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Hibernate Changelog =================== Note: Newer entries are automatically generated and the description might not match

the actual issue resolution (i.e. a bug might not be a bug). Please refer to the particular case on JIRA using the issue tracking number to learn more about each case. Changes in version 3.6.0.CR2 (2010.09.29) ------------------------------------------ 1 ** Bug * [HHH-892] - HQL parser does not resolve alias in ORDER BY clause * [HHH-2917] - Using subselects as operands for arithmetic operations causes NullPointerException * [HHH-4510] - Add column-level read/write support (HHH-4440) to annotations * [HHH-5490] - dirty data be inserted into 2L cache * [HHH-5552] - Infinispan listener implementations need to load entities and keys using application classloader. * [HHH-5563] - JndiInfinispanRegionFactory creates region with a stopped cac he, if region previously existed * [HHH-5568] - correct wrong format in document * [HHH-5573] - Change TestCase to rebuildSessionFactory() whenever sessions var is accessed * [HHH-5590] - Don't log and rethrow exceptions in AbstractFlushingEventList ener * [HHH-5591] - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl#queryExecuted() does not update quer yExecutionMaxTimeQueryString * [HHH-5592] - org.hibernate.test.hql.ASTParserLoadingOrderByTest hangs on p ostgresql * [HHH-5593] - org.hibernate.test.legacy.FooBarTest.testCollectionWhere fail s on hsqldb * [HHH-5594] - org.hibernate.test.jpa.lock.JPALockTest fails on hsqldb * [HHH-5595] - postgresql jdbc driver does not implement the setQueryTimeout method * [HHH-5596] - org.hibernate.test.annotations.onetoone.OneToOneTest.testPkOn eToOneSelectStatementDoesNotGenerateExtraJoin() fails on postgresql * [HHH-5597] - org.hibernate.test.criteria.LikeTest.testLike fails on postgr esql because of the default escape charactor ** Improvement * [HHH-5560] - Envers ValidAuditTimeStrategy needs a better name * [HHH-5589] - mysql does not support column check ** New Feature * [HHH-5190] - Provide annotation support for <discriminator>'s force and in sert * [HHH-5205] - Add support for source="db" for timestamp versions ** Patch * [HHH-5581] - Improve InformixDialect sequence support Changes in version 3.6.0.CR1 (2010.09.15) ------------------------------------------ 1 ** Sub-task

* when * *

[HHH-3766] - Modify the queries executed to use the "end-revision" column, available [HHH-5446] - Write an envers tutorial guide [HHH-5499] - Extend AuditReader interface with findRevisions() method orm_2_0.xsd compliant mapping files break in JEE use cases Sybase 15 does not support cross join org.hibernate.type.UUIDCharType incorrectly mapped to char an due to the padding space Infinispan region factory uses same cache instance for all ti Resolve query cache results not up to date testsuite failures Add StartRevision/EndRevison fileds to audit tables Improve envers query performance by using new REVEND column Create "Getting Started Guide" JEE bootstrapping should only parse and validate mapping file

** Bug * [HHH-5310] * [HHH-5356] * [HHH-5484] d causes test fail * [HHH-5542] mestamp regions * [HHH-5545] ** Improvement * [HHH-3709] * [HHH-5372] * [HHH-5441] * [HHH-5543] s once * [HHH-5557] * [HHH-5564] -

- Sybase supports alias length upto 30 characters - Upgrade to Infinispan 4.2.x

** Task * [HHH-5524] - Move into svn Changes in version 3.6.0.Beta4 (2010.09.01) ------------------------------------------ 0 ** Sub-task * [HHH-5442] * [HHH-5444] * [HHH-5445] * [HHH-5462] * [HHH-5463] Write Write Write Write Write native tutorial chapter annotations tutorial chapter a jpa/entitymanager tutorial guide preface a community chapter

** Bug * [HHH-817] - Projection aliases should not be applied to where-clause (Milo sz Tylenda) * [HHH-1189] - interfaces for Proxies are not regonized as interfaces * [HHH-3334] - Cascade-save breaks if parent ID is assigned (delays insert) and child has identity ID (early insert) (Wallace Wadge) * [HHH-5142] - Exception when initializing lazy @ManyToMany indexed collecti on containing not audited entities * [HHH-5225] - Cannot parse order-by fragment if it contains a registered fu nction without parentheses * [HHH-5440] - Joined collection expressions not properly "rendered" in JPA Criteria queries * [HHH-5511] - Infinispan Region.destroy() impl should call cache.stop() * [HHH-5512] - JndiInfinispanRegionFactory shouldn't try to stop CacheManage r * [HHH-5517] - Switch uuid generation in SessionFactory to UUIDGenerator instead * [HHH-5519] - VersionedItem should not extend Item, otherwise query cache r esults are confusing * [HHH-5520] - Per org.hibernate.cache.RegionFactory javadocs, implementors should be allowed to use no-arg constructor

** Deprecation * [HHH-5489] - Deprecate jbosscache as a second level cache provider, in fav or of infinispan ** Improvement * [HHH-5427] * [HHH-5507] * [HHH-5509] * [HHH-5515] derby native sequence support broken Add @MapKeyType annotation Leverage StandardBasicTypes internaly Upgrade to Infinispan 4.1.0.CR3

** Patch * [HHH-5197] - Envers documentation doesn't include the correct configuratio n when using Hibernate directly * [HHH-5453] - ByteCodeHelper.readByteCode won't load classes bigger than a constant size ** Task * [HHH-5502] * [HHH-5505] * [HHH-5506] * [HHH-5510] Upgrade to maven-jdocbook-plugin 2.3.2 enable Sybase 15.5 in the test db profile rollback maven-jdocbook-plugin to 2.3.0 Upgrade to maven-jdocbook-plugin 2.3.3

Changes in version 3.6.0.Beta3 (2010.08.18) ------------------------------------------ 3 ** Sub-task * [HHH-5464] - Write a chapter about obtaining Hibernate ** Bug * [HHH-1643] - Sub-query as function parameter - either sub-query is missed from SQL or NullPointerException raised * [HHH-5180] - StandardQueryCache.get() does not handle EntityNotFoundExcept ion for natural key lookups * [HHH-5426] - HQL update/delete does not invalidate the query cache * [HHH-5449] - Versioned HQL update might issue incorrect SQL * [HHH-5469] - HHH-3659 is only half done, due to HHH-4989 (i.e. no HQL perf ormance log when running Java 5) * [HHH-5473] - Default for CHECK_NULLABILITY does not allow merge retries ** Improvement * [HHH-5438] * [HHH-5439] * [HHH-5474] * [HHH-5477] s Skip deployment of "irrelevant" modules Deployment of site.xml Clean up usages of now deprecated ExtendedMappings Introduce StandardBasicTypes for standard basic type constant

** Patch * [HHH-5300] - Configurable QueryPlanCache reference counts (Manuel Domingue z Sarmiento) ** Task * [HHH-5451] - deprecate cglib as bytecode provider * [HHH-5479] - Upgrade jDocBook plugin to 2.3.0 * [HHH-5485] - Move hiberante dtd files from t to

Changes in version 3.6.0.Beta2 (2010.08.04) ------------------------------------------ 2 ** Bug * [HHH-2350] - 2nd level cache broken for non-inverse bidirectional one-to-m any relation * [HHH-4011] - ChainedPropertyAccessor is not serializable, which breaks cac hing to disk and replicated caches. * [HHH-5097] - Bug in ParameterizedFunctionExpression with two or more param eters: IllegalArgumentException * [HHH-5296] - AbstractFromImpl::getJoin() shall return empty set, not null * [HHH-5355] - errors with IngresDialect * [HHH-5400] - Binding BLOB values via byte[] (MaterializedBlobType) fails i n 3.6 on MySQL * [HHH-5408] - Revise JPA compliance wording used in documentation according to Oracle policies * [HHH-5415] - dumping "NClob not found" exception to stderr * [HHH-5425] - PropertyAccessException when caching results from a Query wit h a ResultTransformer that as 1 value per row * [HHH-5431] - Infinispan's CacheAdapterImpl.putAllowingTimeout not using si lent flag ** Improvement * [HHH-2510] - override equals() and fix hashCode() in AliasToBeanResultTran sformer * [HHH-5212] - Alter SQLFunction contract to be more flexible * [HHH-5283] - Add BasicType handling of * [HHH-5295] - Rendered JPAQL query shall be the same all the times, aliases shall not have random indexes * [HHH-5331] - Remove reflection calls on SessionFactory for JDK 1.5 detecti on in relation to Statistics * [HHH-5375] - Merge AnnotationConfiguration into Configuration * [HHH-5418] - Have Configuration delay parsing/binding of mappings until bu ildMappings() is called * [HHH-5420] - introducing new dialect for ms sql server 2008 with jdbc 3.0 and above * [HHH-5424] - ResultTransformer should only be set in the QueryKey if putti ng/getting data that is actually transformed ** New Feature * [HHH-3908] - Expose way to fully control fetching and result mapping on SQ LQuery * [HHH-5423] - Provide a JBoss TS TransactionManagerLookup implementation fo r standalone (non JNDI) usage ** Patch * [HHH-5246] * [HHH-5349] Ingres dialect * [HHH-5401] * [HHH-5435] - Addition of withClause for DetachedCriteria (Shawn Clowater) - CriteriaHQLAlignmentTest fails with an error running with the - Update to HHH-5381 HSQLDB new dialect (Fred Toussi) - Add identity column support to the Ingres10Dialect

** Task * [HHH-5259] - Invalid reflection optimization configuration property name i n Hibernate documentation.

* [HHH-5416] - upgrade to h2 1.2.140 Changes in version 3.6.0.Beta1 (2010.07.21) ------------------------------------------ 1 ** Sub-task * [HHH-3764] - Add the "end-revision" column when generating metadata * [HHH-3765] - Fill the "end revision" column with appropriate data in add/m od/del/collection work units * [HHH-5115] - Migrate Annotations documentation system to jdocbook's maven plugin (like core) * [HHH-5149] - Update "Basic O/R Mapping" (chapter 5) and "Collection Mappin g" (chapter 6) of Core manual to use annotations * [HHH-5150] - Update settings section to reflect merge from Annotations and Core documentation * [HHH-5153] - Update Filters chapter to also show annotation configuration * [HHH-5155] - Move Additional modules chapter from Annotations to Core prob ably in Appendix * [HHH-5366] - Move annotations module tests into testsuite module * [HHH-5367] - Move annotations module sources into core module * [HHH-5379] - Update "Transitive persistence" (10.11) section to incorporat e annotations * [HHH-5380] - Update "Cache mappings" (20.2.1) section to incorporate annot ations * [HHH-5388] - Add @NamedQuery, @NamedNativeQuery, @SqlResultSetMapping, @Tu plizers and @FetchProfile to Core documentation * [HHH-5389] - Update custom CRUD chapter ** Bug * [HHH-2269] - Many-to-one cascade fails with TransientObjectException if th e inverse collection is marked CascadeType.DELETE_ORPHAN * [HHH-2277] - bidirectional <key-many-to-one> both lazy=false fetch=join le ad to infinite loop * [HHH-3001] - The NoopOptimizer is not thread safe * [HHH-3005] - DTD: map-key should allow nested type rather than attribute. * [HHH-3096] - COUNT DISTINCT operator with idenfication variable w/ composi te primary key produces bad sql * [HHH-3377] - Update H2Dialect to use DECIMAL SQL type instead of NUMERIC * [HHH-3694] - ResultTransformer not used when scroll() is used on a named S QLQuery * [HHH-4036] - EntityMetamodel entityNameByInheritenceClassNameMap field use d inconsistently * [HHH-4147] - Eager Bidirectional association with @ManyToOne in PK lead to infinite loop * [HHH-4156] - c3p0 is not used when only specific hibernate.c3p0.* properti es * [HHH-4240] - SecondaryTables not recognized when using JOINED inheritance * [HHH-4250] - @ManyToOne - @OneToMany doesn't work with @Inheritance(strate gy= InheritanceType.JOINED) * [HHH-4568] - Sybase - Test "BatchTest" fails due to "unexpected row count from update" * [HHH-4647] - Problems with @JoinColumn referencedColumnName and quoted col umn and table names * [HHH-4716] - NotAuditedException using the entity name concept of hiberna te. * [HHH-4773] - @CollectionId does not force the id column to not-null * [HHH-4957] - Criteria Projections.countDistinct() function broken

* [HHH-4966] - Entity Manager bug with ParameterExpressionImpl * [HHH-4968] - Cannot deactivate default BeanValidationListener independentl y of DDL constraints generation (Vladimir Klyushnikov) * [HHH-4991] - ManyToMany table not joined due to max_fetch_depth parameter, results to SQL exceptions * [HHH-5006] - hibernate.globally_quoted_identifiers=true and Annotations te sts * [HHH-5032] - Setting LockModeType.OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT defaults to o nly OPTIMISTIC * [HHH-5042] - TableGenerator does not increment hibernate_sequences.next_hi _value anymore after having exhausted the current lo-range * [HHH-5063] - Projections that have aliases same as the property name resul t in invalid sql * [HHH-5069] - Fix annotation documentation wrt setup * [HHH-5094] - PersistenceUtilHelper cannot access non-public fields/methods (it should be able to) * [HHH-5098] - AssertionFailure thrown when collection contains a parameteri zed type * [HHH-5109] - @OneToOne - too many joins * [HHH-5125] - The annotations @Entity and @MappedSuperclass used in one cla ss produce a nullpointerexception * [HHH-5131] - SchemaExport drop fails if constraint names change * [HHH-5135] - "Ambiguous column" exception thrown with columns having the s ame name as a function registered with the dialect (e.g. to_date, floor) * [HHH-5173] - hql - average returns double but looses the decimal part * [HHH-5178] - Unit tests in org.hibernate.test.immutable fail on mssql and sybase due to keyword used for table and column name * [HHH-5191] - CollectionMetadataGenerator fails to obtain mappedBy attribut e when is defined on superclasses * [HHH-5195] - FilterImpl.validate() throws NullPointerExeption on deseriali zation * [HHH-5204] - Introduce @RequiresDialectFeature annotation * [HHH-5207] - Unexpected exception occurs during refresh of a transient imm utable business object. * [HHH-5208] - Oracle 11g R2 RAC - Test SequenceIdentityTest fails because f irst value of sequence is "2" * [HHH-5210] - Query Cache effective only after closing the session that cre ated the cache * [HHH-5211] - no need to create a schema first when run this test org.hiber nate.test.sql.hand.custom.db2.DB2CustomSQLTest * [HHH-5220] - Unit tests related to HHH-5063 and HHH-5135 fail on some dial ects * [HHH-5230] - Regresion! @SequenceGenerator with allocationSize=1 fails Oth er allocationSizes appear to be decremented by 1 * [HHH-5231] - Unit test failures lock up when they run on DB2 and PostgreSQ L * [HHH-5233] - @FetchProfile fails to take more than one @FetchProfile.Fetch Override * [HHH-5253] - TableHiLoGenerator does not increment hi-value any more when lo-range es exhausted * [HHH-5258] - Persistence.isLoaded(Object, String) fails if the annotated p roperty does not have a public getter or field * [HHH-5272] - Typo in tutorial at web site * [HHH-5286] - Jar Scanner instances cannot be passed to EntityManagerFactor y creation method * [HHH-5288] - Envers auditReader.find() returns wrong data for embedded com ponents using fields with default values * [HHH-5298] - @AuditMappedBy doesn't work on an inherited relation * [HHH-5315] - AuditJoinTable rows are no longer flushed to the database * [HHH-5318] - Wrong logic for RequiresDialectFeature in org.hibernate.test.

annotations.HibernateTestCase * [HHH-5319] - Clean up data created in org.hibernate.test.annotations.oneto many.OneToManyTest#testUnidirectionalExplicit * [HHH-5322] - Regression in PersistenceUtilHelper * [HHH-5323] - correct jdbc driver version for testing * [HHH-5324] - Tests fail on mysql * [HHH-5329] - NoClassDefFoundError when using Hibernate 3.5 with J2SE 1.4 b ecause of a wrong catch block * [HHH-5332] - JndiInfinispanRegionFactory cannot be instantiated * [HHH-5334] - PersistenceUtilHelpe.findMember(Class, String) private method doesn't work with members of a superclass * [HHH-5340] - Typo in tutorial at web site * [HHH-5370] - Building IN condition with CriteriaBuilder providing collecti on of values not working. * [HHH-5384] - HEM should not register its own Synchronization * [HHH-5395] - Fix the failing Lobs test ** Improvement * [HHH-3050] - Convert usage of Hibernate's FastHashMap to ConcurrentHashMap (Java 1.5) * [HHH-4945] - Replace all usages of EJB3TestCase with org.hibernate.ejb.tes t.TestCase * [HHH-5138] - Redesign types + introduce TypeRegistry & TypeResolver * [HHH-5144] - Dont restrict on jdk5 in hibernate core development * [HHH-5162] - Deprecate @Entity.mutable in favor of @Immutable * [HHH-5171] - Allow usage of standalone @JoinFormula annotation * [HHH-5182] - Inject SessionFactory into "non-basic" Types * [HHH-5217] - Minimize double sequence value reads in PooledOptimizer * [HHH-5218] - Provide a new "pooled value" based optimizer which interprets the database value as the low boundary instead of upper boundary * [HHH-5245] - Introduce LobHelper * [HHH-5248] - Introduce CompositeType interface (to replace AbstractCompone ntType interface) * [HHH-5251] - NativeSQLQueryReturn impls pre-cache a final hashcode based o n non-final fields * [HHH-5252] - AttributeFactory needs more info in AssertionFailure * [HHH-5262] - Allow UserType and CompositeUserType to be registered with Ba sicTypeRegistry * [HHH-5268] - Support for java.util.UUID properties/generators * [HHH-5285] - Add support for CompositeUserType to implement org.hibernate. usertype.LoggableUserType * [HHH-5362] - Upgrade trunk to latest Infinispan 4.1 * [HHH-5373] - Better account for SQLWarnings in temp table creation ** New Feature * [HHH-3579] * [HHH-3659] * [HHH-5260] * [HHH-5337] import Support for PostgreSQL UUID data type statistics: Execution time of a query Allow query region name specific eviction settings Allow customization of "import.sql" file name and multi files

