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: ,r --.-- ++ .

=o aa+a
Contextual Meaning Vocabulary
Contextual Meaning of assuage..
PAPER - I Section -II
Textual Meaning - Correct meaning:
1) downhearted:
a) powerless b) in high spirits
c) having no heart d) in low spirits
2) bewildered:
a) in wilderness b) confused or puzzled
c) dearly loved d) depressed
3) regret:
a) happy b) angry c) sad d) lovely
4) instinctively:
a) slowly b) doubtfully c) aggressively
d) without previous planning
5) desperately:
a) merrily b) angrily
c) hopefully d) hopelessly
6) mutilate:
a) make painful b) operate and remove
c) cut off a part of the body d) disfigure
7) prevalent: ..
a) common b) uncommon
c) before a valley d) act or prevail upon
8) solace: ..
a) anger b) joy c) comfort d) victory
9) agony: ..
a) entertainment b) craze
c) mental suffering d) happy mood
10) ennoble : ..
a) entrust b) make noble
c) entertain d) display
11) Xenophobia: ..
a) famous b) patriotism
c) An unreasonable hatred for foreigners
d) phobia of dogs
12) Encomiums: ..
a) Words of high praise
b) Words related to economics
c) Words related to rebuke d) Encounter
13) Charisma: ..
a) power to give pleasure because of beauty
b) having smile and good character
c) ability to attract large crowds of people
by special charm
d) good physical appearance
14) Congregation: ..
a) a riotous group b) a religious group
c) a procession d) an election meeting
15) Escort: ..
a) abstain
b) go with someone or accompany
c) to be near someone d) hand- cuffed
16) Squeal:
a) a loud cry of fear
b) a loud cry of pain
c) A short cry d) a shrill cry
17) Verdict:
a) judgement b) trial
c) Announcement d) conviction by court
18) Vengeance:
a) violence b) revenge
c) thoroughness d) great force
19) Expose:
a) pose well b) make known, uncover
c) show all parts of the body
d) cover the parts of body
20) laurel:
a) plain land b) prize
c) drainage d) evergreen shrub
21) Craze:
a) peculiarity b) Hatred c) madness
d) A very strong liking for a short time
22) Integrity:
a) quality of being honest b) fearlessness
c) Full strength d) bravery
23) Prowess:
a) bravery b) pride
c) strength d) Cleverness
24) Turmoil:
a) peace and calm b) kind of oil
c) Disturbance d) trouble
25) Mettle:
a) interfere in another's affair
b)Busy oneself without being asked to do so
c) Quality of endurance and courage
d) Mentally not well
26) Smart (V):
a) bright b) cause sharp pain
c) active d) clever
27) Speckled:
a) scattered b) having long stripes
c) having spots d) shining brightly
28) Tepid:
a) having fear b) cold
c) boiling d) lukewarm
29) Popping:
a) throwing up b) making explosive sound
c) taking care d) hearing pop music
30) Dappled:
a) drowned b) became dirty
c) disturbed d) marked
31) Triot:
a) walk slowly b) run with short steps
c) Run at a very high speed
d) run fast but not gallop
32) Mantle:
a) wax candle b) bands of light
c) A narrow piece of land
d) a hidden quality of character
33) Pestilence:
a) absolute silence b) disturbance
c) A dreadful disease d) a magic show
34) Graciously:
a) seriously b) generously
c) kindly d) immediately
Most suitable contextual meaning
of the underlined words.
1) Please don't turn on the light.
a) switch on b) put off
c) remove d) start
2) The earth trembled slightly, and the beds in
which the two men lay vibrated.
a) turned round and round
b) produced words
c) moved up and down
d) moved forwards and backwards rapidly
and continuously
3) You must do something to assuage his
a) look more aged b) to add to
c) lessen pain or suffering
d) to make more
4) My friend lent me his car hesitatingly.
a) sadly b) willfully
c) unwillingly d) doubtfully
5) The boy acts in a daze and breaks out in
a) in anger b) in joy
c) in sorrow d) in confusion
6) The audience listened to Nehru's lecture
with profound interest.
a) deep b) emotional
c) interesting d) shallow
7) To - day we have sophisticated instruments
to diagnose diseases.
a) sensitive b) very costly
c) highly developed d) special
8) As the boy touched the electric wire, his
arm was amputated.
a) cut out b) amplified
c) carved d) cut off
9) My wife had a badly fractured shoulder
a) injured b) wounded
c) broken d) bent
10) The tutor has full confidence in his pupils.
a) interest b) hatred
c) jealousy d) belief
11) The young IAS officer's marriage was
attended by the elite of the town.
a) Most important people in a social group
b) The fashionable people
c) The great people
d) The Wealthy and the affluent
12) She believed that all the help she received
was divine providence.
a) Fate b) grace
c) God's care for his creations
d) Sanction
13) Helping the dying is the vocation
a) calling b) profession c) devine call
d) Strong feeling of fitness for a particular
14) The western part of our town is sparsely
a) very densely b) thinly c) richly
d) with little furniture
15) Nirmala Shishu Bhavan is a home for
abandoned children
a) meritorious b) mentally retarded
c) self - ruined d) deserted
16) His real motive for the crime remains
a) Mysterious b) suspicious
c) undersolved d) not known
17) He was fatally wounded in the accident
a) ending in death
b) as ordered by fate
c) of destiny d) very seriously
18) Many innocent people died in the riots
a) knowing nothing of evil or wrong
b) harmless
c) not having any knowledge
d) do not all decent
19) The judge acquitted the accused.
a) Released b) declared not guilty
c) Convicted
d) set a prisoner free in a court of law
20) The boy admitted that he had stolen the
a) Allowed to enter b) refused
c) found to be guilty d) replied
21) His virgin speech in the Assembly was
greatly applauded.
a) Pure and chaste
b) (speech) made before getting married
c) Inexperienced d) first
22) He is a man of vicious character.
a) Spiteful or malicious
b) boastful c) Cruel d) irritable
23) He never killed, nor even chased a squirrel.
a) Wounded b) pursued or ran after
c) charged with d) killed
24) He finally figured out how to do it and
dragged the rail
a) Hesitated quietly
b) thought about
c) Fell in doubt d) broke into pieces
25) Rex was just an amateur jumper himself,
but the most daring I have ever seen.
a) Inexpert b) expert
c) timid d) extraordinary
26) Are you aware of the danger ahead?
a) Mindful b) having knowledge
c) Careful d) cautious
27) She was in anguish until she knew that her
child was saved.
a) Mental suffering b) eagerness
c) deep sorrow d) great suspense
28) The forest glade lay quite in sunlight.
a) Animal b) forest guard
c) open space d) thick growth
1. d; 2. b; 3. c; 4. d; 5. c; 6. d; 7. a; 8. c; 9. c;
10. b; 11. c; 12. a; 13. c; 14. b; 15. b; 16. d; 17.
a; 18. b; 19. b; 20. b; 21. c; 22. a; 23. c; 24. c;
25. c; 26. b; 27. c; 28. d; 29. a; 30. d; 31. b;
32. d; 33. c; 34. c.
English Material
Prepared by:
Silver Oaks
Anu Swarajya Sree
: ,r --.-- ++ .=o aa+a
ENGLISH Rhyming Words Spelling
Click the word in your mind...
29) The wind had drifted the fire to the grass.
a) Carried along b) stopped at once
c) Raised high d) put out
30) Her eyes began to smart and she sneezed.
a) Open wide b) feel acute pain
c) close down d) become clear
31) Though he is rich, he leads an austere life.
a) simple and plain
b) extravagant
c) miserly d) unhappy
32) In spite of difficulties, he remained
a) obstinate b) fully determined
c) stubborn d) not discouraged
33) Gandhiji took the vow of chastity when
going to London for studies.
a) doing something in haste
b) the act of chasing
c) abstaining from all the vices and being
d) neighbourly love
34) The leaders made fervent appeal for funds
to help the people affected by floods.
a) calm b) honest
c) submissive d) passionate
35) The day of my visit was a day of perishing
heat and dust.
a) cool and pleasant b) encouraging
c) very severe d) influencing
Mis-spelt Words - SPELLING
Worthy Reminders
Click the word in your mind camera and
remember it like a picture
Break the word into 2 to 3 parts and freeze
it in your mind camera
Remember the sequence of vowels in each
word: ie, ei, ou, ve, ea, ae
Ex. 'I before 'e' except after 'c'
Ex.------- ie ------- or ------- cei -------
Believe, chief deceive, receive
1. There are only three words ending with the
root "ceed" in English.
They are i) Concede ii) Succeed iii) Exceed
In all words the letter 'q' is always followed
by 'U and another; quality, queen.
2. a. The final vowel' is not generally dropped
when a consonant suffix is added.
Ex. Love+ly=lovely, move+ment=
b. The final 'e' is generally dropped when a
vowel suffix or , 'y' suffix is added.
Ex. Write+ing = writing, adventure+ous=
adventurous, stone+y=stony
3. The final consonant other than w, x, y
preceded by one vowel is doubled when the
vowel suffix is added.
Ex. Rub+ed= rubbed, Stop+age=stoppage
4. Joining 'full' to another word. When 'full' is
added to another word; it loses one 'l'.
Ex. full+fill=fulfil , skill+full=skilful
5. Words ending with double 'l' lose one 'l'
when they are joined to another word.
Ex.All+so=also, all+ways=always
The final 'y' proceeded by a consonant
changes into 'i' when any suffix [except ing,
ish, ism, ist] is added.
