ambassador Reza Sajjadi, in an interview with the Fars News Agency published on Saturday, said, After the Russians presented the plan, we studied it for two months. Mr. Ali Baqeri, the deputy secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, during his trip to Moscow (in early November 2011) expressed the countrys views in this regard. The Russians, after about three weeks, presented their revised initiative to Iran through the Russian Embassy in Tehran. The relevant authority is now deliberating on the revised plan. Contd. on P. 2

Political Desk Iranian

Iran oil ban could herald economic disaster for Europe: experts
Oil prices could spiral out of control and potentially herald deeper economic hardship for Europe if the European Union joins the U.S. in banning Iranian oil imports, analysts warned. EU ocials said on Wednesday that European governments agreed in principle to ban imports of Iranian oil. But several countries within the EU are heavily reliant on oil imports from Iran, and none more so than economically struggling Greece, which currently imports 30 percent of its domestic oil from the country, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). Greece to collapse Greeces economy is already mired in deep recession and could feasibly collapse entirely if the sanctions were imposed, Paul Stevens, economist and emeritus professor at Dundee University in Scotland, told CNBC. Were that to happen, the Greek economy could take its European neighbors down with it. But the likelihood would be that Greece would have to ignore the import ban and that the EU would have to allow it to in order to avert economic disaster. Contd. on P. 4

Lawyer: Bahrain rights activist beaten by police

Bahraini antigovernment protesters face off Sunday, Jan. 1, 2012, with riot police, unseen in the smoke and tear gas-lled streets of the Shia Muslim village of Sitra, Bahrain.

China warns U.S. on Asia military strategy
Chinas state media have warned the U.S. against exing its muscles after Washington unveiled a defense review switching focus to the Asia-Pacic. In an editorial, ocial news agency Xinhua said President Barack Obamas move to increase U.S. presence in the region could come as a welcome boost to stability and prosperity. But it said any U.S. militarism could create ill will and endanger peace. Obama also plans $450bn (290bn) in cuts to create a leaner military. Thousands of troops are expected to be axed over the next decade under the far-reaching defense review. The defense budget could also lose another $500bn at the end of this year after Congress failed to agree on decit reduction following a debt-ceiling deal in August 2011. Obama said the tide of war was receding in Afghanistan and that the U.S. must renew its economic power. Regional disputes However, he told reporters at the Pentagon: Well be strengthening our presence in the Asia-Pacific, and budget reductions will not come at the expense of this critical region. Xinhua said the U.S. role could be good for China in helping to secure the peaceful environment it needed to continue its economic development. But it added: While boosting its military presence in the Asia-Pacic, the United States should abstain from exing its muscles, as this wont help solve regional disputes. If the United States indiscreetly applies militarism in the region, it will be like a bull in a china shop, and endanger peace instead of enhancing regional stability. BBC Asia analyst Charles Scanlon said the U.S. decision to focus on Asia would have come as no surprise to Chinas leaders. However, to some in Beijing, it would look like a containment strategy designed to curtail Chinas growing power. Beijing ocials have yet to comment. Contd. on P. 15


MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) A lawyer for a prominent human rights activist in Bahrain says his client has been hospitalized after a beating by police at an antigovernment protest. Nabeel Rajab is the president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights. His lawyer, Moham-

med al-Jishi, says the activist was beaten brutally by members of the security forces during a rally on Friday in the capital, Manama. He says policemen hit Rajab on the head and face with sticks and kicked him. The government says in a statement that police found Rajab on the ground, injured while

participating in an unauthorized march in Manama. Bahrains majority started campaigning for greater rights from the Sunni monarchy last February. Dozens of people have been killed and thousands more have been arrested and put in jail or red from their jobs in Bahrain

since the beginning of the popular uprising in February 2011. In addition, many health workers, teachers, opposition gures and human rights activists in Bahrain are still facing trial or serving prison terms over participation in anti-government demonstrations.

Israel refuses to allow treatment of cancer-stricken detainee

AL-KHALIL (PIC) The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) is refusing to allow treatment of Naim Natshe, who has cancer, ever since his detention more than seven months ago, his wife said. She told Quds Press that the health condition of her husband, 56, has worsened as a result, adding that Natshe, who is held in Ofer prison, also suers from heart problems, diabetes, and hypertension. The wife said that the IOA even clamped on her husband another six months of administrative custody, without trial or charge.


Ron Paul raps U.S. hostility toward Iran

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has lashed out at Washingtons hostile policies toward Iran, saying there is no evidence that Tehran is making nuclear weapons. Iranians are planning to be bombed and would understandably make the necessary arrangements to counter the threat, even though there is no evidence whatsoever that they have enriched uranium, Paul said in a recent speech. Washington and Tel Aviv have repeatedly threatened Tehran with the option of a military strike, based on the allegation that Irans nuclear work may consist of a covert military aspect. Last week, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Sta General Martin Dempsey said the U.S. military is ready to launch a military strike against Iran, if occasion necessitates. Dempseys warmongering tirades came on the heels of equally aggressive remarks by U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta that no options were o the table regarding Irans nuclear program. Paul also noted that Irans anti-U.S. stance stems from Washingtons interference in Tehrans internal aairs. He referred to the 1953 coup dtat against then Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddeq, explaining that the U.S. forcefully replaced Mosaddeq with a ruthless dictator to secure its own interests, including oil benets. Paul also criticized the U.S. sanctions against the Islamic Republic, describing them as acts of war which can pave the way for a real conict in the Middle East. Sanctions were the rst step in our wars against Iraq and Libya, and now more sanctions planned against Syria and Iran are leading down the same destructive path, he warned in a recent article titled The Folly of Sanctions. On December 31, U.S. President Barack Obama signed into law fresh economic sanctions against Irans Central Bank in a bid to punish foreign companies and banks that do business with the Iranian nancial institution. The United States has already barred its own banks from dealing with the Iranian Central Bank. Thus, the new U.S. sanctions are intended to dissuade other foreign banks from doing transactions with Irans Central Bank by threatening to cut o their access to U.S. nancial institutions. The U.S., Israel and their allies accuse Iran of pursuing a military nuclear program and have used this allegation as a pretext to push the UN Security Council to impose sanctions on Iran. Tehran has categorically refuted the Western allegations, saying that as a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), it has the right to acquire and develop atomic technology for peaceful purposes. (Source: Press TV)

Brief Notice of International Tender No. 90-165

Esfahan Steel Co. intends to purchase through international tender 2 pcs probe (sampling of the upper surface of blast furance No. 3) Prospective bidders specialized and experienced may visit Esfahan Steel Co.s Website at to get the tender documents no later than (21/ Janu/2012) and deliver their bids to the following address no later than ocial closing time (i.e. 3:00 pm) on (15/Feb/2012). ADDRESS 4th Floor, Towhid Bldg., Esfahan Steel Co., End of Esfahan-Zobahan Highway, Esfahan, Iran.Tel.: +98334257 3674 For further information, prospective bidders may contact us via the following phone No. or E-mail address: Tel: 0098-3342574-4059 & Email:

UN official says Yemen amnesty may be illegal

Granting amnesty to perpetrators of war crimes and human rights abuses under Yemens presidential transition deal would be against international law, the UN human rights chief has said. I have been closely following the events in Yemen, particularly the very contentious debate about an amnesty law to be presented to Parliament shortly, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said on Friday. International law and the UN policy are clear on the matter: amnesties are not permissible if they prevent the prosecution of individuals who may be criminally responsible for international crimes including war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and gross violations of human rights. A Persian Gulf Co-operation Council (PGCC) initiative, signed by President Ali Abdullah Saleh in November after months of mass anti-government protests, forced the president to hand power to Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi, the vice president. Hadi, meanwhile, has told international and PGCC mediators that he may leave the capital if Saleh continues to interfere in his job. Pillay has previously blamed government forces for using live ammunition against unarmed protesters and has said Saleh should not have been granted an amnesty to leave power. Rupert Colville, a spokesperson for Pillay in Geneva, declined to elaborate further or say who might face which charges. (Source: Al Jazeera)



JANUARY 8, 2012

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QODS: Issues of women and family are the most important issues facing the country: Leader KHORASAN: No need for others presence in Persian Gulf to maintain security, Navy Commander tells KHORASAN HEMAYAT: Irans electricity exports to Turkey to be doubled TAFAHOM: One-third of water supplies wasted in Iran TEHRAN-E EMROOZ: Europe split over Iran sanctions JAM-E JAM: Former CIA officials warn Obama (about attack on Iran) HAMSHAHRI: Dollar prices will decrease more, Bahmani (Irans Central Bank Governor) announces KAYHAN: Ashton (EU foreign policy chief) asks Turkey to help resume talks between Iran, 5+1 KAYHAN: Exclusive hospitals for women to be constructed in all provinces, health minister announces SHARQ: Majlis National Security Subcommittee summons President Ahmadinejad MELLAT-E MA: 1200 kilograms of illicit drugs seized every day in the country: latest statistics released by (National) Police VATAN-E EMROOZ: Egypt prosecutor general issues indictment for Hosni Mubarak



Majlis committee seeking presidents explanation about Moslehi, Mottaki cases

Political Desk Majlis
The National Security and Foreign Policy Committee has decided to summon the president to answer MPs questions about the cases of former foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki and Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi on Tuesday, according to MP Ali Motahhari. On December 13, 2010, the president dismissed Mottaki from his post while he was away on a diplomatic mission in Senegal. The move provoked criticism from the parliamentarians who believed Mottaki was not removed courteously. In addition, on April 17, 2011, Ahmadinejad accepted Moslehis resignation, but it was rejected by Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei. The president did not appear in public for 11 days. Later, certain media outlets reported that Ahmadinejad insisted on his decision to accept the intelligence ministers resignation. But the president rearmed his allegiance to the principle of velayat-e faqih (rule of the supreme jurisprudent) during a cabinet meeting on May 1, 2011. Speaking to the Mehr News AgenTEHRAN due to the signicance of these two issues. However, Ahmadinejad will set o on a ve-day tour of the Latin American countries of Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Ecuador on Sunday, January 8. In addition, in a recent interview with the Mehr, MP Hossein Sobhaninia of the Majlis Presiding Board, said, It would be preferred if the president himself could attend the committee (session) and answer (Majlis) representatives questions. However, if he is not willing, he can send his representative. According to the Mehr, if answers do not satisfy MPs, the motion calling for the president to be questioned will be submitted to the Majlis Presiding Board so that it could be discussed at an open session of the Majlis. The president must then appear before the parliament within a month to answer questions. MP Hossein Ebrahimi also told the Fars News Agency on Tuesday, The president is scheduled to travel to Latin America, and therefore will not be in Iran (on Tuesday). However, his representative will attend the session, he added.

cy on Saturday, Motahhari said, The reason behind the presidents 11-day resistance (to accept) the decree issued by the Leader of the Revolution in which he reinstated Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi and the way former foreign minister Mottaki was dismissed, are two issues that the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee has been assigned

to investigate. Asked if the president himself will certainly attend the committee session, Motahhari said, According to the parliamentary internal bylaws, the presidents representative attends the specialized committee (session), but it seems that the committees presiding board has decided that the president himself answer (questions)

Iran mulling over Russias revised step-by-step plan: envoy

Contd. from P. 1

Deviants, seditionists are principlists rivals in parliamentary polls: Zakani

Political Desk of
TEHRAN Head the United Front of Principlists Election Oce says deviants and seditionists are opponents of the principlists in the March parliamentary elections. Alireza Zakani also said there are corrupt people within the deviant and seditious groups who want to stay in power and undermine the Islamic system. Zakani said after the 2009 elections, seditionists, through unrest and violation of law, caused a sense of insecurity in the society. Seditionists back people as long as they vote for them otherwise they hurl insult at them, Zakani commented. He went on to say that seditionists intend to launch an active but silent campaign for the elections and claimed that 19 percent of the persons who registered for parliamentary elections belonged to this current (seditionists). He also said the deviant current, by capitalizing on its power and money also seek parliamentary seats, but this group is not committed to Islamic principles. This group has no belief in Islam (and) only wants to create conict between (three branches) of power, he argued. Zakani went on to say that an activist who bears close ties with the deviant current has revealed that if we recognize that a reformist is likely to win in a particular constituency, we either back him or give up in his favor. Through this approach the deviant current seeks to polarize the political atmosphere so that it can emerge victorious in the elections, he stated. He also said that the hegemonistic system has decided to confront the Islamic Revolution by tightening sanctions against Iran in order to disappoint people. They bring numerous accusations against us in the international scene and tighten the situation so that our people get disappointed and the number of voters reduced, the principlist MP said. The lawmaker said the arrogant powers are seeking to create disunity among the people and create tension in the society as the election is approaching. Elsewhere in his remarks, he said the United Front of Principlists is making efforts to create unity among loyalists to the Islamic Revolution and disseminate the discourse of principlism. We have decided to produce weekly programs and hold conferences in different provinces, he said. Creating hope and exhilaration and joy is another thing that we are trying to focus on. He also said the dangerous poison is competition between principlists and this is something that the enemy wants. The will of enemy, seditionists and deviationists is conflict and split in the principlist camp, the Majlis deputy pointed out.

The difference between this initiative and the proposals of the 5+1 (group) (the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China, and Germany) is that first of all, the 5+1, in contravention of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, does not recognize our legitimate rights in regard to nuclear activities, and, on the other hand, has been calling for all our peaceful nuclear activities to be halted. But the stepby-step plan recognizes Irans inalienable right to acquire peaceful nuclear energy, he stated. Sajjadi added, Previously, we took some steps and confidence-building measures to which the West has not given any positive response. The basis of the plan of (Russian Foreign Minister Sergei) Lavrov is logical, but in order for an agreement to be reached and (the plan) to be accepted by us, many consultations are required. Sanctions on Irans central bank illegal In reply to a question about the fact that U.S. President Barack Obama signed into law a defense funding bill that imposes sanctions on financial institutions dealing with the Central Bank of Iran on December 31, 2011, Sajjadi said that Obamas move was illegal and unilateral. The Russians had earlier announced that they do not approve of sanctions that go beyond resolutions and do not tolerate them. What Obama did caused a split between the members of the United Nations Security Council and undermined the UN, he stated. Sajjadi added, The move is rejected, and the Russians have clearly announced that they will not agree to such sanctions and that Irans nuclear issue can only be resolved through dialogue. Russia has not asked to inspect U.S. drone Elsewhere in his remarks, the Iranian ambassador dismissed news reports claiming that Russian officials have asked for permission to inspect the U.S. spy drone that was recently downed by the Iranian armed forces and said, We have not received any request from the Russians to inspect the drone. He also said that the secretary of Irans Supreme National Security Council did not discuss the issue of the drone with Russian officials during his trip to Moscow in early December 2011. SNSC Secretary Saeed Jalili and Russian officials only exchanged views on regional issues, Sajjadi stated.

IRGC ground troops begin war games in eastern Iran

Political Desk ground
The troops of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps started the preliminary stage of the war games, entitled Martyrs to Unity, in east Iran on Saturday. The main stage of the maneuvers will begin on Monday, IRGC Ground Forces Commander Mohammad Pakpour said. He said that IRGC forces will display their military capabilities during the drills, adding that the latest achievements of the IRGC Ground Forces will also be unveiled. TEHRAN He went on to say that the purposes of the war games are to enhance the capabilities of IRGC ground troops and combat units and increase security at Irans borders. IRGC forces will also practice the tactics of asymmetric warfare, Brigadier General Pakpour said. The IRGC Naval Force also announced on Thursday that it will stage the naval war games, entitled Payambar-e-Azam (the Great Prophet), in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz in late January.

IRGC to practice closing Hormuz Strait in shortest time possible



MP Esmaeil Kowsari of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee has said that the naval war games, which will be staged by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Naval Force in late January, are meant to enhance armed forces capabilities so that they can close the Strait of Hormuz in the shortest time possible when the situation requires it. The IRGC plans to practice its ability to close the Strait of Hormuz during the naval maneuvers, which will begin on January 27 in the Persian Gulf. The deputy commander of the Air Force for coordination affairs, Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh, announced on Saturday that air-force reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft have been equipped with online data transmission systems. He also said that the Air Force has newgeneration fighter jets and is regularly upgrading their radar and electronic warfare systems. In an interview with the Fars News Agency on Saturday, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ramin Mehmanparast described the U.S. Navys move to rescue 13 Iranian shermen held by pirates as a positive measure and a humanitarian gesture. U.S. ocials announced on Friday that 13 Iranian shermen had been rescued by a U.S. Navy destroyer on Thursday, more than 40 days after their boat was commandeered by suspected Somali pirates in the northern Arabian Sea, AP reported. U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland urged Latin American countries on Friday not to deepen ties with Iran. She made the remarks when asked about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejads decision to set off on a five-day tour of the Latin American countries of Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Ecuador on Sunday, January 8.

Iran condemns terror acts in Syria

Political Desk Foreign
TEHRAN Iranian Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast strongly condemned the terrorist acts in Hay al-Meydan, Damascus. Iranian ocial also sent a message of sympathy to the families of those who were killed or wounded in these brazen blasts. On Friday a suicide bomber killed about 25 people and wounded 46 in Damascus, Syrias state news agency SANA said. Syrian Interior Minister Ibrahim alShaar described the modus operandi and intention to cause mass casualties as having the ngerprints of al-Qaida, NY Times reported. Mehmanparast said that the enemies plots are aimed at Syrias civil war, disintegration, and surrendering to American-Israelite whims. Syrian government and nation, he assured, undoubtedly keep their solidarity, awareness, and dignity and disappoint the enemies.

Air Force aircraft equipped with online date transmission systems

Fordo enrichment facility to come on stream soon

Contd. from P. 1

Tehran calls U.S. rescue of Iranian sailors humanitarian gesture

On January 1, 2012, scientists and researchers at the AEOI successfully tested the first domestically produced nuclear fuel rod. Iran should convert fuel rods into fuel plates to power the Tehran research reactor. Iranian officials had previously said that the technology for producing nuclear fuel plates does not differ greatly from the technology for producing nuclear fuel rods. Iran ready to receive IAEA officials Abbasi also told the Mehr News Agency on Saturday that Iran is ready to receive a delegation of IAEA officials, which are reportedly scheduled to take a trip to Iran in the near future at the invitation of Tehran. He also said, There has been very good cooperation between Iran and the atomic agency, and no problem has arisen so far, and this trend will continue.

UN chief calls on Iran, U.S. to ease tension

Political Desk Nations
TEHRAN United Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called on both Iran and the United States to defuse the tension building up between them, according to Both sides must do their best to first of all defuse the tension in the region and try to resolve all issues, differences of opinion, through dialogue, in peaceful means, Ban told reporters at a New Year meeting on Friday. However, he said that Iran must prove that its nuclear program is not aimed at producing weapons. At the same time Iran should fully comply with the relevant resolutions of the Security Council, Ban added. The UN Security Council has passed four rounds of sanctions against Iran calling on it to end uranium enrichment. The main bone of contention between Tehran and the West is Irans uranium enrichment program. Iran says all its nuclear activities are entirely peaceful, and, as an International Atomic Energy Agency member and a nuclear NonProliferation Treaty signatory, it has the legal right to produce nuclear fuel for its research reactors and nuclear power plants.

