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Family and those who know me call me Cedric. I aged 44 years.

In April this year I went to London, intending to find my service to ensure a peaceful future. With little money that I had, I managed to rent in 3 bedroom apartment, located at no. 26 Sandringham Road NW2 5er, London, a room, who lived and Dicu Gabriel. In the other two living rooms more other 4 people. The homeowner, who was of Indian origin, I have not seen only twice. Rent and other services (water, electricity, etc.) to the landlord's task was for the Dicu Gabriel. Money for rent, amounting to 170 plus 20 council tax, paid him his Dicu Gabriel on the 10th of each month, and he shall give the owner of that amount on 11. After a certain period, between me and Dicu Gabriel small talk appeared, probably because I did not want to tie a friendship with him. I respect him as a roommate, and both. I did not want to be his friend because some time ago, the police poured a Romanian friend, former classmate, both being in the same city, Turda. When his friend was arrested, the rent came a family of two spouses. In total,in the apartment we were 6 people in three rooms. As of September 20, 2011, we requested and obtained approval from the National Insurance Number, issued SN720572A: Glasgow Portcullis (LN) Office 5 th Floor Jobcenter Plus, Portcullis House, 21 India Street, Glasgow, G2 4PH.Telefon: Text 0845 6415008 Tel: 0845 6088551 Fax: 0845 6415075. Later in October 6, I was approved UTR, with no 12 502 44 584, issued by the Self Assessment PO BOX 4000 CARDIFF CF14 8HR, 9000 0845 0444, Consult These official documents gave me the right to work legally in England. Upon receipt of those documents, I asked Dicu Gabriel, receipts for rent, to receive the refund amounts that local services taxes. He replied dryly: "In this house there is no such thing." In early November, Dicu Gabriel asked me for within 10 days to leave the house because my place is to blame other people to live there. I said that I move when I find another house, although I was resident there. With the right of residence, attested by official documents mentioned above, any homeowner can not expel me without being given an irrevocable judicial decision in this regard. On 11/05/2011, I told Gabriel that I would leave home when I find another property for rent. Hearing this, he grabbed my neck with his hands, slamming me from the hall walls separating the kitchen from the living room. I barely manage to escape. Because of fear that caused me by Dicu Gabriel, I left home in a hurry. I mention that I was dressed only in an undershirt, a pair of pajama pants and slippers. I went to the police station in Willesden Green, who was near the building where I lived. In the police I had to wait in line about half an hour, whereas other two people applied for police support. In a later, a very nice cop women, asked me, "What happened?" Detective name is

Hassan Yen, with registration number 7281. I tried to explain what happened, with little English which I knew. Is hard to understand, it requested further dialogue with the support of a telephone interpreter. She noted that signs of violence in the neck and right shoulder, and asked me what happened and recorded the complaint stated by me that I did against Dicu Gabriel. After filing the complaint, police asked me to wait a while to clarify the situation. I think I was intentionally retained in office in Willesden Green police station about two hours and a half. During this period, the policeman held a series of conversations with other officers, then allowing me to leave the police station. When I left the police station, police officer told me that in case of need, I can call no. Emergency 999. I suspect that this time, Dicu Gabriel contacted the station that a policeman, whom provide different information. I think that the name of the policeman who obtains information from Dicu Gabriel was David Ryan. After about two hours and a half, I was allowed to go home, where I found the lock had been changed. I phoned the emergency number 999, where I answered. Person at the other end told me to expect the police will come, among other things he asked me if I need an ambulance. I said no, although the cold began to seize me. I wait an hour and a half. It was very cold, I called back the number of mergency number 999. It did not answer, busy, I could not believe what happens! I made a complaint of violence, I was outside, naked, and English police closed the number of emergence. I went to the station to which the complaint waited on the way I remembered that there usually closed at 21.00. A community police patrol consisting of two women who perform their service bike went there and asked me what happened. Phone called someone, and after about half an hour left, leaving me cold. Community policewomen noted that somewhere in a corner, some of my clothes were thrown. I have the suspicion that the two policewomen were approved by the person who spoke about the fact that my clothes are thrown out. English police did not give me any chance, I decided to break the window and enter the house where I was resident and where pay rent for about 5 months. I have not had time to go into the house, a car came immediately, the car went down two civilians that immobilized me. Once I was immobilized, there was a police van, where they dropped three policemen, two men and a woman. One civilian performed very badly, indicating with his finger where I sit, I was really pushed by him. They talked something Dicu Gabriel, after a woman wearing glasses police handcuffed me, squeezing them very hard, causing pain that I have highlighted all the way to the police in Kilburn. When I broke the window, I scratched the left foot. Since then scratch my ordeal began 20 hours after police Kilbnurn. The woman wearing glasses police handcuffs that I gathered he wanted to shoot me with her personal scratch, an iPhone. I have not been agreed and put right foot over the scratches. An old policeman grabbed my forearm with his right hand and left hand with your left hand to press my

