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Human resource management (HRM) is concerned with the personnel policies and managerial practices and systems that influence the workforce. In broader terms, all decisions that affect the workforce of the organization concern the HRM function.

The Activities of Human Resources Management:

The activities performed by HRM professionals fall under five major domains: Organizational design, Staffing, Performance Management and Appraisal, Employee and Organizational Development, and
Reward Systems, Benefits and Compliance

Acquiring human resource capability should begin with organizational design and analysis. Organizational design involves the arrangement of work tasks based on the interaction of people, technology and the tasks to be performed in the context of the objectives, goals and the strategic plan of the organization. HRM activities such as human resources planning, job and work analysis, organizational restructuring, job design, team building, computerization, and worker-machine interfaces fall under this domain.

Recruitment, employee orientation, selection, promotion, and termination are among the activities that fit into the staffing domain. The performance management domain includes assessments of individuals and teams to measure, and to improve work performance. Employee training and development programs are concerned with establishing, fostering, and maintaining employee skills base don organizational and employee needs.

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The Recruitment Strategy is a key success factor for the process. It defines the competitive advantage of the organization on the job market. The company has to choose the right mix of the recruitment sources, recruitment agencies and recruitment messages. The company has to choose the target groups, and the underlying analysis has to identify the right ways to reach them Reward systems, benefits and compliance have to do with any type of reward or benefit that may be available to employees. Labor law, health and safety issues and unemployment policy fall under compliance component. According to Edwin B. Flippo, Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job seekers. A few definitions of recruitment are: A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applications from which new employees are selected.

It is the process to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirement of staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force.

Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a pool of prospective employees for the organization so that the management can select the right candidate for the right job from this pool. The main objective of the recruitment process is to expedite the selection process. Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of qualified applicants for the future human resources needs even though specific vacancies do not exist. Usually, the recruitment process starts when a manger initiates an employee requisition for a specific vacancy or an anticipated vacancy.
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The business of insurance is related to the protection of the ECONOMIC VALUES OF ASSETS. Every asset has a value. The asset would have been created through the efforts of the owner. The asset would have been created through the efforts of the owner. The asset is valuable to the owner, because he expects to get some benefits from it. It is a benefit because it meets some of his needs. The benefit may be an income or in some other form. In the case of a factory or a cow, the product generated by it is sold and income is generated. In the case of a motor car, it provides comfort and convenience in transportation. There is no direct income. Both are assets and provide benefits.

Every asset is expected to last for a certain period of time during which it will provide the benefits. After that, the benefit may not be available. There is a life-time for a machine in factory or a cow or a motor car. None of them will last forever. The owner is aware of this and he can so manage his affairs that by the end of that period or life-time, a substitute is made available. Thus he makes sure that the benefit is not lost. However, the asset may get lost earlier. An accident or some other unfortunate event may destroy it or make it incapable of giving the benefits. An epidemic may kill the cow suddenly. In that case, the owner and those enjoying the benefits therefore, would be deprived of the benefits. The planned substitute would not have been ready. There is an adverse or unpleasant situation. Insurance is a mechanism that helps to reduce the effects of such adverse situations. It promises to pay to the owner or beneficiary of the asset, a certain sum if the loss occurs.

History of insurance:
Insurance has been known to exist in some form or other since 3000 BC. The Chinese traders, traveling treacherous river rapids would distribute their goods among several vessels, so that the loss from any one vessel being lost would be partial and shared, and not total. The Babylonian traders would agree to pay additional sums to lenders, as the price for writing off the loans, in case of the shipment being stolen. The inhabitants of Rhodes adopted the principle of general average, whereby, if goods are shipped together,

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the owners would bear the losses in proportion, if loss occurs, due to jettisoning during distress. (Captains of ships caught in storms, would throw away some of the cargo to reduce the weight and restore balance. Such throwing away is called jettisoning.) The Greeks had started benevolent societies in the late 7th century AD, to take care of the funeral and families of members who died. The great fire of London in 1666,in which more than 13000 house were lost, gave a boost to insurance and the first fire insurance company, called the fire office, was started in 1680. The origins of insurance business as in vogue at present, is traced to the Lloyds Coffee House in London. Traders, who used to gather in the Lloyds coffee house in London, agreed to share the losses to their goods while being carried by ships. The losses used to occur because of pirates who robbed on the high seas because of bad weather spoiling the goods or sinking the ship. In India, insurance began in 1818 with life insurance being transacted by an English company, the Oriental Life Insurance Co. in 1870 in Mumbai. This was followed by the Bharat Insurance co. in 1896 in Delhi, the Empire of India in 1897 in Mumbai, the United India in Chennai, the National, the National Indian and Hindustan Cooperative in Kolkata. Later, were established the cooperative Assurance in Lahore, the Bombay Life (originally called the swadeshi life), the India Mercantile, the new India and the Jupiter in Mumbai and the Lakshmi in New Delhi. These were all Indian companies started as a result of the swadeshi movement in the early 1900s. By the year 1956, when life insurance business was nationalized and the life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) was formed on1st September 1956, there were 170 companies and 75 provident fund societies transacting life business in India. After the amendments to the relevant laws in 1999, the L.I.C. did not have the exclusive privilege of doing life insurance business in India. By 31.8.2007, sixteen new life insurers had been registered and were transacting life insurance business in India.