U.S. urges Latin American countries not to deepen Iran ties

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JANUARY 8, 2012



Latest Egypt vote brings Islamic groups closer to win

CAIRO (Reuters) The Muslim Brotherhood won more than a third of the votes in the last stage of elections for Egypt's lower house of parliament, according to partial results on Friday, showing the Islamic groups are set to dominate the legislature. Banned under deposed President Hosni Mubarak, the Brotherhood has emerged as a major winner from the uprising that toppled him, exploiting a well-organized support base in the rst free legislative vote in decades. The Brotherhood's party list won 37.5 percent of the vote in the third and nal stage of voting. Repeating a pattern seen in previous rounds, the Islamic Nour Party list came second in most of the districts after this week's vote, results on its party website showed. The Islamic groups now look set to wield major inuence over the shape of a new constitution to be drafted by a 100-strong body that the new legislature will pick, though the Brotherhood has promised that Egyptians of all persuasions will have a say. We are happy with the results and are also happy that there are 15 or 16 parties in the parliament so far, Essam al-Erian, deputy head of the Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, told Reuters. This means all voices will be heard in the parliament, he said, speaking at a party rally which drew hundreds of supporters to a working class district of Cairo. Together we make the future of Egypt, declared a banner at the rally, held in a tent decked out with Egyptian and party ags. Freedom and Justice Party songs blasted out over loudspeakers. Though the success of the Brotherhood and Nour Party has alarmed some Egyptians and the Western governments which backed Mubarak, it is

Jamaica 'to cut ties with British monarchy'

Jamaica's new prime minister has said that it is time for her country to cut ties with the British monarchy and declare itself an independent republic. Speaking at her inaugural address on Friday, Portia Simpson Miller, said her government would initiate the process of detachment from the monarchy, establishing a republic with a president as head of state, and breaking o links with the former colonial power. Jamaica is a constitutional parliamentary democracy and also a Commonwealth realm. I love the Queen. She's a beautiful lady and apart from being a beautiful lady a wise lady and a wonderful lady. But I think time come, Simpson Miller said. Currently under Jamaica's constitution, Britain's Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state, and the prime minister is formally appointed by the governor-general, who represents the queen. The announcement comes ahead of celebrations to mark 50 years of the country's independence from the UK. Economic crisis Simpson Miller, taking over for her second term as prime minister, won a landslide victory in an election last week that largely pivoted on public discontent with Jamaica's ailing economy and massive debt. The unemployment rate currently stands at about 13 per cent, up from under 10 per cent in 2007, when the centre-right Jamaica Labor Party, the previous ruling party, won power. Its public debt stands at $18.6bn of gross domestic product. In the short and medium term, we will use all state resources to stimulate employment through the Jamaica Emergency Employment Program, Simpson Miller said after taking the oath of oce. We will do so in a transparent and non-partisan manner. Nearly half of all Jamaicans (43 per cent) live under the poverty line of $2.50 per day, according to an International Monetary Fund (IMF) report. Reaching a new agreement with the IMF on Jamaica's debt is one of the new government's top priorities, Omar Davies, the ocial in charge of the transition, told reporters on Wednesday. New talks with the global lender are set to begin on Monday, with Jamaica represented by Peter Phillips, the country's new nance minister. Phillips has held several cabinet posts in previous administrations. In the December 28 election, Simpson Miller's People's National Party secured 41 seats, two-thirds of the total, in the House of Representatives. She succeeds Andrew Holness, 39, the youngest-ever prime minister of the country. (Source: Al Jazeera)


Egyptian election ofcials count votes in front of a ballot box at a counting center in Giza, Egypt Thursday, Dec. 22, 2011. (AP photo)

unclear to what extent the rival Islamic groups will cooperate or compete in the new legislature. The Nour Party seeks a strict application of Islamic law and some analysts believe the more moderate Brotherhood may seek an alliance with liberal groups to allay concerns about the prospect of an Islamic-led Egypt. For now, the military generals who assumed Mubarak's powers last February will stay in power. They are set to rule until the end of June, by which time they say the country will have a new elected president to whom they will hand power. More voting to come Ocial results of the voting held this week are due on Saturday, but it will take longer before the exact shape of the 498-seat lower house is known. There are run-os for seats being contested by individuals in the latest round which will be held on January 10 and 11. And voting must also be held

again in a district where the election was cancelled due to irregularities in the rst round. According to a complex electoral system, a third of the seats are reserved for individuals. The other two thirds will be distributed among the lists on a proportional representation basis. As well as contesting the lists, both the Freedom and Justice Party and the Nour Party have fielded candidates for the individual seats. Polls for the upper house of parliament will follow later this month and conclude in February. With the elections for the lower house drawing to a close, debate is now likely to focus on the new constitution that will take the place of the one that kept Mubarak in power for three decades. One main area of discussion will be whether there should be a dilution of presidential powers which underpinned his rule.

Those powers are now exercised by the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which has faced mounting criticism from activists who accuse it of seeking to hold on to power and privilege. The military council decided on January 1 to accelerate the timetable for the elections, an apparent response to street protests demanding a faster end to army rule. The council has said that Kamal alGanzouri, appointed prime minister in November, will stay in his post after the legislative election. But some analysts believe the emergence of a new legislature with a popular mandate could force changes in cabinet. Erian said the new parliament would make demands of the Ganzouri government, but without saying what they might be. There is no excuse for provoking any conict in this country because we are on a threshold of a new period, he said.

Fidel Castro warns of climate change, nuclear threat

HAVANA (AFP) Cuba's iconic revolutionary Fidel Castro warned that the world was on an inexorable march into the abyss this year because of climate change and the threat of nuclear war. In an article published Thursday -- Castro's rst since November 2011 -- the 85-year-old retired leader also took aim at the United States and at gas shale fracking, a new source of fossil fuels condemned by environmentalists. He did not, however, address rumors of his death, which were denied by an ocial Cuban blogger after they surfaced on Twitter earlier this week. Many dangers threaten us, but two of them, nuclear war and climate change, are decisive and are drifting further away from a solution, he wrote in an article entitled the March Towards the Abyss. Since handing over power to his 80-year-old brother Raul in 2006 because of health concerns, the leader of the 1959 revolution has rarely appeared in public but has penned regular editorials on world events. In his latest article, Fidel blamed the inexorable decline in part on demagogic talk, statements and speeches from the tyranny imposed on the world by the United States and its powerful and unconditional allies. He also wrote about the risk of nuclear war, particularly in the Middle East, where he accused Israel -- the region's sole if undeclared nuclear-armed state -- of having hundreds of nuclear weapons. On the subject of climate change, Castro expressed fears about hydraulic fracturing -- or fracking -- a process by which water, sand and chemicals are blasted into the ground to release oil and gas trapped in solid rock. The process has been hailed by oil companies and other backers as a key new source of fossil fuels, but critics have expressed fears about its impact on the environment, health and safety. Rumors of Castro's death have periodically surfaced since his retirement, most recently on the micro-blogging website Twitter earlier this week. But ocial Cuban blogger Yohandry Bloquera, who is usually well-informed and reliable regarding events in Cuba, denied the reports, saying Castro was reading them himself and laughing at them. The CIA tried to kill him more than 700 times and Twitter is going down that road, Bloquera wrote on Tuesday.

Japan plans to scrap nuclear plants after 40 years

TOKYO (AP) Japan says it will soon require atomic reactors to be shut down after 40 years of use to improve safety following the nuclear crisis set o by last year's tsunami. Concern about aging reactors has been growing because the three units at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant in northeastern Japan that went into meltdown following the tsunami in March were built starting in 1967. Among other reactors at least 40 years old are those at the Tsuruga and Mihama plants in central Japan, which were built starting in 1970. Many more of the 54 reactors in Japan will reach the 40-year mark in the near future, though some were built only a few years ago. The government said Friday that it plans to introduce legislation in the coming months to require reactors to stop running after 40 years. Japanese media reported that the law may include loopholes to allow some old nuclear reactors to keep running if their safety is conrmed with tests. The proposal could be similar to the law in the U.S., which grants 40-year licenses and allows for 20-year extensions. Such renewals have been granted to 66 of 104 U.S. nuclear reactors. That process has been so routine that many in the industry are already planning for additional license extensions that could push the plants to operate for 80 years or even 100. Japan does not currently have a limit on years of operation. It had planned to expand nuclear power before the meltdown, but has since ordered reactors undergoing routine inspections to undergo new tests and get community approval before they can be restarted. The new restrictions mean that only six Japanese reactors are currently running. The Asahi newspaper reported Saturday Japan is likely to face a power shortage if it carries out the 40-year rule, which barring loopholes would force 18 more reactors to shut down by 2020, and another 18 by 2030. The government has already decided to scrap six reactors at Fukushima Dai-ichi, where backup generators, some of them in basements, were destroyed by the March 11 tsunami setting off the world's worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl. The government has said it will take 40 years to fully decommission the plant. It is unclear whether the age of the reactors was related to the nuclear crisis. The location of the generators, absence of alternative backup power and inadequate venting are believed to be more direct causes, but some critics have said the Fukushima plant showed signs of age, such as cracks in piping and walls. Promising that nuclear plants may be gone in about four decades may help the government gain public support for getting more reactors running again.

Blackwater settles Iraq killings suit

Hot air balloon crash kills 11 in New Zealand

Bahrain continues to re Shia workers

A wrongful death lawsuit linked to a defining moment of the Iraq war has ended with the company formerly known as Blackwater agreeing to settle with the families of four security contractors killed in a gruesome 2004 ambush. The victims' survivors reached a condential settlement with the company's successor, Academi, agreeing to dismiss the case before the Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit. The court entered an order dismissing the case on December 29. An administrator for the estates of Stephen Helvenston, Mike Teague, Jerko Zovko and Wesley Batalona sued Blackwater in 2005 after the contractors were murdered by Iraqi insurgents while escorting a convoy in Fallujah. They were beaten, burned and executed, and two of their charred bodies were strung from a bridge over the Euphrates River. Searing media images of the events disturbed Americans at one of the low points for the United States during the Iraqi occupation. The former Blackwater came to symbolize the U.S. policy of hiring private contractors to perform work previously handled by the military. The lawsuit accused the company of sending the employees into a high-risk, war-torn environment without armored vehicles, automatic weapons and the required number of personnel. (Source: Reuters)

CARTERTON, New Zealand (Reuters) A hot air balloon burst into ames and crashed in New Zealand on Saturday, killing all 11 people on board in the country's worst air accident in more than three decades. Police said the balloon appeared to have clipped power lines and caught re before crashing into farmland near Carterton, about 80 km (50 miles) northeast of Wellington on New Zealand's North Island. Sadly the pilot and 10 passengers on board have not survived, Wellington District Commander Superintendent Mike Rusbatch said. The accident occurred just before 7.30 am (1830 GMT) in calm, clear weather in a region well known for hot air ballooning. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There were ames licking up the side of the basket, right up the guy-ropes, David McKinlay told state-run Television New Zealand. When the ames reached the canopy, the balloon plunged to the ground, said McKinlay. There was a big, long pencil-like ame maybe 20 meters (65 feet) long, heading towards the ground at a terrible speed, he said. Other witnesses reported hearing screams and seeing smoke and ames trailing from the balloon before it hit the ground. Rusbatch said ve couples from across the wider Wellington region as well as the pilot were on board.

In Bahrain, a great number of employees in the country's military sector have been transferred to the civilian government sector. Most of the military personnel have been moved to the Human Resources, a section which is known to have a majority of Shia Muslim employees. According to recent reports, this act aims at eliminating the country's majority of Shias in working elds. This is while a number of Shia local government workers have also recently lost their jobs and have been replaced with employees with other backgrounds. Dozens of people have been killed and thousands more have been arrested or red from their jobs in Bahrain since the beginning of the uprising in February 2011. Dozens of Bahraini protesters have also died of asphyxia from inhaling poisonous tear gas red on them or of being shot by tear gas canisters at close range. Bahrainis say the U.S. must be held accountable for the deaths since the deadly tear gas canisters used against protesters are manufactured and sold to the Bahraini regime by the U.S. A report published by an independent committee in November found that the Al Khalifa regime used excessive force and accused Manama of torturing political activists, politicians, and protesters. (Source: Press TV)



JANUARY 8, 2012

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Venezuela to receive Iranian-made oil tanker in September

Economic Desk oil tanker, with the capacity of 113,000
Iran will deliver a domestically-made tons, to Venezuela in September, the ISNA news agency reported. At present, four oil tankers of the same capacity are being built at the Sadra Shipbuilding Industries Company to be delivered to Venezuela, the report added. The oil tanker is worth 52 million euros and is the rst of its kind which is built in the Middle East.


Iran discovers two new oilelds

Economic Desk an ocial with the National Iranian
Iran has discovered two new oilelds, Oil Company (NIOC) said, adding that details on the discovery will soon be announced by the Oil Ministry. Mahmoud Mohaddes told the Mehr news agency that exploratory operations are underway in border provinces and across the Persian Gulf, as well. Iran plans to commission seven new drilling rigs in the South Pars gas eld by September next year, the Mehr news agency reported. Fir the time being, 11 drilling rigs are in operation in 13 phases of the gas eld. Developing all the phases will boost Irans gas output by 700 million cubic meters per day, the report added. The South Pars gas eld is shared by Iran and Qatar. The Iranian share, which is divided into 29 phases, has about 14 trillion cubic meters of gas, or about eight percent of the total world reserves, and more than 18 billion barrels of liqueed natural gas resources. Iran plans to increase the number of its drilling rigs operating in its onshore and oshore oilelds by 36 units to reach 134 units by March 2014, the National Iranian Oil Companys (NIOC) managing director said. Ahmad Qalebani told the Shana news agency that the countrys daily oil and gas outputs should amount to ve million barrels and 1.47 billion cubic meters by 2015. Qalebani announced in November that 20 contracts will be signed by the end of the current Iranian calendar year (March 20, 2012) to develop joint oilelds.

Iran plans to export 240,000bpd crude to Japan in 2012

Economic Desk 240,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude
Iran is planning to export up to oil to Japan in 2012, the National Iranian Oil Companys director for international aairs said on Saturday. Speaking to the Mehr news agency, Mohsen Qamsari added that Irans oil exports to Japan has declined by 100,000 bpd, but the cut has been due to the fact that the Asian country reduced its overall crude oil imports from all over the world to 3.5 million bpd from 5.5 million bpd in recent years. On Thursday, Japanese ocials expressed their concern about the possible negative global economic impact of increasing U.S. and European pressure on Iran over its nuclear program. An ocial at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said an embargo on Iranian oil would lead to a sharp rise in crude oil prices, adding that the U.S. must consider the negative impact of such a development on the global economy, according to Reuters.

Iran to raise electricity exchange with neighboring countries by 50 percent

Economic Desk up to 15 billion kiloIran will exchange watt hours (BkWh) of electricity with its neighboring countries by the end of the current calendar year (March 19, 2012), up 50 percent year on year, Iran power generation transmission and distribution management company (TAVANIR) managing director stated. Iraq and Turkey have respectively the most exchanges of electricity with Iran, Homayoun Haeri added, the Mehr news agency reported. The country is currently exchanging electricity with Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Pakistan, Nakhichevan, Turkey and Turkmenistan and plans to add 5,000 megawatts of capacity to its power grid annually. According to the Iranian Energy Ministry statistics, the country will be exporting up to $1 billion in electricity by March 2012. Irans total power generation capacity stands at 63,403 megawatts (MW) while total length of the power grid exceeds 780,000 kilometers. Exchange of electricity with neighboring countries reached 1,341 MW in late December 2010. The top exporter was Armenia with 237 megawatts, and the top importer of Iranian electricity was Iraq with 650 megawatts. Iran seeks to become a major regional exporter of electricity and has attracted more than $1.1 billion in investments to build three new power plants.

Iran to start tapping South Pars oil layer next year

Economic Desk extracting oil from
The rst phase of the South Pars gas eld will come on stream by March 2013, an ocial with the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) stated. Abdolmohammad Delparish told the IRNA news agency that the South Pars oil layer was discovered in 1988. Ten years later the rst exploratory well was drilled. But the work halted for six years and nally the project was transferred to PetroIran Company in 2005. Delparish had previously said that all development plans related to the joint oilelds will be launched in the current (calendar) year, which ends on March 20, 2012, the Fars news agency reported. The NIOC managing director Ahmad Qalebani has said that the countrys daily oil and gas outputs should amount to ve million barrels and 1.47 billion cubic meters by 2015. Iran sits on the worlds second largest natural gas reserves after Russia and is trying to grow its gas production by increasing foreign and domestic investments, especially in its South Pars gas eld. The South Pars gas eld is shared by Iran and Qatar. The Iranian share, which is divided into 29 phases, has about 14 trillion cubic meters of gas, or about eight percent of the total world reserves, and more than 18 billion barrels of liqueed natural gas resources.

Oil price would skyrocket if Iran closed the strait of Hormuz

HOUSTON If Iran were to follow through with its threat to blockade the Strait of Hormuz, a vital transit route for almost one-fth of the oil traded globally, the impact would be immediate: Energy analysts say the price of oil would start to soar and could rise 50 percent or more within days. Energy analysts say even a partial blockage of the Strait of Hormuz could raise the world price of oil within days by $50 a barrel or more, and that would quickly push the price of a gallon of regular gasoline to well over $4 a gallon. You would get an international reaction that would not only be high, but irrationally high, said Lawrence J. Goldstein, a director of the Energy Policy Research Foundation. Just the threat of such a development has helped keep oil prices above $100 a barrel in recent weeks despite a return of Libyan oil to world markets, worries of a European economic downturn and weakening American gasoline demand. (Source: nytimes)

Asia becomes new world economic centre

With speedy changes in global economics scenario, particularly Europe where economics development has achieved its optimum level and growth becomes stagnate that demanding reforms in prevailing political economics system as in past they had signicant economic prosperity especially the region of South Asia. This was stated by President of Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Senator Haji Ghulam Ali during interaction with media here at Federation House on Saturday. He said that European Union after having the highest rate of economic growth and becoming strong economic base is showing downward tendency. Asia especially SAARC member countries would have a very important role in future. SAARC states must respond very seriously to the on-going global changes. These countries need to develop better and more active ties / cooperation with each other for the good of their people. The world has realized the importance of regional trade. We also should do the same, he said. World Economic experts are unanimous that closer and active working relations with the neighboring countries are essential for economic prosperity of a country, he added. He emphasized that SAARC and ASIAN blocks should do trade in one currency and should have one visa. If Germany, France and European Union can use one visa and one currency, why not SAARC and ASIAN, Senator Ali questioned. FPCCI President said that Pakistan can be very attractive for international investors as the work-force is very much available here and its cost is comparatively lower. Highlighting the achievements of FPCCI during his president-ship for last one year, Senator Hajji Ghulam Ali said it increased interaction with the Federal, Provincial and Local Governments and other concerned authorities for resolution of business communitys problems. FPCCI also focused on Central Asian Republics which have a big potential for trade and investment in future. If environment is good in Torkham area, we can reach CARs within 7 to 8 hours. We can also touch Russia through these states, he explained Earlier, he gave Certicates of Recognition to economic reporters for their contribution towards promotion of trade and industry in the country. (Source: APP)

Iran oil ban could herald economic disaster for Europe: experts
Contd. from P. 1 Lets assume the European Union is stupid enough to go along with the U.S. in imposing sanctions on Iran. That would only mean 250,000 barrels of heavy sour oil not coming into the EU, Stevens said. But the impact that would have on countries like Italy and Greece would be enormous, and the Greeks are not going to slit their own throats for the sake of an EU sanction when Iran is the only country willing to oer them oil on favorable terms. It would utterly destroy the Greek economy. On Thursday Saudi Arabia announced that it was ready to ll any gaps in the oil supply if needed, but marketwatchers cast doubt on that possibility. Analysts from Commerzbank said such a move by the Saudis would use up virtually all of that countrys spare capacity. The last time that happened, in 2008, oil prices climbed to almost $150 a barrel. And Stevens recently questioned Saudi Arabias continued ability to ll gaps in the oil supply in the future, predicting in a report for the UK foreign aairs think tank Chatham House, that its own domestic oil consumption could threaten its position as the worlds largest oil exporter and consequently pose a threat to the global economy. Jeremy Batstone-Carr, director of private client research at investment house Charles Stanley, told CNBC it was very hard to get an accurate assessment of what the worlds oil reserves currently are. At the moment, it is impossible to make accurate predictions about anything. Even people I speak to in the oil industry dont know what the oil price will be at the end of the year. A friend of mine who works for an oil company said his best guess was that, by and large, the price of oil would be the same as it is now, he added. Stevens said any such conict in the Middle East between Iran and the U.S. would have a catastrophic eect on oil prices. If the U.S. [were to] escalate tensions with Iran, and if there is any military engagement, all bets will be o. Pick any number and then double it, as soon as the rst missiles are launched, and that will be the oil price, he said. (Source: CNBC)

Asian economies look to keep Iranian oil flowing

BEIJING (AP) China, the biggest buyer of Irans oil, has publicly rejected U.S. sanctions aimed at Tehrans energy industry while American allies Japan and South Korea are scrambling to nd a compromise to keep critical supplies owing. Analysts say China is unlikely to support an oil embargo. The sanctions approved by President Barack Obama on New Years Eve have highlighted the importance of Iranian oil supplies to East Asias energyhungry economies. They have led to a clash of interests between Washington and key commercial and strategic partners. We are considering our response and are closely discussing the matter with the U.S., a Japanese Foreign Ministry ocial, Kazuhiro Kawase, said. A South Korean foreign ministry spokesman said this week Seoul is in talks with Washington aimed at minimizing the negative impacts of sanctions. South Korea imports 97 percent of its oil and depends on Iran for up to 10 percent of its supplies. Chinas foreign ministry rejected the sanctions this week and called for negotiations. Sanctioning is not the correct approach to easing tensions, said a ministry spokesman, Hong Lei. China opposes the placing of ones domestic law above international law and imposing unilateral sanctions on other countries. China could be the toughest part of Washingtons thorny diplomatic challenge as it tries to enforce the sanctions. The fast-growing Chinese economy is the worlds biggest energy consumer and imports half its oil. Japanese and South Korean institutions, with a bigger U.S. presence, would be more exposed to U.S. penalties. But Chinese institutions also do business in the United States and Beijing might see such restrictions as interference in its foreign aairs. About 11 percent of Chinas oil imports in 2011 came from Iran, or about 560,000 barrels per day, a ow that increased in the latter half of the year, according to oil industry analysts Argus Media. China buys nearly one-third of Irans 2.2 million barrels a day in exports. Analysts say China would have a tough time replacing that supply. China is the biggest buyer of the Iranian oil. How could China stop buying just because of the sanctions? said Zhu Feng, a Peking University specialist in international relations. Iran is Chinas third-biggest oil supplier after Saudi Arabia and Angola.