Ex. Carry+ed=carried early+est=earliest
The final 'y' preceded by vowel does not
Ex. Enjoyment, playing
Find the word rhyming with the key word
given in the following:
1. Trot: tract plot treat cat
2. Hold: told bald called mole
3. True: few cure poor screw
4. Haste: mast beast waist caste
5. Lime: limb climb claim comb
6. Dark: work clerk fork lurk
7. Sign: drain main lane shine
8. Kite: weight date diet right
9. Pool: coil mule rule toll
10. Shave: have drive dove wave
11. Enough: though through rough bough
12. Heard: beard lard word beard
13. Sprang: cling hung strong hang
14. Cease: peace keys tease please
15. Hair: coir tear chair shire
16. Luck: luke back struck duke
17. Crow: above bough rove show
18. Leaf: caf achieve knife chief
19. Third: hired afford heard lord
20. Class: bias chaos lass boss
21. Shoot: foot put mute boot
22. Meal: male sale deal nail
23. Meek: cake hike mock streak
24. Proud: Showed mould shroud proved
25. Down: Shown mourn done crown
26. Tight: late tuft height weight
27. appear: prepare umpire happier bare
28. soap: soup shape hope shop
29. steal: hale mail real deal
30. voice: boys dice choice tries
Phonetic Sounds - Rhyming Words
Worthy Reminders
Silently pronounce the word
Identify the phonetic sound and match with
the symbol
Read the given words to ensure that it
rhymes with the question
It is the sound that should match-not just the
1. lunatic: pure supra lukewarm rude
2. wisdom: pious horses casual cats
3. cure: rule lunatic hug lure
4. running: mute rude cushion custom
5. Wealth: weal still bread meek
6. Village: ragged gang gimmicks gem
7. Dozen: basic lessen listen music
8. Strenuous:nude null nuisance rude
9. Steal: health breath dead lead
10. breath: breathe leader breadth great
11. pull: rule food door wool
12. amputate: pulse punish compute rule
13. food: blood flood shoot wool
14. work: journey shore pour drove
15. police: release realize malice polite
16. spear: pear fair steer swear
17. Parcel : easy birds lose books
18. Miss: sink please shout measure
19. Careful: dance rack far share
20. Half: hour which what whole
21. Shirt: Shut must rude hurt
22. Daughter: bought floor fair beach
23. Unique: uncle hunger super tube
24. Demise: Disease horses search save
25. Learn: rough pull bread turn
26. Lack: jack alone talk lark
27. House: mourn hour tour crown
28. Nostril: postal hostel coastal monk
29. Heart: tease heat dart death
30. News: press listen case rose
31. Thou: think nothing method mother
Fill in the Blanks
Read the sentence and pick the right option
Regular [textual] reading helps in
understanding the vocabulary
To remember the vocabulary Use the words
in regular conversation.
Fill in the blanks with suitable option
1. The _____________ interruption by the
children disturbed the speaker.
(continuous, continual, continuing)
2. There are _________ bodies in space.
(countless, unaccountable, uncountable)
3. The story ended with a _________ reunion
of the family (hearty, heart-burning, heart-
4. The boys ___________________ their
study after a brief interval. (continued,
started, resumed)
5. A nun in white saree will ask you your
___________ and let you in into a
(business, profession, occupation)
6. If drivers do not obey traffic ____________
they will do accidents.(decrees, laws,
7. The accused _______________ that he was
guilty (admitted, agreed, accepted)
8. If you do a lot of washing it's more _______
to buy the largest pack of detergent.
(economic, economy, economical)
9. The case was dismissed for lack of
____________(evidence, proof, judgement)
10. Some of the players do not strictly follow
the ___ of the game.(rules, laws, regulation)
11. The party which is in __________ does not
want elections now.(powerful, powerless,
12. My children feel _____________ if they are
taken out . (cheer, cheerful, cheering)
13. The beggar's _______________ were
ragged and dirty. (attire, clothes, costume)
14. A cool _____ blew along the water course.
(wind, breeze, air)
15. When the police were chasing, the thief
_________ over the wall.(sat, jumped, ran)
16. The factory failed to ________ its expected
production on account of frequent strikes.
(achieve, exceed, come up)
17. He had to meet with many obstacles in his
way, but he stood _________________
(undeterred, deterred, determined)
18. I had always been ________ in swimming
(interested, interest, interesting)
19. All the teachers _______ me on my success.
(complimented, complemented, considered)
20. When I rode the bicycle for the first time, I
was ________ that I might fall down
(feared, afraid, frightened of)
21. I don't have ________ to do with it.
1. a; 2. d; 3. c; 4. c; 5. d; 6. a; 7. c; 8. d; 9. c;
10. d; 11. a; 12. c; 13. b; 14. b; 15. d; 16. d;
17. a; 18. b; 19. d; 20. d; 21. d; 22. a; 23. b;
24. b; 25. a; 26. b; 27. a; 28. c; 29. a; 30. b; 31.
a; 32. d; 33. c; 34. d; 35. c.
1. plot; 2. told; 3. few; 4. waist; 5. climb; 6.
clerk; 7. shine; 8. diet; 9. rule; 10. wave; 11.
rough; 12. beard; 13. hang; 14. keys; 15.
chair; 16. struck; 17. show; 18. chief; 19.
heard; 20. boss; 21. boot; 22. deal; 23. streak;
24. shroud; 25. crown; 26. height; 27. happier;
28. hope; 29. deal; 30. choice
1. lukewarm; 2. pious; 3. lure; 4. custom; 5.
bread; 6. gem; 7. music; 8. nude; 9. lead; 10.
breadth; 11. wool; 12. compute; 13. wool; 14.
journey; 15. malice; 16. steer; 17. lose; 18.
sink; 19. share; 20. what; 21. shut; 22. bought;
23. tube; 24. save; 25. turn; 26. jack; 27.
crown; 28. hostel; 29. dart; 30. rose; 31.
: ,r --.-- ++ .=o aa+a
ENGLISH Punctuations Sentence Ends
Various kinds of conditional clauses...
(something, anything, nothing)
22. He woke me up by ________ on the window
of my room (kicking, pushing, tapping)
23. One morning on the way to the vineyard we
_______ the farmer. (ran into, ran across,
ran over)
24. He had a ___________ letter from our
friend whose wife had died (hearty, heart-
warming, heart breaking)
25. Most animals have ___________to protect
their young. (insight, intention, instinct)
26. Don't get off the train till it is ___________
(stationary, stationery, stationed)
27. He bent low for a ___________through the
keyhole.(lock, sight, peep)
28. The boy acts bewildered and breaks into
___________ (tears, heart, showers)
29. In a historical play, all the players were in
Moghul ________ (dress, costume, clothes)
30. The wound ___________ in a short time.
(cured, healed, dried)
31. Prices ___________ during war. (soar, sore,
32. None of the suggestions made by you is
_______ (satisfactory, satisfied, satisfying)
33. My brother has always been _____ in riding
(interested, interesting, interest)
34. The food that looks good does not _____
taste good. (necessary, necessity,
35. It has become imperative for the
Government to _____ its resources to meet
the extra expenditure. (develop, augment,
36. The witness is giving a _____ account what
had actually happened. (false, partial,
37. By a strange _____ she got her first job the
day she got married.(incidence, accident,
38. In the play 'Akbar' that we performed at
school, all the players were in Moghul
_____ (Uniform, garment, costume)
39. Our new Manager is _____ of everything.
(suspected, suspicion, suspicious)
Sentence Ends
Worthy Reminders
Read the sentence two to three times.
Decide where the sentence ends.
Write only the last words of each sentence
and the appropriate punctuation mark.
Remember the interrogative 'Wh' word like
what.., why..
Try to differentiate interrogative and
assertive sentences and use proper
punctuation marks.
The following passage the end of each
sentence is not indicated. Decide where each
sentence ends and write the last word
followed by (.)or (?) or (!)
1. Mother Teresa, whence this special interest
in the dying I asked her it is a vocation a call
nobody wants the dying, the sick, no
2. What we saw then was the end of the case
there wasn't a witness prepared to swear that
it was the prisoner he'd seen and the brother
he has his alibi too he was with his wife.
3. Good God he said you don't mean to say that
all these are threatened oh, those are only
half of them, I explained
4. Just then, she saw smoke ahead of her too
the danger had circled round no, it was still
behind them too then she knew they were
5. How lovely it is you must buy it
immediately do you think it is too late not at
6. Well, what shall we do now asked the
crocodile Let's go back I must get my heart
to please my dear sister said the monkey
7. Mr. A and Mr. B who hate each other and
through mutual hatred bring each other to
8. His son met him at the door beaming all
over and wildly elated a man waved today
waved for ever so long he said with a crutch
Schwamm asked.
9. How dare you talk of me like that may
nothing remain of you. May your face be
cursed by the black pox how dare you say
that I have brought diluted milk to the
Rewrite with Punctuations
Worthy Reminders
When 2 or more points are there in a
sentence, use commas to differentiate the
Use single inverted commas for dialogues
Use double inverted commas for quotes or
special words.
Use exclamation mark at the end only if the
sentence ends with a surprise or
If you have used inverted commas and the
sentence continues after that, use comma
after the inverted commas
1. Well said Holmes Is it not interesting asked
Dr.Mortimer only to a collector of fairy tales
2. Charles she said we don't have any Charles
in the kindergarten
3. What happened to Charles my husband
4. That's fine I said heartily didn't Charles want
to do exercises.
5. I will do the work as usual then said the
young lady until some one comes to fill the
6. What is your name the man asked kiran said
the girl what a coincidence said the man I'm
also kiran
7. He was so slow so weak and disobedient too
he was much too small to be moved yet he
kept sinking down exhausted and refusing to
get up again
8. If you are interested in the job said my uncle
do let me know
9. is it said the other you are here to attend a
10. my father had he still been alive would have
said my son its gods will that's the way tests
you suffering ennobles you makes you a
better person
11. Alas what shall I do now cried the traveler
12. what food to the hungry what pillow to the
sleepy Basanto said
Transformation of sentences
Rules: a. 'IF' clause
The various kinds of conditional clauses or
sentences in English can be roughly grouped
under three types;
Type - i : We use type one to talk about the
Eg : If you work hard, you will pass class x.
Type - ii : We use type ii to talk about an
action that the speaker thinks are possible
but not very probable.
Eg : If I were the principal, I would promote
Type - iii : We use type -iii to talk about past
actions that did not happen.
Eg : If I had not missed the train, I could
have gone to Bombay.
Rewrite the sentences as directed.
