WURJHNS Official Launch & Information Session (2010)

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Official Launch & Information Session

Wednesday Oct. 6, 2010 Prepare Grow Achieve

Our Credentials/Experience

What is WURJHNS?

A journal created and run by Western students for Western undergraduate students and their research


All articles are reviewed by trained students and Faculty members to ensure scientific integrity in everything published


The WURJHNS is available online and open to anyone and can be found at http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/wurjhns/

Goals of WURJHNS
Showcase research at the undergraduate level Encourage undergraduate publications Help students get research placements Integrate students into the research community

Our Team
We have a diverse team from Biology, Chemistry, Health and Medical Sciences comprised of: - 19 Undergraduate Students - 23 Graduate Students - 11 Faculty Reviewers - 13 Faculty Correspondents

The Peer Review Process

Submit your article

Revise and Re-Submit Reject Article


Is your article eligible?

We Accept: Original Research Articles Review Articles Students in the Field Course work (Original Research) Articles from Biology, Chemistry, Medical Sciences and Health Sciences
The FIRST author of all manuscripts submitted to WURJHNS must be an undergraduate student at Western.

Why submit an article?

Gain Publication Experience Disseminate Your Research Globally Open-Access Publication Recognized by Faculty Members and Research Community Good Addition to Your CV When Applying to Graduate/Professional School It is NOT a Difficult Process

The Submission Process

WURJHNS accepts articles on a rolling submission basis This means you can submit your article whenever you want during the school year, starting today! Submission guidelines:

Testimonial from an author:

The WURJHNS provides an extremely valuable resource for undergrad students. Without this avenue I would not have been able to publish my first scientific manuscript, which otherwise would have been merely another grade on my transcript. Instead, our group was able to submit our manuscript to the journal for publication. Through this process we were exposed to the submission process for publication, as well as the review process, revisions, and responding to reviewers. This experience has not only helped my work as a graduate student but also strengthened my curriculum vitae and scholarship application. -Chantelle Nielson

Academic Affairs Committee

Upcoming Events
Workshops on Finding (& getting) Undergraduate Research Positions
What will I learn? - When and how to contact a Supervisor (ie. a Professor) - How to create a cover letter and resume - Typical responsibilities of an Undergraduate Research Student - What a research position can do for you

Workshop 1: Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2010 Workshop 2: Tuesday Nov. 16, 2010
Both workshops will cover the same material

Upcoming Events
Poster Competition: An opportunity to showcase your research
A great chance to - broadcast your hard work - gain presentation experience; very useful for national research conferences - add credentials to your resume - receive valuable feedback from respected faculty and your peers

March 15 2011

How can I get involved?

A Big Thank You

We look forward to receiving your articles!

Contact us: wurjhns@uwo.ca

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