Iranian offshore rig prepares to start operations

North Drilling Companys Chinas trade oshore rig Sahar 1 has surplus falls entered Iranian waters for third year and is currently moored as global at Kish Island. According to Managing Director recession Hedayatolah Khademi, hits exports this is the rst modern rig bought and equipped by Iranian oil and gas drilling contractors for more than 30 years. The logistics base set up in Kish Island will be used to support operations in the Persian Gulf, he added. Iran plans to further expand its offshore and onshore drilling fleet over the next two years from 98 to 134.


Chinas trade surplus fell for a third year in succession on weaker demand for Chinese products from its biggest trading partner, Europe, and the United States, according to the commerce ministry in Beijing. Chinas trade surplus was about 125 billion last year, which is well off a record level of 235 billion in 2008, commerce minister Chen Deming said, a sign that recession is eating into exports from the worlds second biggest economy.

Turkeys economic growth likely to slow to 4 percent in 2012

A top Turkish government ocial says the countrys economic growth will likely slow down to 4 percent this year from about 7.5 percent last year, but insists the outlook is positive. Ali Babacan, one of four deputy prime ministers, said Thursday the government might adjust its forecast for growth of 4 per cent depending on developments in Europe. He said the economy is expected to have grown by more than 7.5 per cent in 2011. Babacan says the rise in ination, which hit a double-digit gure in December, was temporary.

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JANUARY 8, 2012



America's military strategy

By M.J.S.

he contours of the new military strategy announced by Barack Obama at the Pentagon on January 5th have been fairly clear for some time. To talk of it as new strategic guidance is thus slightly misleading. Short of some cataclysmic event that reshapes the entire landscape, strategy should hardly ever be new, but continually evolving to secure national interests (which remain constant) in a dynamic environment (in which change occurs in unpredictable ways and at varying speeds). As it happens, that pretty much describes Obamas approach. It is realistic rather than new. It starts out by acknowledging both explicitly and tacitly some painful truths. The first of these is that Americas slow-burn budgetary crisis requires that defense spending falls back to a more normal level after the fat years presided over by this presidents predecessor. As Obama observed: We must put our scal house in order here at home and renew our long-term economic strength. Whether that means the $450 billion worth of cuts over the next decade the Pentagon has already been told to nd or the $1 trillion that could in theory be imposed if the budgetary stalemate in Congress endures is still anyones guess. Which it is matters quite a lot. The second is that the kind of industrial-scale counter-insurgency and stabilization operations that America has spent trillions of dollars on over the last decade are simply unaffordable and cannot be repeated. The last American combat soldier has left Iraq and the drawdown from Afghanistan has begun, paving the way for a future in which Americas counter-terrorism campaigns will

Jailed Ukrainian leaders husband seeks asylum in Czech Republic

MOSCOW (The New York Times) The Czech Republic granted political asylum on Friday to the husband of the jailed Ukrainian opposition leader Yulia V. Tymoshenko, who said he sought refuge to prevent the authorities from putting pressure on her through her family. The husband, Oleksandr Tymoshenko, left Ukraine late last year and formally applied for asylum shortly before the new year, said Natalya Lysova, a spokeswoman for Ms. Tymoshenkos Batkivshchyna Party. The Czech interior minister, Jan Kubice, speaking to journalists in Prague, said the ministry had approved asylum for Mr. Tymoshenko on Friday, Western and Russian news agencies reported. Ms. Lysova said earlier that Mr. Tymoshenkos chances had been good because the whole world has acknowledged a political prosecution of Yulia Vladimirovna Tymoshenko is taking place in Ukraine, and all the European countries and the United States have condemned it. Mr. Tymoshenko has been named as a defendant in criminal cases involving United Energy Systems of Ukraine, a company Ms. Tymoshenko ran in the 1990s. The cases have been reopened in recent months. Ms. Tymoshenko, 51, was sentenced to seven years in prison in the fall on charges that she had harmed Ukraines interests by agreeing to pay Russia a high price for natural gas. Western governments widely condemned the case as politically motivated. Ukraines opposition hopes to make gains in the coming parliamentary elections, and Ms. Tymoshenko, one of the leaders of the 2004 pro-Western Orange Revolution, remains a leader capable of rallying forces that oppose President Viktor F. Yanukovich. Mr. Tymoshenko, whom Ms. Tymoshenko married at age 19, was her partner in United Energy Systems, which sold Russian natural gas to Ukrainian customers. He was also implicated in earlier cases against his wife related to the company and served time in jail.


be more targeted and fought with a mix of Special Forces, local partners and armed drones. There is also a strong suggestion that America will be more active in trying to prevent local conicts from getting out of hand in the rst place: Whenever possible, we will develop innovative, low-cost, and smallfootprint approaches to achieve our security objectives. America, says the document, should be able to ght and win one war while being able to impose unacceptable costs on an adversary elsewhere in the world, not ght two wars at the same time. The third is the implicit recognition that the long wars against fanatics distracted America from paying the kind of attention it should have to the arc extending from the Western Pacific and East Asia into the Indian Ocean region and South Asia. Consequently, the Pentagon is now promising that of necessity it will rebalance toward the AsiaPacic region. In particular, there is a rm commitment to maintain Americas ability to project military power in the

region despite the rapidly rising military prowess of China and, in particular, its investment in asymmetric anti-access/area denial capabilities designed to make it too dangerous for American carriers to venture into its neighborhood. The next decade will be a test both of that commitment and the way in which the strategic relationship with Chinathe first potential near peer military competitor America has faced since the collapse of the Soviet Union develops. It looks as if one of the casualties of this rebalancing will be the presence of American forces in Europe. Rightly, the document points out that most European countries these days are producers rather than consumers of defense and that there is no longer a direct need to station substantial forces in the region. However, that ignores the utility of a signicant presence in a part of the world that is a lot closer to many of the potential ghts than bases in America. It also underestimates the value that America derives from

working closely with the armed forces of other countries and maintaining vital military-to-military relationships with Americas closest allies. While NATO leaves a lot to be desired and the feeble defense eort of too many of its members riles Americans, There is a firm it remains the only ve- commitment hicle that (fairly) reliato maintain bly provides partners when America wants Americas ability to do something in to project military the world and does not want to do it on power in South its own. Asia despite the With that exceprapidly rising tion, most of what Obama announced is military prowess both sensible and a of China. belated recognition of realities that have been all too apparent for some time. As ever, the devil will be in implementation. No battle plan survives contact with the enemy and in this instance the enemy is likely to be Washingtons hyper-partisan politics and the lobbying power of bruised vested interests. (Source: The Economist, American Politics)

New Hopes in Treating Prostate Hyperplasia by Laser in Tehrans Farmanieh Hospital

Interior Minister: Karaj Municipalitys Activities Rising and Promising

quires just having prostate-specic antigen (PSA) test before receiving this treatment. Time of surgery is almost shorter than the surgery time in transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) method, there is no bleeding, no need to washing urethra and the patient can leave the hospital after a short time (about one day) without the risk of urinary infection. The point to be considered is that in the old methods such as TURP it is possible that during washing the urethra for cutting the prostate some washing liquid may enter prostate and leads to TURP syndrome in the patient which causes headache, high blood pressure, Bradycardia, (slow heart rate), and reduction of sodium and potassium in the blood and the patient will require emergent medical aids. But, through applying laser there will be no bleeding, which may causes such problems, and the patient passes its treatment stages with the least possible problems. One of the other advantages of treatment via laser is that while we know that the patient has even cancer tumor, we can shrink some part of his prostate by laser and remove urethra blockage. This measure besides medicine or radiotherapy creates some proper condition for the patient. Under such condition, treatment via laser is prioritized to the open surgery. Preventing from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) does not require any specic diet, but its better to avoid smoking and using fat and testosterone. The nal advice is that all men over 50 years old have PSA test at least once in a year. For more information, please refer to:

Exclusive interview with Dr. Hassan Jamshidian, urologistTehran Medical Sciences Universitys faculty member
tate shrinking drugs are hormonal and prevent from testosterone changing to hydro testosterone and shrink the size of prostate during 6 months. But the rst group of drugs which are alpha-blockers remove the urinary signs of disease. There are also invasive and noninvasive treatments. Cooled thermo therapy and microwave therapy are the main non-invasive methods for treating Prostatic Hyperplasia, but they are used a few because of their low eect. Invasive treatments are some essential treatment methods which are used in most of treatments centers in our country. One of the old common methods is the open surgery. After this surgery the patient require long hospitalization period of 3-4 days. The standard prostate surgery in the world is still transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), in which an instrument is inserted up the urethra to remove the section of the prostate that is blocking urine ow. The hospitalization time is reduced to 2-3 days in this method. Laser surgery is one of the new less invasive treatment methods which is very similar to TURP. This treatment method is performed in Farmanieh Hospital. In this method, the surgeon inserted an endoscopy camera up the urethra and then cuts away (vaporizes) excess prostatic tissue by diode laser. In this method it is very important to conduct dierent tests such as prostate-specic antigen (PSA) test to make sure that there is no prostate cancer and this Prostatic Hyperplasia is Benign. One of the advantages of this laser surgery is that the patient re-

rostate is a gland under the bladder of men, it weighs about 20 grams and its secretions is a necessary factor in the male fertility. There is a secreting tissue in prostate that the number of its cells increases as the result of some physiological processes in the men over 40 years old and leads to a disease named as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). This happens to a noticeable number of men. But just prostate enlargement is not a reason of this disease, because it is possible that prostate grows but makes no sign in the patient. On the other side, it is possible that prostate makes blockage while it is small. According to the investigations, if we control 100 men over 50 years old by the end of their life, we will observe that about one forth of them will nally suer from this disease and require treatment.

nterior Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar has appreciated activities of Karaj Municipality for implementing development and service projects in the city. On the sidelines of a ceremony for inaugurating an asphalt producing factory, the minister said: Today, Im very glad to be with you here and see your activities and unsparing eorts. These activities are decent to people thanks to potentials of the province. Serving people is valuable and I thank God we are making eorts to solve problems of the public, the minister added. Many good activities have been done in Alborz Province during the short period of time in the elds of development, urban subway and other elds. We will spare no support to expand such activities, he noted. He said that Alborz Province is of high importance due to being neighbor with several other provinces

Of course, some of men require treatment and the others require the surgery. There are two kinds of signs in the patients. The rst group is those who face blockage of urine ow. They should wait a little to start urinating. The second group is those with recurrent urinary. Of course, it is possible that a patient has both signs at the same time. Most of urologists prescribe drugs that relax bladder neck and prostatic urethra or drugs that decrease the size of prostate. Pros-

as well as nearness to Tehran. He called for increasing supports regarding development projects in the province. If we help Alborz Province, we have, in fact, helped the whole country as the province is located in a strategic situation. So, paying attention to its infrastructural development is very important, he said. We are all of the opinion that Alborz Province should be supported because it burdens a portion of Tehran Provinces load, he stressed.

way will be established by 2014. It is hoped that the government, which is drafting the budget act for the next year, allocates budget to launch the line 5 of the subway which will connect the north and the south f the city. We call the government to open a credit line for the line 5 of the Karaj subway in order to help the municipality to establish one kilometer length of the subway, he noted. The line 2 of the Karaj subway started to be built 10 years ago. But, due to financial problems it has not yet put into operation. Hopefully, the project would be completed under supports of the government, he said. The asphalt production plant is of high quality in terms of low pollution. It has the capacity to produce one million tons of products annually, worth 800 billion rials. Aqazadeh concluded with saying that four unlevel crossings will be inaugurated next year under eorts and cooperation of all city mangers and members of the Islamic City Council.
By: A.Saeidi

Karaj Municipality opens advanced asphalt production plant

The most advanced asphalt production plant in Alborz Province was inaugurated in the presence of Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar and a large number of provincial ocials. The mayor of Karaj appreciated the interior minister for his presence in the ceremony. Aqazadeh referred to some development plans, such as the subway, the north and the south highways and six unlevel crossings and said that the phase 1 of the line 2 of the Karaj sub-



JANUARY 8, 2012

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Italy last among Libyas friends for new oil concessions

By Flavia Krause-Jackson


Many Egyptians fear military is becoming new face of old regime

SUMMARY: In April, the Egyptian military, which had been seen as heroic in its support of the protest movement that ousted President Hosni Mubarak, began engaging in a brutal and deadly crackdown on protesters. GlobalPosts Charles Sennott reports on the armys role in the countrys continuing revolution and evolving power structure. JEFFREY BROWN: And we turn next to the continuing upheaval in Egypt, beginning with a look at the role of the army, a key player in modern Egyptian history and particularly in recent months. Our report comes from Charles Sennott, editor of the international news website, GlobalPost. CHARLES SENNOTT: One year ago, one young man took center stage in Tahrir Square. He told the crowd of hundreds of thousands, The army has to choose between the regime and the Egyptian people. It was a strategy expressed in a simple chant: The army, the people hand in hand. It proved to be a tipping point. President Hosni Mubarak was toppled the next day. And on the first day of a new Egypt, military soldiers were greeted as heroes. Soon, this trusted military was handed executive power in the transition until elections could be held. Now, nearly a year later, as the elections for a new parliament are well underOn the first day way, the military is standing by of a new Egypt, to protect the polls. But returnmilitary soldiers ing to Cairo to cover this continuing revolution, we found that the were greeted military is no longer seen as upholding the hope of the protest as heroes. movement. Many fear it is a new Soon, this face of the old regime. Mohammed Abbas was a Mustrusted military lim Brotherhood youth leader was handed then and part of the Revolutionexecutive power ary Youth Council. He now feels in the transition the military betrayed the revolution. until elections MOHAMMED ABBAS, Egypt: They want the old system and could be held. the old regime stays with anothNow, nearly a er basis. They want to be other year later, many hand full, not one hand, other fear the military hand. CHARLES SENNOTT: Abbas is a new face of is not just a revolutionary, but has become a candidate for parthe old regime. liament. At this vote-counting center in Giza near the Pyramids, he is anxiously waiting to see how his party fared in the midDecember round of voting. MOHAMMED ABBAS (through translator): I stopped using the slogan the army, the people on April 8 when I saw the army shooting and killing their own sons and daughters. CHARLES SENNOTT: On this street, theres been a turning point in Egypts continuing revolution. The military, which was seen as heroic in the first phase of this revolution, is now taking part in a brutal and deadly crackdown on protesters. To critics, its a sign that the military will not give up power easily. In April, the military began mass arrests of protesters, and has put some 13,000 civilians before military tribunals, often on trumped-up charges with swift judgment and long sentences. Women protesters were detained and adThousands of Egyptian Muslims and Coptic Christians attend a celebration on New Years eve in Tahrir Square in Cairo, on December 31, 2011, as they remember those killed in the revolution that ended the long reign of president Hosni Mubarak.

Libyas new leaders will remember who provided the most help in overthrowing Muammar Qadda, when it comes to new oil concessions. Italy, the biggest investor in the country, may nd itself at a disadvantage. Libya has the worlds ninth-largest proven reserves of oil, estimated at more than 46 billion barrels, according to the Central Intelligence Agencys World Factbook. Much of the oil is prized for being low-sulfur. France and the U.S. havent come across as someone who is basically grabbing and are playing it right, former Libyan Oil Minister Ali Tarhouni, who quit shortly after the capture and death of Qadda, said in an interview on Thursday in Washington. Italy will take time to gure it out. At stake is Italys position as the top energy investor in Libya, where its closest rivals are Total SA Ali Tarhouni (FP) of France, which was the rst country to recognize the Libyan opposition, and Russias Gazprom OAO. (GAZP) The U.S. and the UK joined France in leading eorts to win United Nations approval for air strikes against Qaddas forces. We are indebted to the French, and I cannot nd the right words to say it, Tarhouni said, listing Libyas friends in the following order: France, the U.S., Britain and Italy. If everything else is the same, of course we will remember our friends. Eni, Exxon, BP Italys Eni has been working in the former Italian colony since 1959 and generated 13 percent of its revenue there before the conict. Before the war broke out in February, Eni (ENI)s Libyan oil and natural gas volumes were an estimated 280,000 barrels a day, while Total produced 55,000 barrels a day. Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) and BP Plc (BP/) also operate in the North African country. Crude for February delivery was at $102.60, up 79 cents, at 8:46 a.m. in New York. On Thursday, the contract fell $1.41 to $101.81, the lowest settlement this week. Prices gained 8.2 percent in 2011. No new concessions will be given until after elections scheduled for June, Tarhouni said. Oil production is already more than 1 million barrels a day, and by June it will be just 200,000 barrels short of the 1.6 million barrels the North African country was pumping before the armed uprising, according to Tarhouni. These oil elds werent in as bad shape as we thought, he said. The damage was less than 10 percent and tended to be localized. That made a big dierence. Starting from nothing Restoring oil production was the easy part. Shaking o the legacy of a four-decade dictatorship and carving a democratic state out of a country devoid of political parties or even a constitution has been far more problematic, Tarhouni said. We are literally starting things from nothing, he said. Building a political party? We dont even know how to do that. The process requires tools, and we dont have them. He said he declined a Cabinet post because he thought he could do a better job outside the government to help build what he calls a Libya coalition that can attract moderate Muslims. He explained that in Libya a secular government, understood in the west to mean the separation of church and state, is impossible. That will never happen in this region, he said. We are looking at a dierent model. The National Transitional Council has made clear that the backbone of the new constitution will be Islamic law, though how it will be interpreted is unclear. Exclusion of women One of the main aws in the transition from revolution to democracy has been the potential exclusion of women, who played an instrumental role in the overthrow of Qadda. Over the eight-month conict, women nursed the wounded, cooked meals, raised money for weapons and, in some cases, even took up arms. Still, though half of Libyas 5.5 million people are women, they may be limited to 20 seats in a 200-member constituent assembly to be elected in six months. Tarhouni acknowledged that such a low representation isnt acceptable in a country where women are highly educated and there are more women physicians than there are men. While they enjoy more privileges than women in Saudi Arabia, who are forbidden from driving, he said they are still far from gaining equal rights with men. Libya also has economic diculties. At least a quarter of the population is unemployed, and those who work earn a meager salary of $200 a month, according to Tarhouni. Although Libya has the potential to be tremendously wealthy, the government is still in dire need of the money, he said. Since Qaddas demise, the new leadership has recovered only a fraction of the estimated $168 billion in assets abroad that were frozen in March by the UN Security Council. Even as the U.S., UK and Europe have taken steps to release $18 billion held in their banks, legal hurdles have meant that only about $3 billion has reached Tripoli. To free up cash, Libyas central bank and its overseas subsidiary were taken off the UN sanctions list on Dec. 16.

ministered so-called virginity tests by soldiers. And at least one woman has filed and recently won a court case to stop the practice, which she called rape. In October, 25 Christian protesters were killed for demonstrating at Maspero, the national television building, for what they perceived as government indifference to attacks on Christians and the burning of a church. The 350,000-strong military has a great deal at stake in a new Egypt. It is a vast enterprise backed by $1.3 billion in annual assistance from the United States. The military owns vast tracts of land, where opulent residential developments are built and officers are often given housing. There is a new air force sports stadium, a national chain of gas stations, hotels in downtown Cairo, supermarkets, farmland, factories, hospitals, and the toll roads to the highly profitable Port of Suez. The Egyptian media reported that the government had to go to the military for $1.3 billion in loans to keep it afloat. Some U.S. and Egyptian economists project that the military controls as much as 30 percent of Egypts overall economy. But no one knows for sure. Thats because, for more than a half-century, the military under Sadat and Mubarak was permitted to keep its accounting top secret. Mohammed Okasha is a retired general who lived Egypts modern military history. He led raids in the 1967 war and again in 1973, which in Egypt is commemorated as the Oct. 6 victory. The retired general was proud of the military supporting the youth in Tahrir Square. And despite his frail health, he joined the protests. MOHAMMED OKASHA, retired Egyptian Air Force general (through translator): One day, I go down to Tahrir and I took a banner with me that said the fighters of Oct. 6 are right with you, the fighters of Jan. 25. And I walked around the square for a whole hour with it. I dont know how I managed to, a whole hour in Tahrir, because, health-wise, I cant do that. CHARLES SENNOTT: Okasha said he was always proud of his military background, even if he was not so proud of fellow officers enriching themselves through the culture of perks which he says eventually became outright greed and corruption. MOHAMMED OKASHA (through translator): They have the power from their weapons. This is number one. Of course, power, authority and

good cash flow, of course I will hold on to these benefits. CHARLES SENNOTT: Now General Okasha says he is increasingly ashamed of the military. He watched in disbelief in recent months as the army descended into violence and brutality and showed the true face, as he puts it, of the old regime. Its time, he says, for the military to turn over control of the country to the youth, who have the greatest stake in its future. MOHAMMED OKASHA (through translator): I think that this revolution in this country will not succeed without those youth taking control of everything. We have to walk away. We have to turn away from the older people, including myself, and give those youth a chance to take the leadership positions. CHARLES SENNOTT: Egypts former ambassador to Washington, Nabil Fahmy, believes the military will ultimately do just that and live up to its promise to relinquish power in six months, when a new president takes office. But he concedes that this transfer of authority will mean many challenges for the military to live up to a new culture of transparency and accountability. NABIL FAHMY, former Egyptian ambassador to the United States: I think the people actually want to believe in the military. If we find a way to end the violence quickly and are able to move the process first politically, they may be able to get over this very difficult week. But that requires moving towards civilian rule relatively quickly. And it requires putting together a political system which is based on four basic principles: transparency, accountability, inclusiveness and finally competitiveness. CHARLES SENNOTT: These principles will be a direct challenge to the militarys vast economic reach. But undoing the militarys hold on so much economic power may ultimately be needed to modernize Egypts struggling economy. JEFFREY BROWN: (recently) Egyptian security forces raided the offices of foreign democracy and human rights organizations, including several backed by the U.S. government, further straining relations between the two countries. (Source: Council on Foreign Relations)