1. a. I don't have the time, so I cannot accept
the job.
b. If.
2. a. Unless you work hard, you can't get first
b. If.
3. I don't have a car. So, I can't give you a ride.
b. If .
4. a. I did not see the signal , so I did not stop.
b. If .
1. continuous; 2. uncountable; 3. heart-
warming; 4. resumed; 5. business; 6.
regulations; 7. admitted; 8. economical; 9.
evidence; 10. rules; 11. power; 12. cheerful;
13. attire; 14. breeze; 15. jumped; 16. achieve;
17. Undeterred; 18. interested; 19.
complimented; 20. feared; 21. nothing; 22.
tapping; 23. ran across; 24. heart-breaking;
25. instinct; 26. stationed; 27. peep; 28. tears;
29. costume; 30. healed; 31. sore; 32.
satisfactory; 33. interested; 34. necessarily;
35. augment; 36. false; 37. coincidence; 38.
costume; 39. suspicious
1. dying(?), her(.) , call(.) no(?)
2. case(.), seen(.), brother(?), wife(.)
3. God(.), threatened(?), them(.) explained(.)
4. too(.) round(?) too(.) caught(.)
5. is(!) immediately(.) late(?) all(.)
6. now(?) crocodile(.) sister(.) monkey(.)
7. destruction(.)
8. elated(.) today(!) long(!) crutch(?)
9. that(?) you(.) pox(.) market(?)
1. "Well?" said Holmes. "Is it not
interesting?" asked Dr.Mortimer. "Only to a
collector of fairy tales".
2. "Charles!" she said. "We don't have any
Charles in the kindergarten."
3. "What happened to Charles ?"my husband
4. "That's fine." I said heartily. "Didn't
Charles want to do exercises."
5. "I will do the work as usual then?" said the
young lady. " Until some one comes to fill the
6. "What is your name?" the man asked.
"Kiran" said the girl: what a coincidence; said
the man, I'm also "Kiran".
7. He was so slow, so weak and disobedient
too. He was much too small to be moved .Yet,
he kept sinking down, exhausted and refusing
to get up again.
8. "If you are interested in the job ,"said my
uncle ,"Do let me know".
9. "Is it!"said the other. "You are here to
attend a congress."
10."My father, had he still been alive ,would
have said:" My son, it's God's will. That's the
way God tests you. Suffering ennobles you -
makes you a better person.
11. "Alas!" What shall I do now? cried the
12. "What food to the hungry ? What pillow to
the sleepy? " Basanto said.
: ,r --.-- ++ .=o aa+a
ENGLISH Parts of Speech Voice
Parts of Speech are essential building blocks...
When the doer is important,use the active
When the receiver is important, use the
passive voice. Eg.[AV] The hunter killed the
tiger. [PV]The tiger was killed by the hunter.
Rewrite the sentences as directed.
1. a. Ganesh is making a kite.
b. A kite---------------------------
2. a. Roja was singing a song.
b. A song was-------------
3. a. People speak English all over the world.
b. English is ---------------------------
4. a. Suffering makes you a better person.
b. You are made--------------------------
Reported Speech
List showing words/phrases and change to
tenses in reported speech.
Speaker's words Reported Statement
Present simple Past simple
Present Continuous Past continuous
Will would
Shall should
Past continuous past perfect continuous
Past perfect/
Simple past past perfect
Direct Speech
Eg. He said, 'I am late'. (He said that he was late)
Reported Speech
She said to me,' The letters have been typed'.
She told me that the letter had been typed.
Rewrite the sentences
1. a. The stranger said to Schwamm, 'Please
don't turn on the light'.
b. The stranger requested----------------------
2. a. I said to Roja,'Don't disturb me now'.
b. I asked Roja---------------------
3. a. Mother said to sister, 'Have you posted the
b. Mother asked sister--------------------------
Interchange of the
degrees of comparison
Positive: No one is as strong as Mohan
Comparative: Mohan is stronger than any
other boy in the class.
Superlative: Mohan is the strongest boy in
the class.
Rewrite the sentences
1. a. Very few cities in India are as big as
b. Hyderabad is ---------------------
2. a. Roja is taller than Teja.
b. Teja is ------------------
3. a. Iron is the most useful metal.
b. Iron is more ------------------------
c. No other -----------------------------
Relative clause
Relative clause qualifies the noun that comes
before them.
Ex. The child is crying. His bag was stolen.
The child whose bag was stolen is crying.
(Note: WHICH is used for things and animals
THAT is used for persons/animals/ things.
WHO is used for persons only.)
Rewrite the sentences
1. a. He rides the cycle. It has no brakes.
b. He rides -------------which-------
2. a. He is the boy . We adopted him.
b. He is the ---------------whom---.
Miscellaneous sentences;
1. a. He wanted to meet her. But he delayed it.
b. He delayed------------
2. a. Roja is very intelligent. Teja is equally
b. Teja is as --------.
3. a. It was raining heavily. But we decided to
go out for shopping.
b. In spite of ------------------
4. a. He was ill. But he worked hard.
b. Though -----------------
5. a. She was given the job because she was
b. Since she was--------------------------------.
Parts of Speech
The parts of speech are essential building blocks
of the English language. A poem to remember
the eight main parts of speech in English (Noun,
Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition,
Conjunction and Interjection):
Every name is called a NOUN,
As field and fountain, street and town
In place of noun the PRONOUN stands
As he and she can clap their hands
The ADJECTIVE describes a thing,
As magic wand and bridal ring
The VERB means action, something done -
To read, to write, to jump, to run
How things are done, the ADVERBS tell,
As quickly, slowly, badly, well
The PREPOSITION shows relation,
As in the street, or at the station
CONJUNCTIONS join, in many ways,
Sentences, words, or phrase and phrase
The INTERJECTION cries out, 'Hark!
I need an exclamation mark!'
Identify the part of speech of each underlined
1. He spoke to me in a low tone.
2. Water runs deep, it is an old proverb.
3. The police chased the dacoits, but they
could not catch them.
4. We lost our way in the busy street.
5. That was the last we saw of him for a long
Correction of sentences
The news are interesting today. [wrong]
The news is interesting today. [correct]
The committee are decided upon this issue.
The committee is decided upon this issue.
Note : When it is referred to a single body,
it is singular.
Neither of her parents are Indian.[wrong]
Neither of her parents is Indian.[correct]
Note: 'None', 'neither', 'each' etc. are
A common sense is a great virtue.[wrong]
Common sense is a great virtue.[correct]
Note: No article before an abstract noun.
Rewrite the sentences with necessary
1. I am not understanding why is she telling
2. This book is more interesting than any book
I had read.
3. Let me congratulate you for your success.
4. My father wants to speak with your
5. None of his friends are good.
6. Let she do it if she wants to.
7. Please, tell me why are you late.
8. Have you some letters to post?
9. How cold is it!
10. Why you not come yesterday?
Condensed writing
Worthy Reminders
Read the passage carefully.
Concise and produce only the main theme.
A prcis should be always written in
Reported Speech in the past Tense as a third
person reporting.
A prcis is only one paragraph.
Give suitable title.
Avoid repetition of Nouns.
1. Shravan is an orphan. Shravan came to
Delhi when Shravan was only ten. Shravan
came to Delhi from his village. His village is
some where in Bihar. In his village Shravan
had worked in a Teashop. Shravan works in
a shop in Delhi. He does not work in a
teashop in Delhi. The shop sells coffee
2. This book contains many stories. (THEY
ARE SHORT.) They are interesting. They
are delightful. All people like this book. The
children like this book in particular. The
children like this book because there are
stories about animals.
3. The founder of Buddhism was Prince
Gautama Siddhartha. Prince Siddhartha was
born to luxury. One day as Gautama left the
palace; Gautama saw three men, one man
very sick. One man very old and one man
1. If I have time, I can accept the job.; 2. If
you work hard, you can get first rank.; 3. If I
had a car, I could give you a ride.; 4. If I had
seen the signal, I would have stopped.
1. b. A kite is being made by Ganesh. 2. b. A
song was being sung by Roja. 3. b. English is
spoken by the people all over the world. 4.
b.You are made a better person by suffering.
1. b. The stranger requested Schwamm not
turn on the light. 2. b. I asked Roja not to
disturb me then. 3. b. Mother asked sister
whether she had posted the letters.
1. b. Hyderabad is one of the biggest cities in
India. / Hyderabad is bigger than most other
cities in India.
2. b. Teja is not so tall as Roja.
3. b. Iron is more useful than any other metal.
c. No other metal is as useful as iron.
1. b. He rides the cycle which has no brakes.
2. b. He is the boy whom we adopted.
1. b. He delayed to meet her. 2. b. Teja is as
intelligent as Roja. 3. b. In spite of raining
heavily, we decided to go out for shopping. 4.
b. Though he was ill, he worked hard. 5. b.
Since she was honest, she was given the job.
1. He - pro; to - prep; low - adj
2. Water - n; deep - adv; old - adj
3. police - n; chased -v; dacoits-n; but - con
4. We - pro; lost-v; busy-adj
5. That-pro; saw-v; long time - adj
1. I do not understand why is she telling lies.
2. This book is more interesting than any
other I had read.
3. Let me congratulate you on your success.
4. My father wants to speak to your principal.
5. None of his friends is good.
6. Let her do it if she wants to.
7. Please, tell me why you are late.
8. Have you any letters to post?
9. How cold it is !
10. Why you did not come yesterday?
: ,r --.-- ++ .=o aa+a
ENGLISH True Statements Comprehension
We have become so familiar with...
dead. Gautama was very disturbed by his
evidence of man's suffering. He began to
wonder. He wondered how man might find
happiness. The happiness should be true
and lasting.
4. Rabindranath Tagore was a poet. He was a
philosopher and so on. Tagore won the
Nobel prize. He won it for literature in
1913. Tagore was the first Indian to
introduce it to the Indians. Tagore's most
famous collection 'Gitanjali' won him the
Nobel Prize.
