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Kriya Bbaji Ahtotra NmavaIi / "Babaji's 108 Namen"

Paddahati (eine indische traditionelle Weise zur Verehrung von Shr Bbaji mit seinen 108 Namen):
Sitze am Morgen nach dem Aufstehen und Waschen (ansonsten Hnde und Fe waschen) vor Babaji's
Foto/Bild auf einem Altar, rezitiere diese Namen und gib Bltenbltter fr jeden Namen an Babaji's Foto.
Rezitiere die Namen von Babaji mit uerster Hingabe. Sage dreimal AUM bevor du beginnst und AUM
Shanti am Ende. (bersetzung der 108 Namen ins deutsche folgt)

shr kriy bbaji ngarja ah|otra nmavaIi 108 Names of Kriya Bbaji Nagaraj
aum aum aum
1 aum shr bhagavn bbajaye namah: Salutations to Lord Shr Bbaji.
2 aum shr buddha gurave namah: Salutations to the Guru of Buddha.
3 aum shr mah mrityunjayya namah: Salutations to the Greatest Conquerer of Death.
4 aum shr sarvajanya namah: Salutations to the All-knowing One.
5 aum shr bbaji kriy yoga prasdakya
Salutations to Shr Bbaji who gave the Kriy
Yoga as a prasadam to the world.
6 aum shr bhakta vatsalya namah: Salutations to the One who loves his devotees.
7 aum shr bbaji nanta kla jvite namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji the Remover of all
8 aum shr abhya pradyna namah: Salutations to the Giver of protection.
9 aum shr shakti pradyna namah: Salutations to the Giver of power.
10 aum shr anatha nathya namah: Salutations to the Savior of people who have
11 aum shr prema tattva bodhakya namah: Salutations to the Teacher of the principle of
Selfless Love.
12 aum shr kriy yoga dyakya namah: Salutations to the Giver of Kriy Yoga.
13 aum shr shankarya namah: Salutations to Shankara, the Shiva Himself.
14 aum shr yogeshvarya namah: Salutations to the God of Yogis.
15 aum shr chin mudra dharya namah: Salutations to the One holding Chin Mudra.
16 aum shr sarva siddhi pradya namah: Salutations to the Giver of all siddhis.
17 aum shr kriy bbajye namah: Salutations to Shr Kriy Bbaji.
18 aum shr siddha yogi vanditya namah: Salutations to the One worshipped by the
Siddha Yogis.
19 aum shr kriy yoga paddhati punar
uddharakya namah:
Salutations to the Reviver of the great Kriy
Yoga technique.
20 aum shr mah kleshvarya namah: Salutations to the Lord of time.
21 aum shr adi shankara parama gurave namah: Salutations to the great Guru of Adi Shankara.
22 aum shr jagat rakhakya namah: Salutations to the Protector of the world.
23 aum shr kriy yoga samrakhine namah: Salutations to the Protector of Kriy Yoga.
24 aum shr kriy yoga pradya namah: Salutations to the Provider of Kriy Yoga.
25 aum shr bbaji kriy yogijana rakhakya
Salutations to Shr Bbaji the Protector of the
Kriy Yogis.
26 aum shr bbaji sarva madlingana sadgurave
Salutations to Shr Bbaji who embraces all
religions and is the peerless Master.
27 aum shr prema murtaye namah: Salutations to the Embodiment of Love.
28 aum shr bbaji yogsana priyya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji who loves Yogasanas.
29 aum shr bbaji jana mudra dharya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji holding Jana Mudra.
30 aum shr satya svarpya namah: Salutations to the Embodiment of Truth.
31 aum shr nirakara gurave namah: Salutations to the formless Guru.
32 aum shr kma krodha dhvamsave namah: Salutations to the Destroyer of desire and anger.
33 aum shr shiva shakti rupine namah: Salutations to the Embodiment of Shiva and
34 aum shr chita v[iti nirvarine namah: Salutations to the Remover of vagaries of the
35 aum shr prema svarpya namah: Salutations to the One who is form of Love.
36 aum shr loka kalyna gurave namah: Salutations to the Guru who looks after the
welfare of the world.
37 aum shr bbaji nantakla dptya namah: Salutations to Bbaji who is the embodiment of
eternal light for many Eons.
38 aum shr bhakta pariplanya namah: Salutations to the Provider and Protector of his
39 aum shr bbaji kriy yoga sara pradayine
Salutations to Shr Bbaji who has provided the
essence of Kriy Yoga.
40 aum shr kriy yogijana stutyya namah: Salutations to the One who is worshipped by the
Kriy Yogis.
41 aum shr krihnrjuna samvada kriy yoga
punar uddharakya namah:
Salutations to the Reviver of the ancient
technique of Kriy Yoga as mentioned by Shr
Krishna to Shr Arjuna.
42 aum shr bbaji ngarjne namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji Nagaraj.
43 aum shr ati gambhra rpya namah: Salutations to the One who has a very majestic
44 aum shr shanta murtaye namah: Salutations to the One who has a very peaceful
45 aum shr sarvaguna sampanya namah: Salutations to the Embodiment of all virtues.
46 aum shr jagat pitare namah: Salutations to the Father of this world.
47 aum shr sarva duhkha nirvanine namah: Salutations to the Remover of all miseries.
48 aum shr bbaji kriy yoga pradarshakya
Salutations to Shr Bbaji who demonstrated to
us the Kriy Yoga technique.
49 aum shr kla klya namah: Salutations to the Death of death itself.
50 aum shr bbaji sukha shanti pradya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji who provides peace
and comfort .
51 aum shr bhakta hridaya vasine namah: Salutations to the One who lives in devotees
52 aum shr jagat paripalakya namah: Salutations to the Preserver and Maintainer of
the world.
53 aum shr bbaji sarvendriya damanya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji who has all his
senses under his control.
54 aum shr santana dharma rakhakya
Salutations to the Protector of Sanatana