India to send 15-member military delegation to China

India has decided to send a truncated military delegation to China after Beijing denied visa to an Indian Air Force (IAF) ocial because he is from Arunachal Pradesh, Foreign Oce sources said. The composition of the Indian defence delegation has been halved from 30 to 15 said the sources while denying reports that the visit had been shelved. Sources said the ocer will not be part of the smaller delegation. India in the past has avoided sending ocials domiciled in Arunachal Pradesh for defence exchanges with China. Analysts here wondered whether India was trying to judge Chinas response by selecting the ocer or if he was inadvertently chosen for the tri-services defence exchange. There were reports that till Friday night the Government was considering the idea of putting o the trip. This would have been the second break in defence exchanges over visa issues for armed forces personnel in less than two years. India had suspended high level defence exchanges in 2010 after China denied a stamped visa to a senior army on grounds that he was serving in Jammu and Kashmir. It took a year and high level interaction between the Indian and Chinese leaderships to resume high level defence exchanges though border and other ag meetings had been taking place as scheduled. With India deciding against a renewed freeze on defence ties, the delegation will leave as scheduled on January 10 and visit Beijing, Nanjing and Shanghai during the four-day trip. (Source: The Hindu)

Opening up Tunisia
By Davide Monteleone

idi Bouzid was unknown to the rest of the world until the events of last year. In this small town in central Tunisia, about 200 miles south-west of the capital, Mohamed Bouazizi, a 26-year-old fruit and vegetable vendor, sat down in fury and frustration and poured petrol over himself, setting himself alight and starting, unintentionally, the wave of protests that swept across Tunisia, to Egypt, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, Yemen and Morocco in what came to be known as the Arab Spring. Bouazizi was protesting at the corruption of local officials they had demanded bribes from him, then confiscated his goods when he refused to pay; his appeal to the governor had been ignored and his desperate act reflected the widespread frustration of the Tunisian people at the lack of personal and political free-

Mohamed Bouazizi

doms, unemployment and bad living standards. He died from his injuries just a year ago, on January 4 2011. Ten days later, the Tunisian government fell and President Zein al-Abidine Ben Ali

ed to Saudi Arabia. A giant poster of Mohamed Bouazizi now hangs over the road near the entrance to the governors ofce, at the place where he immolated himself. One year on, Sidi Bouzid has many of the same problems of unemployment and social unrest, but today it is the capital of revolution. Nidal Salem and Doha Zinona both participated actively in the protests, while the formers rap band MAFIA76 have a roster of songs that came out of the revolution. The fruit and vegetable sellers still have their barrows in the market where Mohamed Bouazizi used to work. Two weeks ago, when the newly elected president of Tunisia, Moncef Marzouki, attended the celebrations for the rst anniversary of the revolution, Bouazizis mother addressed the crowds. There is a feeling that, though things havent changed much yet, everything is to play for. (Source: FT)

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JANUARY 8, 2012



Molding minds and taming times of games in Iran The concept

Ali Aanizadeh (born 1978, Broujerd) is an Iranian writer and researcher presently working at the Peoples Culture Department, Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) Research Center. He has two books on cultural issues to his credit and has published numerous interesting articles about the nuances of Iranian culture and literature. Aanizadeh is also an active contributor to cultural programs on the national radio and television. In an email interview with Maryam Ala Amjadi he discusses the concept of games in Iranian culture and society. Below is the abridged version, translated by the interviewer: Maryam Ala Amjadi: How would you dene the concept of games in the Persian worldview, the past and the present? Ali Aanizadeh: What you see of games in Iran today is not in concord with the Persian worldview. Iranian worldview is replete with concepts like mysticism, Susm and fair dealing while games are more than often associated with frivolousness and sportiveness. In Iranian ideology, games are a worldly matter and game and gaming are synonymous with trickery and beguilement. Persian poet of 12th century, Khaghani says: How long will thou run after desire like a dog Like a fox you weave ruse after ruse in the fog Playing and toying, thou art oblivious of thyself I fear thou shall spend thy life in play like an elf Almost all other poets voice the same view of games. In the mentality of Iranian Islamic scholars, the earth is not a playground but a place where we build credit for the world after death. Iranian poet, Seyf Erfaani (14th and 15th century) says: The world is but a game of trial chess and I Shall not turn my head for I have seen the king (the Lord) Such interpretation of games can be found in the works of even contemporary thinkers, like the poetess, Parvin Etesaami (1907-1941): You who are in game with destiny Know that winning here is losing all To kiss desire on the hands of Satan Is to kill reason with a sharp blade and fall In Persian mysticism, game is tantamount to preoccupation with this world and hence, oblivion of death. All in all, games are regarded as a way of wasting ones life and time with no worthwhile gain. It seems what remains of games in Iran today is a consequence of such ideologies. As the poet says: The earth was made into our tabula in pains It would be a pity to spend our life in games How have national Persian games evolved from the past? - Games with specic rules have managed to escape oblivion because of mass communication devices. But games that are simpler and nature centered, particularly games that depend on the four elements (wind, water, re and earth) and are more in harmony with human nature, though old and valuable, are unfortunately overPhoto by: Sayyed Ali Hosseini

Variety and originality in Persian games

Although there are no precise records as to how many Persian games are still actively played in Iran, some statistics have cited an estimation of over 2500 recorded games in the country. Some of these games are, of course, repetitive with dierent names as they are region specic and reect a glimpse of the diverse Iranian culture from across the country. Social, climatic, historical, and geographical and many other determining factors must be taken into account in understanding of traditional Persian games. Based on their needed skills and purpose, Iranian games can roughly be categorized into three major groups of sports games, theatrical games and recreational games. Interestingly, even selecting the starting player or team is a mini game in itself and there are many ways to do it in dierent parts of Iran. Gorgam-be-Hava, a popular One method, which childrens game is the most common, is known as Sang, Kaghaz, Gheychi (literally meaning, stone, paper, scissors). Two players as two team representatives face each other while they hide one hand behind their backs. At the count of three, the players bring their hand forward displaying stone (with closed st) or paper (open palm) or scissors (using index and middle nger). The rules indicate that stone breaks (wins over) scissors, scissors cuts paper and paper covers stone. If both players display similar states the game continues until one of them wins. But the oldest Persian sports game and probably worlds most complex is Chogaan (modernized as Polo) which, although less prevalent inside the country, has gained international popularity. Historical evidences cite the game over 3000 years old. Known as the game of kings, it is believed that polo originated among the Iranian tribes sometime before the reign of Darius the Great (521-485 BCE). Also, Persian literature and art give historical accounts of the game, as in the Shahnaameh (Persian Epic) by Ferdowsi (9401020 CE) and in the Rubaiyats of the Persian poet and polymath, Omar Khayyam (1048 1131 A.D). In his poetry, Khayyam uses polo as a metaphor to illustrate existential and philosophical points. Also Iranian miniature paintings and traditional Persian carpet patterns display the game of traditionally clad horsemen prancing about with Chogaan sticks. Of traditional games played by children in Iran today, one can cite the popular Gorgam Be-Havaa (possible close translation, Wolf Down the Platform). First, all players gather in one place and cast lots to choose the wolf who will chase the kids and try to touch them. The players are safe from the wolf only when: 1- They stand somewhere higher than the wolf (above the ground) 2- Two players hold hands, meaning when one of them is being chased, another rushes to his aid when called brother/sister help me! (solidarity and unison) The one who is touched by the wolf either goes out of the play or becomes the new wolf and chases other players around. Sometimes players season the game with more excitement when they use the magic pause button by merely saying stop! and resuming the game by saying start! These two words are recurrent in some traditional Persian children games, particularly ones that have time limit or are intense. Of course, use of the pause option during games should be justied and absolutely necessary. Another exciting game for ve players is Gusheh Gusheh (literally meaning, corner corner). First, players mark a 4 4 meters square by chalk or other markers on the ground and draw a circle in the center. Then they mark the corners of the square by connecting two points from either side. One player is selected to stand in the center and the other 4 stand in the corners of the square. The corner players, alert and agile, should exchange places swiftly though cooperation with each other Gusheh Gusheh, a game of strategy before the player in the and speed center has time to occupy their corner. The player who loses his corner has to stand in the center and the game continues. Another popular traditional game which is played indoors is Esm va Faamil (literally, name and surname) with a pen and a sheet of paper. Each player draws a table dividing the page into 7-10 columns with headings like name, surname, city, country, food, fruit, car, artist etc. Next, players agree on a particular letter of the alphabet and the game begins by saying start! Each player tries to nd words that begin with that particular letter and ll up the columns as fast as they can. The one who nishes all columns rst says stop! and all players should stop writing. Then all players read out their words column by column. For each dierent word they get 10 points and if they have used similar words, they get 5 points. Total points of the columns are calculated after a few more rounds of experimenting with dierent letters of the alphabet and the winner is declared. These are, of course, just a few instances of traditional Persian games which range from simple and recreational to complicated and educational.


A folio of Persian manuscript of Rumis poetry depicting the traditional Persian game Chogaan (Polo). Some scholars believe the game to be over 3000 years old.

Children hold hands and form a circle to play Amuzanjirbaaf (Uncle Chain Weaver) as they sing songs

looked. Today games have come out of their self-stimulating and people oriented format and have become more like ocial and planned events. Could you please tell us a little about the national game of Kabaddi, genrally known as Zou in Iran? Is this game originally Persian? - Well, to tell you the truth, I do not have precise information about this game. I rst came to know about Kabaddi at the Guangzhou Asian Games in which Iran ranked second. With minor dierences the same game is known as

Zou in most parts of Iran. In Khouzestan province, southern Iran, it is known as teetee and in the north, particularly Gilan, it is popular as shirdodo. I think it is often called kabaddi in Sistan and Balouchestan province, southeast Iran, bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan. So, the question remains whether this game is Persian or Indian. Why is it that mostly football is referred to as the national game of Iran? - Of course, game and sports are almost two dierent realms. Games are based on customs and their rules are exible and variable. But sports are more public oriented and their authenticity is more specically dened while order and sophistication has somehow curbed and national and international tastes have avored them. They follow economic, social and political trends. Football today is not only a game but has also transcended sports and has become a platform where ideologies, cultures, languages and monetary issues are traded the world over. Football should be considered a social phenomenon, a phenomenon that creates overnight myths. A great part of Irans literature is didactic. Ethics have always been important for Iranians. How do the two concepts of entertainment and education blend in Iranian games? - Games were created in response to human needs and they are a mirror of the society and culture they come from.

One can trace the needs of various ethnicities in their games. The main goal is entertainment but the communal wisdom of society intelligently integrates valuable principles in the inner layers of these games and while they dont voice moral issues directly, their impact is even more powerful. The main educational principles that are transferred through games are: social and economic concepts (competition, cooperation, forgiveness, issue of rights, sympathy, making and staying friends, savings, ownership, contribution) and moral virtues (honesty, trust, respecting others property and privacy, waiting for ones turn, sacrice) So it is axiomatic that such games link entertainment to educational issues and they can lead to sublime results like: sense of responsibility, acceptance of norms, strengthening

Iran-China Womens Kabaddi match at the Guangzhou Asian Games

the spirit of independence, cooperation and collaboration, joy and happiness, patience, reconciliation with nature, children bonding with adults, self-condence, creativity and entertainment. Persian worldview distinguishes between the two concepts of ghahreman (champion) and pahlevan (a hero who is also virtuous and observant of ethics). How are these concepts displayed in Iranian games? - Many traditional Iranian games are founded on the basis of moral values and in their essence lies exibility, willpower and mutual consent. Participants have to agree on reward and punishment, methods of making teams, number of players and rules. Based on the physical conditions and age, the number of games and even the extent of playgrounds are variable so everyone has a turn. As you know those who are younger are sometimes included in the game as nokhodi (literally meaning, little chickpea, someone who joins the game just for fun, is not in any team and to whom the rules do not apply). This is a beautiful excuse so everyone has a chance to play and contribute. In games where all players are in total agreement, acceptance of norms is more viewable and this brings values to the soul of the game. This is why in traditional games, the winner is not the only hero because if heroism were the main goal then age, physical competence and number of players should be considered or at least youngsters should not be included in adult games. This is why in traditional Persian games, not only the winner but the one who is also moral and virtuous and aims at long term victories is the real pahlevan (chivalrous hero). Titles like man, head and chief for leaders in traditional games indicate how significant the concept of manliness is. Contd. on P. 15


JANUARY 8, 2012

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200 million use illegal drugs: Lancet estimate

About 200 million people around the world use illicit drugs, according to a study published on Friday in The Lancet. It estimates that in 2009 between 149 and 271 million people used an illegal drug. Cannabis users comprised between 125 and 203 million; users of opioids (heroin and morphine), amphetamines or cocaine totaled 15 to 39 million; and those who injected drugs numbered between 11 and 21 million. Drug use is more prevalent in rich economies and in drug-producing regions of poor countries and is often a major health burden, the paper adds. "Cannabis use is associated with dependence and mental disorders, including psychoses, but does not seem to substantially increase mortality," it says. "Illicit opioid use is a major cause of mortality from fatal overdose and dependence," it says, adding that injecting drug users faced specic threats of catching HIV and hepatitis by sharing needles. All three types of drugs seem to be associated with higher rates of mental disorders, road accidents and violence, although information about this is often sketchy. The estimate is based on data from the UN Oce on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), from national surveys and peer-reviewed studies into the impact of drug use. Ecstasy, LSD, non-medical use of prescription drugs and anabolic steroids are not included in the estimate. (Source: AFP)


Could daily aspirin harm seniors' eyes?

Daily aspirin use among seniors may double their risk of developing a particularly advanced form of age-related macular degeneration, a debilitating eye disease, a large new European study suggests. The possible link involves the so-called "wet" type of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a signicant cause of blindness in seniors. Aspirin use was not, however, found to be associated with an increased risk for developing the more common, and usually less advanced, "dry" form of AMD, according to the report published in the January issue of Ophthalmology. Although the study team stressed that further research is needed, the ndings could cause concern for the millions of older people who routinely take over-the-counter aspirin for pain, inammation and bloodclot management, and to reduce their risk of heart disease. "People should To examine be aware that aspirin, often just whether aspirin bought over the use might trigger counter without prescription, may this process, the have adverse efauthors focused fects -- apart from on nearly 4,700 major gastrointestinal and other men and women bleeding -- also for over age 65 AMD," said lead auliving in Norway, thor Dr. Paulus de Estonia, the United Jong. Jong is an De Kingdom, France, emeritus professor of ophthalmic Italy, Greece and epidemiology at Spain. the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, as well as the Academic Medical Center, both in Amsterdam. Age-related macular degeneration aects the critical central vision required for reading, driving and AMD not to take aspirin as a painkiller," de Jong said. "[And] I would advise people with AMD who take small amounts of aspirin for primary prevention -- this means having no past history of cardiac or vascular problems like stroke, and no elevated risk factors for these diseases -- to discuss with their doctor if it is wise to continue doing so. For secondary prevention -- this means after having these elevated risks or disorders -- the benets of daily aspirin outweigh the risks." While the study uncovered an association between aspirin use and AMD, it did not prove a cause-andeect relationship. This point was also made by Dr. Alfred Sommer, a professor of ophthalmology and dean emeritus at the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. He noted that while the study was "well executed," it should not be seen as denitive proof that aspirin use and AMD are linked. An observational study of this type "merely calls attention to the fact that such an association may exist, and that it may be causal, but only randomized clinical trials can prove the matter one way or the other," he said. "Hence, this might or might not be real," Sommer added, "and we will only know that when and if a randomized trial is done." In the interim, he said the ndings should not guide patient behavior. "It is well known that aspirin [and other NSAIDs] can increase the risk of gastric distress and gastric ulcers," Sommer said. "Like any medicine, it should only be taken if needed. But those taking aspirin to prevent heart disease, particularly those at increased risk of heart disease, definitely do benefit and should not change what they do." (Source: Yahoo Health)

Haiti cholera death toll nears 7,000: expert

Nearly 7,000 people have now died from cholera in Haiti in an epidemic which has become one of the worst of recent decades, a top health ocial said. Jon Kim Andrus, deputy director of the Pan American Health Organization, said that as of December, on top of the deaths, the Haitian government had reported more than 520,000 cholera cases with 200 new suerers appearing each day. Andrus said it was "one of the largest cholera outbreaks in modern history to aect a single country." There are also 21,000 cases in the neighboring Dominican Republic where there have been 363 deaths, Andrus said at a brieng for the second anniversary of the January 12, 2010 earthquake which killed more than 225,000 people. The cholera outbreak erupted in October, 2010 and has been widely blamed on a camp of UN peacekeepers from Nepal. Lawyers representing victims have demanded the United Nations pay hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation. Andrus said Haiti needed a huge campaign to improve its supply of drinking water which various international institutions had estimated could cost between $746 million and $1.1 billion. The international community has already given impoverished Haiti $2.4 billion in humanitarian aid in response to the quake. Rebeca Grynspan, a UN under-secretary general at the UN Development Programme, said about 50 percent of the quake debris had been cleared -- some ve million cubic meters of concrete and tangled steel. (Source: AFP)

general mobility. The damage occurs when the retinal core of the eye (the macula) becomes exposed to leaking or bleeding due to abnormal growth of blood vessels. To examine whether aspirin use might trigger this process, the authors focused on nearly 4,700 men and women over age 65 living in Norway, Estonia, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Greece and Spain. In the study, conducted between 2000 and 2003, the researchers looked at blood samples, frequency of aspirin use (though not doses), smoking and drinking history, stroke and heart attack records, blood pressure levels and sociodemographic data. The team also analyzed detailed images of each participant's eyes, looking for indications of age-related macular degeneration and severity. Daily aspirin use was associated with the onset of late-stage "wet" age-related macular degeneration, and to a lesser degree, the onset of early "dry" AMD -- even after the researchers took into account age and a history of heart disease, which in itself is a risk factor for AMD.