Practice Questions
1. The elephant is the only animal with a
trunk. The elephant uses its trunk in many
ways. The elephant pulls leaves of trees. It
pulls them with its trunk. Then it puts them
into its mouth. The elephant can use its
trunk even to pull up trees. It pulls up trees
when it wants to make a path through the
2. Mrs. Salmon was unable to sleep. She heard
a door click shut. Mrs. Salmon thought that
it was her own gate. Mrs. Salmon went to
the window. Then Mrs. Salmon saw Adams.
She saw him on the steps of Mrs. Parker's
3. Malaria is a fever. It is common in many
parts of the world. Malaria is very serious
disease. Thousands of people die of Malaria
every year. Thousands of people suffer from
Malaria. They suffer from it so much that
they are rendered unfit for their ordinary
4. Raju was sitting in his room. Raju was busy
reading a book. Raju felt hot. When he felt
so, he turned on the ceiling fan. The fan
began to move at full speed. Just then a
sparrow came into the room. It came flying.
It flew into a blade of the ceiling fan. The
sparrow was badly hurt. It was so badly hurt
that the sparrow fell down half-dead.
5. Rajan rises from poverty to a wealthy
condition. Rajan rises so through hard work
and thrift. But his wealth corrupts his
children. His children live an immoral life.
The children break away from their parents.
Later Rajan loses all his wealth. He loses his
children. He becomes poor. Now Rajan is
helpless in his old age.
6. Sultan Giasuddin was a famous king.
Giasuddin ruled over the eastern India. One
day he was hunting. While he was hunting,
one of his arrows killed a little boy. The
little boy was the only son of a poor widow.
The poor widow reported the matter to the
Magistrate. The Magistrate was known as
the Qazi.
Go through the passage quickly to get some
general idea.
Then read the questions and understand
their meaning
Scan the passage for the answers.
Be brief and simple in your answers.
The answers to the questions will be
generally in order right from the beginning
to the end. So it is very easy to find the
answers to the questions.
Read the passage given below and answer the
questions that follow :
Ask any boy about his dream profession, and he
will choose to be a pilot. This profession has so
much glamour around it and is also very
remunerative that holders of youngsters each
year try their luck to become commercial pilots.
The first step is to get the student pilot licence
(SPL), for which the eligibility is 16 years of
age and 10+2 with Physics and Maths as the
intermediate subjects. The candidate has to clear
an entrance test of multiple choice questions. He
is tested for general awareness, reasoning power
and analytical ability. It is followed by a medical
examination which is no major hurdle unless a
person is suffering from eye defects or some
other serious handicap.
The second step is to acquire the private
pilot licence(PPL), for which the candidate has
to appear in the type of aircraft. The prerequisite
for PPL is 60 hours of flying experience of
which 20 hours should be solo flying.
Alongside, the students must also apply for the
radio and telephoning operative licence.
A PPL holder, in order to become a
commercial pilot licence holder, has to clear
theory papers on the same five topics, but in an
upgraded form. The candidate should also have
25 flying hours experience including solo
flying, cross country flying day and night
landing. After 1,000 hours of flying experience
a commercial pilot acquires the ALPL or airline
pilot licence.
The profession of a pilot is very expensive
initially. A minimum sum of RS.6 to Rs.7 lakhs
has to be invested first to get the CPL. The
candidate is further imparted training by the
particular airline which he joins. That again
costs Rs.5 lakhs . the lucky ones, however, carry
home a pay packet of Rs.75,000 a month.
In Delhi, the only credible training ground
for the fresher's is the Safdarjung Flying Club.
But there is acute shortage of aircrafts, say one
for every 10 students as against one per student
Answer the following questions ;
1. What is the dream profession of many
2. What are the two main attractions of this
3. What is the prerequisite for flying?
4. Why is it difficult to get a Private Pilot
5. How do you think is it expensive and
lucrative to be a pilot?
True Statements
Read the passage carefully.
We have become so familiar with the wonders
of science that we ceased to wonder at them.
There is hardly any sphere of human activity
that science has not invaded. The triumphs of
science are great and many. Science has
conquered time and space. The telegraph, the
telephone, the wireless, the aeroplane and the
television are no longer wonders to us. The
talkie and the radio are now familiar sources off
entertainment. Electricity, which has given us
heaters, refrigerators and electric trains and
thousands of other amenities of life, is now the
cheapest and the most common source of
energy. 'From coal heaving to button-pressing'
seems to sum up this industrial Odyssey of the
modern world. In the realm of medicine, the
discovery of radium, X-rays, penicillin and
B.C.G. vaccination have greatly alleviated
human sufferings and increased the span of
human life.
Again, our ideas about 'this mysterious
universe of ours has undergone a great change.
We no longer believe that stars are tiny points of
light hanging in the firmament. They are
gigantic suns rolling through illimitable space at
an incredibly high speed. And a day may come
when it will be possible for us to take a trip to
the planet Mars, passages for which have
already been booked. The biologist has revealed
to us that billions of microbes exist in a drop of
blood or in a breath of air we breathe. The
physicist goes a step further He has isolated and
split atoms, thus enabling us to produce atomic
energy which has tremendous possibilities as a
source of energy for industrial purposes.
Artificial moons have already been launched,
and no one can foretell what greater wonders
science has in store for us.
Science is both a blessing and a curse. It
depends upon man whether to use it in the
service of humanity or to destroy mankind.
Now read the following statements and find
Six of them which are in agreement with the
A. Science has conquered time and space.
B. Whether science is a blessing or a curse
depends upon man's use of it.
C. People wonder at the discoveries of science.
D. Electricity is now the cheapest and the most
common source of energy.
E. Science has not increased the span of
human life.
F. We no longer believe that stars are tiny
points of light hanging in the firmament.
G. It will be impossible for us at any time to
take a trip to the planet Mars.
H. The biologist has revealed to us that billions
of microbes exist in a drop of blood or in a
breath of air we breathe.
I. Artificial moons have already been
Choose the correct answers
It is often difficult for a man to be quite sore
what tax he ought to pay to the Government
because it depends on so many different things.
But a certain artist was always very careful to
pay the proper amount. One year, after posting
his cheque as usual, he began to wonder if he
had paid enough, and after a lot of word with a
pencil and paper, decided that he had not. He
was just writing another cheque to send to the
tax - collector when the postman brought him a
letter. Opening it, the artist found inside it a
cheque for five pounds from the tax - collector.
The official explained that too much had been
paid, and that therefore, the extra was now
returned to the tax payer. The artist was not only
surprised, but was also worried. He worked over
his figures once more, but at the end he still
believed that he owed the Government
something. "I thank you for your cheque for five
pounds, but I think that, if you study the figures
1. to be a pilot; 2. glamour and money; 3. 60
hours of flying experience.; 4. One has to
clear theory papers of a higher standard on air
navigation, aviation, meteorology, air
regulation and technical information about the
type of aircraft has to drive.; 5. To be
commercial pilot minimum sum of Rs 6 to 7
lakhs has to be spent. As a pilot one can earn
upto Rs. 75000 per month.
A, B, D, F, H, I
1. Shravan, an orphan, came to Delhi at the
age of ten from his village in Bihar. In his
village he worked in a tea-shop but in Delhi
he works in a shop selling coffee powder.
2. This book which contains short stories abo-
ut animals is liked by all people, particularly
children. It is interesting and delightful.
3. Prince Siddhartha, the founder of
Buddhism was born to luxury. One day he left
the palace saw a sick man, an old man and a
dead man. He was disturbed by that evidence
of man's suffering and began to wander to
find true and lasting happiness.
4. Rabidranath Tagore who was a poet and
Philosopher was the first Indian to win a
nobel prize. He won it for his litt "Gitanjali"
in 1913.
: ,r --.-- ++ .=o aa+a
Supplementary-I Important Questions
I would like to know what to do..
again, you will find that a mistake has been
Write out the letter of the most suitable
answer to each of the following :
1. What was the artist in the story trying to do?
a) to pay less tax that he should
b) to test tax collector's honesty
c) to pay his tax correctly
d) to get back the tax he had paid
2. When the artist got a five-pound cheque
from the tax collector, why was he surprised
and worried?
a) He thought he'd gone wrong in his
b) He was thinking of paying much less tax.
c) He was hoping to get back more money.
d) He thought he'd got somebody else's
3. What did the tax-collector think when he
got the artist's letter saying, "... you will find
that a mistake has been made?"
a) the artist would pay some more tax.
b) the artist expected to get back less than
five pounds.
c) the cheque had been sent to the artist by
d) the artist expected to ge back more
Important Questions
Worthy Reminders
Recall the summary of the lesson or poem
Use the vocabulary you learnt to construct
the answer
Watch out for the voice of your answer-
active or passive
Read the question, understand the context
and write the relevant point.
Check out on your tenses-past, present or
future continuous or perfect
Do not repeat the names, instead use
The Night at the hotel
1. Why did the night receptionist regretfully
shrug his shoulders?
2. Why did Schwamm decide to spend the
night at the hotel?
3. What was the reason for the strange
behavior of Mr. Schwamm's son?
4. Do you think Schwamm did a good thing in
deciding to share a room with a stranger?
In Celebration of being Alive
1. What was the accident that Dr. Barnard had?
What happened to him and his wife?
2. How does Dr.Barnard's view of suffering
differ from his father's?
3. What had made Dr.Barnard sensitive to the
suffering of children?
4. What lesson did the children teach
Poem-1 : On Killing a tree
1. "It takes much time to kill'. Why does it take
so much to kill a tree?
2. Why is it not easy to kill a tree? Is the poet
happy about this?
3. How does the poet describe the uprooting of
a tree?
Circus Cat, Alley Cat
1. Describe the physical appearance of Anna.
2. What made Anna give up the circus and
become a Nanny?
3. What were the changes in the children after
the coming of Anna?
4. What happened to Anna's baby?
Mother Teresa
1. What constitutes a typical day of a Sister of
2. What are the four vows taken by the
Missionaries of Charity?
3. Why did Mother Teresa have a special
interest in the dying?