wrist. He caused a terrible pain, had to give a hand and foot to let me photograph. Another policeman took my fingerprints. Everything was fine, they have a computerized system. Soon afterwards the same policeman told me that I need to take a DNA sample. I told him that he can take my test in the presence of authorized personnel. Very calmly told me that if I do not open my mouth, will require support from other people dressed as police and will use force. He began to repeat with a voice full of hatred and contempt: "FORCE, FORCE, FORCE, FORCE, FORCE." Reminding me of the pain that caused me an old cop, I opened my mouth, I introduced something in my mouth, i did not know what because I did not see. They requested support for questioning translator.Translatorul presented a grade and name, I realized that the police is a Romanian English because speaking the Romanian language correctly without any accent. The interview was short and meaningless. I have asked some questions which had no connection with the case. They have not said me why am I charged until I asked, they mumbled something but I did not understand anything. In a later I was thrown into a cell. I do not know how it was time, lost track of time. The cell was quite large. On a wooden box about 3 feet long and just over half a meter wide mat was placed a mattress. In one corner was a toilet and a full length glass wall was the bed where he was. The glass was very thick, I did not see anything through it, nor heard anything. Somewhere a patio ceiling was hidden in a dark world camera. It was somewhere in the middle of the ceiling, but close to one of the side walls. Probably there were several rooms or a single rotation. I lay on the bed and tried and tried to sleep. It was very cold and I was trying to curl up and go under the coat that managed to take of my stuff thrown out. The cold was almost unbearable. I started to think about what happened. I did not know why I was closed, fear and cold put increasingly more control over me. I started to cry. I put my head on my knees, I covered with coat and crying, I could not help it. After a few tens of minutes I was quiet. Very often a policeman came and asked me if everything is okay. Towards morning I began to tremble. To warm myself I started to do pushups and crunches. Morning a policeman came and asked me if I want to eat. I said I would. The same police officer allowed me to move me to a bathroom to wash myself. I was brought a breakfast and a glass of water. I asked for a coffee and I was brought. Not long after, someone came and asked me dressed in civilian clothes with an emphasis on something that I did not understand. I said that I do not understand. Then he, with a loud voice, said: "Cocaine? Heroin?" All loud, I I said: "Woe to fartti fottere." He apologized and left. I tried again a sense of fear. I began to think that I could come out. I was afraid. I thought that the next person to enter the cell will have a syringe in hand which will probably contain drugs. I knew I could not do anything, but I thought that would have happened, my reaction would have been an undesirable. A woman police officer entered the cell, telling me that I must question. They took me where, the night before, for fun or habit, it had fought in a barbarian to me. They brought an interpreter and asked me if I want a lawyer. I said yes. They took me back to the cell and told me to wait until the lawyer comes. The lawyer came in the evening. I do not know what time it was, but I think it was past 4 pm I was taken to a room where the lady lawyer and a translator. I explained what happened attorney. The lawyer said that Community policewomen said that I had in hand a pipe from a scaffold that was built in the house where I lived and that probably that I broke the glass pipe. And this was not true and I said I want to make an inquiry to be held accountable or erected scaffolding