For late-stage wet AMD only, the association was stronger the more frequently an individual took aspirin. Early AMD was found in more than more than one-third of participants (36 percent), while late-stage AMD was found in roughly 3 percent, or 157 patients. Of those with late AMD, more than two-thirds (108) had wet AMD, while about one-third (49) had dry AMD, the researchers found. More than 17 percent of participants said they took aspirin daily, while 7 percent took it at least once a week and 41 percent did so at least once a month. About one-third of those with wet AMD consumed aspirin on a daily basis, compared with 16 percent of those with no AMD. The study authors cautioned that further research is needed on aspirin's possible eects on eye health. Meanwhile, they suggested that doctors generally should not alter their current advice for aspirin use among older patients coping with heart disease risk. "[But] I would advise persons who [already] have early or late

Your home's age important for child lead exposure

By Laurn Neergard


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WASHINGTON (AP) If you've been putting o repairing a peeling windowsill, or you're thinking of knocking out a wall, listen up: Check how old your house is. You may need to take steps to protect your kids from dangerous lead. The risk of lead-based paint from older homes is back in the news, as the government considers tightening the denition of lead poisoning in babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Lower levels than previously thought may harm their developing brains. That's a scary-sounding message. But from a practical standpoint, it's not clear how much would change if the government follows that advice. Already there's been a big drop in childhood lead poisoning in the U.S. over the past few decades. Public health programs have targeted the youngsters most at risk poor children living in crumbling housing, mostly in cities to try to get them tested and their homes cleaned up. But specialists say it can be a risk in more auent areas, too, as do-ityourselfers embark on x-ups without knowing anything about an environmental hazard that long ago faded from the headlines. The main value of the proposed change may be in increasing awareness of how to avoid lead in everyday life. "What we need to do is prevent the exposure in the rst place," said Dr. Nicholas Newman, who directs the

environmental health and lead clinic at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. There are lots of ways people can be exposed to lead: Soil polluted from the leaded gasoline of yesteryear. Old plumbing with lead solder. Improperly using lead-glazed pottery or leaded crystal with food. Certain jobs that expose workers to the metal. Hobbies like renishing old painted furniture. Sometimes even imported toys or children's jewelry can have illegal lead levels, prompting recalls if they're caught on the U.S. market. But the main way that U.S. children are exposed is from layers of old paint in buildings built before 1978, when lead was banned from residential paint. Sure, the walls might have been painted over recently, and there may be no obvious paint chips to attract a tot crawling around on the oor. But friction from opening and closing windows and doors allows tiny leaded particles to make their way into household dust and youngsters then get it on their hands that go into their mouths, explained Dr. John Rosen, a lead poisoning specialist at the Children's Hospital at Monteore in New York City. Very high lead levels can cause coma, convulsions, even death, fortunately a rarity today. But lower levels, especially in children under 6, can harm a child's brain, can reduce IQ and cause other learning, attention and behavioral problems without any obvious symptoms to alert the parent. How much is too much? Until now, the denition of lead poisoning in

young children was 10 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood. But in a draft report last fall, the National Toxicology Program analyzed recent scientic research to conclude there's good evidence that levels lower than 10 are a risk. Now advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are urging that agency to lower the denition to 5 micrograms for now, periodically reassessing. If the CDC agrees, its advisers estimated that could classify about 450,000 children with lead poisoning, up from roughly 250,000 today. At these levels, there's no treatment for the child other than to end the ongoing exposure clean up the house, Newman stressed. That's why prevention is so important. And while the youngest children are the most vulnerable, lead's not good for anyone's brain, so he advises taking common-sense precautions before potential exposures like renovating

an old home. What should families do? Here's advice from the Environmental Protection Agency and public health agencies: Check the age of your house. At checkups for babies through age 5, pediatricians are supposed to ask if you live in a home built before 1960, or one built before 1978 that's recently undergone renovation. The answers help guide who may need a blood test to check lead levels. Some states require testing of toddlers on Medicaid. Wash kids' hands before they eat, good advice no matter where you live or how old your house. Clean up paint chips immediately, and regularly wash toys that tots put in their mouths. Regularly wash windowsills and oors where paint dust can collect. If you're planning repairs or renovation in an old building, use leadcertied contractors who must follow EPA rules to minimize exposure from the work and can perform quality tests to see if your old paint really contains lead. If you rent and have peeling paint, notify your landlord. Many cities and states have lead-abatement rules, and programs to contact for help. Aside from paint, take o shoes at the door, to minimize tracking in lead-tainted soil. Use only cold water for drinking, cooking and making baby formula, and run it for 15 to 30 seconds. Hot tap water can pick up more lead from older plumbing than cold water.

Vigil held for 7-year-old Chesterfield girl

Seven-year-old Amarria Johnson was remembered as a little girl who liked to laugh and who had dreams of being a rock star during a tearful candlelight vigil. The Hopkins Elementary School rst-grader died Monday after having an allergic reaction to something she ate. She was at school when she had the reaction. "I feel blessed that all these people were able to come out to just support us and show their love for Amarria," said Laura Pendleton, Amarria's mother, at the vigil held in the front yard of her home on Manassas Drive in Chestereld County. Pink balloons decorated the mailbox and porch, and dozens of people, including family, friends and classmates, said a prayer, sang "Amazing Grace" and oered remembrances before ending with "Jesus Loves Me." "It's a hurting thing," said Leroy Green, Amarria's grandfather, who asked those gathered to remember her name. "We need to educate the schools. We need to educate the parents. This could happen again," Green added. Pendleton said she would be able to say more about what happened next week. Services for her daughter are being planned for Saturday. Donations are being accepted at local branches of Wells Fargo bank. At the vigil, family members talked about a little girl who sometimes said she was "itchy" and would ask for Benadryl when she felt a reaction coming on. According to Chestereld emergency ocials, authorities received an emergency call from the school at 2:26 p.m. Monday. The child was in cardiac arrest when paramedics arrived and she was pronounced dead after being taken to CJW Medical Center (Chippenham), a Chestereld Fire & EMS spokesman said. (Source: Richmond Time Dispatch)

h t t p : / / w w w . t e h r a n t i m e s . c o m / s c i e n c e

JANUARY 8, 2012

S C I / T E C H


Climate changing outlook for harp seals

Warming oceans and melting sea ice may have a major impact on harp seals, the doe-eyed animals that are the prime target for Canadas annual seal hunt. Researchers from Duke University in the U.S. found that sea ice in the seals breeding grounds have shrunk by about 6% per decade over the last 30 years. In some recent years, they say, entire years broods of cubs may have died. The species is abundant; the Duke team says its future depends on how it can adjust to new climatic conditions. Most studies of Arctic sea ice and climate change have focused on the annual ice minimum in September, said Dukes David Johnston, who led the new study, reported in the journal PLoS One. But these animals use seasonal sea ice in February and March, and very few studies have been done on whats happening to that. The most important breeding region lies along the Gulf of St Lawrence on Canadas eastern coast, extending northwards along the Front, a region o Newfoundland. In 2007, a Canadian government report concluded that mortality had been extremely high in the southern gulf because of very poor ice conditions. It also noted that poor ice had been seen in 1998, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2006 and 2007. Crossing over Harp seals also breed routinely in the White Sea, an inlet in the Russian north-west. Mortality of seal pups The Duke researchers were able to show that mortality of seal pups, as measured by strandings, has historically varied with February and March sea ice extent as measured by satellite. It has also varied with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), a naturally occurring climate cycle - which makes intuitive sense as the NAO also affects ice. Opposite phases of the NAO alternately benet either the Canadian or Russian populations. Genetic studies indicate some mixing between

Ramnit worm goes after Facebook credentials

A pervasive worm has expanded its reach to now steal login and password details for Facebook users, warned security vendor Seculert, which found a server holding 45,000 login credentials. The worm, called Ramnit, infects Windows executables, Microsoft Oce and HTML les, according to a prole published by Microsoft. It steals user names, passwords, browser cookies and can also function as a backdoor, allowing a hacker to do other malicious actions on an infected computer. Researchers from Seculert discovered a commandand-control server for the worm and found that it had harvested some 45,000 credentials from Facebook users, mostly in the UK and France, according to its blog. Aviv Ra, CTO and cofounder of Seculert, said Ramnits authors may be nding that attacking social networks is a more productive way to collect peoples sensitive data. We see a growing trend of malware writers embedding social networks in the malware instead of sending the malware itself via email spam, Ra said. This is the same for Ramnit. Once the Facebook login and password have been collected, it is suspected that the victims account is then accessed and a link is posted on their Facebook prole that leads to Ramnit, which will try and infect the computer. We suspect that they use these credentials to continuously spread the Ramnit malware through Facebook, Ra said. Another security vendor, Trusteer, noted last year that Ramnit appeared to have been modified in order to commit financial fraud, acquiring similar capabilities as the famous Zeus and SpyEye malicious software programs. Ramnit can inject HTML elds into a Web page and ask for information on a banking site that would not normally be asked, Trusteer noted in a blog post on Aug. 22. Seculert estimates that some 800,000 computers were infected with Ramnit between September through the end of December. A Symantec report from July 2011 put Ramnit as the most common piece of malware it blocked in June and July 2011. Ramnits mining of Facebook could yield passwords that people have re-used on other websites, a common mistake that gives hackers an easy in. Many users use the same password for Facebook and other organization web services, such as SSL VPN or Outlook Web Access, Ra said. The attackers may use this to gain remote access to corporate networks. Same goes for their online bank account. (Source: Computerworld)


Climate change, lack of ice could be causing higher rate of seal deaths.

the two, indicating that some of the seals can move between the breeding grounds. And recently, scientists have reported seeing breeding groups on coastal ice around areas of Greenland where they have not traditionally bred, which may indicate a capacity to move northwards as the overall climate of the sub-Arctic warms up. A move northward could bring more regular contact with polar bears, the Arctics top predator. Dr. Johnston regards this research as a stepping-stone to further work that could answer questions about the harp seals prospects. One of the interesting and powerful things is that we can get ahead of the game, he told BBC

News. Researchers from If we want these animals to persist, were ahead in un- Duke University in derstanding how climate might the U.S. found that aect their population - and its sea ice in the seals very rare to have that opportubreeding grounds nity. The U.S. National Snow and have shrunk by Ice Data Center, which coordinates measurements of Arctic about 6% per sea ice, shows that during the decade over the current winter the ice-covered last 30 years. area has been virtually identical to that seen in 2007-8, the smallest in the satellite record dating back to 1979. (Source: BBC)

Nearly 15 tons of failed Russian Mars probe could slam into Earth Jan. 15
The Phobos-Grunt spacecraft was stranded in Earth orbit shortly after its Nov. 8 launch, and its been circling lower and lower ever since. Russian space ocials now estimate that the probe will meet its ery demise in Earths atmosphere next Sunday. As of Wednesday morning, the fragments of Phobos-Grunt are expected to fall January 15, 2012, Alexei Zolotukhin, spokesman for Russias military space forces, told Russian news agencies Wednesday (Jan. 4), according to Agence-France Presse. The nal date could change due to external factors. Phobos-Grunt is a huge spacecraft, tipping the scales at 14.5 tons. Much of that weight is toxic hydrazine fuel, prompting some observers to worry about potential environmental impacts of the probes looming re-entry. Russian space ocials have repeatedly tamped down those concerns, however, saying that the fuel which is encased in an aluminum tank should burn up high in Earths atmosphere. Most of Phobos-Grunt should meet that same fate. Experts predict that just 20 to 30 pieces, weighing a maximum of 440 pounds (200 kilograms), will actually hit the ground (or water). Just where those pieces will come down is impossible to say at the moment, since analysts dont know the precise timing of Phobos-Grunts re-entry. As of now, much of the globe is potentially in the line of re.

Rare Moon mineral found in Australia

A mineral brought back to Earth by the rst men on the Moon and long thought to be unique to the lunar surface has been found in Australian rocks more than one billion years old, scientists said Thursday. Named after Apollo 11s 1969 landing site at the Sea of Tranquility, tranquillityite was one of three minerals rst discovered in rocks from the Moon and the only one not to be found, in subsequent years, on Earth. Australian scientist Birger Rasmussen said tranquillityite had long been considered as the Moons own mineral until geologists discovered it, by chance, in rock from resources-rich Western Australia. In over 40 years it hadnt been found in any terrestrial samples, Rasmussen, from Curtin University, told AFP. When the Moon samples rst came back Rasmussen said they were considered to be extremely precious and had been subjected to intense, detailed study when -- ironically -- their contents were right here all the time. They were always part of Earth, they havent come from the Moon, he said of his work on the discovery, published in the journal Geology. It tells you that broadly overall you have similar chemistries and similar processes operating on the Moon as on Earth. As well as being quirky and surprising Rasmussen said the discovery also had important practical applications, with the mineral proving to be an excellent dating tool which had allowed scientists to pin down the rocks age. (Source: AFP)

Blackberry ditches new phones to focus on London

Research in Motion is now developing just one handset, the London, with its new BlackBerry 10 operating system, it has been reported. The troubled company had previously been working on handsets codenamed Colt, Milan and London, but the Canadian rm is now focusing all its energies on one device, according to It is currently being shown to networks, and BlackBerry has already conrmed to journalists that demonstration of BlackBerry 10 will take place at the Mobile World Congress trade show in Barcelona next month. BlackBerry is also set to demonstrate the updated version of the BlackBerry Playbook software at the Consumer electronics Show in Las Vegas next week, but it has yet to publicly announce a launch date for integrated email into the tablet device. It recently slashed prices in a bid to boost sales of the 7 device. The London is likely to ship late in the summer. RIM has been working with Porsche Design on a handset that is currently on sale at Harrods in London, and some leaked images suggest that the new handset could take its design cues from the 1,275 P9981. It has been a difcult year for RIM, with its share price declining sharply. With pressure growing on the companys joint CEOs, Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie, the rm has reportedly been examining the appointment of a new chairman. (Source: Daily Telegraph)

Chinas going to the Moon and thats good for everyone

By Jerey Kluger obody gets to the moon by accident. If youre a rocket scientist and know what youre doing, Earths little sister ought not be such a challenging target. Its huge a whopping 2,155 mi. (3,468 km) across. Its close a mere 239,000 mi. (385,000 km) from Earthly launch pads. And if you take an as-the-crow-ies route, you can get there in just three days. Thats a walk to the 7-11 in a cosmos in which distances are measured in billions of light years. And yet a trip to the moon is one that only a small handful of countries have made with robot ships and only one country has made with astronauts. As for Mars and the worlds beyond? You can get there alright at least with unmanned probes although it takes a lot of eort and a mountain of money and the United States is the only country which has had any success. But the U.S. has not been thinking much about manned space travel lately. This year will mark the 40th anniversary of the nal Apollo mission, which was followed far less thrillingly by the space shuttle, a short-haul cosmic truck whose sole job was to make milk runs to low Earth orbit. Now even the shuttle is gone, leaving the U.S. is to hitch rides aboard Russias Soyuz spacecraft if it wants to get to space at all. While NASA and Washington promise American astronauts will return to space soon, the destination and the target date are being only vaguely dened little more than somewhere and sometime, which, in the space game,

typically turns into nowhere and never. And yet the sad and spent U.S. and Russian manned programs are not the only ones out there. Theres China too. Just last week, the Chinese government released a white paper detailing its plans for space in the years ahead plans that were impressive for their candor, specicity and ambition. It was only in 2003 that the Chinese put their rst astronaut in orbit. They followed in 2008 with a three-person mission that included a spacewalk, and followed that with an unmanned docking of two spacecraft in Earth orbit. This year, Beijing plans a manned docking. Meantime, two unmanned Chinese spacecraft have already orbited the moon, reconnoitering the surface for an unmanned lander that is planned for 2016 and for manned missions sometime after that. And in case your response is, So what? The U.S. did all this stu before Nixon even went to China, heres what: The U.S. cant rouse itself to do a lot of it anymore and, like it or not, China can. Manned space travel is a uniquely elective business. Its very hard and very expensive, yes, but since the beginning of the 20th century, the basic tools have always been within or just outside our technical grasp. There was something exquisitely understated about President Kennedys 1962 speech in which he committed the U.S. to a manned lunar program. Kennedy didnt say that we were destined to go to the moon; he didnt even say it was essential we go. We choose to go, was all he said a formulation that was at once both prosaic

and powerful. We choose an entre; we choose a tie; we choose to send human beings to another world, set them down on the surface and bring them home safely bearing extraterrestrial rocks and soil. Simple as that. The follow-through, of course, is a wee bit harder than the choice, and in recent years, thats where the U.S. has performed abysmally. We choose to go to Mars! the rst President Bush declared in 1989, until his budget team crunched the numbers and put the likely price tag at $500 billion, whereupon the grand idea was quietly shelved. We choose to go back to the moon! the second President Bush announced in 2004 until the plan ran over budget and over deadline, which is true of virtually any successful space program thats even been attempted, but was more than enough justication for the Obama administration to cancel the plan. NASA has become so adept at startstop projects that savvy readers of space agency press releases can even handicap the odds of something actually getting o the ground simply by counting the conditionals used in the phrasing. The more references to what a planned spacecraft would do or the discoveries it could make, the less likely itll get past the dream stage. This does more than destroy NASAs credibility and damage agency morale; it also costs money. More than $9 billion was spent developing the booster for the recently scrapped moon program $9 billion were never getting back. And its not like we were chasing some cold fusion rainbow here. We were building a rocket something were very, very good at doing. Either spend

the cash and nish the job or dont get started in the rst place. The shift in political winds that leads to all this backing and forthing is one that all participatory democracies face and one a locked-down, one-party system like Chinas doesnt. The political bosses who make policy today will still be in power many tomorrows hence, and that old stalwart of the communist system the ve-year plan oers a time horizon thats well-suited to the long-term commitment a space program requires. Americas bi-annual electoral shakeups not to mention the current pre-K atmosphere in Washington provides no such predictability. And yet the same system was in place in the Apollo era. From Sputnik, in 1957, to the last moon landing, in 1972, the U.S. had four presidents and eight dierent Congresses, and while the battles over the space budget could be pitched, the goal going to the moon remained unshakable. That bipartisan constancy is absent in the present-day political sandbox. None of this is to say it would be worth trading a Constitutional democracy for a one-party dictatorship. It is to say that until we get our Apollo-era mojo back, we could do worse than rooting for China to go the places we wont. If the next ag on the moon or the rst one on Mars turns out to be American, great. But the odds of that are not good. Someones got to carry the even higher banner of spacefaring homo sapiens which is a broader category and a more primal aliation than nation. We once chose to carry it for the world. (Source:

African rainforests said to be resilient

OXFORD, England (UPI) Tropical forests in Africa may be more resilient to future climate change than the Amazon and other regions, scientists at a conference in Britain heard. The regions surviving tree species have endured a number of climatic catastrophes over the past 4,000 years and as a result they are better suited to cope with future shifts in the climate, Yadvinder Malhi, Oxford professor of ecosystems, told international researchers. Malhi was speaking at a three-day conference at Oxford titled Climate Change, Deforestation and the Future of African Rainforests. Africas climate had been far more variable than the Amazon or Southeast Asia over the past 10,000 years, he said. In some senses, African forests have gone through a number of catastrophes in the past 4,000 to 2,000 years, Malhi told BBC News. They are already much lower in diversity, and have lost species that would have been potentially vulnerable. But the species that remain are relatively adaptable, have broad ranges and have adapted to quite rapid changes in rainfall. So, overall, the remaining system -- although it may be poorer to some extent -- may be much more resilient to the pressures from climate change in this century, he said.