4. What , according to Mother Teresa , is the
worst disease any human being can
Poem - 2 : The Gallows
1. Of all the beasts and birds the keeper had
shot, only three are mentioned. What does
each of them represent?
2. What did the keeper do to the weasel, the
crow and the magpie?
The case for the Defence
1. Why does the author describe the Peckham
murder trial as the strangest murder trial?
2. Why was the accused in the Peckham
murder case acquitted in spite of the
evidence of several witnesses?
3. What happened to one of the Adams the
twin brothers in the end?
Snapshot of a Dog
1. How was Rex different from other dogs?
2. "he had a gentle disposition". Do you
think Rex had a gentle disposition? What
makes you think so?
3. Why did Rex bring a chest of drawers
home? What did the brothers do with it the
next day?
Poem - 3 : Snake
1. Why did the poet decide to stand and wait?
How did he treat the snake?
2. What does Lawrence mean when he speaks
of 'the voice of my education'? What did it
say to him?
3. What did the poet do to the snake? How
does he feel after it?
Fire in the forest
1. What did the forest department people do
when they saw the smoke?
2. How did the deer react when she first got the
smell of danger?
3. When did the deer first meet the tiger? Why
did the tiger not attack her?
Vinoba. A portrait sketch
1. What was Vinoba's mission? When did it
start? Where? What was special about that
2. How did Vinoba in over the landlords? In
what sense are the landlords lucky in
Vinoba's opinion?
3. What does the author say is common
between Gandhi and Vinoba?
4. What is the relevance of Vinoba Bhave's
message to the modern world?
(Note:While writing the answers remember
to mention the author of the lesson Eg: The
Night at the Hotel by Siegfried Lenz)
Poem - 4 : Upagupta
1. What did the dancing girl ask the ascetic to
2. Why did he decline her invitation?
3. What did Upagupta mean when he said to
the young woman that he would come to her
when the time was ripe?
The Beautiful White Horse
1. What was Aram's family famous for? What
were the three qualities of the family that
were mentioned?
2. How did Aram justify his cousin's way of
getting hold of a horse? Why did he think it
wasn't stealing at all?
3. 'A suspicious man would believe his eyes
instead of his heart? What did the farmer
John Byro's eyes tell him? Why did he not
suspect the boys?
Poem - 5 : I'll Get one Tomorrow
1. Why has the poet finally decided to visit the
2. What are the different ways in which the
poet is troubled by his hair?
3. What kind of hair cut does the poet want?
What will he look like after the hair cut?
Knowledge and Wisdom
1. What does the author state as the first factor
that contributes to wisdom?
2. What are the factors that contribute to
wisdom, according to Russell?
3. What does increase in knowledge result
Section- I
Quickly read the passage
Question yourself what kind of writing is it?
What is the main idea?
If you have a general idea of the lesson , you
will be able to answer the questions.
Read the passage and answer the
The circumstances connected with Sir Charles'
death have not entirely been cleared by the
inquest, but enough has been done to stop the
rumours which local superstition had started.
There is no reason to suspect foul play or to
imagine that his death was unnatural. Sir
Charles was a widower and had simple habits.
He had a married couple named Barrymore to
look after his house, the husband being the
butler and the wife the housekeeper. Their
statement, confirmed by several friends, shows
that Sir Charles had not been well for some time.
He had heart trouble and had acute attacks of
nervous depression. Dr. James Mortimer, a
friend and doctor of Sir Charles, has given the
1. Why was the inquest held?
2. What was the local rumour about Sir
Charles's death?
3. Why was there no reason to believe that Sir
Charles had died an unnatural death?
4. What is the reason to believe that
Barrymore told the truth about Sir Charles's
5. After reading this paragraph, what do you
think could have been the reason for
Charles's death?
Read the passage and answer the
questions :
"Because I would like to know what to do with
Mr.Henry Baskerville. He arrives at Waterloo
Station in exactly an hour and a quarter."
1. The inquest was held to investigate the
circumstances connected with Sir Charles's
2. The local rumour was that the legendary
Baskerville hound had killed Charles.
3. Sir Charles had heart trouble and had acute
attacks of nervous depression. So, there was
no reason to believe that Charles died an
unnatural death.
4. The reason is that the statement made by
Barrymore was confirmed by several friends
and Dr. James Mortimer.
5. Sir Charles fear of the hound and his weak
heart and acute attacks of nervous depression
caused his death.
1. c; 2. a; 3. a
: ,r --.-- ++ .=o aa+a
"He is the heir?" asked Holmes.
"Yes, after Sir Charles died we inquired about
this young man. We found that he had been
farming Canada. He has a clean record. What I
say now is not as a doctor but as a trustee and
executor of Sir Charles' will."
1. Who was coming to Waterloo Station?
2. What was he doing?
3. Who is the heir next to Sir Charles?
4. Whom does the pronoun 'I' here refer to?
5. In what way is he concerned with Sir
Read the passage and answer the
"Well, it evident from what we have heard that
Sir Henry has been followed by someone since
he came to London. How else did anyone know
so soon that he was to stay in Northumberland
Hotel. If they had followed him the first day, I
was sure they would follow him on the second
day too. When our friends left I followed them
at once hoping to catch their follower. But he
was so cunning and clever that he did not follow
them on foot. He used a cab instead, he could
therefore loiter behind them or dash past them,
so they would not notice him. His method also
had another advantage. If our friends had taken
a cab, he would also be ready to following them.
However, he over looked one disadvantage of
taking a cab. We have its number, 2704 is our
man. Can you recognise the man in the cab?"
asked Holmes.
1. Whom does the pronoun 'we' refer to?
2. Where did Sir Henry stay? Where is it?
3. Why was the follower considered cunning
and clever?
4. What was the advantage of his method?
5. What was the disadvantage that he had over
Read the passage and answer the
questions :
"It isn't a very cheerful place, is it?" said Sir
Henry. "I suppose we will get used to it, but
right now I don't feel comfortable at all. No
wonder my uncle was nervous, living all alone
in such a house. Shall we retire early tonight?
Perhaps in the morning, it might seem a bit more
Once I got to my room, I opened the
curtains and looked out. In the moon light I
could see the melancholy moor. I closed the
curtains and went to bed. I was very tired and
kept tossing and turning, trying to sleep.
Suddenly in the middle of the night I heard a
woman crying, it was a low, muffled sound. I sat
up in my bed and listened intently. The noise
could not have been very far away and it
certainly was in the house. For half an hour I
waited but did not hear anything other than the
chiming clock and the rustle of the ivy on the
wall outside.
1. Where did the conversation take place?
2. Who was 'my uncle'? Why was he nervous?
3. Who was 'I' in the second paragraph and
what could he see through the windows?
4. What did he hear that night and where was
it from?
5. What did he hear finally?
Read the passage and answer the
questions :
"Very difficult," said Stapleton. "Can you see
that great plain there, with queer - looking hills
on it? That is the Grimpen Mire. Afalse step on
it means death to man or beat. Just yesterday I
saw a pony sinking into it. Even in summer it's
a dangerous place, but after the rains it's just
awful. Yet, I know it very well. I can go into it
and come out alive. There are one or two paths
which an active man can take. I have found
"But why should you want to go to such a
horrible place?" I asked.
"Can you see the hills beyond the Mire?
Well, there are some rare plants and butterflies
there," said Stapleton.
1. What is the great plain referred to?
2. What happens if one takes a false step on it?
3. "I have found them." Who is 'I' and what did
he find?
4. "But why should you want to go to such a
horrible place?" What is the horrible place
and who asked the question?
5. What reason did Stapleton give for his
going there?
Read the passage and answer the
questions :
Suddenly, we both saw his savage evil yellow
face in the candle light. Something must have
made him suspicious because he looked
frightened. Before he could escape, we both
sprang towards him. Instantly, the convict
screamed and hurled a stone at us. He started
running down the hill, I wanted to shoot him in
the leg, but then decided against shooting at an
unarmed man. We ran after him but the distance
between us was too great. We watched him till
he disappeared. We sat down on a rock to rest.
At that moment a very strange thing happened.
In the moonlight, I saw a man standing like a
statue on the hill. He stood with his feet apart,
his arms-folded, his head bowed, as if he were
brooding over the moor. He looked like a ghost.
He was not the convict. With a cry of surprise, I
pointed him out to Sir Henry but, in that instant
when I had turned to grasp his arm, the man was
gone. I wanted to go and search that part of the
moor, but the baronet was still a bit afraid and
was in no mood for a new adventure.
1. Who are the 'we' in the passage?
2. Whose face did they see in the candle light?
3. Why didn't the writer shoot the convict?
4. What was the strange sight the men saw in
the moonlight?
5. Why didn't the writer go in search of the
man on the hill?
Read the passage and answer the
questions :
"Give me a telegraph form", said Holmes. He
wrote down : "Is all ready for Sir Henry?" and
addressed the telegram to Mr.Barrymore,
Baskerville Hall. Then he addressed a second
telegram to the postmaster of Grimpen:
"Telegram to Mr. Barrymore, to be delivered
into his own hand. If absent, please return it to
Sir Henry Baskerville, Northumberland Hotel'.
1. Who is Holmes asking for a telegraph form?
2. Why did he send a telegram to
3. Who is Mr. Barrymore?
4. Why was the second telegram sent to the
postmaster of Grimpen?
5. Who is Sir Henry?
Read the passage and answer the
On our way back we had lunch at Merripit Hou-
se and it was here that Sir Henry met Miss Stap-
leton. He was attracted to her from the first mo-
ment and I think the attraction was mutual. He
talked a lot about her on our way home, and sin-
ce then, we have met the Stapletons nearly every
day. They dine here tonight and we might go
there sometime next week. One would imagine
that such a match would be welcome to Staple-
ton. Yet, I have been seen Stapleton look at his
sister disapprovingly when Sir Henry is paying
atten-tion to her. He is very attached to her and
would undoubtedly become lonely without her.
But it would be very selfish if he did not allow
her to get married.