** Patch * [HHH-1574] - AbstractEntityPersister.getNaturalIdentifierSnapshot doesn't work with many-to-one ids (Alex Burgel) * [HHH-2268] - Skip bridge methods during getter determination (JDK Bug 5062 759) * [HHH-3220] - Patch to prevent "org.hibernate.AssertionFailure: possible no n-threadsafe access to the session" error caused by stateless sessions * [HHH-5064] - OrderBy string getting dumped to console on session factory c reation (Shawn Clowater)

* [HHH-5078] - JPA criteria query numeric expressions produce wrong result ( due to wrong bracketing) * [HHH-5147] - EnumType speed up in initEnumValues() * [HHH-5213] - Add native SQL Boolean type to Ingres10Dialect * [HHH-5336] - a few typo fixes * [HHH-5381] - HSQLDB new dialect (Fred Toussi) ** Task * [HHH-4868] * [HHH-5139] * [HHH-5145] n * [HHH-5148] * [HHH-5181] * [HHH-5186] cator * [HHH-5200] * [HHH-5254] * [HHH-5281] h * [HHH-5294] * [HHH-5317] Validator * [HHH-5357] * [HHH-5358] * [HHH-5365] * [HHH-5374] * [HHH-5382] * [HHH-5397] - Upgrade to Javassist 3.12.0.GA - Increase minimum language level from 1.4 to 1.5 - Update pom to use the new distributationManagement informatio - Merge Hibernate Annotations reference documentation into Core - Merge hibernate-annotations module code into hibernate-core - update db profiles id and jdbc properties' name to use dballo - Prepare to use H2 as the default testing datbase - Present document on Types as a separate chapter - TypeSafeActivator should also generate constraints for @Lengt - declare source files encoding to utf-8 to avoid maven warning - Update Annotations and EM to use latest version of Hibernate Rename hibernate-testing packages Merge jmx module back into core merge annotations module into core module Upgrade to H2 version 1.2.139 Upgrade to slf4j 1.6 Odds and ends from documentation merge

Changes in version 3.5.1 (2010.04.14) ------------------------------------------ 1 ** Bug * [HHH-2809] - dialect changes: limit string * [HHH-3543] - method org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction.notifyLocalS ynchsBeforeTransactionCompletion "swallows" all exceptions occured inside it * [HHH-4077] - Misuse of NamingStrategy and logical column names in HbmBinde r * [HHH-4721] - Error in AuditSync.beforeCompletion() does not result in fail lure of JDBCTransaction * [HHH-4912] - testManyToManyWithFormula induces error with Ingres dialect * [HHH-4938] - Multiple errors reported during legacy FooBarTest with Ingres * [HHH-4961] - org.hibernate.test.hql.ASTParserLoadingTest error running te stPaginationWithPolymorphicQuery with Ingres * [HHH-4965] - Implicit parameters abusively use TypeFactory.heuristicType l osing UserType and XToOneType info * [HHH-4970] - org.hibernate.test.hql.ASTParserLoadingTest error running tes tComponentParameterBinding with Ingres * [HHH-4973] - org.hibernate.test.hql.ASTParserLoadingTest error running tes tSelectClauseSubselect with Ingres * [HHH-4976] - org.hibernate.test.hql.ASTParserLoadingTest error running tes tImplicitPolymorphism with Ingres * [HHH-4977] - org.hibernate.test.hql.ASTParserLoadingTest error running tes tOneToManyFilter with Ingres * [HHH-5045] - org.hibernate.test.hql.HQLTest failure running testConcatenat

ion with Ingres * [HHH-5059] - callouts and programlistings with highlighting * [HHH-5082] - QueryException thrown when grouping by component * [HHH-5096] - FetchingScrollableResultsImpl.last() does not move to the la st result if cursor is after the last result * [HHH-5102] - Instances of a subclass can't be loaded * [HHH-5103] - Specifying the referencedColumnName in a @JoinColumn in backt ics like `uid` fails * [HHH-5104] - EntityType.isEqual() test x equals x but should test x equals y (Thierry-Dimitri Roy) * [HHH-5106] - UnsupportedOperationException on SQL named native queries whe n using the type-safe API ** Improvement * [HHH-3962] - Ingres Hibernate dialect for EAP 4.3.0 GA CP04 ** Patch * [HHH-2470] - Use of session.createSQLQuery causes memory leak (Harry Mark and Michael Stevens) * [HHH-5003] - IngresDialect requires query substitutions for boolean values * [HHH-5076] - Multiple failures reported during ReadOnlyProxyTest with Ingr es ** Task * [HHH-3997] * [HHH-5083] * [HHH-5084] * [HHH-5116] Build aggregated javadocs Align javadoc styles better with docbook / website Improve overview for aggregated javadocs Remove copyrighted fonts from annotations

Changes in version 3.5.0-Final (2010.03.31) ------------------------------------------ 2 ** Sub-task * [HHH-4599] - An embeddable class may contain ToOne or ToMany associations * [HHH-4666] - Implement the clarified rules for resource discovery (esp for <mapping-file> and co) * [HHH-4691] - Validate all new concepts are supported in orm.xml ** Bug * [HHH-2088] - TypeMismatchException on object equality expression from oneto-one relationship * [HHH-2997] - LikeExpression case sensitive not working properly * [HHH-4784] - JDBCTransaction -> commit() -> notifyLocalSynchsBeforeTransac tionCompletion() * [HHH-4870] - Cannot determine java-type from given member [null] * [HHH-4919] - DefaultMergeEventListener does not call Interceptor.instantia te() for a new persistent entity (Francesco Degrassi) * [HHH-4931] - two tests in org.hibernate.test.legacy.MultiTableTest fail on Ingres * [HHH-4946] - org.hibernate.test.legacy.FooBarTests testLimit failure with Ingres * [HHH-4958] - Immutable entity snapshot is retained after insert * [HHH-4972] - javax.persistence.query.timeout and javax.persistence.lock.ti meout can be passed when creating an EMF * [HHH-4993] - Updates to read-only entity associations made while in persis tent state are ignored by flush * [HHH-4998] - org.hibernate.test.hql.ASTParserLoadingTest failure running

testStr with Ingres * [HHH-5000] - duplicate words in the documents * [HHH-5010] - org.hibernate.test.hql.CriteriaHQLAlignmentTest.testCriteriaA ggregationReturnType() needs call flush before do the query * [HHH-5013] - the previous select query should not to hold locks in TypePar ameterTest#testSave ** Improvement * [HHH-1088] - Add support for projections using composite keys and componen ts * [HHH-4374] - @Subselect * [HHH-4907] - Support for tuple syntax in HQL/Criteria on databases which d o not support tuple syntax * [HHH-4940] - Document immutable/read-only entity and immutable collection functionality * [HHH-4989] - Make Statistics concurrent safe when Java 5 is present (Alex Snaps) * [HHH-5008] - Log query lock mode in EntityLoader constructor * [HHH-5022] - Small documentation improvements in chapter 6 ** New Feature * [HHH-4812] - Add fetch profile support in annotations * [HHH-4994] - find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey, Map<String, Obj ect> properties) and refresh(Object entity, Map<String, Object> properties) do n ot honor properties * [HHH-5026] - Ability to customize Scanner strategies ** Patch * [HHH-4419] - <synchronize table="table_name"/> is missed using annotation s * [HHH-5049] - org.hibernate.test.legacy.ParentChildTest error running testL oadAfterNonExists with Ingres ** Task * [HHH-4933] * [HHH-4990] * [HHH-4995] * [HHH-4996] * [HHH-5035] * [HHH-5047] * [HHH-5058] Write documentation on JPA 2 Move to commons-annotations 3.2.0.Final Update dependency versions for JPA 2 and Metamodel Generator Use monospace fonts in docbook programlistings upgrade to jdocbook 2.2.3 Remove column coordinates from areaspecs Include hibernate-jpa-2.0-api (JPA 2 API) in release bundle

Changes in version 3.5.0-CR-2 (2010.02.24) ------------------------------------------ 1 ** Sub-task * [HHH-4605] * [HHH-4606] * [HHH-4662] * [HHH-4676] ck * [HHH-4765] Add support for @OneToMany @JoinColumn in XML Add support for @*ToOne @JoinTable in XML Implement javax.persistence.query.timeout Any interceptor exception (RTE) should mark the tx for rollba

- Enhance Dialect support for JPA-2 locking

** Bug * [HHH-3817] - JBC second level cache integration can cache stale collection data * [HHH-4583] - Incorrect handling of empty conjunction and disjunction

* [HHH-4613] - KEY, VALUE and ENTRY should not be strict keywords * [HHH-4693] - MapProxy - problems during marshalling/demarchalling * [HHH-4809] - Immutable entities added to a session have Status.MANAGED unl ess loaded by the Session * [HHH-4810] - Persistent immutable and read-only entities are updated befor e being deleted * [HHH-4825] - mapping order impacting behavior leading to bug * [HHH-4836] - Infinispan: 2L QueryCache don't considers cached queries whic h belong to current transaction * [HHH-4845] - Investigate why entitymanager test cannot be run in forkMode once * [HHH-4899] - Type not supported: org.hibernate.type.TimestampType * [HHH-4917] - Keyword TYPE not supported * [HHH-4926] - Upgrade to jDocBook 2.2.1 * [HHH-4928] - Non-Audited Entity with @ManyToOne in PK causes error in Enve rs 1.2.2 * [HHH-4932] - Upgrade EM to use the latest metamodel generator (CR-1) * [HHH-4944] - putFromLoad calls could store stale data * [HHH-4948] - Session.flush() does not always cascade save or update to re ad-only or immutable entities ** Improvement * [HHH-4905] - Allow consistent handling of numeric primary key values by an y integral data type * [HHH-4911] - Make referencedColumnName case insensitive * [HHH-4930] - Drop org. prefix on hibernate.cache.default_cache_concurrency _strategy and for consistency * [HHH-4934] - Improve logging in MetadataContext and AttributeFactory * [HHH-4942] - Refactor PackagedEntityManagerTest and JarVisitorTest to use ShrinkWrap ** New Feature * [HHH-3841] - Add support for lock timeouts ** Patch * [HHH-4908] - Multiple failures reported during ReadOnlyProxyTest with Ingr es ** Task * [HHH-4640] er * [HHH-4936] * [HHH-4949] * [HHH-4951] - Add test with JNDI bound JBoss Transactions Transaction Manag - Document JPA criteria queries - Document JPA 2 metamodel - Correct DTD entities for injecting version and date into docs

Changes in version 3.5.0-CR-1 (2010.02.10) ------------------------------------------ 4 ** Sub-task * [HHH-4661] * [HHH-4664] * [HHH-4848] ng a @XToOne are - Properly propagate Query.setLockMode to Hibernate Core - Implement EntityManagerFactory#getProperties() - Derived identities: Derived entities using @IdClass and mappi not supported

** Bug * [HHH-4317] - Memory leak in EnumType class. * [HHH-4824] - localpath appeared in the doc xml

* [HHH-4841] - Read-only proxies in NonFlushedChanges are not read-only when applied to a new session * [HHH-4861] - Allow lookup by the "simple" pk type of "parent entity" in "d erived identities" cases * [HHH-4877] - "Check Nullability" logging incorrectness in SettingsFactory * [HHH-4880] - EntityManager.refresh does not throw EntityNotFoundException for removed entity * [HHH-4883] - Unable to join across a component * [HHH-4884] - Fix binding of @TableGenerator#initialValue into org.hibernat * [HHH-4889] - @IdClass containing an associated entity reference (instead o f the pk of this associated entity) should still work * [HHH-4895] - property mappings incorrect for composite ids with many-to-on e * [HHH-4896] - Read-only proxy targets initialized from second-level cache a re not read-only * [HHH-4898] - Results from read-only Criteria and Query obtained from query cache are not read-only * [HHH-4900] - Wrong immutable type check in IdMetadataGenerator * [HHH-4902] - Handle JPA 2 requirement of setting id attribute to non-null with its equivalent of foreign-generator ** Improvement * [HHH-4578] * [HHH-4704] * [HHH-4879] d collections * [HHH-4894] ator contract(s) - Criteria is missing read-only flag - Pass session into EntityTuplizer#setIdentifier - Support HQL index-refering functions for many-to-many, indexe - Process composite-id sub-generators PersistentIdentifierGener

** New Feature * [HHH-4731] - Public API to know if an entity class is audited ** Patch * [HHH-4886] - Merge minor change from from 3.3.2 for Ing res 9.2 compatibility ** Task * [HHH-4892] - Simplify testing of persistence packages Changes in version 3.5.0-Beta-4 (2010.01.28) ------------------------------------------- 012 ** Sub-task * [HHH-4529] - Partial support for derived identity (including @MapsId) * [HHH-4651] - Add support for EntityManager properties * [HHH-4659] - Add support for standard declarative cache (@Cacheable) * [HHH-4660] - Support Cache Retrieve Mode and Cache Store Mode Properties * [HHH-4669] - Implement JDBC driver properties support * [HHH-4677] - implement PersistenceUnitInfo#getPersistenceXMLSchemaVersion( ); and the same in PersistenceMetadata * [HHH-4678] - Apply PersistenceUnitInfo#getSharedCacheMode and #getValidati onMode * [HHH-4690] - Consider adding a flag for legacy/new generators * [HHH-4725] - implement orphanRemoval for OneToOne * [HHH-4849] - Derived Identity: default @JoinColumn is not honored for prop erties linked to @MapsId

** Bug * [HHH-3828] - Criteria: Restriction whith class does not work * [HHH-4736] - Cannot pass ValidatorFactory into PersistenceProvider.createC ontainerEntityManagerFactory(PersistenceUnitInfo, Map) * [HHH-4781] - When a read-only entity is refreshed it is changed to modifia ble * [HHH-4789] - Check annotations and entitymanager poms for consistent plug in configuration * [HHH-4796] - NullPointerException when an @AssociationOverride joinColumn is set but no @AssociationOverride joinTable is on a given property * [HHH-4797] - Backref properties should be ignored when building the JPA 2 metamodel (leading atm to java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot determine j ava-type from given member [null]) * [HHH-4804] - Entities in non-lazy associations loaded by a read-only HQL Q uery are not read-only * [HHH-4805] - JPA 2 metamodel impl ignores nested generics * [HHH-4806] - em.getTransaction.commit() does not always wrap in a Rollback Exception * [HHH-4807] - not-null checking no longer applied even if Bean Validation i s not present * [HHH-4828] - Entities returned by Query...setReadOnly(true)...iterate() sh ould be read-only * [HHH-4834] - Exception in the metamodel population when raw types are used in collections * [HHH-4843] - org.hibernate.ejb.util.LogHelper assumes javax.persistence.sp i.PersistenceUnitInfo#getProperties is never null * [HHH-4846] - NPE in AbstractIdentifiableType.checkDeclaredVersion * [HHH-4847] - In nested id generators, use the context aka idObject for set operation and the raw entity as input for generation * [HHH-4850] - Transaction commit throws RollbackException instead of Pessim isticLockException * [HHH-4851] - OneToOneSecondPass Metadata is mistakenly interpreted * [HHH-4853] - Lock Mode Properties and Uses, "Vendor-specific hints must be ignored if they are not understood. " * [HHH-4855] - Incorrectly tries to search a secondary table when globally q uoted identifiers are used * [HHH-4858] - Implicitly add a cascade PERSIST when @MapsId is used * [HHH-4859] - NPE when the entity uses a core-style "embedded" id (ie not a n @IdClass nor an explicit @EmbeddedId) * [HHH-4862] - quoted column/alias names not properly handled in org.hiberna te.loader.EntityAliases ** Improvement * [HHH-4552] - Support generated value within composite keys * [HHH-4813] - annotation and entitymanager module should use the maven-inje ction-plugin to generate version string * [HHH-4816] - Cleanup JPA setting name constants ** New Feature * [HHH-2501] - Add capability to set a default read-only/modifiable setting for a session * [HHH-2762] - SessionImplementor.getNonFlushedChanges()/applyNonFlushedChan ges() API and initial implementation * [HHH-4616] - Configure global/cache level JMX statistics from Hibernate co nfiguration file * [HHH-4726] - Add support for delete-orphan cascading to <one-to-one/> * [HHH-4840] - Support embedded id properties like core ** Task