JANUARY 8, 2012

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JANUARY 8, 2012




Ferguson willing to sell Rooney during transfer window

The Christmas bust-up between Wayne Rooney and Sir Alex Ferguson has run so deep that it could lead to the player's departure as early as the current transfer window. One source close to Manchester United yesterday suggested that their working relationship has been seriously damaged a situation that has raised fears at Old Traord that a move could indeed happen this month. This belief is provoked by strong feeling around the club that Ferguson believes he has lost control of Rooney. Both United and Rooney moved quickly last night to deny that the striker may be leaving the club, issuing a joint statement that stressed both have utmost respect for each other and look forward to working together in the coming seasons. However, fuelling the suspicion that despite the ravages of injury afflicting his team Ferguson is ready to wash his hands of the protg in whom he has shown such massive faith, and patience, since signing him as a teenager from Everton in 2004, is the degree of his anger when Rooney appeared so plainly to be in no condition to train after a Boxing Day night out. It had plainly not abated when he called Rooney o the eld at Newcastle on Wednesday night, clearly disgusted by an abject performance from the England forward at a time when United desperately needed to keep

Murray downs Tomic to reach nal

A merciless Andy Murray subjected Australia's Bernard Tomic to a 6-3 6-2 thrashing to deate local fans and set up an intriguing nal with Alexandr Dolgopolov at the Brisbane International. World number four Murray had ended Dolgopolov's barnstorming run to the quarter-nals of the Australian Open last year and appears in ne fettle for the re-match after disposing of Wimbledon quarter-nalist Tomic with clinical eciency. After trading baseline punches for the opening games at the Pat Rafter Arena, Murray pounced at 4-3 in the first set to break his 19-year-old opponent, then raced to a 2-0 lead in the second. Tomic took a medical time-out at 2-1 to have his foot strapped but the break did little to stall Murray's momentum as the Briton wrapped up the match in 69 minutes, bullying his young opponent with strong serving and blasting winners from all angles. "He started very well but I managed to get into a lot of long rallies at the end of the rst set and got through," Murray said. "I'm just moving so much better. It's such a huge part of my game so when I move well the rest of my game goes well and made it hard for Bernard to hit lots of clean winners." Murray will meet Dolgopolov after the pony-tailed Ukrainian ground down Frenchman Gilles Simon 6-3 6-4 in the rst semi-nal earlier on Saturday. Dolgopolov, who pushed Murray to four sets in a tension-charged quarter-nal at Melbourne Park last year, also showed promising form, breaking Simon twice to wrap up the rst set comfortably before holding him o in the tighter second set. The 23-year-old had to take a medical time-out when leading 3-2 in the second and had his right leg massaged by a physiotherapist but returned to close out the match with a pair of blistering forehands down the line. Dologopolov said his leg had been "pinched a bit" during a point against Simon but he would be t to play the nal. "Yeah, for sure, all the people are here, I have to play," he added with a smile, raising chuckles from the crowd at Pat Rafter Arena. "I'm really happy, I've been playing better and better through the matches ... It's going to be a really exciting nal, I think." Slovakia's Daniela Hantuchova faces big-hitting Estonian Kaia Kanepi to decide the women's title later on Saturday. (Source: Reuters)


pace with neighbours Manchester City at the top of the Premier League and in tomorrow's FA Cup tie. Ferguson's sense of betrayal can only be heightened by his memory of the acrobatics he was required to perform barely a year ago when Rooney, with his private life and football form apparently in meltdown, demanded a transfer amid rumours that City were ready to take him across town on increased wages. Whatever his private feelings, Ferguson held the line with Rooney, agreed to an improved contract in return for a lukewarm apology to the fans and no immediate improvement in the form that had made his World Cup appearances for England so disappointing especially after a bril-

liant club season which had won him the Player of the Year award. Ferguson also had to endure a public lecture from Rooney about United's lack of ambition. A sharp improvement in Rooney's form at the end of last season and a burst of scoring before Christmas that came at the end of another run of mediocrity might have encouraged Ferguson to believe that his most talented player was in the mood for another tour de force in the second half of this season. That optimism severely dissipated, however, when Rooney appeared at the Carrington training ground unt to train and then crisis was compounded by not only Rooney's failure to perform at Newcastle but also his indier-

ent demeanour. United issued a combined statement with Rooney last night that claimed there was no problem in the relationship between manager and player. We can assure all United fans that the manager and the club are committed to Wayne Rooney and Wayne is committed to the manager and the club, it read. The player and the manager have always had and retain, the utmost respect for each other and look forward to working together in the coming seasons. Any suggestion that Manchester United and Wayne Rooney are to part company is complete nonsense. (Source: Independent)

Liverpool and the police have conrmed they will investigate an incident involving home fans and Oldham player Tom Adeyemi that marred the FA Cup tie at Aneld. The game, which Liverpool comfortably won 5-1, ended on a sour note when Adeyemi appeared to exchange words with a spectator on the Kop. The tearful midelder, on loan at Oldham from Norwich, needed a consoling word from Steven Gerrard. His

FA Cup - Liverpool and police probe incident

Oldham team-mates and Liverpool's Dirk Kuyt also tried to reassure him. Liverpool issued a statement saying: "An incident occurred in the second half of the match which is now being investigated by both the club and the police." Merseyside Police added: "The aim of the investigation is to establish the full circumstances surrounding the incident to ascertain if action needs to be taken." "(We) can conrm that no-one has been arrested this evening... on suspicion of racially aggravated behaviour during tonight's FA Cup xture at Aneld," said a police spokesman. Oldham manager Paul Dickov said he had not spoken to the player about the incident, but accepted something had upset him. "He is a placid boy, a kid who has been well-educated with a fantastic temperament and has been with us since the end of August and I've never seen him raise his voice. "For him to react like that it is obvi-

ous something has been said but what has been said I don't know because I've not had a chance [to ask] - I was too busy praising my players. "He is ne now. He has calmed down. He is a laid-back kid who just gets on with business. "Our players went and calmed him down and the Liverpool players did as well, which was fantastic and is why they are top professionals. (Source: Eurosport)

Hamsik could consider top clubs

Napoli star Marek Hamsik would welcome a move to Barcelona, Chelsea or Real Madrid, according to the player's agent. Hamsik has been one of the leading stars for Napoli this season and the club are currently working on an extension to his contract. However, Hamsik had told a newspaper in his native Slovakia in the summer that he would have been keen on a move to AC Milan, and agent Mino Raiola has now refused to rule out an exit. "If Napoli were to receive an oer from Barcelona, Chelsea or Real Madrid, then it would be logical to accept," he told Radio CRC. Hamsik said earlier in the week that he was not seeking a move away from Naples. "I'm ne," Hamsik told Italia 1. "I am very happy in Napoli. Every player plays to win - I have not won anything yet and I miss it - but Napoli are doing everything possible to win something." Hamsik added: "We didn't expect to pass the group of death. Now we have to face Chelsea, who are a very strong team with great players, but we want to continue to amaze." (Source: Soccernet)

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JANUARY 8, 2012

h t t p : / / w w w . t e h r a n t i m e s . c o m /

Second largest steel complex launched bordering Persian Gulf

Most Modern Steel Ingot Plant Inaugurated in Hormozgan

ormozgan Steel Company is the second largest steel company which has been established after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. It lies on 90 hectares area of land, 13 kilometers away from the city of Bandar Abbas in the special economic zone. Hormozgan Province is one of the most suitable regions in the world for steel production due to 1- proximity with huge gas reserves (Assalouyeh), 2- vicinity to iron ore mines (Gol Gohar), 3- nearness to the Shahid Rajaii port complex, 4- access to open seas. Establishment operations of the complex started in 2006 through 1693000 earthmoving, 227000 concrete pouring, 33000 tons metal structure and 91750 tons equipment. In October 2008, the cold reduction unit was launched and in March 2009 the reduction unit of Hormozgan Steel Plant was inaugurated. Launching the sponge iron production unit within 32 months with the capacity of 1.65 million tons was a glory for domestic engineers. In 2010, the steelmaking unit of the company was launched and in March 2011 the rst steel slab was produced in Hormozgan Steel Company. Hormozgan Steel Company has the capacity to produce slabs with 200mm and 250mm diameters, 900mm to 2000mm thickness and 6000mm to 12000mm length. Also the company can produce 1650000 tons of sponge iron, 360 tons of lime, 7500 cubic meters of oxygen, 18000 cubic meters of nitrogen and 120 cubic meters of argon per year. Hormozgan Steel Company has four units: 1- the direst reduction unit comprised of two 800,000ton modules, 2- the lime production unit, 3- the industrial gases and water desalination units, 4steelmaking unit comprised of a 180-ton furnace, a casting system as well as logistics units for transportation, depot and loading, power station, workshop, and laboratory. Hormozgan Steel Company mainly produces carbon steel to be used in coils as well as cold and hot rolling sheets. The hot rolling sheets are mainly used for profile making, water and oil tanks and pipes as well as high pressurized parts. The cold rolling sheets are used for producing car body, household appliances such as refrigerators and ovens. Measuring pollutant factors in water, controlling untreated and potable water as well as wastewater, comparing pollution density with national and international standards, studying efficiency of water and wastewater treatment systems, controlling quality of water wells to prevent probable pollution of underground water tables Measuring soil pollution factors through setting up a collection, transportation and disposal system for waste materials, sampling and chemical analyzing of wastes and garbage and sorting them, studying the possibility to recycle the wastes, reselling and reusing the wastes, preparing places for disposing the wastes, inspecting the garbage disposal places, establishing the environment protection management systems, and evaluating the environment protection eects are among the factorys features. Some $1 billion has been invested in the project, he said, adding that high speed casting for producing slabs of 2 meters width and using the latest technology for producing sheets to be used in shipbuilding and oil pipes are among the factorys specifications. Sponge iron and scrap iron are the two main raw materials for producing steel slabs, the managing director of Hormozgan Steel Company said. The factory is equipped with two reduction units which can produce up to 1.65 million tons of sponge iron per year. Hormozgan Steel Company enjoys the most advanced technologies in the steel industry and benets from skilled and experienced manpower and plans to supply its products to domestic and foreign markets based on demands of customers. Through investing

up to 13,000 billion rials, the company has created 1500 direct jobs and 6000 indirect jobs. Implementing the underway development plans will raise the numbers to 3000 and 12000 respectively. Hormozgan Steel Company products meet national and international standards such as Bs, SAE/AISI, API, ISIRI, JIS, EN, DIN and ASTM.

ment systems - Evaluating the environment protection eects

Modern steel ingot plant inaugurated in Hormozgan

The most advanced steel ingot production plant in Iran came on stream today in the southern province of Hormozgan, the IRNA news agency reported. The Hormozgan Steel Company has the initial production capacity of 1.5 million tons per year. But, infrastructures have been provided for boosting the capacity to three million tons, the report added. The plant has been established by an Iranian-German consortium (IRITEC, SMS-DEMAG) and is second to none in terms of software systems as well as environment protection facilities. Iran produced over 9.1 million tons of crude steel in the rst eight months of the current calendar year (ended November 21, 2011), showing 11.3 percent rise compared with the same period last year. Steel products also amounted to 9.9 million tons in the eight-month period of time, according to the IRNA news agency. According to the World Steel Association, Iran was the second leading steel producer in the Middle East in 2010 after Turkey. Iran also ranked 7th among the Asian producers. Iran will become one of the worlds main steel exporters by March 2016, Industry, Mine and Trade Minister Mehdi Ghazanfari said in May. Iran plans to reach the production capacity of 42 million tons per year by the end of the Fifth Five-Year SocioEconomic Development Plan (March 2016). According to Ghazanfari, the nations steel production capacity is currently 19 million tons annually. The managing director of Hormozgan Steel Company stated that launching the factory has created 7500 direct and indirect jobs for people, of them 80 percent are local. Proximity with huge gas reserves (Assalouyeh), vicinity to iron ore mines (Gol Gohar), nearness to the Shahid Rajaii port complex, and access to open seas are the salient features of the company, Morteza Aqajani added. Some $1 billion has been invested in the project, he said, adding that high speed casting for producing slabs of 2 meters width and using the latest technology for producing sheets to be used in shipbuilding and oil pipes are among the factorys specifications. Sponge iron and scrap iron are the two main raw materials for producing steel slabs, the managing director of Hormozgan Steel Company said. The factory is equipped with two reduction units which can produce up to 1.65 million tons of sponge iron per year.

Unique specications of Hormozgan Steel Company

1- The most advanced steel plant in Iran 2- Using the Dog House pollution control system to reduce pollution and protect environment toward sustainable development 3- Using the 100 hundred percent sponge iron system (maintaining 60 tons of melted iron in furnace) nondependence to uctuations in the scrap iron market 4- Independency to slag discharge on the ground (removing the waiting time of slag and raising output) 5- Using three electrodes with an arm in furnaces (reducing repair problems) 6- Using a vertical arc casting line for improving quality of products (raising casting output with high quality and reducing unwanted materials) 7- The highest speed of slab casting in the country (1.6 meters per minute) (raising output and production) 8- Producing high carbon steels (0.5% carbon) (high durable steel) 9- Producing the widest slab in the country with 2000mm thickness (for oil and gas transfer pipes) 10- Producing the heaviest slab in the country (46 tons) 11- Producing slabs in 200mm and 250mm thickness (production diversity to meet market needs) 12- Changing width during casting (reducing preparation time and raising output) 13- Most advanced water desalination system in south of the country to use sea water in production Considering the implementation of the Subsidy Reform Plan, Hormozgan Steel Company has reduced energy consumption to 550 kilowatt per hour to meet international standards which is 650 kilowatt per hour. This is one of the unique achievements of Hormozgan Steel Company in the country. Boosting the rail and road transportation infrastructures in the province was another benet of establishing Hormozgan Steel Company, so that 300 trucks transport the companys products per month to customers.

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Hormozgan Steel Companys environment protection objectives

One of the main concerns of global communities is to protect and secure the environment for a health life and provide material and spiritual welfare as well. To meet the objectives, the environment protection units were set up in the company with the following goals: - Reducing air pollution through identifying and measuring pollutant factors using the most advanced systems and sampling methods and comparing the pollution density with national and international standards and oering technical and managerial solutions in this regard - Measuring pollutant factors in water, controlling untreated and potable water as well as wastewater, comparing pollution density with national and international standards, studying eciency of water and wastewater treatment systems, controlling quality of water wells to prevent probable pollution of underground water tables - Measuring soil pollution factors through setting up a collection, transportation and disposal system for waste materials, sampling and chemical analyzing of wastes and garbage and sorting them, studying the possibility to recycle the wastes, reselling and reusing the wastes, preparing places for disposing the wastes, inspecting the garbage disposal places - Establishing the environment protection manage-

: / - : : . : . : 58 . 2,91 : 7,12 19 94 42 . . 54 : 72 08 . . 9 : 9 3,01 2,9 . 9 .8,11 21 : 38 12 1102 51 . : . : 70 06 58 .

Public relations tel.: 0761-4590025, 30

Factory add.: Hormozgan Steel Complex, Km 13th of Shahid Rajaii Port Road, Bandar Abbas Fax: 021-88909404 Website: Email: Postal code: 7917176319 Tel.: 0761-459001-3 Fax: 0761-5550475 Tel.: 021-88800037 Hormozgan Steel Complex, 2nd Fl., South Tower, National Iranian Steel Company, Valiasr Sq., Tehran

By:A. Saeidi

h t t p : / / w w w . t e h r a n t i m e s . c o m / s p o r t s

JANUARY 8, 2012



Iranians honor wrestling legend Gholam-Reza Takhti

S p o r t s D e s k rated the 44th anIran commemoniversary of the death of legendary free-style wrestler Gholam-Reza Takhti on Saturday. Iranian famous sports personalities namely, Mohammad Abbasi, Minister of Sport and Youth Aairs, Bahram Afsharzadeh, secretary general of Irans Olympic Committee and Persepolis captain Ali Karimi attended the event. Takhti was born in Tehran on August 27, 1930 and was found dead in a hotel room on January 7, 1968. He was laid to rest at Ibn-e Babouyeh cemetery in southern Tehran where he is commemorated every year by the Iranians. Takhti is the most famous wrestler in Irans history. The legend was known for his chivalry and sportsmanship which continues to symbolize the essence of sports for the Iranian people. In 1961, a terrible earthquake shook Boein Zahra in western Iran killing 45,000. Takhti was deeply touched by the unpleasant incident. He, who was then already one of Irans biggest stars, began prancing down one of the main avenues of Tehran asking for aid for the victims. This inspired other champions to follow in his footsteps, and as a result thousands of people gave donations to alleviate the suering of the quake-stricken people. Another example of his character comes from a match in Moscow. After defeating the then-world champion Anatoli Albul, Takhti saw the sorrow in the face of Albuls mother. Takhti went to her and said, Im sorry about the result. Your son is a great wrestler. She smiled and kissed him. There is another memory that sheds more light on his character. Once he had a match with Russian wrestler Alexander Medved, who had an injured right knee. When Takhti found out that he was injured, he never attacked that leg. Instead, he tried to attack the other leg. He lost the match but showed that honor was more important than winning for him.

Summer snow closes Dakar stage


Mohsen Bayatinia banned for doping

S p o r t s D e s k Bayatinia has been banned by AnMes of Kerman striker Mohsen ti-Doping Committee of Iran Football Federation on Saturday. The 32-year-old player has been suspended for one year after testing positive for methylhexaneamine, head of Iran Anti-Doping Committee Ahmad Hashemian said. Bayatinia tested positive during a doping control after the match between Mes of Kerman and Mes of Sarcheshmeh in Iran Professional League, Hashemian said. This is the second time Bayatinia tested positive for illegal substance. In December 2010, during his stint in Saba Battery football team, he was suspended for three months after using sibutramine, which is considered a banned substance.

Lionel Messi: I want to finish my career at Barcelona

Lionel Messi has stated that Barcelona are the .best club in the world, and that he wants to nish his career with the Catalan giants. The Argentina international has won back-to-back Ballon d'Or awards, and is in line to make it three in a row in the Fifa awards in Zurich on Monday. The diminutive attacker has praised the European champions, and has put his current ability down to his education at La Masia and the tutelage of Pep Guardiola. "I'm at the best club in the world, no other team could full me as much as Barcelona does; I hope to stay here until they get tired of me, which is hopefully never," he told Marca. "I grew up at La Masia and I am a man made at Barca. "The coach knows the club better than any of us. He was a ball boy, player and now coach. He is very smart, knows what needs to be done at all times and how to treat each player. He is also an excellent motivator. I feel very comfortable with him," the South American maestro continued. Messi is being touted as one of the best players to have ever played the sport, but the Roasario-born forward believes it is too early to compare him to the past greats. "I am only 24 years old, I have just started. I have so much respect for people who have been great, such as [Alfredo] Di Stefano, Pele or [Diego] Maradona," he added. "I should be judged when I finish my career because I do not like talking about myself, and I do not plan goals like that." Messi has won all there is to win in the club game, but also wants success on the international stage, and is hoping for glory with Argentina. "Di Stefano is a great but never won a World Cup. I will do everything possible to make Argentina world champions," he pledged. "Argentina has top quality players and I'm sure I can repeat the success with the national side. We are getting better every time we meet and play together."

United: No rush for Lampard

Manchester United are prepared to sit tight until the end of January in their pursuit of Chelsea star Frank Lampard. And Starsport understands bosses at Stamford Bridge would be willing to talk to their Premier League rivals if they were to make a bid in excess of 7m. United boss Sir Alex Ferguson failed to deny our exclusive story that he was tracking the England mid elder when he spoke to the media yesterday. And Chelsea themselves have remained largely tightlipped over the dramatic transfer twist, choosing to wait to see if a rm bid is made this month. But the interest in Lampard is very real, and with the player seemingly at odds with Blues boss Andre Villas-Boas, United will wait to see if that relationship deteriorates further in the next fortnight. And they would then come in with a straight cash oer in the hope both Villas-Boas and Lampard had reached a point where they wanted to go their separate ways. Usually the thought of selling to a direct rival in the race for the title would mean such a deal would be a non-starter. But Chelsea privately concede they are now long outsiders in the race for top spot this season and Villas-Boas has already started to look towards planning for next season. And that means they would be a little more open to the prospect of doing business with United, because Lampard switching to Old Traord would have no major impact on their title hopes this time round. A year ago, the thought of selling Lampard to Ferguson would have been unthinkable but now it is far more likely. (Source: DailyStar)

Eto'o ban cut to eight months

A 15-match ban imposed on Cameroon captain Samuel Eto'o for sparking a players' strike has been reduced to eight months, the national football federation said on Saturday. The original suspension of the four-time African Footballer of the Year triggered widespread anger in a central African country reeling from their failure to qualify for the 2012 Africa Cup of Nations. Ocials discussed the ban in a meeting which began Friday and continued past midnight amid reports that President Paul Biya wanted the disciplinary action reconsidered. Eto'o will miss a 2013 Cup of Nations eliminator against minnows Guinea Bissau and 2014 World Cup qualiers against more formidable opponents the Democratic Republic of Congo and Libya. The 30-year-old striker, who won UEFA Champions League medals with Barcelona and Inter Milan, moved to Russian club Anzhi Makhachkala last year in a deal that reportedly makes him the highest paid footballer in the world. Vice-captain Enoh Eyong had a two-match ban for his part in the strike halved and the 2,000-dollar fine imposed on defender Benoit Assou-Ekotto for ignoring national team call-ups has been scrapped. The strike in Morocco last November after non-payment of match fees led to a friendly against Algeria being cancelled and Cameroon had to pay 500,000 dollars to compensate for lost television revenue and ticket sales.' (Source: AFP)

Snowstorms in the middle of summer in the Andes Mountains forced Dakar Rally organisers to abandon the sixth special stage of the marathon event. Although the day's stage was cancelled, competitors were able to cross the Andes Mountain Range in convoy. The bikers went rst, crossing the Paso San Francisco Pass in icy temperatures of -8C. After starting the event in a heat wave in Mar del Plata, competitors came across snow storms and have had to deal with the closure of road passes. Two days before the climb up to the Paso San Francisco Pass, the rst news about the bad weather conditions ltered through to the organisers. As the hours passed, the situation became worse in this region of the Andes Mountain Range, making it more and more unlikely that a special stage could be held on the planned route. Then, on 5 January, the Chilean authorities informed Dakar organisers that the border post located after the Paso San Francisco Pass had been closed. Since that road climbs to a height of 4,700 metres and descends along hairpin bends on the Chilean side, it had become too dangerous for the riders and crews on the rally, and the decision to cancel the stage was taken. With encouraging weather conditions in the early morning, the convoy was able to leave Fiambala on time. Several trucks from the rally's logistics service served as scouts, while the bikes were the rst to tackle the climb over the Andes. Every half hour, organisation team vehicles and ambulances were incorporated into the convoy to enhance safety. At approximately 10h00 the rst competitors reached the mountain pass, where the temperature was slowly rising from -8C. On crossing the border, a route to avoid the zone affected by the bad weather had been set up. The competitors headed much further north to Diego de Almagro before arriving in Copiapo. In total, the vehicles travelled approximately 200 kilometres further than the initially planned 641 km to reach the overnight bivouac. Although the stopwatches were put aside on Friday, competition will once again be resumed on Saturday's 573 km loop. 2012 Dakar Rally standings after Stage 6 Cars - Overall After Stage 6 1. Stphane Peterhansel/Jean-Paul Cottret (FRA/Mini) 11hr 58min 03sec 2. Krzysztof Holowczyc/Jean-Marc Fortin (POL/BEL/ Mini) 4:18 3. Nani Roma/Michel Prin (ESP/FRA/Mini) 10:39 4. Robby Gordon/Johnny Campbell (USA/Hummer) 13:32 5. Giniel de Villiers/Dirk Von Zitzewitz (RSA/GER/Toyota) 21:01 6. Leonid Novitzkiy/Andreas Schulz (RUS/GER/Mini) 30:51 7. Carlos Sousa/Jean-Pierre Garcin (POR/FRA/Great Wall) 40:55 8. Nasser al-Attiyah/Lucas Cruz (QAT/ESP/Hummer) 50:47 9. Erik Van Loon/Harmen Scholtalbers (NED/Mitsubishi) 53:33 10. Lucio Alvarez/Ronnie Graue (ARG/Toyota) 59.10 12. Duncan Vos/Robert Howie (RSA/Toyota) 01:19:49 22. Mark Corbett/Francois Jordaan (RSA/CR4) 03:32:32 Bikes - Overall After Stage 6 1. Cyril Desprs (FRA/KTM) 14hr 19min 00sec. 2. Marc Coma (ESP/KTM) at 9:51 3. Helder Rodrigues (POR/Yamaha) 47:56 4. Francisco Lopez Contardo (CHI/Aprilia) 49:00 5. Paulo Gonalves (POR/Husqvarna) 54:47 6. Jordi Viladoms (ESP/KTM) 58:17 7. David Casteu (FRA/Yamaha) 58:58 8. Juan Pedrero Garcia (ESP/KTM) 59:04 9. Gerard Farres Guell (ESP/KTM) 01:03:13 10.Stefan Svitko (SVK/KTM) 01:07:26 37. Darryl Curtis (RSA/KTM) 03:30:29 97. Greg Raaf (RSA/KTM) 24:55:41 (Source: Supersport)