workers because they were not allowed to leave the pipes scattered or Community policewomen because they lied. The lawyer told me that if I was wrong to admit that when I broke the window, I receive a warning and let me go. Then I realized that, in fact, the lawyer not interested in truth, because there is nothing but a tool for police. Shortly after the interrogation began. I was in the room, Mrs. translator, lawyer and a person dressed in civilian clothes who was recommended to be a police officer. The police officer was bald. The police officer asked me why I broke the window. I was asked if I broke the window with the barrel. I said that I broke the glass with my foot. I started to tell her what happened, thinking that the police officer would understand that the police actually challenged me to break that indirectly window. At one point, the policeman got bored and made a gesture of the head, giving me impression that he was nos interested. Then I realized that my face was not an officer of the royal crown ....... To finish quickly, I recognized that I was wrong when I broke the window. Then he exclaimed: "I have found." What was he found? I mention that the interrogation was recorded on an audio tape that is in police custody. I was led into the cell. They made me sign some papers, I went to the main entrance and the police officer told me to wait there, that will accompany me home, where I will take my luggage and that the police will find me another home. As naked as I was, I waited about 3 hours. I remember that there came a family of four members. Their two girls looked to me like a fool. It had been night. It was 9p.m. o clock and nobody pays me attention. Later came two policewomwn: one bond and one brunette. They led me to car to collect the goods from the house where I lived. By the time I was the police who had been thrown out my goods were bonded inside. I went into the house and found only the clothes I work with. I told the two detective to look into the room where we live my clothes, because I suspected that Gabriel Dicu steal. They did not want to look. Asked him something Dicu Gabriel and noticed that they joked with him, instead of acting to recover my property. There was nothing to do. Policewomen accompanied me out, I was left in the street and asked me ironic what I am going to do?would make to come.I answer ironic too: "I ll start from here". It was late. Passed by 10 pm and I was on the streets of London, with two bags in hand, which had some of my personal property. I was disoriented. To me easier, I gave up a bag and a part of things. I did not know what to do. I thought to approach the work. I worked as laborers: face cement ditches, destroyed walls, in a word, build homes, to English, the British police and their children. How I had all night at my disposal, I took a walk. After about 3 hours away, I lost. Goes well beyond midnight when I managed to find me. Somewhere along the street, not far from where I worked, I saw a couch. I lay on it, I put the bag under her head and I covered the coat. I managed to sleep. I was very tired. But the cold made me wake up from time to time. I woke up that morning and I went to work. Fatigue did not go unnoticed, but my boss, a person of Albanian origin, I understand. All day I thought, where will we sleep tonight. When I finished working on, I left the bag there, to me easier. I started looking for a place to sleep. A home was very hard to find so quickly. In fact, I had little money and the hotels were very expensive. I found a park where there was a garden. There were banks that were well covered by the leaves of trees, does not penetrate rain, nor wind. Somewhere near the park, I found a piece of cloth about 2 m long. I took the sponge, I put on the bench and I was lying. Not to enter the cold, we entered into a plastic bag of garbage that it is put. Soon, someone woke me up. There were park guards who told me to go, because the park closes at 21.00. I took the sponge and left. Rained out. Near a subway station under a tree, I put the sponge on the grass. I stretched and tried to sleep. No heavy rains. It was a drizzle, but, over time, began to penetrate me. I got up and left. I was walking in the rain without a goal. At one point, I saw an abandoned bed. It was wet. But I was