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History of insurance in India:

Some of the important milestones in the life insurance business in India are:
1912 - The Indian Life Assurance Companies Act enacted as the first statute to

regulate the life insurance business.

1928 - The Indian Insurance Companies Act enacted to enable the government to

collect statistical information about both life and non-life insurance businesses.
1938 - Earlier legislation consolidated and amended to by the Insurance Act with

the objective of protecting the interests of the insuring public.

1956 - 245 Indian and foreign insurers and provident societies taken over by the

central government and nationalized. LIC formed by an Act of Parliament, viz. LIC Act, 1956, with a capital contribution of Rs. 5 Crores from the Government of India. The General insurance business in India, on the other hand, can trace its roots to the Triton Insurance Company Ltd., the first general insurance company established in the year 1850 in Calcutta by the British.

Life insurance a basic need:

Life insurance is a contract providing for payment of a sum of money to the person assured or, failing him, to the person entitled to receive the same, on the happening of certain event. A family is generally dependent for its food, clothing and shelter on the income brought in at regular intervals by the bread winner of the family. So long as the he lives and the income is received steadily, that family is secure; but should death suddenly intervene the family may be left in a very difficult situation and sometimes, in stark poverty.

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Uncertainty of death is inherent in human life. It is this uncertainty that is risk, which gives rise to the necessity for some form of protection against the financial loss arising from death; insurance substitutes this uncertainty by certainty. Few Advantages of Life Insurance: 1. It is superior to an ordinary savings plans: This is so because unlike other saving plans, it affords full protection against risk of death. In case of death, the full sum assured is made available under a life assurance policy; whereas under other savings schemes the total accumulated savings alone will be available. The latter will be considerably less than the sum assured, if death occurs during early years. 2. Insurance encourages and forces thrift: A savings deposit can be too easily withdrawn. Many may not be able to resist the temptation of using the balance for some less worthy purpose. On the other hand, the payment of life insurance premiums becomes a habit and comes to be viewed with the same seriousness as the payment of interest on a mortgage. Thus insurance, in effect brings about compulsory saving. 3. Easy settlement and protection against creditors: The life assured can name a person or persons to whom the policy moneys would be payable in the event of his death. The proceeds of a life insurance policy can be protected against. The claims of the creditors of the life assured by effecting a valid assignment of the policy. A married womens property act policy constitutes a trust in favor of the wife and children and no separate assignment is necessary. The beneficiaries are fully protected from creditors except to the extent of any interest in the policy retained by the assured. 4. Administering the legacy for beneficiaries: It often happens that a provision which a husband or father has made through insurance is quickly lost through speculative or unwise investment or by unnecessary expenditure on luxuries. These contingencies can be provided against in the case of insurance. The policyholder can arrange that in the in the event of his death the beneficiary should receive, instead of a single sum
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(a). Payment of the net claim amount by equal installments over a specified period of years, or (b). Payment of the claim amount by smaller monthly installments over the selected period followed by a lump sum at the end thereof. 5. Ready marketability and suitability for quick borrowings: After an initial period, if the policy holder finds himself unable to continue payment of premiums he can surrender the policy for a cash sum. Alternatively he can tide over a temporary difficulty by taking loan on the sole security of the policy without delay. Further a life insurance policy is sometimes acceptable as security for a commercial loan. 6. Tax relief: For computing income tax (especially in India the Indian income tax act) follows deduction from income tax payable, a certain percentage of a portion of the taxable income of individuals which is diverted to payment of insurance premiums. When this tax relief is taken into account it will be found that the assured is n effect paying a lower premium for his insurance.

How insurance works:

The mechanism of insurance is very simple. People who are exposed to the same risks come together and agree that, if any one of the members suffers a loss, the others will share the loss and make good to the person who lost. All people who send goods by ship are exposed to the same risk related to water damage, ship sinking, piracy, etc. those owning factories are not exposed to these risks, but they are exposed to different kinds of risks like, fire, hailstorms, earthquakes, lightening, burglary, etc. like this, different kinds of risks can be identified and separate groups, made including those exposed to such risks. By this method, the risk is spread among the community and the likely big impact on one is reduced to smaller manageable impacts on all. If a Jumbo Jet with more than 350 passengers crashes, the loss would run into several Crores of rupees. No airline would be able to bear such a loss. It is unlikely that many Jumbo Jets will crash at the same time. If 100 airline companies flying Jumbo Jets,

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come together into an insurance pool, whenever one of the jumbo jets in the pool crashes, the loss to be borne by each airline would come down to a few Lakhs of rupees. Thus, insurance is a business sharing.

Role of insurance in economic development:

For economic development, investments are necessary. Investments are made out of savings. A life insurance company is a major instrument for the mobilization of savings of people, particularly from the middle and lower income groups. These savings are channeled into investments for economic growth.

An insurance companys strength lies in the fact that huge amounts come by way of premiums. Every premium represents a risk that is covered by that premium. In effect, therefore, these vast amounts represent pooling of risks. The funds are collected and held in trust for the benefit of the policy holders.

The management of insurance companies is required to keep this aspect in mind and make all its decisions in ways that benefit the community. This applies also to its investments. This is why successful insurance companies would not be found investing in speculative ventures. Their investments benefit the society at large.

The system of insurance provides numerous direct and indirect benefits to the individual and his family as well as to industry and commerce and to the community and the nation as a whole. Those who insure, both individuals and corporate, are directly benefited because they are protected from the consequences of the loss that may be caused by the accident or fortuitous event. Insurance, thus, in a sense protects the capital in industry and releases the capital for further expansion and development of business and industry.

