Peng Wen-Li, Zhi Dong-Ming, Dang Yu-Fang: Geophysical Research Institute, Research Institute of Exploration and

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ID: 1050

Application of New Technologies of Seismic Exploration in Oil & Gas Exploration of Lithologic Traps Peng Wen-li* , Zhi Dong-ming , Dang Yu-fang

Geophysical Research Institute ,Research Institute of Exploration and Development, Xinjiang Oilfield Company, PetroChina , Urumqi City, Xinjiang Province,830011,China;Southwest Petroleum University, Xindu District, Chengdu City , Sichuan Province, 610500, China
Abstact Through detailed analysis and processing of the seismic data of shallow layers in Chepaizi area of Junggar basin and based on local study of regional sedimentary facies, the characteristics of lithologic oil and gas reservoirs in shallow layers of Neogene Sawan Formation are summarized combining with such technologies as seismic forward modeling, seismic attribute analysis, reservoir inversion and oil and gas detection. The favorable reservoir is beach dam sand in the background of sand wrapped by mudstone, the sand body of which exhibits four characteristics after bearing oil: a) abrupt break of high amplitude of brachy-axis seismic event; b) distinct feature of bright spots; c) low velocity; and d) waveform character exhibits combination relation of high amplitude wave peak and trough. According to these characteristics, Che89 and Che95 well were drilled and high production commercial oil flows have been obtained. Application of new seismic exploration technologies and methods has led to discovery of Neogene reservoirs in Karamy oilfield of Junggar basin and new oil and gas exploration field of Chepaizi slope area of Junggar basin. Keywords:Sequence stratigraphy,High resolution,Coherence,Bright spot,Forward modeling,Inversion,Seismic attribute, Oil and gas detection 1.Introduction For every giant oilfield all over the world, especially for oilfields in the late stage of high degree of exploration or progressive exploration and development, with the rise of degree of exploration and increasing scarcity of structural traps, it has become more and more urgent to search for lithologic hydrocarbon reservoirs on purpose. In 1990s, the percentage of this kind of reservoirs in new oil and gas reserves increases year by year and it is more and more difficult to carry out exploration and development in such reservoirs. The progress of oil exploration theory and seismic exploration technology provides technical methods for exploration of lithostratigraphic reservoirs. In this paper, Neogene Sawan reservoir is taken as study targets and several exploration methods are used to identify and describe lithologic traps, which clearly identify and show the space distribution of oil filled river channel sand. Exploration practices prove the existence of oil filled sand and the reliability of lighology identification methods. 2.The main problems of Chepaizi shallow Neogene oil and gas exploration Chepaizi high, with the shape of a triangle on the plane, is a palaeohigh formed at late Hercynian and developed with long-term inheritance. Permian, Triassic, Jurrasic and Cretaceous layer are absent in the main part of Chepaizi high and Neogene horizon override the top of base rock of this high. The structure layers of Carboniferous and Cretaceous system exhibit a generally SW-dipping monocline while the structure of Neogene is basically a south-dipping monocline. Chepaizi

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high has favorable geological conditions of forming lighological reservoirs: multicycle structure movement and multi-stage fluctuation of lake level resulted in various types and scales of sedimentary systems of different scales and has laid solid foundation of materials for forming variant types of lithologic traps; multi-source, multi-kitchen, and multi-cycle reservoir formation provide rich resource support for formation of lithologic reservoir; multicycle fault movement and multiarea unconformity development provide good oil and gas dredging system for lighologic traps , resulting in wide range of oil and gas accumulation, diversified reservoir types and abundant oil-bearing series in Chepaizi high. Before 2005, the main exploration targets of Chepaizi high are focused on Cretaceous, Jurassic, Permian, and even deep Carboniferous, whereas the exploration of shallow Neogene layers were ignored in the past, thus well log and logging data are absent. The main target layers of current 2D and 3D seismic data processing are from Jurassic and the horizons below it. Processing was focused on middle and deep layers and shallow Neogene layer did not win enough attention, resulting in low S/N ratio and resolution of Cretaceous and Neogene data. The main frequency of the profile ranges roughly from 17Hz to 25Hz, which cannot meet the need of accurate interpretation of minor faults among layers and reasonable combination, accurate description of fault blocks as well as horizontal reservoir prediction and lithologic interpretation. Five wells which have been drilled for shallow zones in a group of Neogene faults and lithologic traps which were discovered according to interpretation of the current seismic data (Che84-Che88) have failed, except that oil cut cores have been observed in Che84 well at Neogene Shawan formation. However, due to small thickness of