* [HHH-4792] - Validate fix for HHH-4791 * [HHH-4793] - Revert disabling of VersionsJoinTableRangeComponentNamingTest and fix underlying issue * [HHH-4799] - Create a *unit* test that asserts SerializationHelper's abili ty to deser a class using an "isolated classloader" (aka a TCCL) * [HHH-4822] - Add @FailureExpected annotation to annotations and entitymana nger modules to allow the skipping of tests * [HHH-4823] - Reorder modules in top level pom so that testsuite runs direc tly after core * [HHH-4856] - Upgrade dependency to jpa metamodel generator Changes in version 3.5.0-Beta-3 (2010.01.13) ------------------------------------------- 981 ** Sub-task * [HHH-4203] - Implement JPA 2.0 criteria apis (compiling) * [HHH-4352] - implement @AttributeOverride for Map (key, value) * [HHH-4353] - implement default column naming strategy for Collections and Map of basic types * [HHH-4527] - Implement @j.p.Access support * [HHH-4536] - Fix the mismatch between JPA 2's logical model and mapping.* physical model wrt t*toOne and *ToMany * [HHH-4546] - add JPA 2.0 locking * [HHH-4553] - Hibernate doesn't support official JPA2 escape char for table name * [HHH-4584] - Query Language needs to support joins on embedded values * [HHH-4598] - An embeddable class may contains collection of basic types or embeddable objects * [HHH-4600] - Implements full support for JPA 2 Maps * [HHH-4601] - implement orphanRemoval for *ToMany * [HHH-4649] - support for <delimited-identifier/> in ORM.xml files * [HHH-4654] - Criteria quries must support referencing parameters by name * [HHH-4657] - support CascadeType.DETACH and em.detach() * [HHH-4663] - Make sure CriteriaQuery is serializable * [HHH-4665] - Implement emf.getPersistentUnitUtil().getIdentifier(Object) * [HHH-4667] - Properly parse the new orm.xml xsd and persistence.xml xsd * [HHH-4675] - Bean Validation ConstraintViolationException should trigger a tx rollback as per JPA's spec * [HHH-4679] - Make sure @AssociationOverride support the dot notation (sect ion 11.1.2) * [HHH-4680] - Implement @AssociationOverride .value for Map value overridin g (section 11.1.2) * [HHH-4681] - Implement @AttributeOverride "key." or "value." for Maps * [HHH-4682] - Check that @CollectionTable (or its absence) defaults to the right table/column names * [HHH-4684] - Make sure @Lob works with @ElementCollection * [HHH-4685] - Make sure bidirectional @*To* works from an embedded object t o another entity * [HHH-4686] - Implement @MapKeyEnumerated * [HHH-4687] - implement @MapKeyTemporal * [HHH-4688] - Make sure @OrderBy works for @ElementCollection * [HHH-4689] - Make sure @OrderBy supports dotted notation to point to embed ded properties * [HHH-4692] - add the new orm_2_0.xsd file * [HHH-4696] - Add persistence.xsd version 2 * [HHH-4724] - query.multiselect() on a CriteriaQuery<Tuple> returns List<Ob ject[]> instead of List<Tuple>

* [HHH-4752] - @AttributeOverride for column name should use no prefix for @ ElementCollection (legacy uses "element") * [HHH-4753] - Default table name for @CollectionTable is not inferred corre ctly according to spec requirement * [HHH-4756] - javax.persistence.criteria.Path#get should result in *delayed * join rendering * [HHH-4758] - Rename org.hibernate.ejb.criteria.AbstractNode#queryBuilder t o #criteriaBuilder * [HHH-4766] - Properly support criteria notion of SUM aggregation return ty pes * [HHH-4771] - @ElementCollection fk column should default to entityName_col umnNameOfOwningId * [HHH-4782] - Implement @AssociationOverride.joinTable ** Bug * [HHH-1352] - Session.setReadOnly(Object, boolean) fails for proxies * [HHH-1575] - on component object gives parameters til SQL in wrong order * [HHH-2166] - Long "in" lists in queries results in a Java stack overflow e xception. * [HHH-2990] - Fix SerializationHelper$CustomObjectInputStream to use Class. forName and better classloader * [HHH-3164] - "id in ..." with EmbeddedId and criteria API * [HHH-3240] - In Derby field type 'text' is converted to CLOB(255) * [HHH-3338] - Order of attributes in generated SQL query is dependent on Ja va version * [HHH-3529] - ConnectionWrapper is not visible from class loader * [HHH-4041] - Null Pointer Exception when using @NotAudited on an entity wi th discriminator column, inherited from base entity with InheritanceType.SINGLE_ TABLE * [HHH-4063] - NPE reading metadata from an mapped interface * [HHH-4065] - Incorrect SQL is used for HQL if the number of values for a f ilter collection parameter is changed * [HHH-4090] - RelationTargetAuditMode.NOT_AUDITED not working with many-tomany relations * [HHH-4257] - map key type no longer inferred correctly, throws exception a t runtime * [HHH-4283] - Bidirectional indexed collection mapped incorrectly for Index edCollectionTest * [HHH-4457] - SchemaUpdate fails on Sybase ASE 15 when a new column is adde d without a default value * [HHH-4519] - Hibernate/Infinispan integration doesn't property handle Enti ty/CollectionRegionAccessStrategy evictAll * [HHH-4520] - Infinispan second level cache integration can cache stale col lection data * [HHH-4531] - Derby dialect should not support comments * [HHH-4542] - Annotation processor does not handle "bag" mappings correctly * [HHH-4560] - JDBC4 support inadvertently missed 1.4 compatibility * [HHH-4565] - Maven deps: HSQLDB shouldn't be a dependency in compile scope . * [HHH-4566] - Maven deps: JAXB API and JAXB RI shouldn't be dependencies of Hibernate Annotations. * [HHH-4567] - EntiytManager's QueryImpl mishandles ordinal position of HQLstyle positional parameters * [HHH-4571] - Infinispan not properly being built into distribution bundle * [HHH-4572] - check if the connection supports jdbc4 before looking for the createClob method * [HHH-4574] - ConnectionProviderFactory.getConnectionProperties() includes extra properties * [HHH-4581] - Embedded objects in criteria API does not work

* [HHH-4586] - Parameterized functions built throught CriteriaBuilder missin g parameters when rendered * [HHH-4588] - Seam 2.x depends on ReaderInputStream which it shouldn't. De precate the current Hibernate ReaderInputStream class * [HHH-4590] - CASTs from CriteriaBuilder.toXXX methods still need to be fle shed out * [HHH-4604] - IllegalArgumentException should be raised when an ordinal par ameter is not present in the query * [HHH-4611] - When the revision number in the revision entity uses a @Colum n(columnDefinition=), the sql-type is not properly set on the REV property of au dit entities * [HHH-4614] - (javassist) Instrumented model with abstract MappedSuperclass and field access doesn't work * [HHH-4625] - Use of maven-injection-plugin intermittently leads to build f ailures * [HHH-4631] - Infinispan integration module is causing build problems * [HHH-4633] - Using same table for multiple relations doesn't work * [HHH-4634] - A many-to-many relation owned by both sides causes a mapping exception * [HHH-4641] - @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn on an inherited entity doesn't affect t he column name * [HHH-4644] - When using join-inheritance and a custom revision entity, the child mapping uses incorrect revision number column sql type * [HHH-4645] - Rename properties used to configure Envers from camel case to _ * [HHH-4650] - Removing an item from a persistent collection, flushing, and adding the same item again fails * [HHH-4653] - Setting the "referencedColumnName" in @JoinColumnOrFormula th rows an NPE * [HHH-4670] - Incorrect revision types when in a add-flush-mod-flush sequen ce * [HHH-4698] - Better handling of JPA criteria expressions * [HHH-4702] - org.hibernate.ejb.metamodel.AttributeFactory should use membe r for javaType, et al * [HHH-4707] - Currently no support for modulus operator * [HHH-4708] - Make CompoundSelectionImpl implement ExpressionImplementor * [HHH-4709] - registered length functions should return Integer * [HHH-4711] - persistence.xml is not validated during parsing * [HHH-4715] - Unexpected results when an updated entity that is already mod ifiable is set to modifiable again * [HHH-4720] - Improve javax.persistence.metamodel.Attribute support * [HHH-4735] - Proxy can be associated with a new session when it is already connected to a different one * [HHH-4741] - org.hibernate.test.filter.DynamicFilterTest.testSqlSyntaxOfFi ltersWithUnions fails on MySQL * [HHH-4743] - Bug in BooleanLiteralNode with CustomType * [HHH-4764] - org.hibernate.test.pagination.PaginationTest.testLimitOffset( ) fails on oracle and db2 due to * [HHH-4767] - Bug in how Criteria Subquery selections are handled * [HHH-4768] - Bug in how Criteria Subquery correlations are handled * [HHH-4769] - In HQL, function ROUND always returns an Integer, it truncate the decimal part of Double number. * [HHH-4772] - Empty conjunction/disjunction in criteria does not follow spe c rules * [HHH-4774] - Do not handle literals using parameters in JPA criteria selec t * [HHH-4775] - CriteriaBuilder#notEqual being interpreted oppositely * [HHH-4776] - Add a NullLiteralExpression for CriteriaBuilder#nullLiteral * [HHH-4777] - org.hibernate.ejb.test.PackagedEntityManagerTest.testOverride nPar() hard code hsqldb connection info

* [HHH-4778] * [HHH-4780] teral types * [HHH-4785] * [HHH-4786] s problems * [HHH-4788] nt pom * [HHH-4790] * [HHH-4791] etTargetFromProxy

Need better handling of criteria expression casting Allow BigDecimal and BigInteger to be specified as numeric li BinaryArithmeticOperation reverses incoming arguments SerializableType + custom Serializable class + L2 cache cause antrun plugin version is not explicitly specified in the pare Envers test failing, disabling for beta-3 release Invalid assumption made in

** Deprecation * [HHH-4561] - Deprecate openConnection()/closeConnection() methods on Batch er interface ** Improvement * [HHH-2576] - Allow native-sql to have placeholders for default schema and catalog * [HHH-4000] - Utlize jhighlight hooks for rendered syntax coloration of XML and Java based programlisting docbook elements * [HHH-4540] - Allow the revision timestamp to be a Date * [HHH-4545] - Allow o.h.action.Executable to register for either (or both) before or after transaction completion callbacks * [HHH-4548] - Alter poms to not use javax.* artifacts under Sun proprietary license * [HHH-4550] - Document that update-timestamps cache region should not be co nfigured for expiry. * [HHH-4569] - Split focus of ConfigurationPerformanceTest * [HHH-4573] - Minor typo, formatting and cleanup fixes * [HHH-4575] - When Infinispan is configured for INVALIDATION don't send clu ster message on entity insert * [HHH-4671] - Derby is one of those dialects that should not support "cross join" * [HHH-4697] - Add means to get HibernateEntityManagerFactory from Hibernate EntityManagerImplementor * [HHH-4705] - Derby does now in fact support the full ANSI SQL TRIM functio n * [HHH-4719] - Support modulo operator * [HHH-4737] - Cache the EntityKey in EntityEntry when id is non-null * [HHH-4763] - Change antrun plugin configuration in entitymanager module to allow metamodel generation without processing all life cycles ** New Feature * [HHH-2308] - Adding predicates to the join condition using Criteria Query * [HHH-4608] - Add new properties that will allow to specify the default sch ema and catalog that should be used for audit tables * [HHH-4694] - Support "fake" many-to-one bidirectional relations * [HHH-4749] - Don't block calls to getListeners on SessionImplementor when using thread scoped sessions ** Patch * [HHH-1918] * [HHH-2347] * [HHH-2584] lazy map * [HHH-3860] ities ** Task - enable non-hilo identity generation in DerbyDialect - Improvement to DerbyDialect default identy generation mode - PersistentMap.remove() incorrect on uninitialized, non-extra- Cascading performance problems when session contains many ent

* [HHH-4006] - Document fetch profiles * [HHH-4498] - Move the xml configuration files in the annotations module in to the default resource directory /src/test/resources * [HHH-4655] - Upgrade jpamodelgen dependency in entitymanager to use 1.0.0. Beta1 * [HHH-4672] - Upgrade JPA dependency to hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.0-CR-1 * [HHH-4673] - Upgrade JPA Static Metamodel Generator dependency to 1.0.0.Be ta1 * [HHH-4674] - JBoss has renamed its JACC artifact * [HHH-4783] - Remove obsolete changelog.txt files in annotations and entity manager modules Changes in version 3.5.0-Beta-2 (2009.11.02) ------------------------------------------** Sub-task * [HHH-4047] - Phase 1 - API & implement join-strategy * [HHH-4196] - Implement JPA 2.0 criteria apis (building) * [HHH-4202] - Implement JPA 2.0 metamodel APIs * [HHH-4528] - Read mapping annotations from entity properties rather than t he composite pk * [HHH-4533] - Support for @MappedSuperclass such that we can build rsistence.metamodel.MappedSuperclassType * [HHH-4537] - Expose Members for MappedSuperclass properties ** Bug * [HHH-1724] - Critieria needs to be aligned with new aggreation type rules * [HHH-3817] - JBC second level cache integration can cache stale collection data * [HHH-3818] - Hibernate/JBC integration doesn't property handle Entity/Coll ectionRegionAccessStrategy evictAll * [HHH-4095] - bug in org.hibernate.Hibernate.createBlob( InputStream in ) * [HHH-4100] - Problems with Envers docbook sources * [HHH-4105] - SessionFactory mispells method to obtain fetch profile defini tion * [HHH-4114] - ASTParserLoadingTest fails due to missing "bit_length" functi on * [HHH-4115] - FooBarTest - "operator does not exist: character varying = in teger" * [HHH-4435] - DataVersionAdapter.newerThan incorrect when comparing to self * [HHH-4437] - ToOneDelegateSessionImplementor breaks Hibernate.getClass(aud itedEntity.proxyOfnotAuditedEntity) * [HHH-4441] - SessionImpl serialization violates java serialization spec * [HHH-4447] - Envers proxy.getId() returns null if proxy was not initialize d yet * [HHH-4449] - NPE during inserting new audited entity with reference to ano ther proxy entity if proxy.lazyInitializer.session is null * [HHH-4463] - Native queries should not be automatically paginated in getSi ngleResult() as it fails for some DB and or queries * [HHH-4475] - Constants point to non-existing default JBC/JGroups config fi le locations * [HHH-4486] - Account for MySQL's <DROP TEMPORARY TABLE> statement * [HHH-4494] - cglib log warning says BytecodeProvider impl is considered de precated * [HHH-4500] - MSSQL, Oracle - Mapping inconsistency * [HHH-4503] - Sybase - Annotations - unit tests using LOBs fail * [HHH-4507] - Persistence units in entitymanager's testsuite are using fixe d hsqldb configuration * [HHH-4513] - AnotationConfiguration does not honor

ly_to_ddl property * [HHH-4522] eSQL * [HHH-4525] ution bundle * [HHH-4532] -

in case Hibernate Validator 4 is activated CallbackAndDirtyTest throws exception when run against Postgr Trunk is not including the newly added modules to the distrib Unit Tests in test/idgen/enhanced/forcedtable need update

** Improvement * [HHH-3461] - Enhance DialectFactory to support Sybase Adaptive Server Anyw here * [HHH-4364] - Support @NamedQuery on a @MappedSuperclass (Sharath Reddy) * [HHH-4382] - @ManyToOne not working wth @Formula * [HHH-4397] - Split test involving database specific features (like sequenc e / identity) * [HHH-4405] - Integrate new long string and binary property types in core w ith annotations * [HHH-4415] - TestCase could check for superclass of Dialect before skippin g it * [HHH-4442] - Change StandardDialectResolver to use SybaseASE15Dialect over deprecated SybaseDialect * [HHH-4443] - Allow generic handling of any Hibernate type for post-insert generated identifiers * [HHH-4476] - Move cache-jbosscache to JBoss Cache 3.2.1 * [HHH-4484] - When JBoss Cache is configured for INVALIDATION don't send cl uster message on entity insert * [HHH-4502] - Update database profiles in pom.xml * [HHH-4508] - Typo in DialectFactory - avalable should be available * [HHH-4523] - Some of the tests in the entitymanager have hard coded connec tion settings - these tests should use filtered connection settings * [HHH-4526] - Add better metainf information tot he hibernate all jar genne rated for dist ** New Feature * [HHH-1012] * [HHH-1480] * [HHH-3000] * [HHH-4103] * [HHH-4232] Sharath Reddy) * [HHH-4332] * [HHH-4473] ForType' attribute * [HHH-4479] tations * [HHH-4512] Type' attributes Index not created by SchemaUpdate JOIN precendence rules per SQL-99 Allow a TypeDef to be associated with a class (Sharath Reddy) Implement an Infinispan 2nd level cache provider TypeDef support on @Embeddable or @MappedSuperClass classes ( Filters for MappedSuperClass Create documentation to explain the usage of the new 'default of the TypeDef annotation We should be able to implement Joins using formulas with Anno TypeDef annotation should support both 'name' and 'defaultFor

** Patch * [HHH-3972] - Adding FETCH FIRST and OFFSET support to DerbyDialect * [HHH-4440] - Support for column-level read/write fragments (Rob Hasselbaum ) * [HHH-4488] - ListProxy, MapProxy etc. - problems during marshalling/demarc halling ** Task * [HHH-2412] * [HHH-3580] * [HHH-3849] * [HHH-4355] mple switch Support for JDBC4 import entitymanager into core as a module Disable lock striping in JBoss Cache configs Allow running tests against different databases by using a si

* [HHH-4485] - Replace the JBoss Cache integration configuration properties with "jbc2"-less versions * [HHH-4487] - Restore versions of the old public API jbc2 package classes * [HHH-4499] - Account for modules needing JDK 1.6 * [HHH-4501] - Use Maven wagon-scm provider for release deployments * [HHH-4530] - Change the docbook style for Annotations and EntityManager to the latest styles used in the other Core modules * [HHH-4538] - Update to Bean Validation 1.0.0 and Hibernate Validator 4.0.0 Changes in version 3.5.0.Beta-1 (2009.08.18) ------------------------------------------** Sub-task * [HHH-3801] * [HHH-3802] * [HHH-3803] * [HHH-4027] * [HHH-4028] ache * [HHH-4029] Create a cache-jbosscache-legacy module Move the up-to-date JBC integration into cache-jbosscache Repackage JBC integration to org.hibernate.cache.jbc Remove current cache-jbosscache module content Move current cache-jbosscache2 module content to cache-jbossc