The very existence of risk that is, uncertainty concerning the future, is a severe handicaps in economic activities. Insurance removes the fear, worry and anxiety associated with this future uncertainty and thus encourages free investment of capital in business enterprises and promotes efficient use of existing resources.

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Thus insurance encourages commercial and industrial development and there by contributes to a vigorous economy and increased national productivity.

Present day organization of industry, commerce and trade depend entirely on insurance for their operation, banks and financial institutions lend money to industrial and commercial undertakings only on the basis of the collateral security of insurance. No bank or financial institution would advance loans on property unless it is insured against loss or damage by insurable perils.

Insurers are closely associated with several agencies and institutions engaged in fire loss prevention, cargo loss prevention, cargo loss prevention, industrial safety and road safety. Before acceptance of a risk, insurers arrange survey and inspection of the property to be insured, by qualified engineers and other experts.

The object of these surveys is not only to assess the risk for rating purposes but also to suggest and recommend to the insured, various improvements in the risk, which will attract lower rates of premium and what is more important , reduce the loss potential. For example, burglary surveyors make recommendation in regard to security measures such as better locking system, appointment of Watchman, etc. Engineering surveys play a most useful part in accident prevention as valuable technical advice is provided in respect of plant and machinery.

Insurance ranks with export trade, shipping and banking services as earner of foreign exchange to the country. It helps to earn foreign exchange and represent invisible exports.

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MetLife Inc. is the holding corporation for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company or MetLife for short. The firm was founded on March 24, 1868. For most of its life the company was a mutual organization, but it went public in 2000. MetLife is the largest life insurer in the United States, with more than $3.3 trillion of life insurance in force. A leader in savings and retirement products and services for individuals, small business, and large institutions, MetLife serves 90 of the largest Fortune 100 companies. The company is headquartered at 1095 Avenue of the Americas in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, though it retains some executive offices and its board room in the MetLife Building, which it sold in 2005. The MetLife companies offer life insurance, annuities, auto and home insurance, retail banking and other financial services to individuals, as well as group insurance and retirement & savings products and services to corporations and other institutions. For more information, please visit

MetLife in India:
MetLife India Insurance Company Limited (MetLife) is an affiliate of MetLife, Inc. and was incorporated as a joint venture between MetLife International Holdings, Inc., The Jammu and Kashmir Bank, M. Pallonji and Co. Private Limited and other private investors. MetLife is one of the fastest growing life insurance companies in the country. It serves its customers by offering a range of innovative products to individuals and group customers at more than 600 locations through its bank partners and company-owned offices. MetLife has more than 50,000 Financial Advisors, who help customers achieve peace of mind across the length and breadth of the country.

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MetLife, Inc., through its affiliates, reaches more than 70 million customers in the Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe. Affiliated companies, outside of India, include the number one life insurer in the United States (based on life insurance enforce), with over 140 years of experience and relationships with more than 90 of the top one hundred FORTUNE 500 companies. The MetLife companies offer life insurance, annuities, automobile and home insurance, retail banking and other financial services to individuals, as well as group insurance, reinsurance and retirement and savings products and services to corporations and other institutions. For more information, please visit

MetLife environment:
As an industry leader and a growing, global enterprise, MetLife has committed to driving efforts that address sustainability, reduce our carbon footprint and invest in ventures that will have a positive impact on the environment. As our business is built on promises, we recognize the tremendous importance of making yet another promise for the future by ensuring our world remains a healthy and vibrant place for the many generations to come through our businesses, our associates and our business partners, we can and will make a difference by contributing to a growing, global effort that will benefit everyone today and in the future.

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Ethics and Integrity:

For more than a century, MetLife has built a reputation as a company that believes in fair dealing, integrity, and trustworthiness. We firmly believe that adherence to the highest standards of ethical conduct is the only acceptable way of doing business and is the personal responsibility of every one of our associates. The company's well-known name and good reputation are reinforced by our pledge to deliver value and world class service to all who do business with us, always keeping in mind what is best for our customers. The importance of ethics and compliance to the Company is demonstrated by the Companys extensive efforts and resources directed to this area. We are committed to our compliance vision of having MetLife be the world's most trusted company. Supporting these efforts are the MetLife core values of integrity and honesty, the fundamental building blocks of our long and successful history, that shape the way we do business. These values are central to our efforts to achieve the MetLife vision to build financial freedom for everyone and emphasize our outward focus on customers and their needs. We recognize that our ongoing success will spring from these values and, as we look to the future, we remain committed to the highest standards of ethics, integrity and trustworthiness, while continuing to pursue a strategy of building financial freedom for everyone. This defines who we are.

Compliance and fraud hotline:

MetLife is committed to the highest standards of business conduct and expects the same from all people with whom we interact. MetLife has implemented a program aimed at deterring, detecting, investigating and prosecuting insurance fraud.

Fraud is a major concern of everyone in the insurance industry and is of increasing concern to lawmakers. Not only is insurance fraud a crime in most states, it also threatens the best interests of our customers because it raises the cost of insurance for everyone.

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Compliance & Fraud Hotline at 1800-462-6565

MetLife's Diversity and Inclusion vision is to attract and retain the best talent and to foster an inclusive culture that leverages our diversity to drive growth and profitability wherever we do business in the global marketplace.

