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Copyright 2008 Grammar Mechanics Foundation

Read the vocabulary words aloud. See if there are any questions about the definitions. Discuss any difficult definitions.

******************************************************* COMPUTER GRAMMAR LESSON: Present ADVERBS game. Focus on the questions an ADVERB answers.

Copyright 2008 Grammar Mechanics Foundation


An ADVERB modifies a VERB, ADJECTIVE, or another ADVERB. ADVERBS often end in LY. Teachers Note: Give the students this list of ADVERBS to use in their homework assignment. actually not then quite often almost here brief on too very why somewha t longingly seldom rather nearer excitedl y suddenl y unexpectedly unusually earnestly hardly


MONDAY HOMEWORK: Write 10 sentences using ADVERBS. Underline the ADVERB twice, and underline all ADJECTIVES once. Review vocabulary 41 45

Copyright 2008 Grammar Mechanics Foundation

VOCABULARY QUIZ: Words 41- 45 GRAMMAR QUIZ 1. List 4 parts of speech that you have learned. (NOUN, VERB, ADJECTIVE, ADVERB) 2. Define ADJECTIVE. (A word that modifies a NOUN or PRONOUN.) 3. Define ADVERB. (A word which modifies a VERB, ADJECTIVE, or another ADVERB.) If they get that an ADVERB modifies a VERB, that is a good start. 4. What is the difference between an ADJECTIVE and an ADVERB. Clue look at the definitions. ( One modifies a NOUN and the other modifies a VERB.) 5. What are the questions an ADJECTIVE answers? (Which one? 2. What kind? 3. How many?) COMPUTER GRAMMAR LESSON: Review the ADVERB game. Focus on the questions an ADVERB answers. 1. Where? 2. When? 3. Why? 4. How? 5. To what extent?

Copyright 2008 Grammar Mechanics Foundation

********************************************* NOTEBOOK GRAMMAR LESSON: The questions an ADVERB answers are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. WHERE? WHEN? WHY? HOW? TO WHAT EXTENT?

TUESDAY HOMEWORK: From the list of ADVERBS, write 10 sentences using different ADVERBS. Underline the ADVERBS twice and any ADJECTIVE once. Review: vocabulary words 46 50

Copyright 2008 Grammar Mechanics Foundation

VOCABULARY LIST: words 46-50 GRAMMAR QUIZ: 1. Define ADVERB. (A word which modifies a VERB, ADJECTIVE or another ADVERB.) 2. What are the questions an ADVERB answers? (1. Where? 2. When? 3. Why? 4. How? 5. To what extent?) 3. Define ADJECTIVE. (A word which describes a NOUN.) 4. What are the questions an ADJECTIVE answers? (1. Which one? 2. What kind? 3. How many?) 5. What determines a words Part of Speech? (Its use in its own sentence.) ******************************************************* COMPUTER GRAMMAR LESSON: Review ADVERBS. Focus on comparison. ******************************************************** NOTEBOOK GRAMMAR LESSON: WRITING RULE: ADVERBS may describe groups of words; but ADJECTIVES describe only a single NOUN form. ADJECTIVES are used for comparison. The three forms are THE POSITIVE, THE
Copyright 2008 Grammar Mechanics Foundation

COMPARATIVE, and THE SUPERLATIVE. Positive - Woof is a cute dog. Comparative - Bowzer is cuter than Woof. Superlative - Barf is the cutest of all the dogs.

Circle the correct comparative ADVERB: 1. I feel (bad, worst, worse) now than I did after lunch. (worse) 2. Tom is the (old, older, oldest) boy in the class. (oldest) 3. My twin sister always does as (well, better, best) as I do at math. (well) 4. I threw the ball (far, farther, farthest) than he. (farther) 5. After eating all those hotdogs, Barf should be the (happy, happier, happiest) dog on the beach. (happiest) 6. Pile the stones (high, higher, highest) on the left side of the fire pit. (higher) 7. Jeff has (less, fewer, fewest) mistakes on his paper than Don does. (fewer) 8. Sam has (much, more, most) candy than anyone on the bus. (more) 9. She always arrives (late, later, latest). (late) 10. Bub carried (much, more, most) bags than Mick did today. (more) Vocabulary review: 51 55

Copyright 2008 Grammar Mechanics Foundation

VOCABULARY QUIZ 51-55 GRAMMAR QUIZ: 1. Of all the athletes, Pro trains the (more, most) carefully. 2. Which do you like (better, best)-volleyball, surfing, or soccer? 3. Of all the tricks Mick can do on a surfboard, hang-ten is the (easier, easiest). 4. Doog likes both boards, but he prefers the (shortest, shorter) one. 5. This is the (worst, worse) storm we have had all summer. ANSWERS to QUIZ: 1. Of all the athletes, Pro trains the (more, most) carefully. (most) 2. Which do you like (better, best), volleyball, surfing, or soccer? (best) 3. Of all the tricks Mick can do on a surfboard, hang-ten is the (easier, easiest). (easiest) 4. Doog likes both boards, but he prefers the (shortest, shorter) one. (shorter) 5. This is the (worst, worse) storm we have had all summer. (worst)

