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Date Time Year No.

of pupils Subject Topic Learning Area/ Sub Topic Learning Objective

31 July 2011 10.30 11.30 a.m. 3 Ibnu Batutah 36 pupils Mathematics Mass Measuring and Comparing Massess Pupils will be taught to: i. Measure and compare masses using standard units.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, pupils will be able to: i. Read scales to the nearest division. ii. Measure and record masses of objects using the standard units. (kilograms, grams)

Prior knowledge

Pupils have learnt: i. Mass in Year 2

Creative & Critical Thinking Skill Moral Values Teaching Aids

Observing, comparing and reasoning Courage, confidence, cooperate, independent Weighing instrument, sugar, orange, chalk,

marbles, Worksheet 1, activity book



Induction Set (5 min)

Question & Answer Session : To gain interest

TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITY TEACHER STUDENT ACTIVITY ACTIVITY 1. Teacher 1. Pupils shows slides respond of various to types of teachers weighing questions instruments. and give 2. Teacher talks the about the correct weighing answer. instruments used from the olden days till modern times.


CCTS: Observing, Making decision Moral value: Carefully Resources : Picture, Strategy: Question answer


Step 1 (10 min)

Activity 1 :

1. Teacher 1. Pupils try to CCTS: introduces the guess Making To introduce the concept of which decision concept of weight weight by object is comparing heavier. Moral value: two objects; 2. Pupils now Carefully, marble and can see confident chalk. which is 2. Teacher puts heavier and Resources: the two make this Chalk, objects onto conclusion: marbles, the equal arm The marble orange, balance. is heavier apple, than a piece of Strategy: chalk. Discussion Activity 2 : To introduce the symbol kg and g and to read scales to the nearest division 1. Pupils CCTS: 1. Teacher listen to Making introduces the teachers decision symbols for explanatio kilograms and n carefully. Moral value: grams. 2. Pupils Carefully, 2. Teacher learn how Confident, guides to read the brave students to weighing read the

Step 2 (10 min)

weighing scales to scales to the the nearest nearest division. division carefully. 3. Teacher distributes 3. Pupils check the worksheets and students answers together write down the masses of the with the teacher. objects. 4. Teacher checks answers with the students. Step 3 (15 min) Activity 3 To measure masses of objects and to record them in kilograms and grams Items Salt Sugar Apple Book 5 marbles Mass 1. Teacher divides class into 6 groups. 2. The group leader will collect all the objects and weighing scale. 3. Pupils measure the mass of the various objects and record them in the table provided. 4. Teacher goes around checking that the pupils are weighing and reading the scales correctly. 1. Teacher asks pupils to complete the exercise in the activity book. 1. Pupils are divided into 6 groups. 2. After collecting all the items needed, pupils measure the mass and record it in the table provided.

Resources: Worksheet 1 Strategy: Discussion

CCTS: Making decision Moral value: Carefully, confident Resources: A table of chosen items. Strategy: Experiment, discussion

Step 4 (15 min)

Enrichment Exercise

1. Pupils take out their activity books. 2. Pupils

CCTS: Making decision Moral value:

answer the questions in the activity book. 3. Pupils discuss the answers together with teacher. Conclusion Question & Answer 1. Teachers ask 1. Pupils (5min) session pupils several answer the questions question - Class, what have regarding the that asked you learnt for main point of by teacher today? the today orally. lesson. 2. Teacher conclude todays lesson.

2. Teacher discusses the answers together with the pupils.

Carefully, confident Resource : Activity book Strategy: Orally

CCTS: Making decision Moral value: Carefully, confident Strategy: Orally

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