At MetLife, diversity is core to our business, embedded at all levels of our company with clear accountability for success. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion makes MetLife a more competitive company and allows us to better serve our customers, attract and retain the best talent, and do business with the best companies and suppliers around the world. It brings to MetLife fresh perspectives, new ways of thinking and more innovative products. It helps build relationships in the communities we serve and helps support our brand. At MetLife, diversity is a key driver of business performance and creates lasting shareholder value.

But examples really tell the story, and through this Diversity site, you'll learn more about how MetLife delivers on its commitment to Diversity - from our Work-Life solutions to our Enterprise-wide Diversity Council and Affinity Groups, to how we're reaching Multicultural Markets. MetLife is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Peace of Mind, Guaranteed


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Geojit Securities was founded by Mr. C.J. George in 1987 as a Proprietorship for doing Broking business in Cochin Stock Exchange. In 1994, the business was taken over by Geojit Securities Ltd, a Joint Venture between Mr. C.J. George and the Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. In the following year, the company came up with an IPO and the shares were listed in various Stock Exchanges in India in 1995.

Jammu and Kashmir Bank Limited was incorporated on 1st October, 1938 and commenced its business from 4th July, 1939 at in Kashmir (India). The Bank was the first in the country as a State owned bank. According to the extended Central laws of the state, Jammu & Kashmir Bank was defined as a govt. Company as per the provision of Indian companies' act 1956. In the year 1971, the Bank received the status of scheduled bank. It was declared as "A" Class Bank by RBI in 1976. Today the bank has more than 500 branches across the country and has recently become a billion Dollar Company.

Mangaloreheadquartered Karnataka Bank, a leading private sector Bank having a network of 433 branches across 19 States and 2 Union Territories, is more than 84 years old. The Bank is a technology savvy, customer centric progressive bank with a national presence, driven by the highest standards of corporate governance and guided by sound ethical values. All the 433 branches of the Bank are under the umbrella of core banking solution.
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The Bank has a host of customer friendly deposit and advances products meeting the varied needs and preferences of its customers. The Bank offers a plethora of technology driven products like Internet Banking facility, Demat services, Mutual Fund products of reputed companies, Life and General Insurance services, Visa enabled Debit Card with wide acceptability across the globe. The Bank has an ambitious business turnover target of Rs. 35000 Crores for the year 2008-09 with a branch expansion plan to reach the tally of 460 branches and additional ATMs to take the total to 180 by end-March 2009.

In 1982, a group of Hyderabad-based practicing Chartered Accountants started Karvy Consultants Limited with a capital of Rs.1,50,000 offering auditing and taxation services initially. Later, it forayed into the Registrar and Share Transfer activities and subsequently into financial services. All along, Karvy's strong work ethic and professional background leveraged with Information Technology enabled it to deliver quality to the individual.

Established in 1921, Mini Muthoottu with an illustrious history of banking behind them today operates from 75 branches in Kerala and 5 in Bangalore. All business concerns of Mini Muthoottu function under the strict guidelines set by the Department of Company Law Affairs and Reserve Bank of India. They also have a certificate of compliance with the requirements regarding prudential norms from the Reserve Bank of India. Mini Muthoottu, under the leadership of its Chairman, Mr. Roy M Mathew, offers both the resources and capabilities like any national player coupled with individualized attention to its customers.

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Way2Wealth is a premier Investment Consultancy Firm that has been launched with the aim of making investing simpler, more understandable and profitable for the investors. Way2Wealth brings a wide range of product offerings from Fixed Income Securities, Life Insurance and Mutual Funds to Equity and Derivatives (on the National Stock Exchange) for the convenience and benefit of it customers. Way2Wealth has over 40 easily accessible investment outlets spread across 20 major towns and cities in the country.

MetLife performs in over the following states

Andhra Pradesh Assam Bihar Chandigarh Chhattisgarh Delhi Goa Gujarat Haryana Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Tamilnadu Tripura

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Uttar Pradesh Uttrakhand West Bengal


To achieve a top 5 market position in India through a multi-distribution, multi-

product platform.

To adapt MetLife's best practice blueprints as a sound platform for profitable


To leverage local knowledge, infrastructure and customer base. To deliver high levels of shareholder return. To build long term value with our business partners by enhancing the proposition

to their customers.

To be the employer of choice to attract and retain the best talent in India. To be recognized as being close and qualified by our customers.

Products of MetLife insurance:

Child Plan

Met Bhavishya Met Junior Endowment Met Junior Money Back Met Magic Plus


Met Growth Super Met Pension-Par Met Pension Plus

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Met Sukh Met Suvida Met Saral Met 100


Met Suraksha met Suraksha TROP Met Suraksha Plus Met Mortgage Protector Plus


Met Vishwas Met Suvidha-Rural


Met Easy Plus Met Wealth Plus Met Gold Plus Met Fortune Met Smart Life


Met Health Care

Monthly Income

Met Monthly Income Plan Met Monthly Income Plan 7 Pay

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Our Values:

"Coming into your own", performing as a Leader to be really effective and successful by acting and making decisions independently to get results.

It's all about People, MetLife's key resource. MetLife will succeed because we are winning from within.

Functioning productively in teams towards a common purpose; realizing the collective power of diverse work-groups.

Operating with an intense dedication to managing monetary resources for strong business results.

Conducting all business endeavors with truth, sincerity and fairness.

Continuously creating and introducing new and original ideas and ways of doing things.