tired and needed to sleep. Not far away we found a blanket in a nylon bag. It was dry. I lay on the bed, I covered myself with blanket and slept. Someone woke me up. I lifted my head, a boy, I think it was English, handed me a glass that was hot chocolate. I said thank you, drank chocolate and slept again. The next day, with a friend, I managed to find a house, a kind of home, where they were housed 6 or even 8 people in a room. In that place I was able to stay 3 days on weekends because all seats were reserved. After the three days, had to stay another two days apart. Then I returned to the same home, where I stayed for the next 3 weeks, then I decided to go back home in Romania. Wednesday, November 8th, I received a call from a person who appeared to be from office against human violence and asked me if I want to continue complain against Dicu Gabriel. I said yes. His name is David Ryan who sought me, or so it appeared, and answering telephone number 0044 02,087,333,709. In the afternoon the same day, I telephoned David Ryan to tell him about the violence that Kilburn police used them against me. We had a surprise: Police responded to the number of Kilburn. Evening I was told to go to the police to recover my property which I Dicu Gabriel stole. There I found Hassan with registration number 7299. He read the complaint that the police had done in Willesden Green and told me that Gabriel Dicu probably would be arrested. I waited 3 hours. Meanwhile, Hassan left. Probably finish the program. Another policeman told me that no one can come to me, because police are busy. Then I got angry, I yelled at him and said, "How can English police freedom to leave a violent man and Dicu Gabriel?". He is a danger to him, for others. He shrugged and I did not say anything. I said nothing and left. In the same week I was 3 times the police in Kilburn. After I made to wait 2 or even 3 hours, tell me I'm busy. Always leave them without saying anything. Each time, before going to the police, take the phone with David Ryan, and he told me to go to the police. Unable to reconcile myself with the thought that David Ryan legalized violence in England and terrorize me with callls phone that I was I decided to go to the Metropolitan Police in Westminster. I got there at 5 pm and the gate guard told me that it is closed. I said: How can police be closed for a case of violence?. He said yes and showed me a police station on a street next. I went there, but fear has hold of me again and I could not go. Then I decided to go to New Scotland Yard in London, located on the no. 8-10 Broadway SW1H 0BG. I spoke to a policeman who was wearing a beard and hat crown on. I told him I wanted to make a claim for violence. He told me that you must go to the police. I told myself that violence against me did the police. I said I want to talk to a good man from Scotland Yard. Bearded policeman told me laughing that there are not people. Other two policemen have appeared: a man and a woman. The policeman who wore a beard told the other policeman to call the police. Made me afraid and left. I expected to stop me, but it did not happen. I thought to go and at Buckingham Palace, but I'm approaching it, I was afraid. I was convinced there could not complain. I turned back. On 11/15/2011 I looked again at the police Ryan David Kilburn. I told them a harsh tone that I want to know the person who attempts on my life. It did not appear. Hiding like a rabbit. I was tired and started to cough because British police which left me homeless. Meanwhile, the stress caused to me by David Ryan and his colleagues at Kilburn police, I lost my job. Being sick and we decided to go home and write this letter. With my colleagues where that I had I lived, Basil, Petre, Marian and his wife Aura I understand quite well, but if they fell Gabriel Dicu whistleblowers in place and they have become as miserable as this. I believe that life is not owned by anyone, nor God of the one who possesses. Life is a gift, a gift that is priceless. We, the owners of life, life guards are only ours. Life is something divine, life is unique.

We all and everything around us is a single life is a chain of which from time to time to lose an occasional zala lost but are replaced by the excellent links children around us. I went through a very difficult trial that snitch Dicu Gabriel, King David Ryan and his gang from English police were careful about what I possess and has no price: my life. I am with all those who have suffered violence by the police across the globe and especially those who lost their lives and their families. Do you think, you think that somewhere there is someone up there gave me the strength to write days and this letter for me and for you. Thank you. VASILE Pucic CEDRIC 12-2011-20 TEL.0040 7666305593. W. W. W. CEDRICFALCO @ YAHOO.COM

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