1. Who were on their way back?
2. Who was impressed with Miss Stapleton?
3. What would be welcome to Stapleton?
4. Where did the tragic incident occur?
5. Where did the Stapleton's live?
1. The great plain is referred as the Grimpen
Mire.; 2. Afalse step leads to death to man or
beast.; 3. 'I' is Mr.Stapleton. He found a path
in the mire.; 4. The horrible place is the mire.
Mr.Watson asked the question.; 5. Stapleton
said that there are some rare plants and
butterflies beyond the hills.
1. Dr.Watson and Sir Henry are referred to as
'we' in this passage.; 2. They saw the face of
the escaped convict,Selden.; 3. The writer did
not shoot because the convict was unarmed.;
4. In the moon light the narrator saw a man
standing like a statue on the hill.; 5. The writer
did not go in search of the man on the hill
because Sir Henry was a bit afraid and not in
a mood for a new adventure.
1. Dr. Watson and Sir Henry were on their
way back to Baskerville Hall.; 2. Sir Henry
was impressed with Miss Stapleton. He show-
ed it by talking a lot about her.; 3. His sister
marrying sir Henry would be welcome to
Stapleton ; 4. The tragic incident occurred at
the Yew All-ey.; 5. Stapleton's lived in the
Merripit house.
1. Holmes is asking Dr.Mortimer for a
telegraph form.; 2. Holmes sent a telegram to
Mr.Barrymore in order to find out whether or
not he was in the Baskerville Hall.; 3.
Mr.Barrymore is the butler in Baskerville
Hall.; 4. The second telegram was sent to the
postmaster of Grimpen to make sure of Mr.
Barrymore's presence in Baskerville Hall.; 5.
Sir Henry was the son of the younger brother
of sir Charles and by virtue of it the legal heir
to the Baskerville Estate.
1. Sir Henry was coming to Waterloo Station.;
2. He was farming in Canada.; 3. Sir Henry is
the heir next to Sir Charles.; 4. 'I' refers to Dr.
Mortimer.; 5. Dr. Mortimer is the trustee and
the executor of Sir Charles Will.
1. 'We' refers to Holmes and Watson.; 2. Sir
Henry stayed in Northumberland in London.;
3. The person who followed Sir Henry did not
follow on foot. He used a cab to remain
unnoticed and unidentified.; 4. The person
used a cab to loiter behind or dash past them
and to remain unobserved. If they had taken a
cab, he would be ready to follow.; 5. He
overlooked the disadvantage of the identity of
the cab number.
1. The conversation took place in the
Baskerville Hall.; 2. Sir Charles was his
uncle. He was nervous because the place was
not cheerful.; 3. 'I' is Dr.Watson. He could see
the moor through the window.; 4. He heard a
woman weeping. It was from the house.; 5.
Finally he heard nothing.
On our way back we had lunch at..
ENGLISH Reading Comprehension
: ,r --.-- ++ .=o aa+a
Read the passage and answer the
questions :
"His wife!" she said again. " He is not a married
man! Prove it to me. And if you can __!" her
fierce eyes said more than words.
"I have come prepared to do so" said
Holmes as he drew several papers from his
pocket. "Here is a photograph of the couple
taken in York four years ago. It is endorsed "Mr.
and Mrs. Vandeleur", but I'm sure you will
recognize them __________".
1. Who was the first speaker?
2. Whom is she talking about?
3. Why is she surprised and horrified to hear
that he is married?
4. What were Mr. and Mrs. Vandeleur doing in
5. What did Holmes hope to gain by revealing,
Mr. Vandeleur's secret?
Read the passage and answer the
questions :
Possibly Stapleton did not know about the
existence of an heir in Canada. When he learnt
from Dr.Mortimer about the arrival of Sir Henry
Baskerville, his first idea was to kill him in
London itself. Since, he did not trust his wife, he
did not want to leave her alone. So, he brought
her to London with him and they stayed at a
private hotel. He kept his wife imprisoned in her
room, while he followed Dr. Mortimer to Baker
Street and then to Northumberland Hotel. His wife
had guessed what he was up to, but she dared not
warn Sir Henry. She was very frightened of her
husband. So, she adopted the expedient of cutting
out words from the newspaper and sending the
letter to warn Sir Henry about the danger he was in.
1. Who is the 'heir' referred to in the passage?
2. What did Stapleton want to do to Sir Henry?
3. Why did Stapleton bring his wife to London?
4. How did Mrs. Stapleton warn Sir Henry?
5. Why did she adopt this method to warn Sir
Supplementary - 2
Read the passage and answer the
Wednesday and Thursday were routine; Charles
yelled during story hour and hit a boy in the sto-
mach and made him cry. On Friday Charles sta-
yed after school again and so did all the other
children. With the third week of kindergarten,
Charles was an institution in our family; Jannie
was being a Charles when she cried all afterno-
on; Laurie did a Charles when he filled his wag-
on full of mud and pulled it through the kitchen;
even my husband, when he caught his elbow in
the telephone cord and pulled telephone,ash tra-
y, and a bowl of flower off the table, said, aft-er
the first minute,"Looks like Charles." (Charles)
1. Who is Charles?
2. Why were Wednesday and Thursday
routine? Whose routine was it?
3. Why did Charles have to stay after school
on Friday?
4. What does the word 'institution' mean with
reference to Charles?
5. Why does the man say "Looks Charles"?
What does he mean?
Read the passage and answer the
questions :
Ralph Waldo Emerson, who had become the le-
ader of the Transcendentalists, moved to Conco-
rd where he met Thoreau. Emerson recognized a
similarity between Thoreau's thinking and his
own, had admired this independent man familiar
with great books and responsive by nature. Em-
erson invited Thoreau into his home. Thoreau
did various jobs for Emerson family including
taking care of children. He was treated not as a
servant, but almost as a member of the family.
He was also included, from time to time, among
Emerson's group of thinkers. But, Thoreau usua-
lly remained along, unimpressed by the ideas or
action of others. (Henry David Thoreau)
1. Who was Emerson?
2. Why did he admire Thoreau?
3. What kind of jobs did Thoreau do for
Emerson's family?
4. How was he treated by Emerson's family?
5. Why did Thoreau remain alone there?
Read the passage and answer the
questions :
The world is a delicate and as complicated as a
spider's web, and like a spider's web, if you tou-
ch one thread, you send shudders running throu-
gh all the other threads that make up the web.
But we are not just touching the web, we are tea-
ring great holes in it; we're waging a sort of bio-
logical war on the world around us. We are clog-
ging our rivers with industrial filth and we are now
polluting the sea and the air.(Animals Forever)
1. To which is the world compared?
2. What happens if we touch one thread of the
3. Who is the author of the passage?
4. What do you understand by his comparison?
5. What is meant by a 'biological war'?
Read the passage and answer the
questions :
Out of this friendly signaling system have
grown two remotivating devices, one concerned
with appeasement and the other with reassura-
nce. If a weak animal is frightened of a stronger
one it can pacify the latter by performing the lip
- smacking invitation signal and then proceed to
groom its fur. This reduces the aggression of the
dominant animal and helps the subordinate one
to become accepted. It is permitted to remain 'in
the presence' because of services rendered. Con-
versely, if a dominant animal wishes to calm the
fears of a weaker one, it can do so in the same
way. By lip smacking at it, it can underline the
fact that it is not aggressive. Despite its
dominant aura, it can show that it means no
harm. (Grooming)
1. What are the devices that grow out of
friendly signaling?
2. What can a weaker animal do when it is
frightened by a stronger one?
3. What happens when the weaker animal
grooms the fur of a stronger one?
4. What does it mean by lip smacking at it?
5. Why does a stronger animal groom the
weaker one?
Read the passage and answer the
questions :
That morning Gopal's mother took out from a
wooden box a little brown coat with brass
buttons and yellow piping and put it on him; this
happened only on great occasions. The smell of
camphor and teak wood lifted his spirits; he
smelt like his father he thought, and that gave
him an immense sense of importance. He picked
up his slate and proudly strode out of the house.
At school, he joined the other children bubbling
with joy in their own Sunday best.
The Viceroy of India was passing through
the small town. He was getting down at the
railway station with his spouse and immediately
getting into an elaborately decorated open coach
drawn by well groomed horses and driving
straight to the Residency. From there, less
conspicuously in a sedan car, he was escaping to
the hills for the summer.
(The Day the Viceroy came)
1. Sir Henry Baskerville is the heir.; 2.
Stapleton wanted to kill Sir Henry because he
wished to have the Baskerville fortune for
himself.; 3. Stapleton did not trust his wife
and did not want to leave her alone. So he
brought her to London with him.; 4. Mrs.
Stapleton warned sir Henry by sending an
anonymous letter. She cut out words from The
Times paper and pasted them in the letter.; 5.
She wanted to remain anonymous. So, she
adopted that method.
1. Charles is an imaginary mischievous sch-
ool boy created by Laurie.; 2. On Wednesday
and Thursday Charles carried on his misc-
hievous acts as usual. It was the routine of Ch-
arles.; 3. Charles yelled in school. To make
Charles keep quiet he was made to stay after
school on Friday.; 4. The word 'Charles' has
come to mean mischief and disorder. It has
become a settled tradition in the family.; 5.
When ever the children did anything mischie-
vous they are called Charles. The man means
to say that those acts of children are as bad as
the acts of Charles.
1. Ralph Woodrow Emerson was the leader of
the Transcendentalists.; 2. Emerson admired
Thoreau's independence, familiarity with
great books and responsive nature.; 3.
Thoreau did various jobs for Emerson family,
including taking care of the children.; 4. He
was treated not as servant but almost as a
member of the family. He was also included
among Emerson's group of thinkers. 5.
Thoreau remained alone because he was not
impressed by the ideas or actions of others.
1. The world is compared to Spider's Web.; 2.
If we touch one thread of a spider's web, it
sends shudders running through all the other
three threads. Similarly if one source of
nature is disturbed, everything is destroyed.
So the world is like a spider's web.; 3. Gerald
Durrel is the author of the lesson Animals
Forever.; 4. If one source of nature is
disturbed, everything is destroyed. So, he
compares the world with a spider's web.; 5.