Vision Statement:
We are a world class financial services firm comprised of a team of dynamic leaders, financial professionals and representatives focused on client advocacy and dedicated to outstanding service to our clients.

Integrity - In all aspects of our professional and personal lives Leadership - Locally recognized leader in financial products, services and solutions Citizenship - Loyally serving our community, clients, families and associates

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Respect - Maintaining open communication and valuing the opinions of others Excellence - Commitment to the highest standards Professionalism - Exhibiting the highest levels of ethics, accountability and reliability in all our endeavors

Mission Statement:
Our team of financial professionals is committed to providing personalized strategies and solutions for our clients. We achieve lasting relationships by maintaining our uncompromised devotion to our values, families and communities.

Company location:
M.S. City Center, 18-1-42 S/No: L 460, K T Road, Tirupati.

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Review Of Literature
The recruitment process is the value added HR Process. It is about attracting, interviewing and hiring new employees. The perfect recruitment includes the adaption of the new hire. It is about the definition of the job vacancy, designing the appealing recruitment text and offering the competitive package to the winning candidate. The recruitment process is managed by the recruitment strategy. HR should always find the right position on the job market as the candidates flow smoothly through the organization. The recruitment is not just external; the internal recruitment has a enormous impact on the performance of the company and increases the satisfaction of employees. The recruitment is not just the operational HR process. The definition of the recruitment is not easy, and the whole process can be extremely complex. The recruitment is the essential part of building the competitive advantage. HR has to define the needed profiles (skills and competencies). The profile of the ideal candidate has to be aligned with the corporate culture and corporate values. The profile has to support enhancing the organizational capability. The recruitment is one of the best opportunities to enrich the organization, and it is the way to build the learning organization. HR Recruiter has to be skilled to identify the right profile of the best candidate, and they have to be promoted to managers as the best hiring option. The recruitment strategy is a key success factor for the process. It defines the competitive advantage of the organization on the job market. The company has to choose the right mix of the recruitment sources, recruitment agencies and recruitment messages. The company has to choose the target groups, and the underlying analysis has to identify the right ways to reach them. The recruitment supports the marketing activities of the organization. The hiring of new people is a strong communication topic for the social media. HR can start building the engaged social community around its recruitment activities. All marketing specialists should focus on the close cooperation with Human Resources. The HR Marketing is a strong topic for discussions in the company. The HR Marketing can build a strong competitive advantage.
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The recruitment is the excellent opportunity for the internal promotions and talent identification. The HR Recruiter interviews many internal candidates and he or she can pass information to the career development specialists. The recruitment strategy should align the recruitment function with the career development specialists. The internal recruitment is not the isolated process. It should move the best talents of the organization to the challenging job positions. The internal recruitment needs a strong support from the top management. It can be a conflicting process and it needs clear rules, and procedures defined by Human Resources. The recruitment process contains many interactions. It is the most difficult HR process with the value added for the company. The process involves managers, employees, Human Resources, recruitment agencies and candidates. All participants have the same goal filling the job vacancy and they have to cooperate smoothly to reach the overall goal. Many organizations make a mistake of forgetting the candidate. The candidate makes the final decision. The company offers the job, but the candidate decides. The recruitment process has to be measured, and main recruitment KPIs have to set. The unmeasured recruitment process cannot support the success of HR in the organization. The recruitment is the most sensitive HR process. The changes on the job market are visible in the measures almost immediately. The excellent process learns HR Professionals to be flexible and being innovative. The competition on the job market is tough, and the company has to be winning the best talents. The recruitment has to be smart. The process of identifying and hiring the best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of an organization) for a job vacancy, in a most timely and cost effective manner.

Objectives of recruitment:

To attract people with multidimensional skills and experience that suits the

present and future organizational strategies. To induct outsiders with a new prospective to lead the company.

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To infuse fresh blood at all levels of the organization. To develop an organizational culture that attracts competent people to the

company. To search people whose skills fit the company values. To devise methodologies for assessing psychological. To seek out non-conventional development grounds of talent. To design entry pay that employees on quality but not on quantum. To anticipate and find people for positions that not exist year.

Process of recruitment:
Preparing the job description and person specification. Locating and developing the sources of required number and type of employees (Advertising etc). Short-listing and identifying the prospective employee with required characteristics. Arranging the interviews with the selected candidates. Conducting the interview and decision making

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1. Identify vacancy 2. Prepare job description and person specification 3. Advertising the vacancy 4. Managing the response 5. Short-listing 6. Arrange interviews 7. Conducting interview and decision making The recruitment process is immediately followed by the selection process i.e. the final interviews and the decision making, conveying the decision and the appointment formalities.