Hamsik could consider top clubs

Napoli star Marek Hamsik would welcome a move to Barcelona, Chelsea or Real Madrid, according to the player's agent. Hamsik has been one of the leading stars for Napoli this season and the club are currently working on an extension to his contract. However, Hamsik had told a newspaper in his native Slovakia in the summer that he would have been keen on a move to AC Milan, and agent Mino Raiola has now refused to rule out an exit. "If Napoli were to receive an oer from Barcelona, Chelsea or Real Madrid, then it would be logical to accept," he told Radio CRC. Hamsik said earlier in the week that he was not seeking a move away from Naples. "I'm ne," Hamsik told Italia 1. "I am very happy in Napoli. Every player plays to win - I have not won anything yet and I miss it - but Napoli are doing everything possible to win something." Napoli face Chelsea in the Champions League knockout rounds after nishing ahead of Manchester City and Villarreal in the group stage and Hamsik added: "We didn't expect to pass the group of death. Now we have to face Chelsea, who are a very strong team with great players, but we want to continue to amaze." (Source: Soccernet)

Man City v Man Utd preview

A further indication of any power shift in Manchester could emerge when City and United meet at the Etihad Stadium on Sunday in the third round of the FA Cup. The Red Devils undoubtedly have the weight of history on their side, with their trophy haul under Sir Alex Ferguson dwarfing the solitary FA Cup claimed by their neighbours last summer. But Roberto Mancini's men, who dispatched their fierce local rivals in the semi-final at Wembley en route to claiming their first significant silverware in 35 years, are currently setting the pace in the Premier League title race. The three-point lead they hold over their bitter rivals has been established by an impressive and goal-laden rst half of the season, with their most notable result to date the 6-1 demolition derby success at Old Traord back in October. United have also wobbled of late, losing back-to-back games at the hands of Blackburn and Newcastle, with the weak defending against Rovers and the limp all-round display at St James' Park on Wednesday sure to be a concern for Ferguson. Mancini may have more nancial muscle than anyone else in the Premier League and a squad which is the envy of much of Europe, but the Italian has been pleading paucity in the build-up to Sunday's game. Miserable City look set to be without Mario Balotelli, Gareth Barry and the Toure brothers this weekend. er Owen Hargreaves is not expected to come into contention. Ferguson will select his side from the squad of players available for the miserable midweek reverse against the Magpies in the North East. Chris Smalling and Jonny Evans remain on the sidelines through illness and injury, respectively, along with Nemanja Vidic and Fabio, leaving the Red Devils with a lack of depth in defence, while midfielder Tom Cleverley (ankle) continues his rehabilitation. Goalkeeper Anders Lindegaard was brought in to replace David de Gea after his horror show against Blackburn, and while he could not be blamed for two of Newcastle's goals, there was a distinct lack of communication over Phil Jones' comical late own goal. (Source: SkySports)

Striker Balotelli (ankle) and midelder Barry (suspension) are denitely forced out while defender Kolo and midelder Yaya Toure have to report for African Cup of Nations duty with Ivory Coast. Mancini hopes striker Edin Dzeko (knee) and forward Samir Nasri (illness) will be t to bolster his squad amid claims he may not be able to ll the bench, but former United mideld-




JANUARY 8, 2012

h t t p : / / w w w . t e h r a n t i m e s . c o m / e c o n o m y

Black American income inequality sours

As we begin 2012, the issue of income inequality is a matter of high importance for millions of Black Americans and others who struggle to improve their overall quality of life. The fact is that the contradiction of economic injustice for decades has had a devastating impact on Black people across America. Inequality and systematic racial discrimination in education, economics, and the environment have been so pervasive and institutionalized that too many of us have come to falsely believe that this situation is permanent without recourse to challenge and change it. This is again why the growing Occupy Wall Street movement should be of particular interests to African Americans and Latino Americans who are the two groups that are most aected quantitatively by income inequality in America. Black church leaders, in particular, are now moving to the forefront once again to raise the level of consciousness and social action of millions of Black people around this issue through the rise of Occupy the Dream that is revitalizing and reapplying the therapeutic and uplifting dream and legacy of The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Our situation can and will change to the extent to which we organize and mobilize around our dened economic and political interests. More than ever before, Black Americans will have a larger role in shaping the future of America. But we must be focused on what the priority issues are while standing tall and bold in support of an inclusive movement for social change. What is income inequality? It is the measurement of the distribution of income that highlights the gap between individuals or households making the most of the income in a given country and those making the least for a period of time. In the United States, overall income inequality has steadily increased during last 30 years between the super wealthy and the super poor. When you add race as a distinguishing characteristic, the widening gap of income inequality between Blacks and Whites in the U.S. exposes the lingering impact of years of targeted discrimination and economic injustice imposed on vast majority of Black Americans. Income inequality is the extent of disparity between high income and low income households. TheGini coecient measures income inequality by calculating the extent to which the distribution of income among individuals within a country deviates from a perfectly equal distribution. During the last ten years the United States had the highest Gini ranking of income inequality at coecient number of 46 of all leading industrialized nations in the world. The Gini coecient (named after an Italian statistician named Corrado Gini) is the most commonly used measure of income inequality. A Gini coecient of 0 represents perfect equality (that is, every person in the society has the same amount of income); a Gini coecient of 100 represents perfect inequality (that is, one person has all the income and the rest of the society has none). In the U.S., 1% of the people overwhelmingly and increasingly control the wealth of the nation at the economic hardship of 99% of the people. To put this inequality into a global context, the Credit Suisse Research Institute just released a report that documents that the richest .5% of global adults hold well over a third of the entire wealth of the world. (Source: seattlemedium)


Researchers predict economic recession in Germany

BERLIN (Prensa Latina) Germany might fall into recession soon and will start recovering next summer, if the euro zone crisis last longer than expected, said the German Economic Research Institute. The Institute estimated that the German Gross Domestic Product will grow 0.6 percent in 2012, under the 3.0 percent reported last year. It added that the GDP will grow 2.2 percent in 2013, but only if the euro zone crisis is really controlled in the next few months, said Ferdinand Fichtner, head of the Economic Situation area. Otherwise, the labor market will be seriously aected and recession will be deeper, and more noticeable, said Fichtner. Another expert from the Institue, Simon Junker, said that if the world economy shrinks, the German economy will not be able to resist the contraction, since it essentially depends on exports. Germanys domestic consumption would be aected, companies will reduce their investments and sales would not have too much favorable prospects.

Germany seems to slip and fall into deep recession, but not for a long time, Junker predicted. The Institute stressed that the world economy will

grow little in 2012 and 2013, with rates over 4 percent a year, fostered by the dynamics of the emerging economies.

EU on brink of recession as ination hits new low

EURO-zone inflation slowed for the first time in five months last month, beginning a slowdown economists expect will revive deflation fears and tempt the European Central Bank (ECB) to cut rates below 1% for the first time in its history. After the recent souring of the European and global economies, economists widely share the view that ination has now peaked and predict a short, sharp slowdown in the months ahead to back below the 2% sweet spot the ECB judges to be optimal. Figures yesterday showed ination in the 17-nation euro area fell to 2,8% from 3% in November, the European Unions statistics oce in Luxembourg said. The latest purchasing managers indices (PMIs) for the euro zone and several key individual countries suggested the region remained on track for a moderate recession despite a slight uptick in the data for last month. The uplift in the euro zone PMI in December does little to dispel fears of the region sliding back into recession, Chris Williamson, chief economist at Markit, said yesterday. The slight PMI improvement was due mainly to an upturn in Germany, widening the divisions between the regions stronger economies and the likes of Italy and Spain that appear to be undergoing a severe contraction. Euro-zone services and manufacturing output contracted less than initially estimated last month and French consumer spending unexpectedly declined in November from October, separate reports showed. The euro traded at 1,29 to the dollar yesterday, down 0,3%. The Stoxx Europe 600 index declined 0,5%. The rand was softer against the dollar in thin late afternoon trade yesterday as it tracked the euro. It was bid at R10,51/1. Europe is on the brink of a recession, Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker said yesterday. One has to react adequately to it. In the euro zone, ination may average 2% this year and 1,5% in 2013, the ECB said last month. Consumer prices probably increased 2,7% on average last year, it estimated. The regions economy may expand just 0,3% this year after growing 1,6% last year. Euro -zone unemployment rose to 10,3% in October, the highest in more than a decade, and consumer condence fell to the lowest in more than two years last month. In France, consumer spending dropped 0,1% in November from the previous month, when it rose 0,1%, the countrys statistics oce said yesterday. (Sources: Bloomberg, Reuters)

Vast majority of Canadians believe country is in recession

TORONTO (theglobeandmail ) Canada is not technically in a recession, but to the vast majority of consumers, it feels like one. Economists, Statistics Canada and the Bank of Canada have been telling Canadians the country has been out of a slump since mid2009, and is now well into a period of expansion. But Canadians see things differently. Despite the economys relative strong health in a world marked by tumult, they are the most pessimistic theyve been in over a decade and fully 70 per cent believe the nation is in a recession, according to an annual tracking poll released Thursday. Michael Marzolini, chairman of the Pollara Strategic Insights, which conducted the poll, suggests this fear could itself feed into a cycle of consumer angst, which could contribute to a general slowing of the economy. Public attitudes toward the economy usually drive events. They impact on peoples collective spending, investing and saving, Mr. Marzolini said. The perceived reality is often a self-fulfilling prophecy. While most economists dont see low confidence dragging the country into a recession, they say its something that should not be ignored just as they caution that a worse-than-expected recession in Europe could drag down Canadas economic output further than is now predicted. The annual poll of between 2,000 and 3,000 Canadians, conducted every December, showed that 65 per cent of Canadians thought the country was in recession at the end of 2010, and that 78 per cent thought the same at the end of 2009. In both cases, they were wrong: Canadas last recession officially lasted from the fourth quarter of 2008 until the second quarter of 2009. The findings left economists scratching their heads. I think there is a bit of a disconnect between that survey and the economy, said Douglas Porter, deputy chief economist with BMO Capital Markets. But to others, the results were far from surprising. David MacDonald, chief executive officer of Toronto-based technology service firm Softchoice Corp., said many individual Canadians are worried about their jobs, and whether their skills match those needed by industry. It has been a tough, tough recession on young people, he said.

For many Americans, jobs crisis to last many years

ORLANDO (Reuters) Despite an upswing in hiring during 2011, the jobs crisis could last many more years as millions of Americans struggle to nd work. Earlier, the U.S. Labor department said employers added 200,000 jobs during December, many more than expected by Wall Street. In 2011 as a whole, 1.64 million jobs were created, well above the 940,000 in 2010 and the best showing since 2006. But the amount of jobs in the economy is still about 6.1 million lower than before the brutal 2007-2009 recession. At Decembers pace of gains, it would take about 2 1/2 years just to get back to pre-recession levels of employment. That means many people will be in for an agonizing wait. In December, 5.6 million of the nations unemployed had been out of work for at least six months, the Labor Department data showed, only slightly lower than the previous month.




Eurozone jobless rate raises recession fears

Eurozone unemployment surged to a fresh record late last year as economic condence tumbled to a two-year low and even Germanys robust industrial sector showed signs of weakness, according to ocial data on Friday, which pointed to a marked contraction in activity in the nal months of 2011. The latest gloomy economic news indicated the 17-country monetary union was being buered badly by worries over its debt crisis as well as scal austerity measures and slower global growth with Italy among its worst hit member states. That could add to fears of a pronounced recession and fuel speculation that the European Central Bank will have to take bolder measures to avert a slump, including by launching its own version of quantitative easing. However, the latest gures were not uniformly bleak, with northern Europe showing signs of modest improvement in December. With eurozone purchasing managers indices earlier this week also suggesting the slowdown had lost some of its intensity, economists said there was a fair chance of the eurozone escaping a downturn as severe as in 2009 assuming the debt crisis did not spin further out of control. (Source:FT)

Crude oil increase. Economic experts see $100 valuation of prices could crude oil this year. rise in 2012 However, other analysts found that with the
widespread recession and decreased activity and consumption observed among key oil markets like China and US, oil prices can be held at the steady for a while. Saudi Arabia, a huge player in the game, sees a decrease in its production of oil products from 9.2 million the previous year to a projected 8.8 million barrels a day this year due to lesser demand.

In 2011, crude oil prices saw a 19-percent

Currency US dollar British Pound Swiss franc Swedish krona UAE dirham
Kuwait dinar

To U.S. Dollars 1 1.543 1.047 0.144 0.272


To IR. Rial 11230 17329 11758 1.638 3058


Currency 100 Japanese yen Canadian dollar Australian dollar Saudi riyal Chinese yuan

To U.S. Dollars 1.299 17329

1.02345 1.02345

To IR. Rial
14588 10926 11491

IMF chief: Some EU countries technically in recession, probably not EU or eurozone

2955 1780

The International Monetary Fund chief said Friday that some European countries may be technically in a recession but that does not necessarily apply to the 17-nation eurozone or the European Union. At a news conference in Pretoria, the South African capital, Christine Lagarde warned 2012 will not be a walk in the park, that will not be an easy journey. I think some European countries might be technically in a recession. Now whether that means the whole of the eurozone or the whole of Europe is in a recession, I dont think so, she said. She did not identify which countries might technically be in recession, which means they would have suered two consecutive quarters of economic contraction. Greeces entire schedule of emergency loans from the European Union and International Monetary Fund is being postponed by three months due to a delay in the payout of a tranche in 2011, Reuters reported Thursday, citing a European Commission spokesman. The next EUR5 billion tranche for Greece that was scheduled to be paid December 2011 is now to paid out in March 2012, the spokesman said, and a further EUR10 billion that Greece was to receive in March 2012 will now be paid out only in June.

Global recession risk has doubled

The risk of a new global recession in the coming 12 months has grown due to the continued problems of the eurozone, says iShares Russ Koesterich. Koesterich, global chief investment strategist at the exchange-traded funds provider, claims there is a 35% to 40% chance of the global economy falling into recession over the course of 2012. In 2011 the risk was just 20%, he adds. While US economic data has stabilised, political paralysis in Europe continues to be a major risk factor, threatening not just Europe but also the broader global economy, he explains. There is only a 5% likelihood of stronger growth on the worldwide stage, Koesterich says, as Europe is almost certain to suer at least a mild recession. According to the strategist, the most likely scenario for 2012 is a great idle characterised by slow, positive growth and the avoidance of a fullblown economic crisis. The good news which has been largely ignored recently is that in the absence of a European meltdown, most of the global economy has been improving, he says. The most recent measures indicate that growth in the US, other developed countries and emerging markets is stabilising, albeit at a below-trend level. Japan is tipped to be the fastest growing of the major economies, thanks to its relatively stable banking system and the ongoing reconstruction from last years earthquake. The US economy is expected to grow by 1.75% to 2.5% next year by Koesterich, while most emerging markets and smaller developed nations such as Canada, Australia, Singapore, Switzerland and Hong Kong will see signicantly faster expansion. (Source:


Light Crude Gold Copper 102.96 1,566.80 3.53 Silver Platinum Wheat 101.56 1.616 2868 Source:

EU/IMF aid schedule for Greece to be delayed 3 months

h t t p : / / w w w . t e h r a n t i m e s . c o m / i n t e r n a t i o n a l

JANUARY 8, 2012

with researchers, blame the increasing cancer and birth defect rates on the weapon. Abdulhaq Al-Ani, author of Uranium in Iraq, has been researching the effects of depleted uranium on Iraqis since 1991. He told Al Jazeera he personally measured radiation levels in the city of Kerbala, as well as in Basra, and his Geiger counter was screaming because the indicator went beyond the range. Alani explained that she is the only doctor in Fallujah registering cases of congenital abnormalities. We have no system to register all of them, so we have so many cases we are missing, she said. Just yesterday a colleague told me of a newborn with thanatophoric dysplasia and she did not register it. I think I only know of 40-50 per cent of the cases because so many families have their babies at home and we never know of these, and other clinics are not registering them either. The hospital where Alani does her work was constructed in the Dhubadh district of Fallujah in 2008. According to Alani, the district was bombed heavily during the November 2004 siege. There is also a primary school that was built nearby, and from that school alone three teachers developed breast cancer, and now two of them are dead, Alani said. We get so many cases from this area, right where the hospital is. Even with a vast amount of anecdotal evidence, the exact cause of the health crisis in Fallujah is currently inconclusive without an in-depth, comprehensive study, which has yet to be carried out. But despite lack of governmental support, and very little support from outside Iraq, Alani is determined to continue her work. I will not leave this subject, she told Al Jazeera. I will not stop. (Source: Al Jazeera)


