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Wicker Man 1973

Poster art The Wicker Man, if nothing else is a clash of beliefs and ways of life through out and what can become of the two. A.Smith states simmerly that, more than anything else, a film about what people can do in the name of religion or, more generally, belief. Its power comes not from appeals to the supernatural but from a deep understanding of our own undeniable nature. (A.Smith,2007) which gives it a feel of unease and unnaterrle.

Supporting Still

In one eloquent sequence, how he watches naked girls conduct a fertility ritual. Disgusted, he asks if they have never heard of Jesus Christ. "The son of a virgin, impregnated, I believe, by a ghost," replies a quizzical Lord Summerisle. (A.Smith,2007) This is one of the main clashes of the two beliefs in the film and it shows a big incite into the two persons whoms beliefs clash. It also shows a disregard to understand each others belief. The complete unawareness of the two persons beliefs for one anothers beliefs is quite disturbing and alien. The film in many regards is alien and has a mix of ways in which to show this message to the viewer as T.Robey states, Part folk musical, part occult chiller, and quite mad,(T.Robey, 2007) but the madness is not persific as such. The madness comes from the viewers own beliefs and what seems right. And the things that seems right are few and far between, an example of this is as P.Bradshaw states, But there is genuine fear in its nightmarish tableaux: the breast-feeding woman holding an egg in the ruined churchyard, (P.Bradshaw,2007) which by all accounts fits into the film but not into ones mind and identification of the norm. The Film it self can be summed up in one scene, which is of the beetle tied to a nail and slowly unaware of its own down fall of it going round and round in circles. This is true of the policeman whom ends up being the beetle and all the others being the string and nail that mockingly wait for him do bring about his own down fall.

Bibliography A.Smith, EMPAIRE, 2007 (accessed 1/1/12) =7892 T.Robey, The Telegraph, 2007 (accessed 1/1/12) Lady-Chatterley-Seraphim-Falls-and-more.html P.Bradshaw, The Guardian, 2007 (accessed 1/1/12) Illustration Supporting still (accessed 1/1/12) icle%20Pics/fav_things/wickerman_1.jpg Poster art (accessed 1/1/12) n_UKrelease_Poster.jpg/220pxTheWickerMan_UKrelease_Poster.jpg

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