Sources of recruitment:
1. External sources 2. Internal sources

External sources:
1. Professional trade associations 2. Advertising

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3. Employment exchange 4. Private employment exchange 5. Public employment exchange

Internal sources:
1. Employee referrals 2. Present employee

Purpose & Importance of Recruitment

Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization. Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the

organization. Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities. Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost. Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants. Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave the organization only after a short period of time. Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce. Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.
Increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting techniques

and sources for all types of job applicants

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SELECTION: After identifying the sources of human resources, searching for the prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for job in an organization, the management has to perform the function of select the right employees at the right time. Selection of the candidate begins after the completion of recruitment applicants for the organization. Selection is an important function, as no organization can achieve the goals without selecting the right people. If the right persons are selected it becomes easier for the management to extract work from people (employees) to achieve the goals of the organization. Selection is defined as process of securing relevant information about an applicant applied for the job in the organization. process

selection means a process by which the qualified candidates is chosen from the list of

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Job analysis Recruitment Preliminary Interview Application blank Written examination Group discussion Personal interview Medical examination Reference check Final selection


College degree or equivalent job experience Minimum of 2 years of recruiting experience, preferably in a financial services, sales and/or high-volume recruiting environment and recruiting experienced financial sales professionals

Proficient in Microsoft Office and Internet Explorer Substantial local personal and/or professional network Experience in financial services industry preferred

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Objectives of the study:

To understand the process of recruitment and selection in MetLife Insurance Company. To study the recruitment process for a financial adviser and sales manager in MetLife.

Need For Study:

Recruiting a new candidate is always a challenge, a newly recruited employee may be productive or Unproductive hence selecting the right candidate for the company who can sustain for a long time and remain productive. Selection is opting for a right candidate from a pool of large candidates. Recruitment and selection even though looks so simple for many it is a tough job as it takes lots of efforts in finding the advertising, consultancies, recruiters and etc Attrition leads to training cost, lost sales cost. Lost sales cost, lost productive cost so a study on attrition and its causes has its worth. If a HR-manager can reduce the attrition rate thus he could be helpful a lot to the company. To conclude in keeping the importance of recruitment, selection and attrition in an organization. I feel it is worth doing a project and analyze various aspects in my topic.

Scope for Study:

The scope of the study has been limited to the executives cadre of METLIFE Tirupathi regional branch. Only, since it was not possible to attend to all employees to whom the training programmes was imparted.

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Research Methodology:
Research Methodology is the investigation of specific problem in detail. At first problem is defined carefully for conducting research. There should be a good research plan for conducting research. No research can be done without data collection. Data collection tools: The tools used for data collection are Questionnaire

Sampling Population: The sample was drawn from Sales Managers and Financial Advisors. Sampling Size: Respondents are selected randomly. Sample size is limited to 70 due to the busy schedule of employees. Sampling Method: Under probability methods, Random sampling method is used. Sampling Tools: Tools used for analysis: Simple percentage analysis It is simple analysis tool. In this method, based on the opinions of the respondents, percentage and pie chart is calculated for the respective scales of each factor. Formula: No. of Respondents Simple percentage = ----------------------------Total No. of Sample size

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Limitations: 1. Interest of employees to respond to questionnaires. 2. Time schedule of employees & their work tools.

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Opinion of employees on R & S Process

Response Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Total No. of respondents 23 20 7 0 0 50 % of respondents 46 40 14 0 0 100%



Strongly agree 46.00% Agree Neutral Disagree 40.00%

INFERENCE: From the above table it is observed that 46% of the respondents strongly agreed, 40% agreed and 14% partially agreed that the organization follow definite recruitment and selection procedure. It is conclude that maximum respondents agreed that the organization follows definite recruitment and selection process.

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Recruitment and selection policy meet the objectives to choose the right person for the right job.
Response Yes No Total No. of respondents 38 12 50 % of respondents 76 24 100%


Yes No


INFERENCE: From the above table 76% of the respondents agreed and 24% disagreed that recruitment and selection procedure to meet the objectives to select a right person for the job. It is inferred that most of the respondents said that recruitment and selection policy meet the objectives to choose the right person for the right job.

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Sources of the respondents awareness about the openings in the firm

Source News papers Educational institutions Through consultants Friends and relatives Total No. of respondents 20 15 8 7 50 % of respondents 40 30 16 14 100%




News papers Educational institutions Through consultants Friends and relatives


INFERENCE: From the above table 30% of the respondents knew the openings through educational institutions, 40% through news papers, 16% through consultants and remaining through friends and relatives. It is conclude that maximum respondents got the awareness regarding vacant positions through newspapers advertisement followed by educational institutions and consultants and friends & relatives.

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Opinion of employee about the selection criteria

Sources Qualification, skills Experience, qualification Experience,qualification,skills Total

No. of respondents 13 12 25 50

% of respondents 26 24 50 100%

26.00% Qualification, skills 50.00% Experience, qualification Experience,qualification,s kills 24.00%

INFERENCE: From the above table 26% respondents opined qualification and skills should be considered 24% opined experience &qualification and 50% opined experience& qualification along with skills should be consider while selecting a candidate. It is conclude that maximum respondents said experience &qualification along with skills should consider while selecting a candidate.

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Uniform procedure to be followed to recruit or to select a Person at all levels of the management.

Response Yes No Total

No. of respondents 50 0 50

% of respondents 100 0 100%


Yes No


INFERENCE: From the above table all of the respondents (100%) opined that is it right to follow uniform procedure to recruit or select the person at all the level of management. It is conclude that 100% of the respondents said uniform procedure should follow for selecting the candidate to all levels of the management.

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Employee satisfaction towards the recruitment and selection procedure.

Response Yes No Total

No. of respondents 39 11 50

%of respondents 78 22 100%


Yes No


INFERENCE: From the above table 78% respondents are satisfied with the recruitment and selection procedure and 22% are not satisfied. It is conclude that maximum percentage of respondents satisfied with the recruitment and selection procedure followed by the organization.

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Sources of recruitment in organization.