- Remove cache-jbosscache2 module

** Bug * [HHH-1930] - QuerySyntaxException "with-clause expressions did not referen ce from-clause element to which the with-clause was associated" * [HHH-2146] - NullpointerException in DefaultDeleteEventListener.deleteTran sientEntity * [HHH-2694] - create-drop with c3p0 causes SQLException * [HHH-2745] - NullPointerException when eager fetching joined many-to-many with native SQL query * [HHH-3046] - Merge fails on complicated data structure because of cycle re ferences * [HHH-3216] - Incorrect parse result in ParameterParser * [HHH-3231] - throws "IllegalArgum entException: alias not found: tbl" under Oracle * [HHH-3351] - Dynamic entity model and inheritance - exception when trying to persist * [HHH-3392] - Query Cache entries are not distributable * [HHH-3472] - JTASessionContext broken for WebSphere * [HHH-3481] - JTATransactionFactory bug when Transaction cannot be found in JNDI * [HHH-3506] - enabled filters should apply to HQL update/delete statements * [HHH-3508] - Sybase Dialect - Override supportsCascadeDelete to return "fa lse" * [HHH-3519] - account for parameters in select clause of INSERT-SELECT for DB2 * [HHH-3528] - FETCH JOIN query doesn't work in a StatelessSession * [HHH-3573] - Incorrect support for columns which aren't insertable * [HHH-3575] - Empty versions-query (both types) will cause a runtime except ion * [HHH-3584] - Generate SQL when Dynamic Update is true is including version field even when marked as updateable=false * [HHH-3594] - Hibernate collection listener throw exception when adding ent ity to the collection * [HHH-3600] - exception while saving bidirectional association * [HHH-3602] - Inheritence issue * [HHH-3621] - Assertion failure in MigrationTest * [HHH-3623] - Make at least ListProxy serializable * [HHH-3633] - Envers ignores empty discriminator classes * [HHH-3636] - Attempt to read invalid column when loading collection of sub

classes mapped with table-per-subclass with discriminator * [HHH-3640] - Some standard SQL functions are not implemented in Sybase * [HHH-3647] - instance not of expected entity type: java.util.HashMap is no t a: smx3.schema3.Party_AUD * [HHH-3652] - CompositeIdWithGeneratorTest needs a standard way to compare timestamps * [HHH-3662] - Merging read-only entities causes AssertionError("Merged enti ty does not have status set to MANAGED...") * [HHH-3668] - Sybase does not support implicit conversion from character ty pes to numeric types causes failing unit tests * [HHH-3670] - Invalid test for str() for SQL Server and Sybase * [HHH-3671] - The revision type field is not persisted when setting a custo m revision type field name throught the properties * [HHH-3672] - Sybase - second(), minute(), hour(), and extract() cause Gene ricJDBCException * [HHH-3675] - Limitations on Sybase ResultSet implementation cause unit tes t failures * [HHH-3679] - Sybase conversion of Java byte to tinyint fails with 8-bit va lues causing unit test failures * [HHH-3680] - Sybase - composite primary key in unit test exceeds maximum f or index causing failure * [HHH-3686] - Sybase - QueryCacheTest.testQueryCacheInvalidation fails * [HHH-3693] - Implicit Polymorphic query + pagination returning zero result * [HHH-3696] - Sybase - unit tests fail when numeric values overflow in prec ision or scale on insert * [HHH-3698] - Problem with HQL parameter bindings as indexed collection sel ectors * [HHH-3699] - Problem with HQL parameter bindings for parameters in WITH jo in clause * [HHH-3701] - SQL function "trim" is not available in Sybase Dialect * [HHH-3703] - RevisionEntity with compound primary key fails * [HHH-3705] - NPE encountered on using AnnotationConfiguration * [HHH-3706] - Audit Table Schema not generated using <annotationconfigurati on> * [HHH-3729] - @AuditJoinTable annotation has no effect for embedded concret e subclasses of a MappedSuperClass * [HHH-3736] - Envers EntityInstantiator does not support private constructo rs for immutable entities * [HHH-3740] - Unable to build EntityManagerFactory when using a non-audited ManyToOne in Audited components * [HHH-3741] - Join tables are not audited if the join is defined in an abst ract * [HHH-3773] - NPE when generating schema containing OneToMany relations * [HHH-3779] - "org.hibernate.MappingException: An audited relation to a non -audited entity" during schema-export ant task * [HHH-3782] - Saving a one-to-many relationship results in unsaved transien t instance exception * [HHH-3794] - Issue when method return type is Interface * [HHH-3810] - Transient entities can be inserted twice on merge * [HHH-3830] - Problem with inheritance and @ManyToMany relation * [HHH-3847] - java.lang.NullPointerException on onPreRemoveCollection on re plicate of persistent class * [HHH-3871] - unnecessary proxy initialization on audit record save * [HHH-3878] - Exception when querying historical data for deleted Entites * [HHH-3880] - missing "as" keyword in select statment column renames; required for PostgreSQL * [HHH-3888] - Envers schema generation (ant) ignoring columnDefinition ( at ribute of @Column, JPA ) * [HHH-3912] - Change for HHH-3159 causes InstantiationException * [HHH-3918] - Use standard JDK exception nesting

* [HHH-3923] - Enver throws Nullpointer exception with a self reference enti ties * [HHH-3939] - @NotAudited association requires and joins to the associated table * [HHH-3957] - Audited Null Embeddable objects not returned as null * [HHH-3980] - Fix for HHH-2980 introduced bug that allows the same bag coll ection role to be fetched multiple times * [HHH-4003] - many-to-many loaders should use inner joins from the collecti on table to element table * [HHH-4034] - Update org.hibernate.action.BulkOperationCleanupAction to use new Region cache APIs * [HHH-4088] - Session.getSession should always return sessions from parent (or root) session * [HHH-4091] - HQLTest#testDuplicateImplicitJoinInSelect * [HHH-4099] - Doc build error ( ** Improvement * [HHH-1234] - allow tuplizers the opportunity to influence getSubclassEntit yPersister() processing * [HHH-2592] - force hibernate to generate use offset qeury when offset is z ero * [HHH-2686] - Include a primary key in the sequence table used by id.enhanc ed.TableGenerator * [HHH-2802] - Support HQL style order by (JPA @OrderBy) * [HHH-2980] - Error "org.hibernate.HibernateException: cannot simultaneousl y fetch multiple bags" not specific enough * [HHH-3159] - Oracle 11g - desupport of oracle.jdbc.driver * [HHH-3249] - Make more extension-friendly * [HHH-3275] - Allow pluggable tuplizers for composite elements * [HHH-3357] - improve performance of session.clear() * [HHH-3383] - QueryKey is storing references to entities instead of identif iers * [HHH-3424] - concat() with param binding fails function on derby * [HHH-3439] - Change o.h.cfg.Mappings to not require constructor * [HHH-3454] - Allow enhanced.TableGenerator to segment itself per entity as default * [HHH-3456] - Make more extension-fr iendly * [HHH-3471] - Provide true-false type that maps to int values * [HHH-3515] - Introduce EntityNameResolver interface * [HHH-3517] - Allow definition of the default tuplizer class to use * [HHH-3518] - Remove Suite classes from testsuite module * [HHH-3525] - Clean up reflection code trying to determine JDK 1.4 capabili ties * [HHH-3532] - schema update task should look for foreign key signature * [HHH-3708] - Suboptimal exception on m:n relations with an unaudited entit y * [HHH-3712] - Reorganize the Sybase dialect class hierarchy, add SybaseASE1 5Dialect, and mark SybaseDialect as deprecated * [HHH-3737] - Support Hibernate 3.3 branch in Envers until 3.4.0GA is out * [HHH-3750] - Allow dialects to handle difference in how Query.setFirstResu lt() should be interpreted * [HHH-3753] - Upgrade to SLF4J version 1.5.8 * [HHH-3832] - Upgrade to cglib-2.2.jar * [HHH-3842] - Update maven profiles to use the databases in QA Lab * [HHH-3886] - Update database credentials for QA Lab * [HHH-3892] - Improve support for mapping SQL LONGVARCHAR and CLOB to Java String, SQL LONGVARBINARY and BLOB to Java byte[] * [HHH-3944] - Document known database portability strategies * [HHH-3978] - Expose Hibernate version via non-compile-time constant expres

sion [HHH-3982] - Apply build version to org.hibernate.Version [HHH-3998] - Fix spurious failures in ConfigurationPerformanceTest [HHH-3999] - Change mysql hostname in pom.xml [HHH-4016] - SAPDialect should not use oracle style outer joins, ANSI styl e is prefered by MaxDB * [HHH-4022] - Add an actual API contract for querying/managing cache region s (from app code) ** New Feature * [HHH-3343] - Postgres Plus Dialect * [HHH-3512] - Registration of IdentifierGenerators (short naming) * [HHH-3559] - Possibility to do versioning and non-versioning commits as re quired * [HHH-3560] - Assume entities relationships as unversioned by default * [HHH-3563] - Support relations in components * [HHH-3564] - Support for the three types of inheritance * [HHH-3565] - Direct property access * [HHH-3568] - In the hibernate mapping of versions entities, mark them as n ot updateable * [HHH-3570] - Move from "Versioning" to "Auditing" * [HHH-3588] - RevisionType available via public API * [HHH-3598] - Add the possibility to specify restrictions on RevisionType, using RevisionTypeProperty * [HHH-3611] - Extend revision restrictions in the query system * [HHH-3663] - Request to add Joined inheritance strategy supported for vers ioning * [HHH-3697] - Turn on/turn off versioning in runtime * [HHH-3723] - Publish sources to maven (snapshot) repository * [HHH-3781] - Echo version information to the console in main() * [HHH-3819] - Deleted entries with non null properties * [HHH-3823] - Obtain current revision entity by AuditReader * [HHH-3898] - Add a flag to disable Nullability.checkNullability() and the exception raised in this case * [HHH-3906] - Move to JPA 2 API as a dependency * [HHH-4010] - support auditing of entity having reference (many-to-one rela tion) to not audited entity * [HHH-4081] - Support for JPA 2.0 "qualified identification variables" (KEY , VALUE and ENTRY) ** Patch * [HHH-530] - Allow application of filters on subqueries * [HHH-2933] - allow custom resolution of Dialect (Tomoto Shimizu Washio) * [HHH-3401] - H2 Database Dialect Fixes * [HHH-3450] - Include SingletonEhCacheProvider as an additional caching pro vider (Greg Luck) * [HHH-3639] - Sybase keywords - rename columns * [HHH-3649] - DB2Dialect inherits supportsPooledSequences() as false, but i t does support * [HHH-3650] - TableGenerator doesn't marks the "primary key" as not null, c ausing errors in some RDBMS's which expects the PK to be not-null * [HHH-3742] - Documentation corrections * [HHH-3744] - Improved support for persistence of subclasses * [HHH-4037] - Fixing build errors in documentation/manual ** Task * [HHH-3214] - Update unit tests and config files to use non-depracated Orac le dialects * [HHH-3474] - Upgrade to use slf4j 1.5 (1.5.2) * [HHH-3547] - import Envers into Hibernate core as a module * * * *

* [HHH-3549] * [HHH-3550] * [HHH-3556] * [HHH-3585] * [HHH-3760] * [HHH-3761] * [HHH-3879] omplete for JPA: * [HHH-3953] * [HHH-3979] * [HHH-3981]

- import commons-annotations back into core as a module - import annotations into core as a module - Convert documentation to docbook - Upgrade to JBoss Cache 3 - Document EntityNameResolver - Document DialectResolver - Envers documentation: configuration of event listeners is inc @PostPersist, @PostUpdate @PostRemove no longer work - Update tutorial chapter - Upgrade to javassist 3.9.0 - Upgrade to jDocBook 2.2.0

Changes in version 3.3.0.GA (2008.08.13) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-3430] - distribution bundles cglib directly instead of the hibernate repackaging Changes in version 3.3.0.CR2 (2008.07.31) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-1697] - OracleDialect fails to recognize sequence accessible through syonyms when validating schema * [HHH-2604] - Isolator.JdbcDelegate masks the exception if it isn't possibl e to open a connection. * [HHH-2683] - "datediff" is declared as NoArgSQLFunction in H2Dialect, but actually accepts 3 arguments. * [HHH-3006] - ConcurrentModificationException in AbstractBatcher results in infinite loop * [HHH-3229] - Merge can fail when there is a transient entity reachable by multiple paths and at least one path does not cascade on merge * [HHH-3257] - Content images not displayed * [HHH-3260] - Hibernate wraps a listener init or destroy exception into an AssertionFailure * [HHH-3261] - Do not wrap exceptions raised by event listeners (at init or destroy time) * [HHH-3265] - change license url in pom to -2.1.html * [HHH-3266] - distribution bundle missing jta dependency * [HHH-3272] - using of Integer.valueOf(int), which is not available in JDK 1.4 * [HHH-3282] - DB2Dialect should report supportsLobValueChangePropogation() == false * [HHH-3309] - Serialize/Deserialize problem in AbstractLazyInitializer with entitymode.MAP. * [HHH-3409] - ResultTransformers need smarter equals() and hashCode() impls ** Improvement * [HHH-1786] - JTASessionContext.CleanupSynch does not remove sessions from currentSessionMap * [HHH-2060] - To be able to use <generator> with <composite-id> * [HHH-2506] - Make javassist the default ByteCodeProvider * [HHH-2875] - repackage cglib/asm under org.hibernate namespace * [HHH-3269] - upgrade to jDocBook plugin version 2.1.1 * [HHH-3283] - protect BulkManipulationTest#testInsertWithGeneratedTimestamp Version where Dialect#supportsParametersInInsertSelect == false

* [HHH-3358] - Enable JTATransactionFactory and JTATransaction factory to wo rk without JNDI * [HHH-3390] - Use READ_COMMITTED for JBC 2 cache ** Patch * [HHH-3294] - Version incorrectly incremented for unchanged persistent enti ty that is parent of a one to many relationship ** Task * [HHH-3270] - follow up on documentation license questions

Changes in version 3.3.0.CR1 (2008.04.28) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-1312] - Unclosed ResultSet when using Identity * [HHH-1396] - Table.validateColumns fails on valid column * [HHH-1569] - Immutable Natural Id check fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBounds i n some cases * [HHH-1593] - Infinite loop/StackOverflow when calling configuration.setLis tener(null) * [HHH-1753] - DB2Dialect.getCurrentTimestampSQLFunctionName() uses Oracle s yntax * [HHH-1916] - param values in generator element should be trimmed during Hb mBinding * [HHH-1920] - Incorrect documentation regarding XML manipulation in Hiberna te reference manual (chapter 18.3). * [HHH-1956] - Interceptor.afterTransactionCompletion not called with JTATra nsaction (CacheSynchronization.hibernateTransaction not set) * [HHH-2159] - NullPointerException in FromElement#findIntendedAliasedFromEl ementBasedOnCrazyJPARequirements with 'hibernate.query.jpaql_strict_compliance' enabled * [HHH-2164] - Minor bug in section "20.1.1. Customizing the schema" * [HHH-2200] - Memory leak in AbstractBatcher with Generated Properties * [HHH-2320] - Regression: optional properties under a <join> tag no longer update properly * [HHH-2503] - AbstractEntityPersister swallows JDBCExceptions in processGen eratedProperties * [HHH-2513] - Abusive WARN logged during deserialization of replicated Sess ionFactory * [HHH-2542] - NullPointerException in TypeFactory.replaceAssociations for C omponentType * [HHH-2553] - New LoadContexts Implementation causing possible performance degradation * [HHH-2593] - Keyword UNION is prefixed with "this_." in filter conditions * [HHH-2616] - No event is fired on Collection recreate/remove/update action * [HHH-2627] - Generated properties leak prepared statements in Hibernate 3. 2.3 and higher. * [HHH-2631] - Leaking PreparedStatement and ResultSet via CollectionLoadCon text instances maintained in Map collectionLoadContexts in LoadContexts * [HHH-2711] - PropertyAccessException with backref and <composite-map-key/> * [HHH-2726] - spelling o your CLASSPATH * [HHH-2728] - Calling session.clear() while retrieving objects via an itera tor will cause a "LazyInitializationException - No Session" by the CGLIBLazyInit ializer * [HHH-2788] - Oracl8iDialect No Dialect mapping for JDBC type 91 * [HHH-2795] - CollectionLoadContexts for empy collections are not removed u ntil PersistenceContext.clear()

* [HHH-2816] - DefaultFlushEntityEventListener.checkNaturalId() causes extra SELECTs on read-only entities * [HHH-2833] - insert-select query fails with NPE when select includes join * [HHH-2857] - schemaSupport for HSQLDialect remote connections doesn't work * [HHH-2861] - cascade="delete-orphan,all" is ignored * [HHH-2863] - testsuite fix-ups for maven and/or directory changes * [HHH-2864] - Merging a detached instance with a new child in a unidirectio nal one-to-many association fails if the parent was previously loaded as a proxy * [HHH-2892] - skip up-to-date checks of query cache for natural-id only if immutable * [HHH-2928] - optimizers for enhanced id generators should be synchronized against multi-threaded access * [HHH-2948] - QueryStatistics.executionMinTime always = 0 * [HHH-3111] - WebSphereExtendedJTATransactionLookup$TransactionManagerAdapt er.getStatus() implemented incorrect * [HHH-3140] - Region prefix ignored for entities and collections ** Deprecation * [HHH-2755] - Wrong "jsdk.jar" referenced in the tutorial ** Improvement * [HHH-1786] - JTASessionContext.CleanupSynch does not remove sessions from currentSessionMap * [HHH-2048] - Incomplete MappingException at org.hibernate.mapping.SimpleVa lue * [HHH-2156] - Section 19.3, "Managing the caches" doesn't document CacheMod e.IGNORE * [HHH-2533] - redesign Cache/CacheProviders * [HHH-2662] - Workaround PostgreSQL issues in testsuite * [HHH-2663] - Map java.sql.Types.REAL to Hibernate FloatType for auto-disco very stuff * [HHH-2665] - Split Oracle9Dialect into Oracle9iDialect and Oracle10gDialec t * [HHH-2669] - Unequivocally map MySQL LOB types to the LONG variant * [HHH-2682] - support for auto-discovery of H2 dialect * [HHH-2696] - Consider migrating to slf4j * [HHH-2761] - Handle null and empty string consistently in PropertiesHelper * [HHH-2778] - TransactionManagerLookup implementation for Bitronix Transact ion Manager * [HHH-2789] - Section 19.2 of the documentation does not show OSCache as su pporting clusters. It does. * [HHH-2822] - timestamp extraction functions for SAPDBDialect * [HHH-2826] - IS [NOT] NULL checks with component values * [HHH-2859] - Introduce a 'Work' API for user to perform JDBC work * [HHH-3131] - Add a method to ActionQueue to tell whether there are current ly entries in the executions collection ** New Feature * [HHH-1] - Optimize Hibernate for the bulk insertion of related entities * [HHH-2555] - Create new RegionFactory for JBossCache * [HHH-2884] - Provide a sessionFactory close event or hook for the event li steners ** Patch * [HHH-952] - Patch to allow subqueries with joins using Criteria API and Su bqueries with DetachedCriteria * [HHH-2070] - Expand DB2Dialect auto-discovery support (Martin Renner) * [HHH-2519] - Schema dropping not documented with eate * [HHH-2630] - Hibernate Dialect is not auto-detected for Sybase ASE and DB2

