Q19 12 11

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A. GENERAL 1. Name of the Company 2. Address 3. Telephone 4. E-Mail 5. Key Contact Person 6. Telephone no. Of key contact person 7. Line of Business 8. Business Started From 9. Turnover 10. Profit 11. Capital employed B. VISUAL AND SENSUAL PERCEPTION 1. Is the office located in a business area ? 2. What is the area of the office ? 3. Is the reception sofa comfortable ? 4. Is the office air conditioned ? 5. Do the office have modular furniture ? 6. Are the toilets clean ? Do they smell nice ? 7. Did the receptionist wish you when you entered ? 8. Are the staffs uniformed ? Do they carry ID card round their necks ? If not uniformed how are they dressed ? Do the Group C employees wear shoes ? Are they shaved , neat and clean ? 9. Do the employees seem to be working ? 10. Did they offer a choice of tea / coffee / soft drinks ? Was it good ? 11. How is the general dcor of the office ? 12. Is the Quality policy displayed in the reception area ? What is it ? 13. Is the office very very clean ? 14. Is the office space owned ? C. TECHNICAL 1. How are change requests documented ? How are they solved ? 2. How is the helpdesk managed ? How do they maintain log ? What is the average time for response ? How is the solved log documented ? 3. When required, is the customer notified of changes to items that may adversely affect quality or reliability, such as, office site, process methods, change of language / architecture , etc.?

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.



Is there a documented corrective action system in use that focuses on elimination of problem root cause? Are defined methodologies used to actively pursue cost containment and other continual improvement activities? (e.g., Six Sigma, Kaizen, etc.) Are OHS system / measures in vogue ? Do the company regularly conducts training programme for its employees ? How is it documented ? Do the company have a printed quality manual ? Are Out of control conditions noted on charts and documented so that corrective action is taken to bring the process back into control ? (Documented procedures required. Records required.) Do a documented environmental policy exists that includes a commitment to comply with relevant environmental legislation and regulations and to continual improvement and pollution prevention ? How is corporate governance followed ?

D. HUMAN RESOURCE 1. What is the number of personnel employed ? 2. How many are there in management ? How many in QA ? 3. Are the employees issued proper appointment letters ? 4. What are the components of the remuneration package ? (Collect sample ) 5. What is the employee turnover rate ? E. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED Quality Manual (typically is policy manual - not work instructions) ISO Certificate (must state registrar & accreditation body) , if applicable Major Customers & Competitors List Quality Organizational Chart Regulatory Agency Certificates, as applicable

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