Sources Internal External Both Total

No. of respondents 11 10 29 50

% of respondents 22 20 58 100%


Internal External 58.00% 20.00% Both

INFERENCE: From the above table 58% of the respondents are said that both internal & external sources are used for recruitment, 22% of said that internal sources & 20% said that external sources are used for selection. It is conclude that 58% of respondents said that both internal and external sources are used for recruitment.

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Recruiting candidates through internal sources are effective to organization.

Response Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Total

No. of respondents 16 20 14 0 50

% of respondents 32 40 28 0 100%

0.00% 28.00%

32.00% Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree


INFETRENCE: From the above table 40% of the respondents agreed that the internal source are benefit to organization, 32% are strongly agree & 28% are disagree. It is conclude that maximum of respondents strongly agreed or agreed that internal sources of recruitment is benefit to organization.

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Selection criteria of the organization

Source Qualification Experience As a local Both A&B Total No. of respondents 10 10 7 23 50 % of respondents 20 20 14 46 100%


Qualification 46.00% Experience As a local 20.00% Both A&B


INFERENCE: From the above table 46% of the respondents selected on the basis of qualification along with experience, 20% selected on the basis of qualification, 14% selected as a local candidate and 20% selected for the company on the basis of experience. It is conclude that most of the respondents selected for the company on the basis of qualification and skills & experience.

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Employer opinion about the selection method

Sources Tests Interview Group discussion All the above Total

No.0f respondents 10 10 10 20 50

% of respondents 20 20 20 40 100%



Tests Interview Group discussion 20.00% All the above


INFERENCE: From the above table 20% of the respondents said that tests interviews and group discussions are appropriate, 20% said interviews, 20% said group discussions and remaining said tests are appropriate for selection of a candidate. It is conclude that most of the respondents prefer interviews, group discussions and tests are appropriate methods for selection of a candidate.

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Source of recruitment

Sources Walk in interview Face to face interview Telephone interview Other methods of interview Total

No. of respondents 15 25 0 10 50

% of respondents 30 50 0 20 100%

20.00% 30.00% 0.00% W alk in interview Face to face interview Telephone interview Other methods of interview 50.00%

INFERENCE: From the above table 30% of respondents selected through walk in interview,

50% through face to face interview & 20% selected through other methods of interviews. It is concluding that the organization follow face to face interviews along with walk in interviews for selecting a candidate.

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Employee opinion about the efficient candidates

Sources Candidates recruited directly from educational institutions Candidates with good academic record Experienced Total

No. of respondents 15 10 25 50

% of respondents 30 20 50 100%


Candidates recruited directly from educational institutions Candidates with good academic record Experienced



INFERENCE: From the above table 50% of the employees said that experienced persons are efficient, 30% said candidates recruited through educational institutions and 20% said candidates with good academic record are efficient candidates. It is conclude that experienced candidates are efficient and also candidates recruited from educational institutions.

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Placing the candidate with suitable job is essential after selection

Response Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Total

No. of respondents 20 30 0 0 50

% of respondents 40 60 0 0 100%

0.00% 0.00%


Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree


INFERENCE: From the above table 60% of the respondents agreed 40% strongly agreed that placing the candidates with suitable job is essential after selection. It is conclude that respondents agreed and strongly agreed placing the candidate with suitable job is more essential.

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Training and induction is essential after selection.

Response Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Total

No. of respondents 15 25 10 0 50

% of respondents 30 50 20 0 100%

0.00% 20.00% 30.00% Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree


INFERENCE: From the above table the respondents of 50% are agreed, 30% are strongly agreed & 20% are disagreed that training and induction is essential after selection. It is conclude that respondents agreed or strongly agreed training and induction is essential after selection.

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Preference of age during selection

RESPONSE 21-25 25-30 30-35 TOTAL

PERCENTAGES 50.00 35.71 14.29 100%

TOTAL 35 25 10 70


21-25 50.00% 25-30 30-35 35.71%

INTERFACE: In general most of the companies are preferred the staff in the age group 21-30 like that, Metlife also hired maximum people who are in age group 21-25(most) and 2530(more).

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Is company encourage freshers

Response YES NO Total No of Respondents 30 20 50 % Respondents 60 40 100%

40% YES NO 60%

INFERENCE: From the above table 60% respondents says that YES and remaining 40% of respondents says NO. It is conclude that most of the 60% of respondents encourage freshers.

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Reasons to apply for MetLife

Source Salary Company reputation Management Efficiency Others Total Respondents 17 10 15 8 50 % of Respondents 34 20 30 16 100%

16.00% 34.00% Salary Company reputation Management Efficiency 30.00% Others


INFERENCE: From the above table 34% of the respondents says on the basis of salary, 20% of the respondents says that company reputation, 30% of the respondents says that management efficiency and remaining says that others. It is conclude that maximum of respondents says that on the basis of salary and management efficiency.

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The type of interview faced at the time of your selection

Response Formal Informal Mixed Stress Total No. of Respondents 27 10 13 0 50 % of Respondents 54 20 26 0 100%

0.00% 26.00%

Formal Informal 54.00% Mixed Stress


INFERENCE: From the above table 54% of the respondents says that formal interview, 20% of the respondents says that informal interview, and 13% of respondents says that mixed interview. It is conclude that maximum of respondents says that formal interview can face the at the time of selection.

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Suggestions regarding recruitment and selection procedure in the company.

