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1 Steps in Solving Problems in Hydrodynamics 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principles to be Appplied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boundary Conditions and Special Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solution Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pitfalls, Traps and Common Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 2 2 2

Principles of Water Engineering - CVEN2501

Steps in Solving Problems in Hydrodynamics



Steps in Solving Problems in Hydrodynamics

Getting Started

1. Draw a diagram (ALWAYS) 2. Write down any data on or near the diagram (ALWAYS) 3. Identify a control volume for applying Continuity or Momentum (ALWAYS) 4. Identify a streamline(s) whenever applying the Bernoulli equation (ALWAYS). The streamline could be: arbitrary (as in the case of ow out of a hole in a tank or reservoir), or down the centreline of the pipe, or the water surface in a steady state open channel ow problem.


Principles to be Appplied

1. Continuity, or 2. Continuity + Bernoulli, or 3. Continuity + Momentum, or 4. Continuity + Momentum + Bernoulli. where (strictly) Bernoulli stands for the (mechanical) energy equation without any energy losses. Note: We can always apply all 3 principles (Continuity, Bernoulli and Momentum) BUT if in introducing (say) the Bernoulli equation there is an unknown, unwanted energy loss then another unknown has entered the problem and we have NOT advanced the solution process. Another equation plus another unwanted unknown is NOT progress! if in introducing (say) the momentum equation there is an unknown, unwanted force then we have NOT advanced the solution process. Another equation plus another unwanted unknown is NOT progress! Q: What other ingredient(s) do we have in solving a problem? A: Geometry and hydrostatics (especially if there is a manometer in the problem).

Principles of Water Engineering - CVEN2501

Steps in Solving Problems in Hydrodynamics


Boundary Conditions and Special Points

In a jet discharging to the atmosphere p = patm = 0 (rel. pressure) Where cavitation occurs, p = pvapour (abs. pressure normally) and the actual value needs to be given. Is the picture steady state? If not, it may be possible to convert it to a steady state scenario by adding on a particular velocity.


Solution Process

Aids in making the setting out of your work clearer are: delay transfering terms to other sides of equations til after evaluating individual terms. leave g (= 9.81 m2 /s) as g in your workings. work in SI units (m, s, kg) and convert to other units if desired or required at the conclusion of your calculations. become adept at carrying out dimensional checks on your algebraic expressions. Note that dimensional correctness is a necessary but not sucient condition for correctness.


Pitfalls, Traps and Common Errors

Using the wrong units in equations e.g. a common error is to treat 100 kP a as 100 P a. Take care with the units given in the data for each problem - they are not necessarily in SI units. The most common examples are kP a, mm, and L/s. hydrostatic pressure is p = gh and the resulting pressure force is F = 1 gh2 b. It is not 2 uncommon for g = 9.81 m/s2 to be left out of these expressions and similar calculations. In open channel ow problems with a depth of ow, a common error is to treat it as if it is the ow in a pipe! For example, if the depth of ow was 1.4 m and calculations are being carried out for unit width i.e. 1 m, the ow area is often erroneously calculated as A = (1.4)2 instead of A = 1.4 1 = 1.4 m2 . 4 Using Bernoulli to calculate a pressure dierence (p) between 2 points or sections when there are signicant, unknown energy losses between the two sections. An example of this is where where an inserted jet ow exits a nozzle and is directed longitudinally down the centreline of a large pipe which contains the nozzle and jet. The upstream section is taken to be where the jet exits the nozzle and the downstream section is where the velocity distribution over the cross-section has returned to uniform ow. Especially near the upstream section, there will be intense mixing between the jet ow and the pipe ow. This will cause signicant energy losses and unless the losses are supplied in the question, it would be incorrect to apply Bernoulli without taking account of these energy losses. The solution is to apply the momentum equation which doesnt care about the details of the ow (i.e. any energy losses) between the two sections although it does matter if there are any external forces acting on the uid in the control volume between the two sections. Principles of Water Engineering - CVEN2501 2

Steps in Solving Problems in Hydrodynamics

Leaving out the units in answers or even in intermediate values is not good! ALWAYS, ALWAYS include the units in your answers (or any intermediate values for that matter) they are part of the answer. Drawing a streamline which is obviously not a streamline (since the ow does not ow along it) and then basing any calculations on it will lead to erroneous results. In an exam situation, if your answer is obviously unrealistic, then comment on this rather than leave it go. For example, a ow coming from a 10 m diameter tank should not exceed the ow down the Amazon River, or the velocity in a pipe should not be comparable to the speed of light! (Both these examples have occurred.) Applying Bernoulli to a manometry problem in which the manometer is attached to a pipe of constant diameter. Bernoulli will not yield any useful information. (This is in fact a problem of hydrostatics rather than hydrodynamics.) It is not uncommon to leave terms out: in the Bernoulli equation, energy losses are commonly and mistakenly left out. Wherever there are intense shear stresses (e.g. involving a jet) causing signicant turbulence or a ow expansion or a sudden ow contraction, it is likely that there will be signicant energy losses. If the ow expansions or contractions are described as smooth, energy losses are probably insignicant and the wording in the question needs to be scrutinised to see if the energy losses can be neglected. in the momentum equation, forces acting on the uid in the control volume are often mistakenly left out. Examples of two relatively common errors are: if the volume and density of the uid in the control volume is known, then the weight force should be included in the vertical momentum equation, and in the horizontal momentum equation applied to an open channel ow problem involving a hydraulic structure (such as a sluice gate or weir), the force on the structure may be required. The force on the structure is erroneously equated to the nett momentum ux for the control volume. In other words, the hydrostatic pressure forces at either end of the control volume are mistakenly omitted. Using inappropriate governing equations. (Equations are usually available in the Lecture Notes or at the front of the exam paper.)

Q: Know and be mindful of the assumptions behind Continuity, Bernoulli and Momentum. Why is this important? A: We need to know the limitations in applying the various equations to dierent situations whether the application of an equation is valid or not - whether it a reasonable approximation or not?

Principles of Water Engineering - CVEN2501

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