Copyright 2008 Grammar Mechanics Foundation

THURSDAY HOMEWORK: Select the best ADVERB in the following sentences. ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS (COMPARISON) 1. Of all the players on the team, he is the (less, least) capable. 2. Who swam (farthest, farther), Doog or Mick? 3. Of the two surfboards, I have the (best, better) model. 4. Which of the two ships arrived (earlier, earliest)? 5. This song is more interesting than (any, any other) that Twiggs has written. 6. Begin your flip (closer, closely) to the mat. 7. The girls on the Karate team work (harder, more hard) than the guys. 8. Pros Karate moves are (better, more better) than mine. 9. Doog is younger than (anyone, anyone else) on the team. 10. Ralph is our (older, oldest) brother. ANSWERS to homework: 1. Of all the players on the team, he is the (less, least) capable. (least) 2. Who swam (farthest, farther), Doog or Mick? (farther) 3. Of the two surfboards, I have the (best, better) model. (better) 4. Which of the two ships arrived (earlier, earliest)? (earliest)

5. This song is more interesting than (any, any other) that Twiggs has written. (any) 6. Begin your flip (closer, closely) to the mat. (closer) 7. The girls on the Karate team work (harder, more hard) than the guys. (harder) 8. Pros Karate moves are (better, more better) than mine. (better) 9. Doog is younger than (anyone, anyone else) on the team. (anyone) 10. Ralph is our (older, oldest) brother. (oldest)

FRIDAY - Week 3
Teachers Note: Review the homework and quiz. Be sure that students understand the concept of comparisons. VOCABULARY QUIZ 41- 60 Grammar Quiz Students identify the parts of speech of each word. Collect and grade to check students progress. FRIDAY GRAMMAR QUIZ Identify the part of speech of each word in the sentences below: Grammar quiz (5 points each) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mark rapidly built two large green gross sculptures. Grammar quiz (5 points each) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Marie happily devoured three huge chocolate bars.











+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Friday Test Answers: Grammar quiz (5 points each) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mark rapidly built two large green gross sculptures. N ADV V ADJ ADJ ADJ Grammar quiz (5 points each) 9 Marie ADJ NOUN

10 11 12 13 14 15 happily devoured three huge chocolate bars. VERB 18 the ADJ ADJ ADJ 19 circular ADJ ADJ 20 ring. NOUN NOUN

NOUN ADV 16 Firmly 17 grab



********************************************* TUESDAY Week 3 ********************************************* GRAMMAR QUIZ 1. List 4 parts of speech that you have learned. 2. Define ADJECTIVE. 3. Define ADVERB. 4. What is the difference between an ADJECTIVE and an ADVERB? Clue look at the definitions. 5. What are the questions an ADJECTIVE answers?

********************************************* WEDNESDAY Week 3 ********************************************* GRAMMAR QUIZ: 1. Define ADVERB. 2. What are the questions an ADVERB answers? 3. Define ADJECTIVE. 4. What are the questions an ADJECTIVE answers? 5. What determines a words Part of Speech?

HOMEWORK: Circle the correct comparative ADVERB. 1. I feel (bad, worst, worse) now than I did after lunch. 2. Tom is the (old, older, oldest) boy in the class. 3. My twin sister always does as (well, better, best) as I do at math. 4. I threw the ball (far, farther, farthest) than he. 5. After eating all those hotdogs, Barf should be the (happy, happier, happiest) dog on the beach. 6. Pile the stones (high, higher, highest) on the left side of the fire pit. 7. Jeff has (less, fewer, fewest) mistakes on his paper than Don does. 8. Sam has (much, more, most) candy than I anyone on the bus. 9. She always arrives (late, later, latest). 10. Bub carried (much, more, most) bags than Mick did today. ********************************************* THURSDAY Week 3 ********************************************* GRAMMAR QUIZ: 1. Of all the athletes, Pro trains the (more, most) carefully. 2. Which do you like (better, best)-volleyball, surfing, or soccer? 3. Of all the tricks Mick can do on a surfboard, hangten is the (easier, easiest). 4. Doog likes both boards, but he prefers the (shortest, shorter) one.

5. This is the (worst, worse) storm we have had all summer. ********************************************************** Thursday Homework: 1. Of all the players on the team, he is the (less, least) capable. 2. Who swam (farthest, farther), Doog or Mick? 3. Of the two surfboards, I have the (best, better) model. 4. Which of the two ships arrived (earlier, earliest)? 5. This song is more interesting than (any, any other) that Twiggs has written. 6. Begin your flip (closer, closely) to the mat. 7. The girls on the Karate team work (harder, more hard) than the guys. 8. Pros Karate moves are (better, more better) than mine. 9. Doog is younger than (anyone, anyone else) on the team. 10. Ralph is our (older, oldest) brother.

********************************************* FRIDAY Week 3 ********************************************* Teachers Note: Review the homework and quiz. Be sure that students understand the concept of comparisons. Grammar Quiz Students identify the parts of speech of each word. Collect and grade to check students progress. Identify the part of speech of each word in the sentences below: Grammar quiz (5 points each) 1. Mark rapidly built two large green gross sculptures. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mark rapidly built two large green gross sculptures.

2. Marie happily devoured three huge chocolate bars. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Marie happily devoured three huge chocolat bars. e

3. Firmly grab the circular ring. 16 17 18 Firmly grab the

19 circular

20 ring.

************************************************************* Friday Test Answers: Grammar quiz (5 points each) 1 2 3 Mark rapidly built 4 two 5 6 7 8 large green gross sculptures. ADJ 13 huge ADJ ADJ 14 chocolat e ADJ NOUN 15 bars. NOUN

N ADV V ADJ ADJ Grammar quiz (5 points each) 9 Marie NOUN 16 Firmly ADVERB 10 11 12 happily devoured three ADV 17 grab VERB VERB ADJ 18 the ADJ

19 circular ADJ

20 ring. NOUN

Proceed to Lesson Plan 4.

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