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BTEC First Certificate In Business

Unit 19 The Marketing Plan

We all want to make our choices, get out of bed when we want, not have our teachers and parents tell us what to do, not be nagged, see our friends when we want and most of all have the money to do and buy what we want. You may think that as a teenager these things are beyond your grasp, choices like that are just for adults. WRONG! Here are a few inspirational teenagers who started their own business and made it successful. This unit is about coming up with an idea and marketing it to your target audience properly. You will not only learn about your own creativity but how to market your idea and make it work for you.

There is no point having an amazing product if no one knows about it! The dragons are looking for most inventive and persuasive student to explain their product and explain how they will market it. At the end of the project you will all present to your class teacher. Then the best ones will go in front of The Dragons with the chance to win a prize!

Below are students who have come up with their own original idea and aspirations of business that they would like to own. Please DO NOT copy them. This is to show you the high level of creativity and excellence other business students have! THINK- how could they market their ideas? This young man came up with idea of club night for alternative music artists. He did an excellent presentation on the 4Ps and really impressed me with how much he had thought about how to market his small business idea.

What is it? Harvest the power of the Sun Harvest the power of the sun in something the size of a football Throw it on the floor and it will light up your life You can even turn it into a radiator Or you can turn the heat off completely The exact words of Anthony, who came up with this product. You can also market a small business that you would like to own one day.

Diva Daze Nails. The nail bar of the future! Football Fanatics. All a true football fan could need in one shop.

s o w n b u si n e s s p r o p o si ti o n u si n g m a r k e ti n g

REMEMBER THIS Project is as interesting as YOU make it

Planning and research In pairs you will need to come up with your own business product or a small business you would like to run one day. You will need to name the product/business.

This is the shop sign

Create a logo and shop sign OR design an example of the product like Harvest the power of the Sun (You could do this on fireworks, but use a software package you feel most comfortable with) Research Task Final submission 27th May 2011 Define IN YOUR OWN WORDS: What AIDA is, USP, segmentation, target market and marketing mix. You must create a questionnaire of 5 questions to find out about demand for your product. You must ask 10 people in your pilot test (Results will be used in P3). Collate your results. TASK You are going to create PowerPoint and then pitch to the rest of your class your idea and how you are going market you new product/service. On word you are now going to: Apply AIDA for your product/service /shop. Apply USP for your product/service /shop Apply Segmentation for your product/service /shop Apply Target Market for your product/service /shop Apply the Marketing Mix for your product/service /shop


Just ify type s of pro moti on for a micr o start -up busi nes s dra win g on evid enc e of suc ces s or failu re in the mar ketp lace
Research: Find out what the following terms mean and their advantages and disadvantages: advertising, personal selling, promotional activities, direct marketing, sponsorship, public relations and networking. Create a one page report on which promotional methods you are choosing and WHY. Pick one from each of the four sections below: One advertising, (newspapers, radio, TV, cinema, magazines, outdoor, flyers). Promotional activities, (competitions, money-off coupons, free gifts with purchase, tasting sessions, demonstrations, fundraising). Personal selling. Direct marketing (direct mail; catalogue shopping, internet shopping). Provide SOME evidence to show why this method is suitable for your business. You will need to use other businesses to say WHY you have picked your promotional method. Final submission: 17th June

r a m ic r o s t a rt u p b u si n e s s t h a t is r el e v a n t
Now you have found out about good and bad promotional methods you are going to come up with your own marketing plan for your product or service. Using your results from P1 questionnaire to inform the method of marketing for your new business, develop a Marketing Plan. The plan will need the following headings:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Market definition and opportunity. Proposed target markets segments. Competition. How will success be measured. External influences (trends, legislation). Marketing mix. Market research. Sales and forecasting and bibliography.

This will be done in a report format on word. Final submission 22 July

m a r k e t
3. 4.

To develop your work further, explain how you have used the principles of marketing when you have developed the Marketing mix for your micro start up business. Make sure you include at least two concepts in your answer to explain how you have developed your marketing mix. You are going to create a script. Pick two of the following marketing concepts: 1. Target Market 2. Market Segmentation USP. AIDA.

d e v e l o p

t o

u s e d

b e e n

v e


Write a script for podcast that you are going to post on the Wandsworth Biz News website. You should use Audacity to record and then broadcast your podcast. You will need at least 4 detailed reasons to say why you have picked each method you have chosen.

This task involves you doing a promotional plan for your business. If it is realistic and consistent in EVERY part with your target market and the finances of your plan are worked out accurately, you may get M2 as well. Your Plan must include:

Coordination with the rest of the marketing mix. Images to be developed (Ideas for branding and logo) Name of product/ service. (i) Produce examples of the promotional materials you have picked in P2. (ii) State why the promotional methods are appropriate for your business?

P4 and M2 P4 plan a costed promotional activity for a micro start-up business that is appropriate for customer groups. M2 produce a costeffective promotion plan that communicate s consistent messages to prospective customers.
2. 3. 4. 5.

(i) Cost and (ii) Schedule the promotional campaign by creating a simple Gantt chart for campaign.


Create a movie maker for your advert. This is NOT for TV but for in-house demonstration to be used at Trade exhibition. How will you measure the success of your promotional method.


To get M2 YOU MUST have a promotional method that could actually be used for your business and is reasonable for a small start up business. For

D1 Dev elop a cost effe ctiv e, coo rdin ated mar keti ng mix and pro moti on plan to mee t the nee ds of a defi ned targ et
For example if you are starting up a football shop in Southside: Sponsoring a local 5- a-side team is reasonable, sponsoring Arsenal is not. This is NOT a separate report it will be added within M1 and M2 by adding breadth and depth. Therefore you must write a FULL description on: The attributes and needs of your target group to add to your marketing plan.

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