(Shelley McGowan) * [HHH-2758] * [HHH-2839] * [HHH-2849] ubbs) * [HHH-2957] (Jay Erb) * [HHH-3084] -

Patch IngresDialect based on certification Don't use dummy dual table for hsqldb (David Bala?ic) Better error logging in IdentifierGeneratorFactory (Antony St ActionQueue Insertion sort performance degrades exponentially DialectFactory detection of Ingres metadata (Michael Leo)

** Task * [HHH-2702] - Officially move to JDK 1.4 * [HHH-2704] - Migrate to Maven2 for build Changes in version 3.2.6 (2008.02.07) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-925] - DetachedCriteria.createCriteria not working with alias * [HHH-1312] - Unclosed ResultSet when using Identity * [HHH-1329] - SchemaValidator fail when views are involved * [HHH-1593] - Infinite loop/StackOverflow when calling configuration.setLis tener(null) * [HHH-1685] - DetachedCriteria doesn't create alias on subcriteria * [HHH-1753] - DB2Dialect.getCurrentTimestampSQLFunctionName() uses Oracle s yntax * [HHH-1916] - param values in generator element should be trimmed during Hb mBinding * [HHH-1956] - Interceptor.afterTransactionCompletion not called with JTATra nsaction (CacheSynchronization.hibernateTransaction not set) * [HHH-2016] - Oracle9Dialect registers last_day() function as "lastday" * [HHH-2159] - NullPointerException in FromElement#findIntendedAliasedFromEl ementBasedOnCrazyJPARequirements with 'hibernate.query.jpaql_strict_compliance' enabled * [HHH-2200] - Memory leak in AbstractBatcher with Generated Properties * [HHH-2261] - Setting causes problems on my SQL with numeric fields * [HHH-2320] - Regression: optional properties under a <join> tag no longer update properly * [HHH-2503] - AbstractEntityPersister swallows JDBCExceptions in processGen eratedProperties * [HHH-2542] - NullPointerException in TypeFactory.replaceAssociations for C omponentType * [HHH-2593] - Keyword UNION is prefixed with "this_." in filter conditions * [HHH-2598] - Mapping a collection of entities from two different classes w ith the same collection name results in duplicate backref property exception if collection keys are not null * [HHH-2616] - No event is fired on Collection recreate/remove/update action * [HHH-2627] - Generated properties leak prepared statements in Hibernate 3. 2.3 and higher. * [HHH-2728] - Calling session.clear() while retrieving objects via an itera tor will cause a "LazyInitializationException - No Session" by the CGLIBLazyInit ializer * [HHH-2788] - Oracl8iDialect No Dialect mapping for JDBC type 91 * [HHH-2795] - CollectionLoadContexts for empy collections are not removed u ntil PersistenceContext.clear() * [HHH-2816] - DefaultFlushEntityEventListener.checkNaturalId() causes extra SELECTs on read-only entities * [HHH-2833] - insert-select query fails with NPE when select includes join * [HHH-2857] - schemaSupport for HSQLDialect remote connections doesn't work

* [HHH-2861] - cascade="delete-orphan,all" is ignored * [HHH-2864] - Merging a detached instance with a new child in a unidirectio nal one-to-many association fails if the parent was previously loaded as a proxy * [HHH-2892] - skip up-to-date checks of query cache for natural-id only if immutable * [HHH-2928] - optimizers for enhanced id generators should be synchronized against multi-threaded access * [HHH-2948] - QueryStatistics.executionMinTime always = 0 ** Improvement * [HHH-1630] * [HHH-1696] * [HHH-2048] lue * [HHH-2682] * [HHH-2761] * [HHH-2822] * [HHH-2826] * [HHH-2852] - duplicate property mapping - more details - Add outer join support for aliases on DetachedCriteria - Incomplete MappingException at org.hibernate.mapping.SimpleVa support for auto-discovery of H2 dialect Handle null and empty string consistently in PropertiesHelper timestamp extraction functions for SAPDBDialect IS [NOT] NULL checks with component values Better error messages when schema validation fails

** Patch * [HHH-952] - Patch to allow subqueries with joins using Criteria API and Su bqueries with DetachedCriteria * [HHH-2070] - Expand DB2Dialect auto-discovery support (Martin Renner) * [HHH-2839] - Don't use dummy dual table for hsqldb (David Bala?ic) * [HHH-2849] - Better error logging in IdentifierGeneratorFactory (Antony St ubbs) * [HHH-2957] - ActionQueue Insertion sort performance degrades exponentially (Jay Erb) * [HHH-3084] - DialectFactory detection of Ingres metadata (Michael Leo) ** Task * [HHH-2559] - ne eds to be updated * [HHH-3085] - Remove connector.jar (unnecessary library) * [HHH-3086] - Remove jdbc2_0-stdext.jar (unnecessary library) Changes in version 3.2.5 (2007.07.31) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-1116] - batch-size typo * [HHH-1561] - Missing " in Documentation for H3, Chapter 15.8 * [HHH-1569] - Immutable Natural Id check fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBounds i n some cases * [HHH-1694] - Documentation Outdated: "10.4.4. Queries in native SQL" * [HHH-2180] - minordocumentation error in hbm xml * [HHH-2201] - session.iterate() does not exist * [HHH-2267] - A copy/paste mistake in the documentation for <schemavalidato r> ant task * [HHH-2334] - Documentation error in section 5.1.3 * [HHH-2420] - Error in 2.5. Contextual Sessions * [HHH-2502] - The second level caching documentation states that ehcache is not distributed. * [HHH-2631] - Leaking PreparedStatement and ResultSet via CollectionLoadCon text instances maintained in Map collectionLoadContexts in LoadContexts * [HHH-2649] - Batcher configuration parameter incorrectly documented * [HHH-2711] - PropertyAccessException with backref and <composite-map-key/> * [HHH-2713] - duplicated phrase in docs "of the of the"

* [HHH-2714] - Three typos in code examples * [HHH-2719] - adddress --> address * [HHH-2720] - Monetory --> Monetary ** Improvement * [HHH-1022] * [HHH-1682] sist() * [HHH-2048] lue * [HHH-2417] * [HHH-2418] * [HHH-2487] * [HHH-2550] * [HHH-2662] * [HHH-2663] very stuff * [HHH-2665] t - incomplete documentation in _README.txt in the lib directory - Improve the description of differences between save() and per - Incomplete MappingException at org.hibernate.mapping.SimpleVa Update book on Hibernate reference Refer HSQL DB website in chapter 1.2.3 Typo in "5.1.7. version (optional)" Update API Class in 10.4.3. Criteria queries Workaround PostgreSQL issues in testsuite Map java.sql.Types.REAL to Hibernate FloatType for auto-disco

- Split Oracle9Dialect into Oracle9iDialect and Oracle10gDialec

** Patch * [HHH-2520] - Miscellaneous config doc spelling fixes * [HHH-2630] - Hibernate Dialect is not auto-detected for Sybase ASE and DB2 (Shelley McGowan) * [HHH-2758] - Patch IngresDialect based on certification ** Task * [HHH-2551] * [HHH-2566] * [HHH-2567] * [HHH-2568] s Deprecate org.hibernate.criterion.Expression Replace usages of FlushMode.NEVER with FlushMode.MANUAL Update reference to use FlushMode.MANUAL Hibernate javadoc overview refering wrong classes and package

Changes in version 3.2.4.sp1 (2007.05.18) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-2605] - Since 3.2.4 no value specified for row id * [HHH-2613] - LockMode.FORCE on non versioned entity leads to NPE Changes in version 3.2.4 (2007.05.09) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-511] - reattach object from same session * [HHH-2316] - org.hibernate.cache.CacheKey.equals() can cause PropertyAcces sException to be thrown * [HHH-2553] - New LoadContexts Implementation causing possible performance degradation * [HHH-2602] - instrumented many-to-one problem with aggressive release ** Deprecation * [HHH-2603] - Deprecate the Session.connection() method ** Improvement * [HHH-2549] - Warn users explicitly about schemaexport and schemaupdate doe s not support annotations

** New Feature * [HHH-1] - Optimize Hibernate for the bulk insertion of related entities ** Patch * [HHH-2301] - Identity generator with custom insert SQL broken in 3.2 (Scot t Rankin and Gail Badner) * [HHH-2336] - paremeterizable and typedef-able UserCollectionType (Holger B rands) * [HHH-2580] - Performace: Too many lookups of WAS extended transaction supp ort (Jesper Udby) Changes in version 3.2.3 (2007.04.02) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-2376] - Query with fully qualified entity class fails * [HHH-2392] - LockModes referencing non-root joined-subclass class in HQL/C riteria * [HHH-2393] - Generated properties leave open ResultSet on Batcher to be cl osed on transaction completion * [HHH-2397] - hilo generator can generate negative numbers because of arith metic overflow * [HHH-2469] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during update by rowid * [HHH-2476] - PersistentMap.put() incorrect on uninitialized, non-extra-laz y map * [HHH-2481] - Big memory leak in the use of CGLIB * [HHH-2499] - incorrect assertion failure relating to generated property va lues * [HHH-2513] - Abusive WARN logged during deserialization of replicated Sess ionFactory * [HHH-2521] - Fix cascading of merge across component properties * [HHH-2532] - update/delete executeUpdate() causes problems with JBossCache (at least in opt-locking setups) ** Improvement * [HHH-2495] - encapsulate the notion of state pertaining to processing a re sult set * [HHH-2534] - better error message for illegal 'collection dereference' in HQL query * [HHH-2535] - Change Cache' Cache71Dialect so that sequence support returns false ** New Feature * [HHH-2471] - create a set of "enhanced" generators * [HHH-2500] - apply Terradata certification results ** Patch * [HHH-2367] - InformixDialect uses wrong data type * [HHH-2489] - SQL comments for HQL bulk operations Changes in version 3.2.2 (2007.01.24) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-1471] - If the 'generated' attribute is set to 'insert' or 'always' o n the property of a component it is ignored and the value is not read from the d atabase. * [HHH-1646] - Bad code in FastClass.equals

* [HHH-1889] - LockMode.UPGRADE not applied in all cases for SQL Server / Sy base * [HHH-2112] - ClassCastException in StatefulPersistenceContext.getCachedDat abaseSnapshot(...) * [HHH-2221] - MySQL temp table DDL and isolation * [HHH-2238] - SQLQuery executeUpdate doesn't respect Query.setFlushMode() * [HHH-2251] - Settings build unnecessary in schemaupdate/schemavalidate * [HHH-2257] - Query.iterate() results differ from Query.list() 2 * [HHH-2259] - autoflush and autoclose not longer occur in JTA environment w ith hibernate 3.2 * [HHH-2264] - NPE when NamedQuery contains space before variable name * [HHH-2274] - Collection ordering when many to many order by is used is not respected * [HHH-2275] - Mapping a composite element as a map key using formulas can l ead to AOOBE * [HHH-2284] - HQL: selecting components inside components doesn't work * [HHH-2291] - collection based on property-ref not handled correctly during reattch * [HHH-2292] - merge detached instance fails to persist collection changes i n case of bare collection reference * [HHH-2356] - NullableType.toString(Object) should account for nulls * [HHH-2366] - Changing a component's value does not trigger an update durin g flush * [HHH-2378] - replicate() of non-versioned entiy can result in wrong value for version in entity cache ** Improvement * [HHH-1851] - relax special handling of 'id' property * [HHH-2130] - SQLQuery does not autoflush all entities used in the query * [HHH-2193] - Introduce a flag to avoid checking NamedQuery at startup * [HHH-2242] - Consider Allowing Optimistic Lock Strategies other than 'Vers ion' with joined-subclass * [HHH-2250] - Create an appropriate error message if Query.setEntity is pas sed a NULL value * [HHH-2282] - PersistentClass property lookups do not properly account for embedded composite identifiers * [HHH-2286] - dialect informational metadata * [HHH-2372] - Allow tooling to create Settings via SettingsFactory without contacting the db ** New Feature * [HHH-2246] - No way to specify CACHE_PROVIDER_CONFIG in HibernateServiceMB ean ** Patch * [HHH-2300] - Updated dialect for H2 database engine * [HHH-2371] - enhancements to C3P0ConnectionProvider ** Task * [HHH-2032] - update c3p0 to 0.9.1

Changes in version 3.2.1 (2006.11.16) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-939] - 'class' property in HQL results in incorrect SQL for joined-su bclass * [HHH-1401] - session.merge() executes unnecessary updates when one-to-many

relationship is defined. * [HHH-1460] - Inconsistent behavior when using Session.get() with multiple subclasses * [HHH-1564] - deleting versioned object with collection leads to unecessary update * [HHH-1629] - SchemaUpdate/validator doesn't listen to quoting * [HHH-1631] - Missing table in SQL from clause that is referenced in where clause when using joined subclass * [HHH-1651] - hibernate does not find an existing sequence from an Oracle d atabase * [HHH-1663] - <any/> with collection will produce "AssertionFailure: collec tion was not processed by flush()" * [HHH-1737] - Add a ConnectionWrapper interface to allow access to the unde rlying connection from a BorrowedConnectionProxy * [HHH-1756] - Proxy objects are not removed from the BatchFetchQueue during a session evict * [HHH-1774] - Component parameters bound incorrectly * [HHH-1921] - "dirty, but no dirty properties" thrown when Interceptor rese ts properties. * [HHH-1986] - javassist throws InvocationTargetException instead of origina l checked Exception * [HHH-2027] - merge listener over-writes Interceptor changes to component s tate for a transient entity * [HHH-2044] - DefaultMergeEventListener.entityIsDetached call StaleObjectSt ateException with wrong identifier * [HHH-2082] - UpdateTimestampsCache.isUpToDate returns before checking all spaces * [HHH-2108] - cacheable files broken * [HHH-2138] - merge with bidirectional one-to-one may fail * [HHH-2145] - set.retainAll calling set.addAll * [HHH-2174] - Wrong log message in SessionImpl.afterTransactionCompletion(. ..) * [HHH-2199] - Unique constraints on nullable columns should not be generate d with unique-key is used and supportsNotNullUnique=false * [HHH-2202] - Clearing the connection warnings even when log is > WARN to w orkaround a Sybase issue * [HHH-2206] - SessionImpl tries to deserialize itself in an incorrect order * [HHH-2207] - Suggested fix for HQL - MySQL setMaxResults issue * [HHH-2226] - org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.FromElementType contains warning l og message that should be debug instead * [HHH-2229] - Performance issue with fix for HHH-1293, CGLIBLazyInitializer may be slower for certain Java classes * [HHH-2236] - Lazy property + setReadOnly + Instrumented classes results in NullPointerException when accessing lazy property ** Improvement * [HHH-2037] - provide Query.setProperties(Map) * [HHH-2042] - Typo in FlushMode.MANUAL Javadoc * [HHH-2057] - Add "remove" cascading style to CascadeStyle for XML mappings * [HHH-2127] - Document <filter-def condition="defaultCondition"> and <filte r-def>defaultCondition * [HHH-2135] - Hibernate Deserialization: In org.hibernate.type.Serializabl eType the code makes a test for the return of a null object by simply testing th e object as to whether or not it is null. * [HHH-2185] - introduce setting to control cglib caching of classes * [HHH-2203] - Make Post*Events extend AbstractEvent * [HHH-2208] - Table schema use in DatabaseMetadata * [HHH-2209] - ehcache.jar is old and does not contain the SingletonCachePro vider which are advised in exception messages * [HHH-2217] - Collection write methods and dirtying the collection