Fallujah babies: Under a new kind of siege

By Dahr Jamail

hile the U.S. military has formally withdrawn from Iraq, doctors and residents of Fallujah are blaming weapons like depleted uranium and white phosphorous used during two devastating U.S. attacks on Fallujah in 2004 for what are being described as catastrophic levels of birth defects and abnormalities. Dr. Samira Alani, a pediatric specialist at Fallujah General Hospital, has taken a personal interest in investigating an explosion of congenital abnormalities that have mushroomed in the wake of the U.S. sieges since 2005. We have all kinds of defects now, ranging from congenital heart disease to severe physical abnormalities, both in numbers you cannot imagine, Alani told Al Jazeera at her office in the hospital, while showing countless photos of shocking birth defects. As of December 21, Alani, who has worked at the hospital since 1997, told Al Jazeera she had personally logged 677 cases of birth defects since October 2009. Just eight days later when Al Jazeera visited the city on December 29, that number had already risen to 699. There are not even medical terms to describe some of these conditions because weve never seen them until now, she said. So when I describe it all I can do is describe the physical defects, but Im unable to provide a medical term. Incompatible with life Most of these babies in Fallujah die within 20 to 30 minutes after being born, but not all. Four-year-old Abdul Jaleel Mohammed was born in October 2007. His clinical diagnosis includes dilation of two heart ventricles, and a growth on his lower back that doctors have not been able to remove. Abdul has trouble controlling his muscles, struggles to walk, cannot control his bladder, and weakens easily. Doctors told his father, Mohamed Jaleel Abdul Rahim, that his son has severe nervous system problems, and could develop fluid buildup in his brain as he ages, which could prove fatal. This is the first instance of something like this in all our family, Rahim told Al Jazeera. We lived in an area that was heavily bombed by the Americans in 2004, and a missile landed right in front of our home. What else could cause these health problems besides this? Dr. Alani told Al Jazeera that in the vast majority of cases she has documented, the family had no prior history of congenital abnormalities. Alani showed Al Jazeera hundreds of photos of babies born with cleft palates, elongated heads, a baby born with one eye in the centre of its face, overgrown limbs, short limbs, and malformed ears, noses and spines. She told Al Jazeera of cases of thanatophoric dysplasia, an abnormality in bones and the thoracic cage that render the newborn incompatible with life. Rahim said many of his relatives that have had babies after 2004 are having problems as well. One of them was born and looks like a fish, Rahim said. I also personally know of at least three other families who live near U.S. who have these problems also. For now, the family is worried how Abdul will fare in school when he is enrolled next year. Maloud Ahmed Jassim, Abduls grandfather, added, Weve seen so many miscarriages happen, and we dont know why. The growth on his back is so sensitive and painful for him, Rahim said. What will happen in school? Jassim is angered by a lack of thorough investigations into the health crisis. Why is the government not investigating this, he asked. Western media seem interested, but neither our local media nor the government are. Why not? In April 2011, Iraqi lawmakers debated whether the U.S. attacks on the city constituted genocide. Resolutions that called for international

prosecution, however, went nowhere. Scientific proof Alani, along with Dr. Christopher Busby, a British scientist and activist who has carried out research into the risks of radioactive pollution, collected hair samples from 25 parents of families with children who have birth defects and sent them to a laboratory in Germany for analysis. Alani and Busby, along with other doctors and researchers, published a study in September 2011 from data obtained by analysing the hair samples, as well as soil and water samples from the city. Mercury, Uranium, Bizmuth and other trace elements were found. The reports conclusion states: Whilst caution must be exercised about ruling out other possibilities, because none of the elements found in excess are reported to cause congenital diseases and cancer except Uranium, these findings suggest the enriched Uranium exposure is either a primary cause or related to the cause of the congenital anomaly and cancer increases. Questions are thus raised about the characteristics and composition of weapons now being deployed in modern battlefields. As doctors, we know Mercury, Uranium and Bismuth can contribute to the development of congenital abnormalities, and we think it could be related to the use of prohibited weapons by the Americans during these battles, Alani said. I made this link to a coroners inquest in the West Midlands into the death of a Persian Gulf War One veteran... and a coroners jury accepted my evidence, he told Al Jazeera. Its been found by a coroners court that cancer was caused by an exposure to depleted uranium, Bus-

by added, In the last 10 years, research has emerged that has made it quite clear that uranium is one of the most dangerous substances known to man, certainly in the form that it takes when used in these wars. In July 2010, Busby released a study that showed a 12-fold increase in childhood cancer in Fallujah since the 2004 attacks. The report also showed the sex ratio had declined from normal to 86 boys to 100 girls, together with a spread of diseases indicative of genetic damage similar to but of far greater incidence than Hiroshima. Dr. Alani visited Japan recently, where she met with Japanese doctors who study birth defect rates they believe related to radiation from the U.S. nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. She was told birth defect incidence rates there are between 1-2 percent. Alanis log of cases of birth defects amounts to a rate of 14.7 per cent of all babies born in Fallujah, more than 14 times the rate in the affected areas of Japan. A contaminated country? In Babil Province in southern Iraq, the head of the Babil Cancer Centre, Dr. Sharif al-Alwachi, said cancer rates have been escalating at alarming rates since 2003, for which he blames the use of depleted uranium weapons by U.S. forces during and following the 2003 invasion. The environment could be contaminated by chemical weapons and depleted uranium from the aftermath of the war on Iraq, Dr. Alwachi told Al Jazeera. The air, soil and water are all polluted by these weapons, and as they come into contact with human beings they become poisonous. This is new to our region, and people are suffering here. The U.S. and UK militaries have sent mixed signals about the effects of depleted uranium, but Iraqi doctors like Alwachi and Alani, and along


Molding minds and taming times

Contd. from P. 7 This is quite noticeable in local wrestling matches in the way participants invoke Moula Ali (1st Shiite Imam, known as a symbol of manliness, honesty and integrity) at the beginning of the match, when they say salawat (peace be upon Prophet Mohammad and his family) and also the way the players queue up according to their occupation or being a seyyed (descendants of Prophet). Also those who are veterans in traditional sports are known as kohneh savar (literally meaning, old horseman) and sahebtaj (owner of the crown). In the historical roll that remains of the famous chivalrous poet and hero, Pouriya-e-vali of the 13th century, the term prayerhouse was used instead of sports house. It is, therefore, obvious why being a ghahreman has always preceded being a pahlevan. A hero is supposed to be well mannered, well groomed and well-spoken and conducted. Persian poet, Jaami of 15th century says: I ask of you who is a pahlevan? Who can claim to be one? A hero is one who can tame His anger whilst in war or in game If wrath be a tremendous mountain For him it is but a melting fountain In Iranian ideology, pahlevan is also someone who acts in goodness and helps the poor. As another poet, Ouhadi of 13th century says: What is manliness? Covering other peoples shame Who is a hero? One who helps others in good name Of course, this is an upshot of the monotheistic approach to life and death in Iranian worldview: If thou art a fencer, if thou art a hero You wont take but a shroud (death) with you. The concept of good and evil is an essential element in Iranians worldview and literature. How are they represented in Iranian games? - The philosophical concepts of good and evil are displayed majorly in the act of casting lots. The foundation is of course chance and fate. Lots are casted in order to determine who starts the game, who plays on what side of the playground and which team presides over the other. The most common way of casting lots in traditional games is the wet or dry method. One player wets one side of a small and smooth rock and teams are asked to choose either side of it (as in tossing coins) We can trace many cultural elements in the ecology of Iran, so it is probable that wet or dry symbolize abundance and dearth which actually enfolds the concept of good and evil. God or earth is another term for casting lots or choosing team members which symbolizes materialism versus monotheism in a simple act. Heads or tails, ower or our (bread) and empty or full are other terms in deciding whose turn it is. Emptiness can easily be taken as a connotation of evil. Also, punishment and reward and winner and loser are other researchable terms in traditional games. Sometimes opponents face each other with terms like lamb and wolf or king and thief. But more importantly, in traditional Iranian games, there is always a guide (teacher) who leads the participants from the realm of evil to the land of goodness. How do you see the future of Iranian games in the light of the new generation of computer games? - The intellectual view is that the purpose of traditional games is no longer valid and because of the appeal and sophistication of computer games, the age of traditional games has come to an end. As the French scholar, Rollan Ronson says, most traditional games seem like miserable relatives of modern sports while they are actually the forefathers of todays games. On the other hand, folklorists insist that despite all physical, emotional, special and time changes that humans have been through, traditional games should be continued as before. This is while traditional and modern games are not opposed to each other and both can exist on parallel levels because game is a necessity in life. As Alfonso El Sabio says, God has intended men to enjoy themselves with many games. If we indeed believe traditional games to be superior to computer ones in terms of creativity, exibility, morality and uniqueness then we must also take measures to adopt and moderate them in a way that would also pertain to our modern lifestyle and make them more appropriate for our children today. If this happens then both can coexist but unfortunately acceptance of one is synonymous with negation of the other. Also, globalization should not be viewed as a phenomenon of threat but an opportunity for coalition of world cultures while they preserve their originality. We cannot deny the existence of computer games but we can moderate them. Unfortunately, they have heavily shadowed the life of children today. The future of games in Iran, in my opinion, is quite clear. I believe in the revival of the classics, as it happens with literary and art schools. I believe the violence of computer games will repulse the next generation to such an extent that they shall return thirstier than ever to the security of traditional games.


Obama: Drones and change

By Sean Fenley

[Obama] didnt just embrace the Bush policies he kissed them on the lips and ran with them. Ret. United States Air Force Colonel Morris Davis The buck stops here! Harry S. Truman The Washington Post looks like it decided to do a bit of actual journalism recently. Penning an extensive and informative article, on the Obama infatuation with the mass killing aerial drone. This former constitutional scholar does not seem to feel impeded -- by either the Constitution or the Bill of Rights -- in his love affair with; and indeed, his use and misuse of this harbinger (and indeed harvester) of death. Obama is at present, in fact, leading the way in the history of United States presidents, in his extensive reliance on the secret killing of individuals; ostensibly in the interest of securing national security goals. Attorney Morris Davis, former chief prosecutor of the military commissions at Guantanamo, has raised serious doubts about the entire nature of the multifold and various drone assassination program. Davis finds it astounding that an American civilian organization (the CIA), would be going into a foreign country, and launching offensive military attacks. Attacks that are unilaterally justified by the whim, fiat or fancy of a sitting United States president and commander-in-chief. And, in particular, the specific drone attack that successfully targeted the so-called AlQaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki; Davis says that he is unaware of any legal justification for that, and calls it simply murder. The Washington Post opines that the Obama drone program may have been eluding massive scrutiny, because of the killing of so many Al-Qaeda operatives, without any risk to actual physical pilots, or genuine human military cost. [1] They, of course, fail to mention that we are told that AlQaeda terrorists are the ones being murdered; which is a narrative that many have questioned. [2] In fact, is the United States government actually killing evildoers and terrorists, or are they just exterminating average, ordinary, and everyday work-a-day folks? [3] Like Vietnam, the Obama ad-

ministration could probably care less just so long as the bodies pile up! As Al-Qaeda is eviscerated, the Obama regime can, undoubtedly, look all the more forceful, tough, macho, resolute and emboldened! And Obama will, undeniably, be facing an election versus an ultramilitarist Republican challenger, so he probably doesnt want to be taken for a wussy! Dead innocents are just a form of collateral damage, for the Obama (2012) reelection campaign! Just as bona fide progressives were, for the hope and change campaign of only four short years ago! Not only is Obama shredding and

tion serially and perennially lied on a panoply of other considerable issues so his word is about as good as space garbage! The hopes of the Obama campaign have turned to drones; the change of the Obama campaign has turned to a setting back of American law prior to the signing of the Magna Carta. The Obama campaign, perhaps fearing the ever invigorating, awakening, and enlivening 99% perhaps feeling it has no alternative to being Bush II, should no longer have any credence with civil libertarians; in fact, it should no longer have any credence with any of those who hold true to the bedrock principles that are taught growing up to the vast majority
A crew chief from the 46th Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron completes post-ight inspections of the RQ-1 Predator after one of its sorties at the Balad Air Base, Iraq. The RQ-1is a mediumaltitude, longendurance unmanned aerial vehicle.

flouting the Constitution with his ardor and affection for the mass immolating drone, but in his recent signing of the National Defense Authorization Act, hes also doing the same! The United States government is now capable of indefinitely detaining citizens, and without ever having to give them a (previously) necessary trial! In addition, Obama broke still yet another campaign promise, by attaching a signing statement to that particular piece of abominable legislation! The spindly and futile statement purports that his administration, will not allow the indefinite detention of United States citizens without a speedy trial. [4] A future Bushian administration, of course, would be unlikely to have any such qualms (of which Obama purports to lay claim to). But Obama has already extra-judicially killed American citizens without trials not to men-

of American youth. Notes: [1]http://www.washingtonpost. com/national/national-security/under-obama-an-emerging-global-apparatus-for-drone-killing/2011/12/13/ gIQANPdILP_story.html [2]http://www.humanrightsfirst. org/2011/11/07/cia-drones-gone-wild/ [3] opinion/in-pakistan-drones-kill-ourinnocent-allies.html [4] the-press-office/2011/12/31/statement-president-hr-1540 Sean Fenley is an independent progressive, who would like to see some sanity brought to the creation and implementation of current and future, U.S. military, economic, foreign and domestic policies. He has been published by a number of websites, and publications throughout the alternative media. (Source:

China warns U.S. on Asia military strategy

Contd. from P. 1 However, the Communist Partys Global Times newspaper said Washington could not stop the rise of China and called on Beijing to develop more long-range strike weapons to deter the U.S. navy. Flexible and ready The U.S. strategy shifts the Pentagon away from its long-standing doctrine of being able to wage two wars simultaneously. However, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta emphasized the military would retain its ability to confront more than one threat at a time, and would be more exible and adaptable than in the past.

Tomorrows weather
7 0 8 -2 2 -3 14 4 15 1 5 -6 19 1 0 10 -1








ISFAHAN No. 18, Bimeh lane, Nejatollahi st., Tehran, Iran P.o. Box: 14155-4843 Zip Code: 1599814713


Poem of the day

Hast thou forgotten when thou laidst aright The uncut gems of Hafez inmost thought, And side by side thy sweet care strung the bright Array of verse on verse-hast thou forgot?


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SINCE 1979

Prayer Times

Evening: 17:27

Dawn: 05:46 (tomorrow)

Sunrise: 07:15 (tomorrow)

Desire to Fly actress translates Rumi, Hafez poems into Russian, Ukrainian
Culture D e s k Iranian TV series Desire to Fly has
translated a selection of poems by Hafez and Rumi into Russian and Ukrainian. Anna Berzina plans to publish the collection when she returns home, the Persian service of FNA reported on Saturday. Berzina has a Ph.D. in Persian language and literature from the University of Tehran. I have rendered some of my favorite poems of Hafez and Rumi into Russian and Ukrainian over that past few years, Berzina said. I plan to arrange them Russian actress Anna Berzina in a in a collection that will be undated photo (Fars/Mehdi Marizad) published when I return to Russia, she added. Berzina has been living in Tehran over the past ve years. Iranian director Yadollah Samadian hired her in 2009 to star as an American woman in Desire to Fly, a biopic about pilot Abbas Babaii who was martyred during a military operation in the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war. TEHRAN Russian actress of the


Kiarostami to return with Shirin charity screenings

TEHRAN Several across the capital Tehran will be screening Shirin by Abbas Kiarostami, whose lms have not been permitted to be shown in Iran over the past 15 years, in order to raise funds for the Kahrizak Charity Nursing Home. The Film Museum of Iran and the Mellat, Azadi and Farhang theaters, and probably the Felestin as well will be screening Shirin on Wednesday. Shirin (2008), Kiarostamis production that had been denied a screening license by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, is simply a parade of close-ups of 113 Iranian actresses and also French star Juliette Binoche, who are watching a lm which we never see. Kiarostami plans to donate all the money collected from screening the movie to the Kahrizak Charity Nursing Home, lm distributor Ramin Rahimi told the Persian service of ILNA on Saturday. The movie will hit silver screens

D e s k theaters

on January 11, and the posters and banners for the lm are due to be placed across the capital on Monday, Rahimi said. Kiarostami described Shirin as an exceptional lm that he would have liked to have been the last of his lmmaking career. I have always been accused of making lms for foreign audiences but the accusations have intensied over the years and I have never taken the opportunity to respond to them, Kiarostami had said in 2009 during a workshop in Tehran. I never made Shirin. I only prepared the environment that helped the actresses express their feelings, Kiarostami also said at a workshop held to elaborate on his lm Shirin. He won the 1997 Palme dOr at Cannes for Taste of Cherry and the 1999 Venice Grand Jury Prize for The Wind Will Carry Us. Rahimi had also said in his previous interview in August that

A poster for Shirin

Kiarostamis Certied Copy, with slight modication in hijab of Juliette

Binoche, was also due to receive a public screening license.

Hassan Fathi donates cash prize to children of Somalia

Art D e s k has donated his recent cash prize of
TEHRAN Filmmaker Hassan Fathi 100 million rials (about $6,666) to the famine-stricken children of Somalia. Accompnied by an Iranian actress and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Mahtab Keramati, Fathi appeared at the oce of UNICEF Deputy Representative Mohamed el Munir Saeldin and donated his prize, the Persian service of MNA reported on Saturday. Fathi took the best director award for Reverse Gear at the rst edition of the Jam-eJam Festival of Television Filmmaker Hassan Fathi (R) shakes hands Productions in Tehran on with UNICEF Deputy Representative December 30. Mohamed el Munir Saeldin in Tehran The lmmaker on January 6, 2012 before donating a expressed his regret over cash prize he won at the Jam-e-Jam the disaster that Somalia Festival of Television Productions to has been through and the famine-stricken children of Somalia. (Photo by Mehr) hoped that all artists across the world would feel a sense of responsibility for the pain experienced by the people of Somalia and especially the children Fathi had plans to make a movie on the children of Somalia last year. He also carried out research for a year but the movie was never made due to nancial problems. However, I decided to donate the rst prize I receive to the children of Somalia, he said. Saeldin expressed his thanks to Fathi and said, UNICEF praises such acts, which show solidarity with children. We believe all children are important and should enjoy the same rights every where in the world. On July 20, the United Nations declared a famine in two regions of southern Somalia owing to the worst drought in decades, and appealed for urgent resources to assist millions of people in desperate need of help. Iran has been sending several shipments of humanitarian to Somalia over the past months.

Prague filmfest to spotlight Iranian women

The Iranian Film Festival will spotlight the role of women in Iranian society during its rst edition which will be held from January 11 to 15. With a focus on strong female characters in lms as well as numerous works by female directors, the festival will screen movies in three categories: feature lms, documentaries and short lms.

D e s k Prague


Portraying a realistic image of Iranian women opens the doors to a better understanding of [Iranian] society as a whole, says Torang Daneshmand, executive director of Tokada Productions, the organizer of the festival. Nader and Simin: A Separation by Asghar Farhadi, So Simple by Seyyed Reza Mirkarimi, Shirin by Abbas Kiarostami, Gilaneh by Rakhshan Bani-Etemad, and Heiran by Shalizeh Arefpur are among the lms which will

go on screen at the event. All lms will be screened in Persian, with both English and Czech subtitles. The Festival of Iranian Films in Prague is the rst of its kind in the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic has always played a very signicant role in the history of European cinema and the Czech people have long been persistent lovers of cinema. The Festival of Iranian Films in Prague is a fresh and unique cinematic

opportunity that has not yet been experienced in the Czech Republic and will open the doors to an exceptional cultural exchange. The main goal of the festival is to provide a vivid image of Iranian cinema for a wide range of international audiences in the Czech Republic. The festival consists of three dierent programs; Fiction, Documentary and Short Films. Each introduces a dierent spectrum of the art of lm in Iran.


By Hossein Ebrahimi/Jamejamonline

Bands from nine countries invited to Fajr music festival

Art D e s k bands from nine
TEHRAN Music countries applied for attendance at the 27th Fajr International Music Festival. The festival organizers are reviewing works submitted by musicians from Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Lebanon, Armenia, Syria and other countries for performances at the festival, the secretary of the event Hossein Riahi told the Persian service of Fars News Agency. He said that the jury has selected nal works which will be performed in the choral section of the festival. Finalists in the composition section and section on music theses will not be announced until the weekend. Fortunately there is a noticeable improvement in the quality of works received from around the country which came from cities other than Tehran. They have good quality and we hope this trend continues, he added. He called the festival, which is held annually in Iran, a great opportunity to discover young talent in the realm of music. He said many of these young talents are taught by masters of music in academic centers. The festival will be held from February 13 to 19.

JRR Tolkien snubbed by 1961 Nobel jury, papers reveal

LONDON (BBC) JRR Tolkien was passed over for the 1961 Nobel literature prize after the storytelling in his Lord of the Rings trilogy was described as second rate. Newly-released documents -- declassied after 50 years -- show that he was nominated by fellow author C.S. Lewis. The Nobel Prize jury said the result has not in any way measured up to storytelling of the highest quality. Yugoslav writer Ivo Andric won for the epic force with which he has traced themes and depicted human destinies. Journalist Andreas Ekstrom, who studied the documents this week, reported his ndings in Swedish newspaper Sydsvenska Dagbladet. They feature an original list of about 50 writers -- put forward for the award by academics, exerts and previous winners complete with commentary from the prize jury. Notes relating to the nal decision are never released.

A teacher takes a fox cub in her arms during a zoology class at a Tehran kindergarten on January 6, 2012.

The Iron Lady should have been delayed: British PM

LONDON (AFP) Prime Minister David Cameron said Friday The Iron Lady should have been delayed until after Margaret Thatchers death, as the lm showing the former premier in the grip of dementia opened in Britain. The biopic starring Meryl Streep depicts Thatcher as a frail, often confused old lady -- she is now 86 and is rarely seen in public -- looking back at her career, and hallucinating the presence of her late husband Denis. Cameron, in his rst comment on the lm, said he had been impressed by Streeps portrayal of Britains rst woman prime minister, who like him was a leader of the center-right conservative party. But he questioned whether it was right to make the lm while Thatcher was still alive. Its a fantastic piece of acting by Meryl Streep but I just cant help wondering why do we have to have this lm right now? he told BBC radio. It is a lm much more about ageing and elements of dementia rather than about an amazing prime minister, and my sort of sense was -- a great piece of acting, a really staggering piece of acting, but a lm I wish they could have made another day. In Paris with director Phyllida Lloyd to promote the lm, Streep defended the decision to show Thatcher in her present frail condition. We portray her with dementia, she suers from one of the 41 types of dementia, the actress, who is tipped to win the third Oscar of her career for her performance, told a press conference. Theres nothing in our imaginary depiction of dementia that is disrespectful of the condition, or of her. I must say to the prime minister, Streep added, if he is worried about her seeing the lm, what about his saying on the radio that people should wait until she is dead! How must that make her feel? Streep suggested that Camerons criticism of the lm was due to a special stigma attached to dementia that makes us feel as if it was distasteful, and should be hidden away. I defend it because its life and its the truth, and there is something very poignant about it in the context of the story we are trying to tell, she added. To play this women who was an icon of the right and a demon of the left, the interest was to nd the human being there, and to locate her in the very quiet world of the present, of age, Streep said.

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