Dharma (Eternal Righteousness).
55 aum shr siddheshvarya namah: Salutations to the Lord of the Siddhas.
56 aum shr mahkya bbajye namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji who has a great form.
57 aum shr kriy yogcharyya namah: Salutations to the Greatest teacher of Kriy
58 aum shr bbaji sarva jva vasine namah: Salutation to Shr Bbaji who lives in all Beings.
59 aum shr atma svarpya namah: Salutations to the Embodiment of Self.
60 aum shr agastyar shihyane namah: Salutations to the great Disciple of Agastayar.
61 aum shr bbaji paramuktya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji the Greatest ever
62 aum shr bbaji mahimtmane namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji whose glory is
63 aum shr bbaji ati sndara rpya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji who has extremely
beautiful form.
64 aum shr bbaji moha my vinshakya
Salutations to Shr Bbaji who completely
destroys moha (attachement) and maya
65 aum shr bbaji anantakla skhi bhtya
Salutations to Shr Bbaji being the Witness of
limitless time.
66 aum shr bbaji jyotisvarpya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji the Embodiment of
67 aum shr bbaji kriy yoga samprnya
Salutations to Shr Bbaji who is himself the
complete form of Kriy Yoga.
68 aum shr bbaji krunya murtaye namah: Salutation to Shr Bbaji who is all merciful.
69 aum shr bbaji annai sametnugrahitya
Salutation to Shr Bbaji who graces his
devotees with Annai.
70 aum shr bbaji anna vastra dya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji the Provider of food
and clothing.
71 aum shr bbaji sarva siddha samahti
svarpya namah:
Salutations to Shr Bbaji who is the essence,
the collection of the nature of all Siddhas.
72 aum shr bbaji parama gurave namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji the Supreme Guru.
73 aum shr bbaji sacchidnanda rupne namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji the Embodiment of
Truth, Existence, Bliss.
74 aum shr bbaji madnantakya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji the Destroyer of
75 aum shr bbaji adbhta rpya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji who has wonderful
76 aum shr puruhotamya namah: Salutations to the Supreme Being.
77 aum shr bbaji atitya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji who is beyond
78 aum shr bbaji kla titya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji who is beyond time.
79 aum shr bbaji siddhi sankalpya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji who has the powers
to materialise anything by mere will.
80 aum shr bbaji mah tejasvine namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji the llumined One.
81 aum shr bbaji sarva vara pradya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji who grants all boons.
82 aum shr bbaji aravinda lochanya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji who has beautiful
Lotus like eyes.
83 aum shr ktila kntala kehya namah: Salutations to the One who has beautiful black
84 aum shr ati sndara vadanya namah: Salutations to the One who has a very beautiful
85 aum shr sdhu jana samrakhanya namah: Salutations to the Protector and Savior of
righteous people.
86 aum shr bbaji sakala sanshya vinshine
Salutations to Shr Bbaji who removes and
destroys all doubts.
87 aum shr kriy yoga sampanya namah: Salutations to the One who helps initiates to
complete the Kriy Yoga.
88 aum shr bbaji sakala tattva bodhakya
Salutations to Shr Bbaji who teaches all
89 aum shr bbaji ati krunya pradarshakya
Salutations to Shr Bbaji who displays extreme
90 aum shr kriy yoga samprna phala
pradayakya namah:
Salutations to the Giver of complete fruits of
Kriy Yoga.
91 aum shr bbaji padmsana sthitya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji who sits in
92 aum shr bbaji sarva s[ihti samrakhakya
Salutations to Shr Bbaji who preserves and
protects the whole Universe.
93 aum shr akhileshvarya namah: Salutations to the Lord of the Universe.
94 aum shr bbaji kla svamine namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji who is the Lord of
95 aum shr anantya namah: Salutations to the One who is limitless.
96 aum shr bbaji padma dala netrya namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji whose eyes are like
lotus petals.
97 aum shr bbaji prna bhva dhyna kriy
yoga priyya namah:
Salutations to Shr Bbaji who greatly loves
Prna Bhva Dhyna Kriy.
98 aum shr avatra puruhya namah: Salutations to the Great ncarnate.
99 aum shr bbaji aham bhva damanya
Salutations to Shr Bbaji who destroys Ego.
100 aum shr rihi kehya namah: Salutations to the One who has the hair of a
101 aum shr kriy yogijana vanditya namah: Salutations to the One who is worshipped by all
Kriy Yogis.
102 aum shr bbaji mauna gurave namah: Salutations to Shr Bbaji the Guru who teaches
in silence.
103 aum shr vishveshvarya namah: Salutations to the Lord of the World.
104 aum shr santanya namah: Salutations to the Ancient One.
105 aum shr punyya namah: Salutations to the Holy One who is doing good.
106 aum shr bbaji mauna tattva bodhakya
Salutations to Shr Bbaji who teaches the
essence of silence.
107 aum shr abhedhnandnubhva pradya
Salutations to the Giver of experienced non-dual
108 aum shr shr shr kriy bbaji namo namah: Salutations Salutations to our highly revered
Shr Shr Shr Kriy Bbaji.
aum shntih: shntih: shntih: Peace Peace Peace.

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