** New Feature * [HHH-2205] - Dialect for Intersystems' Cache SQL 2007.1 ** Patch * [HHH-1767] - read-only cache for immutable collection causes unnecessary w arning ** Task * [HHH-2219] - Upgrade to Javassist 3.4 Changes in version (16.10.2006) ----------------------------------------(retag of 3.2.0.cr5 (2006.10.16)) Changes in version 3.2.0.cr5 (04.10.2006) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-1668] - PersistentSet write methods mark collection as dirty even if entry is not written * [HHH-1714] - Session.get() behavior * [HHH-1891] - Since rc3 deprecation Warning: The syntax 'TYPE=storage_engin e' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL 5.2. ** Improvement * [HHH-2093] - PERSIST_ON_FLUSH ineffective for recursive object graphs * [HHH-2103] - Rolling back 'SELECT is mandatory' on JPA strict compliance ** Task * [HHH-1931] - verify that the instrument tasks actually work Changes in version 3.2.0.cr4 (24.08.2006) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-1293] - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: <persistent class>.getHibernateL azyInitializer() * [HHH-1677] - optimistic-lock="dirty all" is ignored at delete time * [HHH-1710] - persistent collections with property-ref to secondary tables cannot be joined in HQL * [HHH-1713] - AbstractEntityPersister causes an exception when a row in a j oined table is missing with fetch="select" * [HHH-1740] - Build-time instrumentation breaks lazy="proxy" * [HHH-1750] - Exception ORA-01000 too many open cursors by generated="inser t" * [HHH-1806] - No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: 3 * [HHH-1848] - A session.lock generates a query with a version column in a j oined subclass which does not exist * [HHH-1892] - finish HHH-1789 for ordered and sorted collections * [HHH-1898] - With hibernate 3.2.0-cr3 there is an hql parsing error on a o ne-to-one relation * [HHH-1924] - ForeignKeys: TransientObjectException is thrown without a mes sage because of a wrong bracket in the code * [HHH-1927] - persist() and then merge() not handled correctly for multiple entity instances representing the same logical state * [HHH-1937] - Proxy creation failure leads to NPEs * [HHH-1943] - PersistenceContext not checked to see whether the associated

entity is transient or not * [HHH-1944] - generated subqueries and jpaql compliance (derived select cla use) check * [HHH-1947] - OF part of MEMBER OF is optional * [HHH-1948] - Query Idetification variables are case insensitive in JPA * [HHH-1949] - having trim(BOTH from translated into having ltrim(rt rim(BOTH)) on DB2 * [HHH-1954] - Proxies are never unassociated (evicted) from a session * [HHH-1958] - session.lock(LockMode.FORCE) can lead to NPE * [HHH-1963] - meta inheritance broken * [HHH-1992] - Some cascade actions should not trigger a property access on lazy properties * [HHH-2001] - javaassist does not setup the proper protection domain thus d oes not work with signed/secured deployments such as webstart * [HHH-2015] - where= does not set parenthesis leading to unexpected query w hen multiclause are used * [HHH-2017] - locate function defined on Oracle9Dialect is incorrect * [HHH-2022] - property names beginning with underscores cause Hibernate to generate invalid aliases ** Improvement * [HHH-1470] - Enhance Hibernate-Mapping DTD Definition of type element * [HHH-1934] - logging NonUniqueObjectException and WrongClassException * [HHH-1941] - Be more specific about x not found and invalid mapping except ions to allow tools to tell about it * [HHH-1968] - unify bytecode instrumentation * [HHH-1980] - disallow the mapping combination of <version/> and optimistic -lock * [HHH-2005] - more standard build script * [HHH-2023] - performance optimization of JTATransactionFactory.isTransacti onInProgress() ** Patch * [HHH-1271] - When using Stored Procedure for update or delete, the check i s not done correctly. ** Task * [HHH-1931] - verify that the instrument tasks actually work Chages in version 3.2 cr3 (2006.07.06) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-1452] - Native SQL query is missing join if entity includes many-to-o ne on secondary table * [HHH-1507] - one-to-one can have formula or meta but not both of them. * [HHH-1552] - Error when using ?1 and parameterList * [HHH-1586] - ClassCastException in CollectionType.toLoggableString if usin g CustomCollectionType * [HHH-1732] - EhCache.toMap still assumes Serializable objects * [HHH-1734] - Connection leak when using hilo strategy in SE environment * [HHH-1741] - Bug in reference documentation * [HHH-1746] - NullPointerException at IdentNode.resolveAsNakedComponentProp ertyRefLHS( * [HHH-1748] - Setting a comment that contains a single quote on a query res ults in an unintuitive exception * [HHH-1763] - Bug in InputStream org.hibernate.util.ConfigHelper.getResourc eAsStream(String resource) * [HHH-1791] - property update="false" ignored since 3.2.0.cr2

* [HHH-1816] nt vm broken * [HHH-1822] hould always fail * [HHH-1828] * [HHH-1833] * [HHH-1838] * [HHH-1855] statements * [HHH-1858] * [HHH-1871] ties and scalars

serializing session from a named session factory to a differe flushing entity linked to transient instance (non cascaded) s registering a transaction marked for Rollback is illegal Not Generating HibernateException Wrong SQL generated for hql query on "any" relation booleans not properly handled in assignment clause of UPDATE wrong sql generated against many-to-any association table query type autodiscovery assume wrong column when mixing enti

** Deprecation * [HHH-1792] - Callable update/insert/delete statements should not force row count out parameter ** Improvement * [HHH-1617] tch * [HHH-1773] * [HHH-1779] * [HHH-1789] hits * [HHH-1795] * [HHH-1796] * [HHH-1800] of the wrong type * [HHH-1818] alse * [HHH-1831] e than once * [HHH-1861] * [HHH-1881] ** New Feature * [HHH-1709] * [HHH-1727] * [HHH-1817] * [HHH-1826] Check the second-level cache before adding a PK to a batch fe Typo in ImprovedNamingStrategy Allow Session.remove() on transient object improve efficiency of collection initialization from L2 cache default cache provider to NoCacheProvider TreeCache based providers and Fqn session.get() / load() should raise exception when the id is remove() should force subsequent contains() calls to return f Batch loading the same EntityKey (one side of manytoone ) mor More complete component handling in HQL introduce LoggableUserType interface Be able to raise ENFE rather than LIE in proxies Add a SQLFunctionRegistry Introduce setting for JPA-QL strict compliance Built-in type for char[] -> VARCHAR Byte[] and Character[]

** Patch * [HHH-1558] - Dialect for new database engine H2 * [HHH-1847] - QBE 'like' clause with backslashes don't work with MySQL ** Task * [HHH-1839] - rename FlushMode.NEVER -> FlushMode.MANUAL Changes in version 3.2 cr2 (2006.05.05) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-1114] - The first (HSQL) Hibernate Application doesn't work as expect ed due to lack of database shutdown * [HHH-1175] - Exception when loading inheritance mapping in single file * [HHH-1560] - PropertiesHelper.resolvePlaceHolders() fails with non-String values in System properties * [HHH-1620] - Errors on max_lo <=1 boundaries * [HHH-1625] - Hibernate.isPropertyInitialized() returns false on instrument

ed transient object * [HHH-1648] - Exception while resuming a transaction is silently eaten * [HHH-1674] - Configuration serialization error: filterDefinitions map not serializable * [HHH-1695] - subsequent calls to non-existent proxy causes NPE ** Improvement * [HHH-1266] * [HHH-1414] arget table * [HHH-1477] * [HHH-1538] ppropriate types * [HHH-1670] * [HHH-1704] lumn(s) - StatelessSession can implement refresh - many-to-many and metadata order-by based on column from the t - Improve naming strategy for ANN-195 - aggregations functions in EJBQL queries does not return the a - Update EhCache and EhCache provider to support EhCache 1.2 - Deduplicate unique constraints generation sharing the same co

** New Feature * [HHH-870] - support SQL updates in named queries * [HHH-1591] - Replace LazyInitializationException by EntityNotFoundExceptio n * [HHH-1719] - Provide a ClassTransformer interface to the BytecodeProvider Changes in version 3.2 cr1 (2006.03.27) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-1453] - Broken exception handling in NullableType ** Improvement * [HHH-227] - remove reflection optimizer * [HHH-587] - Make ResultTransformer available for all query methods * [HHH-1588] - delay inserts for insert-generated-identifiers outside transa ction * [HHH-1590] - redesign how PostInsertIdentifierGenerators are handled at in sertion * [HHH-1592] - allow SelectGenerator to use a defined natural-id (if one) ** New Feature * [HHH-332] - create ability to add resulttransformer to HQL query * [HHH-1179] - support inline sequence id generation on Oracle using RETURNI NG clause Changes in version 3.2 alpha2 (2006.03.15) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-535] - properties element causes exception in interface/abstract clas s * [HHH-1325] - ArrayOutOfBounds expected in DatabaseMetadata.isTable when sp ecifing schema * [HHH-1435] - many-to-one lazy seems to be broken in 3.1.x * [HHH-1531] - NPE with many-to-many and property-ref * [HHH-1546] - generated version properties fail with multiple actions per f lush ** Improvement * [HHH-1540] - Better Error Feedback In CollectionEntry.postFlush(Persistent

Collection) * [HHH-1555] - ConnectionReleaseMode.AFTER_STATEMENT and flushes * [HHH-1559] - introduce TransactionFactory.isTransactionInProgress to facil itate EJB3 joinTransaction handling Changes in version 3.2 alpha1 (2006.02.28) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-687] - Exception QuerySyntaxError not really serializable * [HHH-1236] - Remove static reference to classloader, to avoid memory leak at webapp reload * [HHH-1287] - Problem with WAS ExtendedJTATransaction not available when us ing MDB * [HHH-1419] - Update + Exists doesn't seem to work * [HHH-1445] - SchemaUpdate closes shared ConnectionProvider * [HHH-1464] - QueryException from Query.getReturnAliases when query uses "f etch" * [HHH-1486] - Concurrent access issues with both SoftLimitMRUCache and Simp leMRUCache * [HHH-1508] - Session.createQuery() should not flush the session ** Improvement * [HHH-1411] * [HHH-1412] * [HHH-1416] * [HHH-1457] * [HHH-1466] * [HHH-1516] * [HHH-1518] * [HHH-1520] * [HHH-1526] Collection fetches and DISTINCT Collection fetches and firstResult/maxRows LockMode.FORCE to implement EJB3 LockModeType.WRITE support new optimisitc locking capabilities of JBossCache better handling of Antlr exceptions support DataDirect standard jdbc stored procedures Guarentee LockMode behaviors with clause with implied joins within an explicit join Improved DTDEntityResolver

** New Feature * [HHH-1251] - Avoid replicating the clearing of TreeCache on SessionFactory ..close() * [HHH-1410] - FlushMode.AUTO -> COMMIT when outside a transaction * [HHH-1447] - pluggable bytecode libraries Changes in version 3.1.2 (01.27.2006) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-73] - Statistics for HQL queries use pre-processed query string * [HHH-1306] - HQL parsing problem with join fetching of arrays/collections of values * [HHH-1370] - Warning in hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd * [HHH-1371] - MappingException is thrown when the same column is referenced with different case * [HHH-1386] - Numeric (long) literals not properly handled by HQL parser * [HHH-1390] - Session.isOpen() throws exeception when the session is closed with ThreadLocalSessionContext * [HHH-1391] - Invalid parameter index SQLException when using named paramet ers after positional parameters * [HHH-1392] - Proxies cannot be serialized after session is closed * [HHH-1398] - extends and entity-names broken with mapping-level package at tribute * [HHH-1407] - return-join broken for entity collections

** Improvement * [HHH-1364] - Defensive check of isClosed when obtaining a connection from ConnectionManager * [HHH-1367] - warn level log "this operation breaks ==" may be disturbing ** New Feature * [HHH-1372] - Support for MySQL5 new varchar length ** Patch * [HHH-1005] - Criteria LEFT JOIN capability when adding Order to associatio ns ** Task * [HHH-1373] - Document update versioned Changes in version 3.1.1 (01.13.2006) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-853] - DML-style HQL queries and associations * [HHH-1281] - FORWARD_ONLY ScrollableResults#next() throw GenericJDBCExcept ion * [HHH-1286] - Set entity in HQL query without prefix -> incorrect SQL * [HHH-1308] - Session.createFilter(...).iterate() results in bogus column n ames for result set extraction * [HHH-1314] - float/double literals not sent to the database correctly * [HHH-1316] - SchemaUpdate : java.sql.SQLException: You cannot commit durin g a managed transaction! * [HHH-1328] - org.hibernate.util.SimpleMRUCache keeps a soft reference to t he cache key, so cached values get collected prematurely * [HHH-1336] - ForeignGenerator does not handle transient entities with an e ntity-name properly * [HHH-1337] - Mapped <component> generated column names incorrect with Impr ovedNamingStrategy * [HHH-1349] - HQL delete statement problem due to oracle lacking table alia ses in delete clause * [HHH-1361] - creating temporary table for bulk delete will commit current transaction in managed environment such as J2EE ** Improvement * [HHH-1019] - Native SQL return-property mapping doesn't support dot-syntax in return-property for components * [HHH-1290] - Defensive checking of session status * [HHH-1302] - query.getReturnTypes inconsistent * [HHH-1304] - better handling of borrowed connections in non-ON_CLOSE relea se semantics * [HHH-1309] - schemaupdate does not handle TableHiLoGenerator * [HHH-1339] - empty property name in mapping file gives imcomprehensible er ror message * [HHH-1344] - ANSI-SQL trim function for SQLServer * [HHH-1345] - ANSI-SQL mod function for SQLServer * [HHH-1346] - ANSI-SQL bit_length function for SQLServer * [HHH-1351] - <return-scalar name="blah"/> should be possible * [HHH-1360] - set autodiscovery flag for SQLQueries when resultsetmappings are used Changes in version 3.1 (12.12.2005)

------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-849] - Cartesian product + implicit joins * [HHH-1065] - user provided connection not usable by default due to agressi ve release changes * [HHH-1101] - associations join fetched in HQL without owner being selected * [HHH-1133] - Comparators, defined for collections in mapping files, are no t set * [HHH-1149] - NPE flushing reattached entity w/ non-mutable natural-id * [HHH-1170] - HQL 'cast' function doesn't work with MySQL 4 when casting to string * [HHH-1187] - Cannot delete a object having a delete-orphan collection when user_rollback_id is set * [HHH-1191] - HQL fails backward compatibility using classic translator * [HHH-1194] - hql delete statements with joined-subclass hierarchies with a mapped where attribute at the root * [HHH-1206] - Mappings.TableDescription is not serializable * [HHH-1212] - mismatch in entity-modes defined in DTD and EntityMode class * [HHH-1227] - ClassCastException on DOM4J replicate of Calendar property * [HHH-1239] - BinaryArithmeticOperatorNode.getDataType() does not properly handle date/time arithmetic * [HHH-1240] - Track connection leakage in JDBCContext.afterTransactionCompl etion() * [HHH-1245] - Calling the Session should register it with the current JTA t xn. * [HHH-1254] - Serialization of Sessions using JDBCTransactions with auto-fl ush/auto-close ** New Feature * [HHH-1222] * [HHH-1243] * [HHH-1244] * [HHH-1260] Autodiscover scalar types in native-sql allow placeholders to system properties in config properties Support for MySQL5 stored procedures Configuration.mergeProperties()

** Task * [HHH-1066] - Upgrade CGLIB to fix proxy memory leak * [HHH-1242] - upgrade ANTLR to 2.7.6rc1 ** Improvement * [HHH-860] - insert ... select ... and version numbers * [HHH-926] - TypeDef should be global * [HHH-1138] - No ConstraintName when using PostgreSQL * [HHH-1144] - Implement naming convention for temporary test failures * [HHH-1153] - PropertiesHelper fails reading primitive values from hibernat e-mapping when doc has whitespace * [HHH-1182] - Access to filter metadata * [HHH-1183] - Getting sql "plan" for DML operations * [HHH-1197] - Support for HQL delete on MaxDB * [HHH-1198] - post-insert event pass the entity wo the id field filled when the generator is identity * [HHH-1213] - make JACC event listeners auto configurable (through initiali ze(Configuration)) * [HHH-1215] - Added support for LVARCHAR in InformixDialect * [HHH-1218] - Add concat() function support to SAPDBDialect * [HHH-1255] - ThreadLocalSessionContext and Session serialization ** Patch * [HHH-967] - executeUpdate on StatelessSession * [HHH-1172] - Missing configuration templates for the new MimerSQLDialect

** Deprecation * [HHH-1229] - deprecate ability for entities to not define identifier prope rties Changes in version 3.1 rc3 (17.11.2005) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-755] - Setter / Getter for property gDate are wrong * [HHH-764] - XML mapping * [HHH-1034] - The connection is closed *outside* the JTA transaction in Tr ansactionHelper * [HHH-1062] - java:comp/UserTransaction not correct for JBoss * [HHH-1064] - Exception using JTATransaction in WebSphere 6 * [HHH-1069] - Unnecessary commas generated in select with left outer joins * [HHH-1075] - New parser "not exists" command bug * [HHH-1077] - Typo in docs: "equiped" * [HHH-1080] - HQL delete fails on entities with where-fragments using opera tors other than '=' * [HHH-1081] - missing parens in example code for Criteria Associations * [HHH-1084] - incorrect method name "sql" in Restrictions example, should b e "sqlRestriction" * [HHH-1091] - Can't write transparent CurrentSessionContext for BMT * [HHH-1098] - Patch for to be able to build latest version on linu x * [HHH-1106] - HQL "not in" generatad wrong SQL * [HHH-1111] - JDBCTransaction.rollback() results in a call to Interceptor.b eforeTransactionCompletion() * [HHH-1128] - Column alias clashes under certain circumstances * [HHH-1146] - latest cvs(11/10/05) hibernate3 issue with classic query * [HHH-1156] - StatefulPersistenceContext not serializable when property-ref is used * [HHH-1160] - Incorrect use of getGeneratedKey() for Oracle ** New Feature * [HHH-449] - korean hibernate reference manual * [HHH-1129] - use expected-type in 'untyped' Query.setParameter() ** Improvement * [HHH-221] - Proxy for one-to-one with property-ref * [HHH-844] - move parameter "bookkeeping" into QueryTranslator * [HHH-1051] - "Compiled" native SQL queries are not cached * [HHH-1061] - import.sql should allow more human readable and usable files * [HHH-1078] - <dynamic-component> requires type on property * [HHH-1120] - Make NamingStrategy to work nicely with HA and EJB3 naming st rategy * [HHH-1142] - added getSelectSequenceNextValString() and getCurrentTimestam pSelectString() to TimesTenDialect ** Patch * [HHH-1063] - support for 'locate' function in SQLServer and Sybase dialect s * [HHH-1090] - Allow subqueries on criteria to obtain non-string results * [HHH-1095] - Hibernate takes incorrect HasCode when a lot of CompositeKeys and Lazy loading is involved * [HHH-1103] - finalize method filter for proxies * [HHH-1136] - more meaningful AssertionFailure message in org.hibernate.per sister.entity.JoinedSubclassEntityPersister.getTableId(...)