Blocking the rivers with industrial filth and
polluting the water and the air is being
referred to as 'biological war' by Durrel.
1. The devices that grow out of the friendly
signaling system are appeasement and reassu-
rance.; 2. It can pacify the stronger animal by
performing the lip-smacking invitation signal
and then proceed to groom its fur.; 3. This
reduces the aggression of the dominant anim-
al and helps the subordinate one to become
accepted.; 4. By lip-smacking at it, it can un-
derline the fact that it is not aggressive.; 5.
Despite its dominant aura, it can show that it
means no harm.
1. The first speaker was "Laura Lyons".; 2.
She is talking about "Mr.Stapleton".; 3. She is
surprised to know that Stapleton was married.
She is horrified to know that he had no
intention to marry her but used her as a bait to
kill Sir Charles.; 4. Mr.Mrs.Vandeleur were
running a school in Yorkshire.; 5. Holmes
wanted to get the truth out of Laura Lyons
about Mr.Stapleton's plans and the secret of
Sir Charles death.
Stapleton did not know about...
ENGLISH Reading Comprehension
: ,r --.-- ++ .=o aa+a
People of the world will have to discover..
1. "This happened only on great occasions."
What does this mean?
2. Why did the clothes smell camphor and
3. Why do you think Gopal went to school on
4. Why was the Viceroy of India going to the
Read the passage and answer the
questions :
I was also asked how I could subsist on the little
food I ate and this knowledge again was obtained
by watching me eat till I mustered enough
courage to shut the kitchen door. I must add here
that the villager's idea of a satisfactory meal was
one where a person ate till he couldn't stuff in any
more. The usual phrase was' to eat till the
stomach could hold no more', the belch which
followed such eating being regarded as symbolic
of the eater's satisfaction. My concept of a meal,
on the other hand, was to get up when I was still
feeling hungry. I wonder I was so thin. Thinness
was almost synonymous with weakness and ill -
health will stoutness was equated with good
health. A slim man was described as dried up,
likely to be blown away by a strong wind. Astout
man was described as full, strong and healthy. He
was also a figure of fun. It annoyed me to find
that such personal matters as answering calls of
nature and the daily bath would have been a
public act. My bachelor hood was also a subject
of frequent comment. By village standards, I sho-
uld have been a father of several years standing.
(The Villagers' Curiosity)
1. How had the villagers come to know that
the author ate too little?
2. When was a person considered by the
villagers to have had a satisfactory meal?
3. What did the villagers think about thinness
and stoutness?
4. Why was the author uncomfortable about
some personal matters or activities?
5. What was the village standard regarding a
person's marital status?
Read the passage and answer the
questions :
In the midst of this growing and important stress
the broker became suddenly aware of a high
rolled fringe of golden hair under a nodding
canopy of velvet and abstracts tips, an imitation
sealskin sack and a string of beads as large as
nuts, ending near the floor with a silver heart.
There was a self-possessed young lady
connected with these accessories; and Pitcher
was there to construe her.
"Lady from the stenographer's agency to see
about the position," said Pitcher. Maxwell
turned half around, with his hand full of papers
and sticker tape.
"What position?" he asked with a frown.
"Position of stenographer," said Pitcher.
"You told me yesterday to call them up and have
one sent over this morning.'
"You are losing your mind, Pitcher," said
Maxwell. "Why should I have given you any su-
ch instructions? Miss Leslie has given perfect
satisfaction during the year she has been here.
The place is hers and as long as she chooses to
retain it. There is no place open here madam.
Countermand that order with the agency, Pitc-
her, and don't bring any more of them in here."
The silver heart left the office, swinging and
banging itself independently against the office
furniture as it indignantly departed. Pitcher
seized a moment to remark to the bookkeeper
that the "old man" seemed to get more absent -
minded and forgetful every day of the world.
(The Romance of a Busy Broker)
1. What was Mr. Maxwell doing when the
lady arrived at his office?
2. Why did the lady come to Mr. Maxwell's
3. Why did Mr. Pitcher ask the stenographer's
agency to send a stenographer to Maxwell's
4. What did Mr. Pitcher say to the book-
5. Why do you think Mr. Maxwell counter-
manded the order with the stenographer's
Read the passage and answer the
questions :
One of the standard questions I have inevitably
to face is about what thrilling adventures I have
had in lifetime of exploring for birds. My stan-
dard answer must seem disappointing to those
who expect to hear tales of derring - do.
Ornithology as a hobby or profession or
persuasion, whatever one may choose to call it,
thought full of adventures and rewards and disa-
ppointments, is by its very nature one of the
most peaceable pursuits of the out-of-doors. It is
certainly not lacking in excitements and thrills,
though, these may be of a different kind from
what the normal enquirer expects. The excitem-
ent lies in extracting clues and then following
them up step by step to the discovery or confir-
mation of a fact or facts, of which one has obt-
ained a suspicion or a hunch. It was while living
jobless in the seaside cottage of the Latif family
at Kihim in 1930 that I got one of most reward-
ing thrills of this kind when I unexpectedly hit
upon the first correct interpretation of the extra-
ordinary breeding biology of the Baya Weaver
(The thrills of Bird watching)
1. What kind of people are disappointed by the
author's standard answer?
2. What do people think of ornithology?
3. What is the author's opinion regarding bird
4. What was the author doing when he got one
of the most rewarding thrills of
5. What did the author discover regarding the
Baya bird?
Read the passage and answer the
questions :
After contemplation, I conclude that this award
which I receive on behalf of that movements is
a profound recognition that non - violence is the
answer to the crucial political and moral questi-
on of our time - the need for man to overcome
oppression. Civilization and violence are antith-
etical concepts. Negroes of the United States,
following the people of India, have demonstrat-
ed that non - violence is not sterile passivity but
a powerful moral force, which makes for social
transformation. Sooner or later, all the people of
the world will have to discover a way to live
together in peace and thereby transform this
pending song of sadness into a creative psalm of
brotherhood. If this is to achieve, man must
evolve for all human conflicts a method, which
rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The
foundation of such a method is love.
(The Beauty of Brotherhood)
1. What is the movement that the author refers
2. What is the present crucial moral and
political question?
3. What did the Indians show the world when
they fought for the freedom of their
4. What can be the result of living together in
5. "The foundation of such a method is love,"
says the author. What is that method?
Section-II Sup-I & Sup-II Q & A
Hints for better writing
Work from start to finish, answering each
If you can't answer a question, put a mark
next to it. If you have time go back and
answer it.
Answer the easiest question first.
Recollect the summary of the lesson.
Answer in short.
Write only the relevant points.
Important Questions
1) How did Dr.Watson describe the visitor by
looking at his walking stick? Where did he
1. Mr. Maxwell was very busy when the lady
arrived.; 2. The lady came for the stenograph-
er's post.; 3. Pitcher was asked to call the sten-
ographer's Agency and ask them to send a ca-
ndidate for the stenographer's post.; 4. Pitcher
said to the bookkeeper that the"old man" see-
med to get more absent-minded and forgetful
every day of the world.; 5.Maxwell was sati-
sfied with the services given by Miss Leslie.
1. People who expect tales of derring-do are
disappointed by the author's standard answer.;
2. People consider ornithology as hobby or
profession or persuasion etc.; 3. The author
opines that bird watching as one of the most
peaceable pursuits of the out-of-doors.; 4. The
author was jobless when he got one of the mo-
st rewarding thrills.; 5. The author discovered
the first correct interpretation of the extraor-
dinary breeding of the Baya Weaver bird.
1. The movement is against racial injustice.;
2. The present crucial moral political question
is the need for man to overcome.;
3. Indians showed the world that Non-
violence can bring social transformation.;
4. Living together in peace can transform the
pending cosmic elegy into a creative psalm of
brotherhood.; 5. Man must evolve a method
which rejects revenge, aggression and
retaliation, to live as brothers.
1. Wearing the brown coat with brass buttons
with yellow piping.; 2. Clothes were wrapped
with camphor and kept in the teak wood box.
So it smelled.; 3. To cheer and welcome the
Viceroy of India, who was passing through
the town.; 4. The Viceroy of India was going
to the hills to escape the heat on the plains.
1. The villagers observed what the author
cooked, what he ate etc.; 2. Villager's idea of
a satisfactory meal was one where a person
ate till he couldn't stuff in any more.; 3.
Stoutness was equated with good health. A
slim man was described as dried up, likely to
be blown away by a strong wind. Astout man
was described as full, strong and healthy. He
was also a figure of fun.; 4. The author felt
annoyed to find that personal matters as
answering calls of nature and the daily bath
have been a public act. Even his bachelor
hood was also a subject of frequent comm-
ent.; 5. By village standard the author should
have been a father of several years standing.
: ,r --.-- ++ .=o aa+a
Letter Writing
Identify the purpose of writing
go wrong?
2) What kind of a person was Hugo
Baskerville? How did he bring about his
own death and a curse on his family?
3) "Excellent! This is a colleague, Watson,
after our own heart". Who is Holmes talking
about? Why does he make this remark?
4) Why does Holmes ask Cartwright to visit 23
hotels in London? What does he hope to
5) Who is John Clayton? What does he tell
6) Why were soldiers posted at different places
when Sir Henry arrived in Devonshire?
7) What did Dr.Watson discover when he
followed Barrymore in the middle of the
8) Why did Laura Lyons write a note to Sir
9) Why cannot Holmes arrest Stapleton
10) What was Stapleton's motive behind the
killing of Baskerville family?
11) Why did Laurie create the character of
12) 'Independent Man', that's what Thoreau
was. How? Why?
13) How did the school authorities behave, on
the day the Viceroy visited?
14) In his essay "Animals Forever" Gerald
Durrell describes two important measures to
conserve wild life. What are they?
15) How many types of talking does Desmond
Morris distinguish?
16) Why was the writer in the village? How did
the villagers receive him?
17) The story "The Romance of a Busy Broker"
was left incomplete in your supplementary
reader. How would you like to complete the
18) Describe two of Salim Ali's thrilling
experiences of bird watching.