reservoir, it is very difficult to carry out well testing to determine its oil bearing properties and this has made it more difficult to carry out oil and gas exploration in shallow layers of this area. So some new geophysical prospecting technologies and methods must be used to conduct accurate research to increase the success ratio of prospect well in shallow layers. 3.Main ideas and methods of research Because of complexity and subtlety of lithologic traps , it is not easy to discover and identify them by using usual methods, therefore application of new seismic interpretation technologies and methods are quite necessary. Only one single new method usually doesnt work, but rather combination of these new technologies should be applied. The basic ideas and methods are as follows: a) On the basis of geological comprehensive evaluations such as high resolution sequence classification and analysis of sedimentary microfacies, constitution of sedimentary system, their time-space distribution and evolution features should be made clear to determine configuration of source-reservoir-cap combination and their space distribution and predict favorable plays and zones of well-developed lithologic traps; b) According to structural characteristics and analysis of sedimentary facies in the study area, geological models of different lithologic traps can be established; c) Through cross-well sand layer comparison, favorable target zones can be discovered. d) Through combination of well log data and seismic data, accurate calibration of horizons can be carried out. e) By using full 3D automatic tracking

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and cube interpretation, the targets can be identified. f) Based on high resolution seismic data, accurate interpretation of structures can be performed to make clear the tectonic framework of the work area, and on such basis, by using such technologies as analysis of seismic attributes, coherence, visualization and reservoir inversion, etc, identification and description of subtle traps can be carried out. g) Geological comprehensive evaluation involves comprehensive analysis of reliability of trap and combining with oil and gas detection technology, oil and gas potential can be evaluated. 4.Key geophysical prospecting technologies in Chepaizi lithologic oil and gas exploration at shallow depth 4.1 Broad frequency band and high resolution processing technology Broad frequency band and high resolution processing technology involves restoring and compensation processing of seismic data, which can compensate low and high frequency parts of 3D seismic data and improve its resolution, to realize high resolution processing by true amplitude recovery and on the basis of reserving effective part of seismic data. Seismic data after processing can reflect information of faults, structures and lithologies more clearly, so as to provide reliable seismic attribute information to help research on reservoir thickness and porosity and improve the accuracy of well-constrained inversion resolution to bring wave impedance closer to real geological conditions. Acquisition and processing of existing 3D seismic data of Chepaizi area are focused on horizons below Paleogene, so seismic data quality at shallow depth is relatively poor and resolution is low. To highlight response

characteristics of Sawan Formation in this area, broad frequency band and high resolution compensation processing aimed at Sawan Formation are carried out before comprehensive interpretation, which strengthens lithological information, makes bright spot of amplitude slices clearer and the backgrounds cleaner, and are favorable for lithologic interpretation and oil and gas potential analysis, and thus good geological results have been achieved. 4.2 Technology of characteristic value of high resolution coherence Coherence technology involves using similarity of multi-channels to convert 3D amplitude data to correspondent data cube. It emphasizes incoherence abnormal and uncontinuity when displaying. This technology is used to carry out fault interpretation and combination. In areas with high S/N seismic data, coherence of layers can be used to divide belts of sedimentary facies and predict fracture developing areas. In this paper, by applying software of characteristics value of high resolution coherence attribute, the fault distribution characteristics have been clearly described and the boundaries of lithologic abnormal bodies have been also detailed. Often arc boundaries are present in the north of lithologic abnormal bodies, and combined with layers , are very likely to form excellent lithologic traps , leading to oil and gas accumulation (Fig.1).

Figure 1. 3D seismic coherence attribute slice of sand of Neogene Sawan Formation N1s33 in the west of Che28 well

4.3 Seismic forward analysis technology Generally, there are seismic reflection characteristics corresponding with geological

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body underground, and different petrophysical and sedimentary characteristics correspond with different reflection characteristics. In the process of studying target reservoirs, forward modeling technology is used to build correct geological model, i.e. the model of variation of lithology of target zones, variation of petroliferous and petrophysical properties, by analysis of known geological, well logging data, to simulate seismic reflection characteristics, reflection characteristics of analytical theory and seismic profiles, to make research on the horizontal change of reservoir and the pattern of sedimentary changes. In Chepaizi area, the velocity of sandstone is lower than that of mudstone at depth of less than 2350m from Neogene to Cretaceous, because there is a difference of compaction between sandstone and mudstone at shallow depth. By applying the principle of sequence stratigraphy to analyze existing drilling data, it is understood that fault and lithology are main factors of controlling Sawan Formation in this area and favorable reservoir bed is sand body of underwater branch channel, which is not thick. A massive set of stable lake facies mud deposits is above the sand body and tend to form barrier of sand wrapped by mudstone, which is favorable to form lithology-related oil and gas pools. Because of its shallow burial and good physical properties (average porosity is above 30%), the reservoirs of Sawan Formation in this area are characterized by four evident features in terms of seismic response after bearing oil and gas: a) abrupt break of high amplitude of brachy-axis seismic event; b) distinct feature of bright spots; c) the velocity of sandstone is lower than that of mudstone, and the velocity further decreases after bearing oil and gas; and d) waveform character exhibits combination relation of high amplitude wave peak and trough. Forward model verifies the response characteristics of oil-bearing sand bodies on

seismic section (Figure 2). By using this characteristic, detailed seismic geological interpretation of Chepaizi high is launched, to identify and describe the effective sand bodies, and as a result the breakthrough of Sawan Formation oil and gas exploration of Che 89 well area has been made.
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Before b i