Changes in version 3.1 rc2 (17.10.2005) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-1045] - Example contains inner classes that aren't serializable * [HHH-1055] - optimistic-lock is not inherited from class to subclass . ** Improvement * [HHH-702] - auto detect aliasing for collection properties (coll.key, coll .id etc.) * [HHH-1038] - make 'auto' the default for hibernate.connection.release_mode * [HHH-1042] - determine "expected type" of parameters during HQL parsing Changes in version 3.1 rc1 (07.10.2005) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-528] - in HQL causes join * [HHH-871] - Configuration.setListener(String type, Object listener) throws ClassCastException * [HHH-873] - referencing raw HQL FromElement alias outide the from clause o f update and delete statements generates incorrect sql * [HHH-876] - PreparedStatement being closed before being executed by Abstra ctBatcher * [HHH-884] - SchemaExport does not propagate parent indexes to <union-subcl ass> tables * [HHH-887] - Aggressive release and Session.connection() * [HHH-893] - custom tuplizer are not instantiated for components * [HHH-905] - $PlaceHolder$ remains in generated SQL when filter is enabled * [HHH-907] - optimistic-lock="false" for timestamped object results in SQLE xception: Invalid column index * [HHH-908] - CLONE -NullPointerException when using BigInteger in a query * [HHH-911] - CGLIBLazyInitializer and Exceptions * [HHH-913] - NPE in CMTTransaction since javax.transaction.Transaction is n ever set * [HHH-918] - impossible to move objects to another session * [HHH-924] - Useless OracleErrorCodeConverter (and possibly others) * [HHH-932] - HQL UPDATE and <union-subclass> * [HHH-946] - QuerySyntaxException might not be serializable * [HHH-964] - ORA-00936 with joined subclass / Oracle * [HHH-986] - Need to check Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() i n ConfigHelper * [HHH-991] - Cannot use comparator class * [HHH-1000] - varchar(xxx char) not supported on Oracle8i ** New Feature * [HHH-950] - interface for SessionFactory.getCurrentSession() handling ** Improvement * [HHH-608] - update HSQLDialect for HSQL 1.8 sequence support * [HHH-889] - Add read-only cache-mode comment in <query and <sql-query * [HHH-898] - OracleDialect UTF8 varchar2 * [HHH-909] - Onquoted primary key in IncrementGenerator * [HHH-988] - generated="never insert always" * [HHH-989] - add discussion of implicit and explcit joins * [HHH-1011] - Make disconnect/reconnect of a Session implicit

** Patch * [HHH-994] - Sybase/SQLServer support for temporary tables Changes in version 3.1 beta 3 (13.09.2005) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-528] - in HQL causes join * [HHH-871] - Configuration.setListener(String type, Object listener) throws ClassCastException * [HHH-873] - referencing raw HQL FromElement alias of update and delete sta tements * [HHH-876] - PreparedStatement being closed before being executed by Abstra ctBatcher * [HHH-884] - SchemaExport does not propagate parent indexes to <union-subcl ass> tables * [HHH-887] - Aggressive release and Session.connection() * [HHH-893] - custom tuplizer are not instantiated for components * [HHH-905] - $PlaceHolder$ remains in generated SQL when filter is enabled * [HHH-907] - optimistic-lock="false" for timestamped object results in SQLE xception: Invalid column index * [HHH-908] - NullPointerException when using BigInteger in a query * [HHH-911] - CGLIBLazyInitializer and Exceptions * [HHH-913] - NPE in CMTTransaction since javax.transaction.Transaction is n ever set * [HHH-918] - impossible to move objects to another session * [HHH-924] - Removed ErrorCodeConverters * [HHH-946] - QuerySyntaxException might not be serializable ** Improvement * [HHH-898] - OracleDialect UTF8 varchar2 * [HHH-909] - Unquoted primary key in IncrementGenerator Changes in version 3.1 beta 2 (16.08.2005) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-477] - Boolean discriminators generate invalid SQL for PostgreSQL dia lect * [HHH-480] - SchemaExportTask ignores some properties not defined in hibern * [HHH-615] - SchemaExport outputFile ignores ant's basedir * [HHH-770] - hql query execution generates invalid SQL * [HHH-779] - Assertion failure occured with Hibernate 3 saving objects * [HHH-781] - SimpleExpression ignorecase regression * [HHH-799] - merge() and embedded composite identifiers * [HHH-801] - subselect fetch and named parameters * [HHH-802] - querying "mapped" composite identifiers * [HHH-803] - no version increment from delayed collection adds * [HHH-805] - Session.getStatistics().getEntityCount() throws UnsupportedOpe rationException * [HHH-819] - Firebird CONCAT SQL function * [HHH-821] - query by natural-id cache is not update when object is inserte d or deleted * [HHH-822] - <key-property> will actually pick up <type> tags if it were al lowed by the DTD * [HHH-825] - ReadWrite-Cache issues NullPointerException after modification of an array * [HHH-839] - Session.refresh not working for custom 'Load' SQL * [HHH-849] - Cartesian product + implicit joins

* [HHH-854] - Class with mapped composite id can't have subclasses * [HHH-858] - Autocommit status inconsistent in connections created by Drive rManagerConnectionProvider * [HHH-863] - Hibernate generates "notExists" instead of "not exists" * [HHH-868] - Missing parens after / or ** New Feature * [HHH-35] - add attribute haltonerror to schemaexport Ant task * [HHH-182] - Mimer SQL Dialect for Hibernate 3 * [HHH-704] - Statistics for optimistic lock failures * [HHH-725] - Allow hooks into all executed sql by a session * [HHH-783] - collection lazy="extra" * [HHH-818] - Optimisitc locking using database current timestamp * [HHH-828] - session.getTransaction() * [HHH-829] - <cache include="all non-lazy" ... /> * [HHH-831] - allow database generated property values * [HHH-832] - allow database generated property values for versioning * [HHH-838] - Transaction.setTimeout() * [HHH-840] - allow definition of "auxiliary" database objects in mapping * [HHH-846] - Add Intializable interface for events * [HHH-848] - Validate mappings against JDBC metadata * [HHH-859] - post-commit events ** Improvement * [HHH-133] - schemaexport task: provide independent drop/create output * [HHH-135] - parameterized types can't be used on key-property or ir (possi ble others) * [HHH-552] - NoopAccessor for HQL-only properties * [HHH-680] - Easier support for doing UserCollectionType's * [HHH-686] - Final classes and classes with private null ctors cause unhelp ful NullPointerException * [HHH-754] - Allow HQL DML for implicit polymorphism * [HHH-782] - Avoid unnecessary updates when component property is update='f alse' but modified * [HHH-786] - Improve lazy options for <one-to-one> * [HHH-791] - Use cascade styles when fetching entities in refresh() and mer ge() * [HHH-815] - Confusing use of the term "dereference" * [HHH-830] - Improvements to caching lazy properties ** Patch * [HHH-378] * [HHH-430] capabilities * [HHH-735] * [HHH-780] * [HHH-864] ce - Better LockMode.UPGRADE for DB2 UDB v8.2 - Improved SizeExpression with greater, lesser, not equals, etc. - SchemaUpdate reads table metadata from wrong schema - org.hibernate.proxy.BasicLazyInitializer reflection hotspot - Use QUERY_CACHE for sessions with filters to improve performan

Changes in version 3.1 beta 1 (21.07.2005) ------------------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-145] * [HHH-374] * [HHH-447] * [HHH-488] * [HHH-564] * [HHH-577] union-subclass and oracle 8i EJB3 example delete query doesn't work in Hibernate. EHCache integration prevents multiple session factories JACCListeners are not working at all missing commas for implicit joins joins within subqueries on dbs supporting ansi-joins result in

extraneous commas * [HHH-592] - cast() function doesn't know its returned Hibernate type * [HHH-639] - CGLIB instrumentation of subclasses * [HHH-658] - Bug in Alias Name Generation * [HHH-671] - Firebird support of sequences/generators * [HHH-679] - setLockMode(LockMode.UPGRADE_NOWAIT) does not translate to corr ect SQL on Oracle * [HHH-688] - Bad implementation in org.hibernate.type.CustomType.stringToObj ect * [HHH-691] - generated column alias is incorrect if there is a prior relatio nship and the table column names are similar to the table name * [HHH-694] - NPE when accessing the SLCache stats with TreeCache * [HHH-698] - Exception on EG , trying to change immutable id (natural-id) * [HHH-699] - Incorrect Tablename genetaion when using MySQL Dialect and no S chema definition * [HHH-708] - could not be used properly on composite-ids * [HHH-709] - ArrayType.replaceElements fails if original.length != target.le ngth * [HHH-718] - HQL "fetch all properties" not working for column level lazy pr ops * [HHH-726] - ConstraintViolationException with primitive collection * [HHH-727] - java.lang.StackOverflowError when cascade="true" on both sides of bidirectional one-to-one association using FK * [HHH-734] - HQL incorrectly parses certain query strings * [HHH-736] - Use of sql functions containing space not supported in filter c onditions * [HHH-738] - formula property with select-before-update * [HHH-747] - Order.toSQLString generates incorrect statement * [HHH-748] - component dereferencing in subquery from clauses * [HHH-752] - Typo in 8.5.3 bidirectional one-to-one jjoin table example * [HHH-757] - NullPointerException when using BigInteger in a query ** New Feature * [HHH-595] * [HHH-597] * [HHH-696] * [HHH-697] * [HHH-716] * [HHH-723] * [HHH-739] * [HHH-741] * [HHH-742] * [HHH-744] * [HHH-768] HQL insert select Named XML resultsetmappings handle discriminators on HQL insert allow bumping versions in HQL update handle version columns in bulk inserts Need to be able to pass in javax.sql.DataSource in SF creation Order.ignoreCase() select clause subselects Stateless session collection fetching in scroll() via "break processing" <many-to-many property-ref=".."/>

** Improvement * [HHH-14] - Add Session.delete(String entityName, Object entity) * [HHH-295] - cleanup and expose the Tuplizers * [HHH-352] - HQL bulk and cache * [HHH-689] - exclude parens for components outside where-clause * [HHH-743] - {coll.key}, {coll.index}, {coll.element}, etc * [HHH-745] - EJB3 composite PK style * [HHH-749] - Cascade merge() and unidirectional one-to-many * [HHH-750] - use attribute name other than 'type' in dynamic-maps * [HHH-753] - Replace antlr System.exit with QueryException * [HHH-769] - property-ref="" to a component property * [HHH-772] - null in maps are handled inconsistently * [TODO-18] - optimistic-lock="all dirty" with components

Changes in version 3.1 alpha 1 (24.06.2005) -----------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-204] - Wrong/uncommon log name in class ...hql ast ErrorCounter * [HHH-241] - HQL lexer doesn't support unicode quoted strings * [HHH-354] - property named "full" breaks HQL queries * [HHH-493] - WARNING: Keyword 'member' is being intepreted as an ident * [HHH-538] - length() function does not work in SQLServerDialect * [HHH-539] - ClassCastException on mapping a property with a formula in a s et of composite elements * [HHH-540] - Mapping a one-to-many collection with a non-null foreign key w ithin a component fails on save * [HHH-547] - Cannot commit using UserCollectionType and debug logging * [HHH-548] - many-to-many faulty delete optimization when filter in use * [HHH-554] - Hibernate 3 HQL to SQL FROM Clause Comma Generation Problem * [HHH-558] - HQL doesn't support multi-byte character in class name and pro perty names * [HHH-559] - quoted multi-byte character in HQL is translated into weird ch aracter in SQL. * [HHH-565] - delete-orphan generating AssertionFailure * [HHH-566] - The result is not correct in 'createQuery("select new Foor(x, x) from Foo").scroll()' * [HHH-570] - size operator fails on a many to many in HQL * [HHH-571] - JDK 1.3 Compatibility Issue * [HHH-573] - error when merging entity graph has cascade level>2 * [HHH-575] - org.hibernate.cache.FilterKey is not Serializable * [HHH-589] - parameterized expression inside function * [HHH-594] - order-by mapping for collections overrides order by in HQL * [HHH-601] - New temporary table feature assumes all persisters are ready * [HHH-614] - SchemaUpdate broken in DB2/400 * [HHH-622] - Spelling mistake 'intepreted' in org.hibernate.hql.PARSER warn ing * [HHH-642] - criterias with projection * [HHH-650] - FilterImpl is Serializable yet FilterDefinition is not * [HHH-657] - Date parse exception using EntityMode.DOM4J * [HHH-666] - JTAHelper.isInProgress( txn.getStatus()) throws NPE when txn n ull ** New Feature * [HHH-620] * [HHH-640] * [HHH-643] * [HHH-645] * [HHH-549] * [HHH-576] * [HHH-662] rties") in joined Extra join conditions in HQL short-circuit dirty checking for instrumented classes support mutable="false" for collections Session.setReadOnly() portable to_char() function Hook to pre-process generated select strings in the Dialect Add support for definition of functional composite key ("prope subclass

** Improvement * [HHH-46] - Allow access to properties that are not joined * [HHH-261] - Stored procedure support for SQLServer dialects * [HHH-351] - multi-table bulk operations * [HHH-574] - improve in naming named-query * [HHH-596] - Auto-detect {..} in native SQL queries * [HHH-641] - create constraints for many-to-one property-ref * [HHH-501] - warn when a final method is tried to be proxied * [HHH-525] - cglib related startup performance * [HHH-557] - Helpful error message for non Serializable classes with a comp osite-id * [HHH-586] - check immutable natural-ids

* [HHH-609] - Adds substr to PostgreSQL dialect * [HHH-618] - documentation bugs ** Patch * [HHH-224] * [HHH-366] * [HHH-536] ropriately * [HHH-632] * [HHH-4] - JDataStore Dialect and updated Testfiles - InformixDialect SQLExceptionConverter - ImprovedNamingStrategy modifies capitalized column names inapp - Informix Dialect missing from automatic dialect discovery CachedFile bugfix + configuration + autodetect resource as file

Changes in version 3.0.5 (25.5.2005) -----------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-516] * [HHH-517] * [HHH-518] * [HHH-519] * [HHH-529] Interceptor.onFlushDirty() sometimes not called getDatabaseMajorVersion() not available in JDK 1.3 SQL parser does not recognize all whitespace broken SQL when traversing many-to-many to joined <subselect> Bug in merge()

** New Feature * added <natural-id> mapping * [HHH-533] - allow unique-key on <property> and <many-to-one> * [HHH-534] - efficient cache by natural key * support for <comment> on MySQL ** Improvement * [HHH-526] - log "Aggressively releasing JDBC Connection" as DEBUG instead of INFO * various logging improvements Changes in version 3.0.4 (23.5.2005) -----------------------------------** Bug * [HHH-452] - UnsavedValueFactory.instantiate does not wrap the Exception it catches * [HHH-456] - Session still holds references to entities after close() * [HHH-457] - Log info for structured second-level cache entries is incorrec t * [HHH-466] - Made default for MS SQL dialect definition more flexible * [HHH-473] - Formula can't contain SQL cast keyword * [HHH-484] - Order-by not applied to collections fetched by OuterJoinLoader * [HHH-487] - Possible empty union in UnionSubclassEntityPersister * [HHH-505] - Possible NullPointerException in BigIntegerType * [HHH-507] - Cached List does not show additions * Fixed bugs in subselect fetching ** New Feature * [HHH-455] - Obtain non-intercepted Session by passing an EmptyInterceptor * [HHH-467] - HQL: support for case when then else end IN select clause * [HHH-485] - Support multiple collection join fetches (attention: Cartesian product) in native SQL queries * Added SessionStatistics metric interface * Added support for table and column level <comment> blocks * Added Simplified Chinese translation of reference documentation (Xiaogang Cao)