INFERENCE: Maximum of the respondents does not want any changes in the recruitment and selection procedure. Some of them suggested that management should fill up standard application form after the selection of the candidate. And some of the respondents suggested that give preference to experienced candidates apart from freshers.

Showing feeling any difficulties at the time of recruitment. INFERENCE: From the above table 100% of the respondents did not felt any difficulties at the time of their recruitment. It is conclude that 100% of the respondents said they did not feel any difficulties at the time of their recruitment.

Getting more applications showing efficiency of the Management. INFERENCE: Most of the respondents agreed it depends upon management efficiency. But some of them said that not only management efficiency but also that depends upon the job category or position.

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It is found from the study majority of the

respondents agreed (86%) that

organization follows definite recruitment and selection procedure. 76% of the respondents said that recruitment and selection policy meet the objectives to choose the right person for the right job.
It is found that majority of the respondents got the awareness regarding vacant

positions through educational institutions followed by news paper advertisement and consultants and friends and relatives.
The study reveals that majority of the respondents opined that qualification and

skills along with experience should be consider while selecting a candidate.

It is found from the study 100% of the respondents opined that uniform procedure

should be maintained to recruit or select a person of all levels of the management.

The study reveals that 78% of the respondents satisfied with the recruitment and

selection procedure followed by the organization.

Majority of the respondents opined that the company used both internal and

external sources for recruitment.

Majority of the respondents agreed that internal sources are more effective to

Majority of the respondents were selected on the basis of both qualification and

experience. 14% selected by considering as a local.

The company followed face to face interviews along with walk in interviews for

recruiting a candidate. It is found from the study 50% of the respondents opined that candidates with experience are efficient and 30% of the respondents said candidates recruited directly from the educational institutions are efficient.
It is found from the study that all the employees agreed that they are placed with

suitable job after selection.

It is found that freshers are given more importance than others

It is found that for executive level cadre they are mainly preferring renowned institutions (campus placement).

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1. Recruitment feedback should be taken by the candidates to improve the

recruitment process. 2. The employees should be called for the interview only after checking their educational qualifications and job experience in a proper way so as to save the time and cost involved in the recruitment process. 3. Follow up to be done to the newly engaged employees to ensure that they

have settled in and to check on how well they are doing. If they have any problems it is better to identify them at an early stage rather than allowing them to fester.
4. MetLife should give the demo about their policies by senior executives for all the

people who are ready to join in the company because some of the employees are joined without knowledge for their policies. 5. Importance must given for both freshers and experienced candidates equally in the recruitment
6. It is suggested that company could invite proposals from institutions apart from

visiting premier or popular institutions for campus recruitment.

The overall Recruitment and Selection procedure at MetLife is good in the organization using different methods of recruitment for different categories of people and at the same time follows written test and interview method in planned manner for selecting employees.

Sree Vidyanikethan Institute of Management Tirupati



1. Do you feel that your organization follows definite Recruitment and Selection procedure? a)Strongly Agree b)Agree c)Neutral d)Disagree e)Strongly Disagree

2. Does the Recruitment and Selection policy meet the objectives to choose the

right person for the right job? a)Yes b) No

3. Through which media you known that SOLVAY VISHNU Group of Industries having vacancies? a)News papers c)Through consultants b) Educational Institutions d) Friends & Family members

4. In your point of view which of the following should considered while selecting a candidate? a)Qualification & skills c)Experience & Qualification & skills 5. Is it right to follow same procedure to recruit or select the person at all the levels of the management? a)Yes b) No b) Experience & Qualification

6. Are you Satisfied with the Recruitment & Selection procedure in your organization? a)Yes b) No

7. What are the sources of recruitment in your organization? a)Internal b) External c) Both

8. Recruiting candidates through internal sources is benefit to organization? a) Strongly Agree b)Agree c) Disagree d)Strongly Disagree

Sree Vidyanikethan Institute of Management Tirupati

9. On what basis you were selected for this company? a) Qualification b) Experience c) Bothd) As a local 10. Which type of selection method do you feel appropriate? a)Tests b)Interviews c)Group Discussion d)All Three

11. Which interview method you have been recruited or selected in the organization? a)Walk-in-interviews interviews 12. In your opinion who will be efficient candidate? a) Candidates recruited directly from educational institutions b)Candidates with good academic records c)Experienced candidates 13. Placing the candidate with suitable job is essential after selection? a)Strongly Agree b)Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly Disagree b)Face to Face interviews c)Telephone

14. Training and induction is essential after selection? a)Strongly Agree b)Agree c) Disagree d)Strongly Disagree

15. Do you suggest any changes in recruitment & selection procedure of your organization? ... 16. Do you feel any difficulties in recruitment & selection procedure of your organization? ... 17. Do you feel getting more applications for a job shows efficiency of the management? .................................................................................................................................

Sree Vidyanikethan Institute of Management Tirupati


18. Does your company encourage freshers? a) YES b) NO

19. Which of the following made you to apply for this company? a) Salary b) Company reputation c) Management efficiency d) Others

20. Which type of interview did you face at the time of your Selection? a) Formal b) Informal c) Mixed interview d) Stress Interview

Sree Vidyanikethan Institute of Management Tirupati


1. Human Resource Management 2. Human Resource management & Industrial Relation 3. Personal management : : P. SUBBA RAO C.B. MEMORIA Tata Mc graw-Hill publication co. ltd, : C.B. GUPTHA, P. SUBBA RAO


Sree Vidyanikethan Institute of Management Tirupati


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