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Name Branch Phno Email id : Y.Swathi :IV th CSE : 9441029029



1. Introduction 2. What is ZIGBEE 3. Need for ZIGBEE 4. ZIGBEE Architecture 5. How ZIGBEE works 6. Target Applications for ZIGBEE 7. Advantages 8. Applications 9. Conclusion
10. Reference

1. Introduction
The concept of Zigbee is associated with controlling all electronic devices and communicating with them in the surrounding by using our mobile or P.c. by using this latest wireless technology. Zigbee act as sensor and controller. Zigbee is operated at 2.4 GHz bandwidth and IEEE standard is 802.15.4. In the not-too-distant future, all this will be possible with ZigBee, which is expected to become a Big B. This technology forms PAN topologies. This can connect up to 65,553 deceives per unit. It operated in 16 channels each channel take 868 Mbps. This is operated with in distance 75 to 100 Mts .The important feature of Zigbee is providing with memory and logical unit for first time. This helps in taking independent decisions by itself with need of co-ordinator, which help in sensor deceives. In the not-too-distant future, all this will be possible with ZigBee, which is expected to become a Big B.It would be common to find as many as a hundred of ZigBee chips around the house in the form of light switches, fire and smoke detectors, thermostats, kitchen appliances, video and audio remote controls, security systems, etc.

2. What is ZIGBEE
ZigBee is a home-area network designed specifically to replace the proliferation of individual remote controls. ZigBee was created to satisfy the market's need for a cost-effective, standards-based wireless network that supports low data rates, low power consumption, security, and reliability. The ZigBee Alliance, an industry-working group is developing standardized application software on top of the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless standard. The alliance is working closely with the IEEE to ensure an integrated, complete, and interoperable network for the market. The ZigBee Alliance will also serve as the official test and certification group for ZigBee devices. ZigBee is the only standards-based technology that addresses the needs of most remote monitoring and control and sensory network application

3. Need for ZIGBEE

There hasn't been a wireless network standard that meets the unique needs of sensors and control devices. Sensors and controls don't need high bandwidth but they do need low latency and very low energy consumption for long battery lives. The ZigBee Alliance is not pushing a technology rather it is providing a standardized base set of solutions for sensor and control systems.

4.ZIGBEE Architecture

5.1Physical layer The physical layer was designed to accommodate the need for a low cost yet allowing for high levels of integration. The use of direct sequence allows the analog circuitry to be very simple and very tolerant towards inexpensive implementations. 5.2MAC layer The media access control (MAC) layer was designed to allow multiple topologies without complexity. The power management operation doesn't require multiple modes of operation. The MAC allows a reduced functionality device (RFD) that needn't have flash nor large amounts of ROM or RAM. The MAC was designed to handle large numbers of devices without requiring them to be "parked". The network layer has been designed to allow the network to spatially grow without requiring high power transmitters. The network layer also can handle large amounts of nodes with relatively low latencies .

5.3.Security Security and data integrity are key benefits of the ZigBee technology. ZigBee leverages the security model of the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC sub layer which specifies four security services: Access controlthe device maintains a list of trusted devices within the network Data encryption, which uses symmetric key 128-bit advanced encryption standard Frame integrity to protect data from being modified by parties without cryptographic keys Sequential freshness to reject data frames that have been replayedthe network controller compares the freshness value

5.How ZIGBEE works

ZigBee operates in 16 channels of 2.4GHz ISM band and provides a data rate of 250 Kbps. It has been designed for single channel 868 MHz, which provides 20 kbps in Europe. ZigBee device can function either as a node or a coordinator. A node is like a client or slave device that receives commands/data from a coordinator. A node cannot initiate connection with another node. The coordinator device is the master or the slave device that can control up to 255 active nodes. ZigBee devices can form PAN using star, cluster tree or mesh topology. Multi network coordinators can be linked together to form a large network to control up to 65536 devices. Advanced encryption standards (AES) will enable highly secure networks and application. Profile will provide highly interoperable products and solutions. ZigBee networks use three device types: The network coordinator maintains overall network knowledge. It's the most sophisticated of the three types and requires the most memory and computing power. The full function device (FFD) supports all 802.15.4 functions and features specified by the standard. It can function as a network coordinator. Additional memory and computing power make it ideal for network router functions or it could be used in network-edge devices (where the network touches the real world).

The reduced function device (RFD) carries limited (as specified by the standard) functionality to lower cost and complexity. It's generally found in network-edge devices.

6.Target Applications for ZIGBEE

The industry is ready for ZigBee revolution: The most dramatic impact of ZigBee will be home automation segment. The west technology research estimates that 2008, assuming 4% gross domestic product (GDP) growth annual shipments of ZigBee chipsets into the home automation segment alone will be exceed 339 million units and grow rapidly there after. Immediate development of ZigBee will be in home automation, home networking, building automation, remote control and industrial automation segments. ZigBee has many applications in industries, home appliance, big buildingsetc.

Product interoperability. Vendor independence. Increased product innovation as a result of industry standardization. A common platform is more cost effective than creating a new proprietary solution from scratch every time. Companies can focus their energies on finding and serving customers.


Capture highly detailed electric, water and gas utility usage data

Embed intelligence to optimize consumption of natural resources Install, upgrade and network home control system without wires Configure and run multiple systems from a single remote control Easily install wireless sensors to monitor a wide variety of conditions Receive automatic notification upon detection of unusual events Reduce energy costs through optimized manufacturing process Identify inefficient operation or poorly performing equipment Automate data acquisition from remote sensors to reduce user intervention Provide detailed data to improve preventive maintenance programs It used in big hotels to stop fire wizards in accidents and also it calls fire engine. Integrate and centralize management of lighting, heating, cooling and security Automate control of multiple systems to improve conservation, flexibility and security Reduce energy expenses through optimized HVAC management. Allocate utility costs equitably based on actual consumption. Reconfigure lighting systems quickly to create adaptable workspaces. Extend and upgrade building infrastructure with minimal effort.

It is used in big water towers that helps to indicate us that tank is going to full and also take care to stop water motor .

I can conclude that in future we are going to see a world with out cables. We can give protection to all electronic deceive. We can take care and can avoid fire wizards. This step helps science technology to step into far word that help us to protect electronic deceives. By supporting all above statements I can say zigbee is going to big b

10.REFERENCE http://

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