After b i



Fig2. Comparison of oil-bearing seismic reflection forward model of sand body in Sawan Formation, Chepaizi high with seismic section

4.4 Seismic attribute analysis technology Seismic attribute analysis technology involves using seismic attribute to extract concealed information from seismic data and

Fig3. Amplitude attribute slice of Neogene Sawan Formation of Che84 well survey

convert them to information related with

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lithology, physical property or reservoir parameters, which can serve as geological interpretation or petroleum engineering. Now, many seismic attributes can be extracted from seismic data such as amplitude, frequency, coherence, polarity, impedance, etc. Amplitude is a usual dynamic parameter used by seismic lithological interpretation and reservoir prediction. Amplitude characteristics is the combination of lithology change , physical property change, fluid change, tuning effect and layer sequence change. Fig. 3 shows RMS amplitude slice of Che84 oil bearing interval of Neogene Sawan Formation. In the north of Che84 well, amplitude abnormal area can obviously detected. According to forward modeling results and amplitude abnormal area, Che89 is drilled to obtain high production commercial oil flow. 4.5 Seismic inversion technology Seismic data include plenty of lithology and physical property information. After seismic wave impedance inversion, seismic data of surface type is converted to well logging data of rock type, which can be directly compared with well logging and drilling data. Seismic interpretation can be undergone as the cell of rock bed, which can make full use of seismic lateral continuity to study space change of reservoir character. Drilling results show that the main reservoir of Sawan Formation in Chepaizi area is sand on the top of Sawan Formation; Oil bearing sand shows characteristics of low impedance and high resistivity on well logging curve. By using these characteristics, wave impedance inversion and neural net well logging curve inversion were completed. According to extracted results along horizons, there are four locations in the north of Che89 well that have same abnormal character with Che89 well. Combined with amplitude attribute analysis, Che95 well is chosen to drill in the very north of abnormal location. As a result, high

production commercial oil flow is obtained and seismic reservoir prediction method is proved reliable. 4.6 Oil and gas comprehensive detection technology Harmonic oil and gas detection technology is used in this area oil and gas exploration. Its principle is that reservoirs have a intrinsic frequency. There is an obvious change of reservoir intrinsic frequency after bearing oil and gas. When seismic wave propagates through oil bearing reservoir, harmonic vibration phenomena happens at reservoir intrinsic frequency band and seismic reflection amplitude increases relatively. By using above principle, oil and gas detection results show that high energy in oil-bearing interval and low energy in water and dry interval, which is consistent with drilled results. According to oil and gas detection, reservoir inversion and amplitude attribute results, combined with local structure background, further evaluation deployments are proposed. 5.Conclusion 1) The study of Neogene lithological oil and gas exploration at shallow depth of Chepaizi area is on the base of high resolution seismic data, under the guidance of sequence stratigraphy theory, with the evidence of sedimentary, reservoir and interpretation model building, combined with modern digital seismic technology, comprehensive application of accurate horizon calibration, seismic forward modeling, seismic attribute analysis, seismic inversion, oil and gas detection. It realizes precise description of reservoir, improves the accuracy of lithological oil and gas exploration and eventually achieves oil and gas breakthrough of Che89 and Che95 well at Sawan Formation of Neogene. 2)Neogene Sawan Formation of Che89 and Che95 well is fault-lithology reservoir under structure background. The favorable reservoir

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is beach dam sand in the background of sand wrapped by mudstone, the sand body of which exhibits four characteristics after bearing oil: a) abrupt break of high amplitude of brachy-axis seismic event; b) distinct feature of bright spots; c) low velocity; and d) waveform character exhibits combination relation of high amplitude wave peak and trough. Breakthroughs have been made in both of the wells after using above methods for identification, which allows us to establish a series of mature research methods and useful matching technologies to identify this kind of lithologic oil and gas reservoir. It is one of important clues to guide oil and gas exploration at shallow depth of Junggar basin. 3) High resolution seismic data is the base of exploration of lithologic oil and gas traps. References [1]Halbouty M T.Search for Subtle Reservoirs. BeijingPetroleum Industry Press,1988

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