19) On whose behalf does Martin Luther King-
Jr. accept the Nobel Prize?
20) What does the humor in the play, "The First
Patient" depend on?
Rearrange the following sentences to
form a meaningful paragraph.
1) Set - A
A. Combustion is termed incomplete when the
oxygen supply is insufficient.
B. This results in a yellow flame and as a result
the heat produced is lesser than the
maximum obtainable from the fuel.
C. This result in a blue flame and the heat
generated will be maximum.
D. Combustion can be classified into two ;
complete and incomplete
E. Combustion of the fuel will be complete
when there is sufficient quantity of oxygen
for the fuel to burn.
Set -B
A. On being asked what it was, he replied that
he was amazed by the way even small kids
spoke English instead of Telugu in America.
B. One of the innocent political leaders from
India had been to America on a study trip
regarding the life style of the Americans.
C. He replied that everything was just like in
India but, there was one thing that amazed
D. Immediately the entire room resounded
with the laughter of the journalists.
E. After he returned to India, journalists asked
him to share the experiences of his trip.
2) Set -A
A. This society sometimes runs a shop called
cooperative stores.
B. Prices are generally low in such stores
compared to other shops.
C. Some people working at a particular place
become a group and form a cooperative
D. Hence it is better to become a member of a
cooperative society and purchase our
requirements from cooperative stores.
E. Cooperation means working together.
Set - B
A. In a big city it is the Municipal Corporation
that is responsible providing all these
facilities to the citizens.
B. Local bodies elected by the people take care
of civic amenities like health , water,
electricity, sanitation etc., in villages, towns
and cities.
C. For providing and maintaining these
facilities the Gram Panchayats, the
Municipal Councils and the Municipal
Corporations collect money from the
citizens in the form of taxes.
D. Municipal council undertakes the supply
and maintenance of water, electricity and
sanitation to the people in towns.
E. In a village it is the Gram Panchayat that
provides these facilities to the people.
Formal Letter
Identify the purpose of writing.
Plan your approach - persuasive, objective,
aggressive etc.
Decide what major areas are to be covered.
Think of potential readers.
Write in a style that suits the readers.
Don't ramble. Present your arguments
concisely and include only relevant
Ensure that your ideas develop logically
through an appropriate introduction.
Sample letter
Read the following advertisement which
appeared in a news paper
Kids 'n' Kids
Garment shop
At J.NT.U. Cross roads
Kukatpally, Hyderabad.
Needs sales assistants part time /full time
Write a letter to the address about applying
for the job. State your qualifications and any
other details that you consider necessary
22nd Feb'10.
The Manager,
Kids 'n"Kids Garment showroom,
Kukatpally, Hyderabad-37.
Sub: Applying for the post of Sales
In response to your advertisement in the
'Sakshi' dated 20th Feb'10 calling application
for Sales Assistant.
I am doing my graduation in commerce and
interested in working while learning. I have
good communication skills. I speak English,
Telugu and Hindi fluently. I would like to know
the details on the nature of work, working hours
and the salary that can be expected.
On hearing from you I would like to contact
in person.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,
Some practice letters
Read the following advertisement
Summer Camp
Utilise your vacation in a new way
For boys and girls between 6 and 15 years
Number of subjects to choose from
moderate fees
Only few candidates in each subject
Attractive prizes to be won
For details contact
The Director
Vacation Summer Camp
Plot No.20, Road No.65
Madhapur, Hyderabad.
Write a letter to the above address requesting for
details about subjects offered fee particulars
duration of course and qualifications required to
apply for the summer camp.
Informal Letter
Never use an apostrophe (') in 'yours'. Write
yours sincerely. Use either Yours sincerely
or Your sincere friend.
Write in simple sentences. Select with care
the words, which convey your meaning
most exactly. Do not scribble through your
It is always wise to acknowledge a previous
In letter, as in conversation, be considerate.
Format of a personal letter
Miyapur, Kukatpally,
20th Feb'10.
// -----------------------------------------
Yours Sincerely,
Address on the envelope
C/o. Ramaraju,
Flat No.15. KKR Residency,
Kalyanpuri, Hyderabad-37.
Format of a personal letter
20th Feb'10.
The Editor,
Yours Sincerely,
Read the dialogue. Then write a
paragraph expressing your views.
Roja: Look at Hari he is so lucky. His servant
carries his school bag every day
Teja: Not so lucky for the servant. He's as old as
Hari. He should be going to school himself.
Set - A : d, a, c, e ,b
Set - B : b, e, c, a, d
Set - A : e, c, a, b, d
Set - B : b, c, e ,d, a
f th
f th
: ,r --.-- ++ .=o aa+a
Hari's parents shouldn't hire child labour.
Roja: If they didn't the boy would probably
starve. This way they are providing employ-
ment and the boy is supporting his family
Teja: And what can he hope for? To spend his
whole life as a servant? Doesn't he have a
right to education like us? A better life?
Read the dialogue. Then write a
paragraph expressing your views.
Sruthi: How is Kavya? Is she better?
Sandhya: Not really. She still holds on bad
cough and cold. As you know she is allergic
to dust and smoke and pollution.
Sruthi: Everywhere people seem to be suffering
from various lung diseases and skin
allergies. Pollution has become a health
Sandhya: I think government should take steps
to control the pollution levels.
Paragraph for practice
Anu: I hate these uninteresting uniforms. We
have no chance to wear nice dresses.
Usha: Everybody doesn't have nice dresses like
Anu: But its boring wearing the same dress
throughout the week.
Usha: Should you not think about your friends?
One good thing about it is that they identify
you all as belonging to one school.
Uniforms make you look graceful.
Read the newspaper report given below.
Hyderabad, Jan 20: The City Police Commi-
ssioner's Task force raided a posh restaurant at
Madhapur, and arrested the owner, Mr.Rao and
five others for allegedly serving liquor in soft
1. Imagine you were an eyewitness to the raid
and arrest. Write a letter to your friend in
Madras describing the incident.
2. Write a letter to the editor of the local
newspaper complaining about the open sale
of liquor in most of the restaurants and the
negligence of the authorities in checking
this unlawful activity.
Letter to Friend
8th Mar'10.
My dear friend,
I' m fine and hope the same with you. Hope
everything is going on well. I would like to
describe an incident for which I was the eyes
Two days ago when I went for my usual
evening walks near Madhapur I felt like having
some snacks. I stepped into a restaurant and
ordered for curry puffs and started eating. Just
then a police officer walked in along with his
men. He ordered his men to pick the people who
were drinking some soft drinks in the adjoining
room. They were all made to sit in the police
van. The soft drink bottles were collected and
were sent for lab test.
All those who were witnessing this were
shocked . I immediately paid the bill and left the
place. Later I came to know that liquor was
being served in those soft drink bottles. This is
horrible, in public places alcohol is being sold in
disguise. Beaware of such things.
Convey my regards to your parents.
Your sincere friend,
Address on the envelope:
D/o. S.S.Rao,
Flat No.22/32,
T.Nagar, Chennai.
Letter to the Editor
8th Mar'10.
The Editor,
I would like to bring the following facts to
the notice of the authorities through your
popular newspaper, the inefficiency of the
authorities in checking the unlawful activity of
selling liquor in most of the restaurants openly.
Two days ago, I went to a restaurant to have
snacks. I witnessed the police raiding the
restaurant and some men were taken into
custody. Such scenes are common these days
and some of the restaurants are doing such
illegal business. It is evident that the authorities
are negligent in checking such unlawful
The law against prohibition is full of loop
holes. Hope my letter would be an eye opener to
the authorities.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
Child Labour
Even though the government is providing
everything like free education, books mid-day
meals free text books some people are
reluctant to send their children to schools.
Instead they are forcing them to work for their
livelihood. That makes to work through out
their life as labourers. They are deprived of
their childhood and the right to education
conferred by our constitution. The
Government should think over that. It should
not engage children or the children should be
provided educational facilities at their work
place. Eradication of illiteracy is a social and
moral responsibility of every one.
Pollution is a global problem. It poses a
serious threat to the environment. Everywhere
people seem to be suffering from lung
diseases and skin allergies. Vehicle pollution
has become a global concern. The
government and the individuals should take
steps to bring down the pollution levels.
Government should bring awareness among
the people to use the pollution control
devices. Our aim should be pollution free
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Paper-I : 50 Marks
Eight Short Answer Questions based on the main reader
(Six from Prose and two from Poetry). 8 x 2 = 16
a) Meaning of words (5 X = 2 )
b) Meaning of words in a given context (5 X = 2 )
c) Selection of appropriate words to suit the context. (6 X = 3) 8
Spelling and Pronunciation
(Spelling-4; Pronunciation - 4; Rhyming Words - 4)
(4 x = 1) (4 x = 1) (4 x = 1) 3
Making Sentence Endings -2; Punctuation = 1 ; Transformation - 5;
Parts of Speech - 2; Correction of Errors - 1; Making improvements - 2 13
Reading Comprehension:
Passage (a) Short Answer Questions (5 X 1 = 5) 5
Passage (b) Selection Correct Statements (6 X = 3) 3
Passage (c) Multiple Choice Answers (3 X = 1 ) 1
Total: 50 Marks
Paper-II : 50 Marks
Comprehension on Supplementary Readers
Reader - I: Passage with 5 Multiple Choice Questions (5 x 1 = 5) 5
Reader - II: Passage with Short Answer Questions (5 x 1 = 5) 5
Short Paragraph Questions (To answer 5 out of 9 questions given
in two sets selecting at least two from each) (5 x 2 = 10) 10
Writing Tasks:
i) Rearranging Scrambled sentences (2 sets of 5 sentences each) (10 x = 5) 5
ii) Recognition of styles in a letter (10 changes) (10 x = 5) 5
iii) Argumentative paragraph Writing 5
iv) Two letter based on a incident given in hints (1 x 10 + 1 x 5 = 15) 15
Total: 50 Marks
Question Paper Pattern -Weightage of Marks
ENGLISH Marks Weightage Letter Writing
Letter on an incident as witnessed

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