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Venom Immunotherapy

Rapid Desensitization (Modified Rush Protocol) Bob Erskine Associate Scientific Director

Polistes (Wasp)
November 2010


ALK Overview

Insect Sting Allergy

Patients sensitized to proteins in insect venom ~5% of population is truly allergic Systemic reaction to first sting uncommon Allergen is injected by insect Direct route for a relatively large quantity of allergen Most reactions are local Swelling Inflammation Large Local Reactions Systemic reactions occur Body reacts at sites remote from the sting May be limited to itching, swelling More serious when anaphylaxis occurs At least 40-50 deaths per year in the U.S. (more likely unreported)
2010 ALK Overview

Stinging Insects
The Culprits Insects from the order Hymenoptera
Yellow Jackets (Vespula sp.) Hornets (Dolichovespula sp.) Wasps (Polistes sp.)

Honey Bees (Apis mellifera)

Fire Ants (Solenopsis sp.)


ALK Overview

Venom Immunotherapy
History Prior to 1978
Whole Body Extracts used for immunotherapy Entire insects were dried, ground, extracted Felt to be effective

Entomologist at Penn State U. developed methods to remove venom sacs from insects, collect venom. Breakthrough study published by Hunt et al.
Compared WBE, Purified Venom, Placebo. Conducted sting challenges WBE was no better than Placebo ~40% efficacy Purified Venom provided >95% efficacy Purified Venom supplied by Vespa Laboratories (now part of ASM)


ALK Overview

Venom Immunotherapy
Current Single Species (YJ, YH, WFH, Wasp, or HB)
Extracts supplied for 100 g/mL venom protein at highest dose Maintenance = 1.0cc = 100ug total protein

Wasp Extract
5 Common Species

Yellowjacket Extract
6 Common Species

Mixed Vespid (YJ, YH, & WFH)

For patients sensitive to all 3 Extracts supplied for 300 g/mL venom protein at highest dose Maintenance = 1.0cc = 300ug = full 100ug dose of all three species


ALK Overview

Venom Immunotherapy
Current Build-up
Traditional = start dilute, advance weekly over several months Cluster = multiple doses per week to reach maintenance sooner Rush = rapid advancement over 1 to 3 days (hospital setting advised)

Treatment duration
Maintenance advised every 4-6 weeks Treatment continues indefinitely for many patients


ALK Overview

Venom Extracts for Treatment

Immunotherapy Treatment
Yellow Jacket Wasp Yellow Hornet White Faced Hornet Honey Bee Mixed Vespid (YJ + YH + WFH)

How Supplied
Treatment Kit (6 single-dose vials)
Multi-dose Vial (10-dose vial)


ALK Overview

Extract Preparation
Reconstitute Freeze-Dried Venom Human Serum Albumin is required diluent
Saline, 0.4 % phenol, 0.03% serum albumin

Reconstitute according to package insert

1.2 mL for vials in Treatment and Diagnostic Kits 11.0 mL for multi-dose vials

1.8 mL pre-filled vials for preparing dilution series

1.8 mL pre-filled HSA

Concentrate 100 g/mL protein 300 ug/mL (Mixed Vespid) Prepare Dilution Series 10 g/mL 1 g/mL 0.1 g/mL 0.01 g/mL 0.001 ug/mL (if neccesary)

0.2 mL

0.2 mL

0.2 mL

0.2 mL

100 g/mL

10 g/mL

1.0 g/mL

0.1 g/mL

0.01 g/mL


ALK Overview

Cluster vs. Traditional

ALK Pharmalgen Package Insert
Cluster Protocol 9 weeks to maintenance Traditional Protocol 15 weeks to maintenance

Key differences

First dose at lower starting concentration Multiple doses per visit Achieve maintenance at week 9



ALK Overview

Visit #1
ALK Pharmalgen Package Insert
Cluster Protocol 9 weeks to maintenance

0.01 g/mL

3 injections
0.1 g/mL 30 minute wait after each dose

1.0 g/mL

10 g/mL

100 g/mL



ALK Overview

Visit #2
ALK Pharmalgen Package Insert
Cluster Protocol 9 weeks to maintenance

0.01 g/mL

0.1 g/mL

1.0 g/mL

3 injections
30 minute wait after each dose

10 g/mL

100 g/mL



ALK Overview

Visit #3
ALK Pharmalgen Package Insert
Cluster Protocol 9 weeks to maintenance

0.01 g/mL

0.1 g/mL

1.0 g/mL

3 injections
10 g/mL 30 minute wait after each dose

100 g/mL



ALK Overview

Visit #4
ALK Pharmalgen Package Insert
Cluster Protocol 9 weeks to maintenance

0.01 g/mL

0.1 g/mL

1.0 g/mL

10 g/mL

2 injections
100 g/mL 30 minute wait after each dose



ALK Overview

Visit #5
ALK Pharmalgen Package Insert
Cluster Protocol 9 weeks to maintenance

0.01 g/mL

0.1 g/mL

1.0 g/mL

10 g/mL

2 injections
100 g/mL 30 minute wait after each dose



ALK Overview

Visit #6
ALK Pharmalgen Package Insert
Cluster Protocol 9 weeks to maintenance

0.01 g/mL

0.1 g/mL

1.0 g/mL

10 g/mL

2 injections
100 g/mL 30 minute wait after each dose



ALK Overview

Visit #7
ALK Pharmalgen Package Insert
Cluster Protocol 9 weeks to maintenance

0.01 g/mL

0.1 g/mL

1.0 g/mL

10 g/mL

2 injections
100 g/mL 30 minute wait after each dose



ALK Overview

Visit #8
ALK Pharmalgen Package Insert
Cluster Protocol 9 weeks to maintenance

0.01 g/mL

0.1 g/mL

1.0 g/mL

10 g/mL

2 injections
100 g/mL 30 minute wait after each dose



ALK Overview

Visit #9
ALK Pharmalgen Package Insert
Cluster Protocol 9 weeks to maintenance

0.01 g/mL

0.1 g/mL

1.0 g/mL

10 g/mL

1 injection
100 g/mL 30 minute wait after dose



ALK Overview

Venom Expiration
ALK Pharmalgen Package Insert



ALK Overview


More Information
Review Articles
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011 Apr;127(4):852-4 e23.

David Golden, Annals of Allergy Asthma & Immunology, 2006 vol. 96

Full Prescribing Information ALK Pharmalgen Package Insert

21 2010

ALK Overview


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