** Improvement * Any query may now join fetch >1 collection role (attention: Cartesian prod uct) * [HHH-454] - Add 2292 integrityViolationCode to Oracle9Dialect * [HHH-503] - Implemented ViolatedConstraintNameExtracter for HSQLDialect (F rank Grimes) Changes in version 3.0.3 (8.5.2005) ----------------------------------* fixed bug in HQL for composite key classes which have a property named the sam e as the owning entity's id property * replaced 'connection.aggressive_release' with 'hibernate.connection.release_mo de' * added ConnectionReleaseMode * added eager fetch for any associations with fetch=join, even after a HQL query , or cache retrieval (EJB3) * added replicate() isUpdate flag to OnReplicateVisitor, useful for native ids * fixed ParameterizedTypes order of initialization * fixed bug in DB2Dialect * fixed EntityMode.DOM4J creation of duplicate <set> output * fixed JDBCException error code handling * fixed Criteria Restrictions.isEmpty()/isNotEmpty() when collection is mapped t o superclass * fixed HQL indexed collections access with no alias * fixed HQL aggregate functions on components when "id" property is used * fixed issue with non-cascading refresh to collections * fixed query-timeout not being applied to bulk HQL (Stephan Fudeus) * fixed pessimistic locking with Firebird (Yuichi Sugimura) * updated Ant 1.6.3 * improved validation of sql queries, throw QueryException if addEntity() nor ad dScalar() was called * added automatic dialect detection if no dialect is configured * added new tutorial (Michael Gloegl, Christian Bauer) Changes in version 3.0.2 (27.4.2005) -----------------------------------* fixed union operations on PostgreSQL * fixed HQL concat() function for Oracle dialect * fixed auto-close/auto-flush during getCurrentSession() processing * fixed ClassCastException with EntityMode.DOM4J * fixed HQL dynamic instantiation with iterate() * fixed HQL bug with missing parantheses and implicit joins * fixed bug were Interceptor.getEntity() wasn't called if in cache * fixed bug in merge() of sorted sets * fixed bug in EntityMode.DOM4J with non-lazy embedded many-to-ones * fixed Criteria/Projection ordering bug * fixed HQL referencing component attribute * fixed column duplication detection for components * fixed eager fetching for many-to-many associations * fixed stack overflow with auto_close_session and aggressive_release and unclos ed ScrollableResults/HibernateIterator * fixed bug in HQL parser regarding naked property refs which reference componen t properties * fixed bug with eager fetched arrays not being loaded * fixed bug in filter against joined-subclass * improved CacheMode.GET/IGNORE, disabled cache put * improved HQL support for standard SQL functions, including coalesce() and null

if() * improved filtering of many-to-many associations * added HQL support for cast(x as type) if SQL database supports it * added increment id generation for union-subclass * added ConnectionProvider.supportsAggressiveRelease() for managed environments * added support for caching of queries if filter is enabled * added PreparedStatement count to Statistics * added transactional/nontransactional read()/get() to Cache API * added quotation of schema names * added Distinct to Projection API * added config parameter 'connection.aggressive_release' Changes in version 3.0.1 (18.4.2005) -----------------------------------* added HQL tuple constructor/comparison feature * added HQL "fetch all properties" override if instrumentation is used for lazy loading * added HQL projection feature, return Lists instead of arrays for projection * added HQL projection feature, return Maps with user-defined HQL SELECT aliases as keys * added HQL support for expressions in aggregation functions * added new IntegrityViolationException to MySQL dialect * added value mapping type 'big_integer' * added not-found="ignore exception" switch for legacy associations (i.e. broken database integrity) * added fully automatic Session scoping in JTA environments with sf.getCurrentSe ssion() * fixed bug in DTD that wouldn't allow union-subclass in separate file * fixed a MS SQL Server case sensitivity issue with native SQL queries * fixed a minor bug in subselect fetching * fixed case sensitivity in HQL functions * fixed a bug with listener assignment for save() operation (Matthew Inger) * fixed return-property in named SQL queries to work with all identifier names * fixed TransactionManager lookup (again) for WAS 6.0 * fixed a bug with HQL batch delete and MS SQL Server * fixed session not getting closed with auto_close when rollback occured * improved concatentation handling in AST parser * updated dom4j to avoid memory leak in old version * updated C3P0 Changes in version 3.0 (31.3.2005) ---------------------------------* added support for autoflush/autoclose to HibernateServiceMBean * fixed initialization/session association detection problem of collections * fixed creation of FK constraints to union superclass table * fixed bug where union-subclass table did not get a PK constraint * added a separate log category for HQL parser warnings and errors * fixed bulk delete operation on MS SQL Server * added support for proxying protected methods (Juozas) * added support for unicode quoted strings in new HQL parser * fixed implied joins in subselect WHERE clause in new HQL parser * added SQLServer7Dialect to handle differences in functions * added support for JNDI-bound cache instances, future use for JBoss Cache * added scale attribute to column mappings for numeric precision control * added fetch=subselect for collections * added support for bulk update/delete against discriminator-based inheritence h ierarchies * added the ability to use naked property refs in HQL (required in update/delete statements)

* updated CGLIB 2.1.0 * fixed NPE at BasicEntityPersister.getPropertyIndex (Todd Nine) * fixed issue with entity-name and subclasses (Sverker Abrahamsson) * fixed issue with correlated subqueries in new HQL parser * fixed a problem with native SQL query mapping and embedded composite identifie rs * improved mapping binding, allowing unordered extends for pure entity-name hiea rchies * fixed NPE for delete() with deprecated Lifecycle interface * fixed a problem with serial joins ending in component value in new HQL parser * fixed inner join/subselect precedence problem in new HQL parser * fixed indices() function in new HQL parser * fixed a bug in InformixDialect, now correct LIMIT clause * fixed a bug in idbag.remove() (Sebastien Cesbron) * fixed a conflict on OracleDialect between setMaxResult and LockMode.UPGRADE * fixed XML configuration file issue with SchemaExport * fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds problem * renamed executeUpate() to executeUpdate() * fixed batch loading for property-ref entities * fixed loading from cache of <key property-ref> collection owner * fixed minor bug in SQL exception reporting * fixed dynamic-component cannot be bound to XML * fixed querying component with formula property * fixed incorrect table alias for order-by on many-to-many * fixed a bug for unidirectional one-to-many with moving child objects * fixed a bug with union-subclasses and persister creation * fixed a HQL concatenation problem on MySQL * fixed a bug where an unnecessary exception was thrown for a property-ref to a superclass property * fixed minor dtd bug * fixed new bug in Clob/Blob support * fixed issue with INDEX_OP and subclass joins on theta-join dialects * fixed some minor issues in query cache regions, including HB-1449 * fixed superflous import and regression bug in verifyparameters * fixed two bugs in select id generator (Malcolm Green) * fixed increment generator for union-subclass mappings * updated JBoss Cache to 1.2.1alpha, fixing locking issues * made stat classes serializable * fixed merge(), now ignores blob and clob fields * added support/dialect for TimesTen * improved algorithm for batch fetching, more aggressive * improved toStrings()s for Statistics objects (Ryan Lynch) * renamed <result-*> to <return-*> for externalized SQL query mapping * renamed Session.openSession() for EntityMode to Session.getSession() * added support for CASE in HQL * fixed bug with filters and polymorphic queries * fixed import ordering problem of super/subclass mappings * switched to patched ANTLR 2.7.5, now using context classloader before doing cl ass.forname * TableHiloGenerator now falls back to TableGenerator properly with max_lo < 2 ( Emmanuel Bernard) * better transaction handling of TableGenerator in a JTA environment (Emmanuel Bernard) * removed hard coded log4j dependency (Emmanuel Bernard) * added support for stored procedure in named queries (Max Andersen) * added <property-result> to named SQL queries to allow users to use sql without {}-markup * added multi-column property support to native SQL mapping Changes in version 3.0rc1 (28.2.2005)

---------------------------------* introduced EntityModes, and XML mapping preview * several minor dialect improvements * fixed a problem where filters were not applied to subclasses * fixed a problem where InstrumentTask would fail if applied to already-instrume nted classes * fixed many problems with new parser and made it the default (thanks again to J oshua for the new parser) * implemented bulk update/delete queries for the new parser * fixed a minor bug in the classic query parser * renamed create() to persist() as per EJB3edr2 Changes in version 3.0 beta 4 (11.2.2005) ----------------------------------------* support unidirection one-to-many with a not-null foreign key * support formulas for index and element of collections * support one-to-ones mapped to formulas * fixed a bug in proxying methods that return "this" * optimized proxies for embededded composite id classes * fixed a bug affecting <key-many-to-one> * fixed a bug caching newly inserted objects * introduced DetachedCriteria * support subselects in Criteria queries * miscellaneous Criteria API enhancements * fixed a problem where hibernate.max_fetch_depth applied to eager fetching via setFetchMode() * use inner joins for join fetching not-null fk associations * support unique="true" in <component> and <properties> mappings * union-subclass hierarchies may own collections (dtd bug) * added guid support for Oracle * new mechanism for auto-detecting unsaved-value * pass state array in delete events * improved implementation of hibernate.auto_close_session and hibernate.close_be fore_completion * fixed a bug where components with only collections would be incorrectly nullif ied * fixed a bug where criteria queries with projection could not be cached * fixed a problem where duplicate column name aliases could be generated Changes in version 3.0 beta 3 (30.1.2005) -----------------------------------------* Major rework of Criteria queries, support for projection, grouping, aggregatio n, ordering by any attribute * various improvements to new HQL parser (Joshua Davis) * fixed a bug where <join fetch="select"> was broken for subclasses with duplica ted property names * fixed problems with long types in Oracle DDL generation * added EnhancedUserType, UserCollectionType, UserVersionType * added CacheMode * fixed minor performance problem where cascade delete could add objects to seco nd-level cache * added hibernate.default_batch_fetch_size * added hibernate.cache.use_structured_entries * different classes and collection roles may now share a cache region * don't include discriminators for abstract classes in generated SQL * it is no longer truly necessary for composite identifier classes to implement equals()/hashCode() (but still recommended) * workaround for bug in MySQL InnoDB with self-referential foreign keys * added lazy="true" to many-to-one and one-to-one mappings (requires bytecode in strumentation)

Changes in version 3.0 beta 2 (24.1.2005) -----------------------------------------* added LockAcquisitionErrorCodes to MySQL dialect (Jesse Barnum, Emmanuel Berna rd) * added MultipleHiLoPerTableGenerator, one hi value per row/per table (compliant with EJB3) * added a generator handling multiple hi values per table (Emmanuel Bernard) * added events for pre/post SQL operation interception * added experimental support for JACC-aware configuration and events * added full support for implicit polymorphism in Criteria queries * added support annotated classes through XML configuration (Emmanuel Bernard) * added support for WebSphere's weird TxManagerLookup * added support for filters with dynamic-class mappings * added support for lists of parameters in filters * added support for scalar queries in createSQLQuery (Michael Gloegl) * added support for scalar results in native SQL queries (Michael Gloegl) * fixed SchemaExport/SchemaUpdate, now respect default_schema and default_catalo g (Michael Gloegl) * fixed a bug in one-to-one mapping with property-ref * fixed a bug in the query cache lookup routine * fixed compilation problems on IBM JDK 1.4. and JDK 1.3.1 * fixed custom SQL for loading when using composite identifiers * fixed exception thrown from optimistic locking failures * fixed support for limit queries (select first ?) in Informix * improved SchemaExport/Update, now respect default_schema and default_catalog * improved dialect handling, throw an exception if no dialect has been set * improved loading of mappings, no ordering of super/subclasses required anymore * improved statistics for second-level cache * improved table generators for hi/lo, can now be used in a JTA environment (Emm anuel Bernard) * query engine: added support for 'trim([leading trailing both] [expression from] expression)' * query engine: added support for DISTINCT and ALL * query engine: added support for FETCH * query engine: added support for HAVING count() * query engine: added support for HQL NOT IN and EJBQL '[NOT] MEMBER OF' * query engine: added support for ORDER BY COUNT(*) * query engine: added support for collections of scalar values * query engine: added support for literals in constructor select expressions. * query engine: added support for select elements(..) from Foo f * query engine: added support for template functions in the SELECT clause * query engine: fixed NOT LIKE * query engine: introduced EMPTY and added it to constant (support for IS [NOT] EMPTY) * updated dom4j, OSCache, EHCache, JBoss Cache, Xerces, Xalan, and Log4j * associated class where filter now applies to <one-to-one property-ref> Changes in version 3.0 beta 1 (21.12.2004) -----------------------------------------* reimplemented HQL using an ANTLR-based AST parser (Joshua Davis) * added class="select" id generator * added Query.setReadOnly() * added hibernate.order_updates * introduced cascade refresh * added typed JDBC exceptions (Steve Ebersole) * improved lifecycle for CacheProviders (Steve Ebersole) * added Expression.isEmpty() * fixed some minor mapping DTD bugs (Ben Sommerville) * fixed auto-commit mode for SchemaUpdate

* added default-lazy to <hibernate-mapping>, which defaults to true! * added fetch="join select" and deprecated outer-join attribute * fixed a bug where <custom-insert> was not used for entities with "identity" id generation * fixed some problems with dynamic-class * added property-level optimistic-lock attribute, to allow an unchecked property * cascade lock() now cascades with LockMode.NONE * fixed some bugs in filter handling (Steve Ebersole) * added hibernate.transaction.flush_before_completion and hibernate.transaction. auto_flush_session * added JSR-220 compliant create() and merge() operations * cascade attribute is now multi-valued, with values save-update,create,merge,de lete,delete-orphan,lock,evict,replicate,all-delete-orphan * index and unique-key attributes may now be multi-valued * introduced unsaved-value="undefined", the default for "assigned" ids and <comp osite-id>, which forces Hibernate to hit the db * primitive typed <id> property mappings now default to unsaved-value="0" * added ScrollMode * added dialect for Derby (Simon Johnston) * added MySQLMyISAMDialect and MySQLInnoDBDialect * added precision and scale mapping attributes, for numeric types in DDL * fixed a problem with duplicate column mappings on Sybase * read-write cache now uses version numbers to ensure consistency with database, if available * native SQL queries may now fetch a collection role (Steve Ebersole) * added sequential-select, optional and inverse attributes to <join/> * added <properties> element, which can be the target of a property-ref * fixed a bug relating to composite property-refs * Hibernate now much more robust if user does not implement equals()/hashCode() on id and unique key classes * enabled batch deletes for versioned data * fixed a minor bug in Session.close() * removed uuid.string and renamed uuid.hex to plain uuid * workaround for a MySQL bug in SchemaUpdate * added JDBCException.getSQL() and made various improvements to exception flow * createSQLQuery() now fully supports components * fixed a bug in SQL generation for <joined-subclass> mappings * fixed a bug where filter and query parameters could be bound in the wrong orde r (Steve Ebersole) * fixed a problem where quantifiers could not appear in SQL fragments * fixed a bug with dynamic components * fixed a bug where Dialect default properties overrode user-specified propertie s (Ben Sommerville) * fixed a bug where duplicate column name in a joined table caused an exception * implemented two-phase load for dynamic components * fixed a bug where cancelQuery() canceled a re-pooled statement * deleted collections are now removed from session-level cache * fixed a bug in LocaleType (Steve Ebersole) * use "with rr" to obtain UPGRADE locks in DB2 * package attribute now significant for extends * fixed a minor problem with Hibernate Clobs and Blobs * extends attribute does no longer require specific ordering of mapping files Changes in version 3.0 alpha (23.8.2004) ---------------------------------------* package rename net.sf.hibernate -> org.hibernate * checked exceptions are now runtime exceptions * some session methods deprecated and moved to org.hibernate.classic.Session * removed various deprecated functionality * added Filter API and mappings, for temporal, regional and permissioned data (S

teve Ebersole, Gavin King) * support cascade delete via ON DELETE CASCADE constraint * added extra attributes to named query definition * added hibernate.use_identifier_rollback * added subselect mappings * added lazy="true" to property mappings * added <join/> for multitable mappings * added <union-subclass/> for table-per-concrete-class strategy * added Statistics API and JMX MBean (Gavin King, Emmanuel Bernard) * introduced new event-driven design (Steve Ebersole) * support for faster startup with Configuration.addCachableFile() (Joris Verscho or, Max Andersen) * mask connection password for log level greater of equals to info (Joris Versch oor, Emmanuel Bernard) * add check of named queries when building SessionFactory (Joris Verschoor, Emma nuel Bernard) * added custom EntityResolver setting capability (Emmanuel Ligne, Emmanuel Berna rd) * PropertyValueException for null values in not-null properties of components (E mmanuel Bernard) * enhanced support for single- and no-argument sql-functions in HQL select claus e (Michael Gloegl) * Added catalog element, to enable table names like catalog.schema.table (Michae l Gloegl) * Added <sql-insert>, <sql-update> and <sql-delete> support (Max Andersen) * Support callable statements (stored procedures/functions) via callable="true" on custom sql (Max Andersen) * Added support for type parameters and typedefs (Michael Gloegl) * Added support for JDBC escape sequences in createSQLQuery (Max Andersen) * Added statistics per SessionFactory (Gavin King, Emmanuel Bernard) * Added a StatisticsService MBean for JMX publucation (Emmanuel Bernard) * support for updates via rownum in Oracle * fixed problems with SchemaUpdate * support for <column formula="..."/> * added hibernate.use_sql_comments * added property-ref to collection <key/> * fixed performance problems with <one-to-one property-ref=.../> * enhanced UserType with new methods assemble()/disassemble() * better algorithm for batch fetch batch sizes * added <dynamic-class> * added entity-name concept, and session methods save(entityName, object), updat e(entityName, object), etc * added framework in proxy package * native SQL queries may now fetch a collection role * added <loader/> for class and collection mappings * added getEntity() and getEntityName() to Interceptor * formula-based discriminators and association mappings * added "guid" id generation strategy * various improvements to dialects * <discriminator force="true"/> now acts as a filter on collections * where filters now apply in the on clause in an outer join * added hibernate.jdbc.factory_class to select a custom batcher * session now uses entity name + id to enforce uniqueness, instead of table name + id Changes in version 2.1.6 (9.8.2004) -----------------------------------* fixed Quickstart/readme.txt instructions * fixed DB2/400 identity column support * fixed the scroll() query method

* fixed exotic classloader problems with CGLIB * added insert="false" for discriminator columns which are part of a composite i dentifier * added several new configuration settings to JMX HibernateService * added new instantiate() method to SessionFactory.getClassMetadata() * improved the HSQL DB dialect with features from new version * added hibernate.jdbc.batch_versioned_data (Steve Ebersole) Changes in version 2.1.4 (2.6.2004) -----------------------------------* improved Session serialization support by adding ability to serialize unflushe d sessions (Steve Ebersole) * fixed Session.clear() functionality to clear the internal nonExists cache (Ste ve Ebersole) * much better implementation of scroll() (Steve Ebersole) * support "select new ..." for iterate() and scroll() (Steve Ebersole) * added support for multi-parameter SQL functions (Steve Ebersole) * fixed hbm2ddl generating infinite indexes on MySQL (Michael Gloegl) * fixed alias precedence in HQL queries, function names are second (Steve Eberso le) * added "transactional" as allowed cache concurrency strategy in XML configurati on file * improved System.getProperties() with security exception warning in secure envi ronments * improved Proxool integration, better property handling * fixed problem with use of getDefinedMethod() in secure environments (Ken Arnol d) * fixed bug in createSQLQuery() which prohibited multiple aliases for the same e ntity (Max Andersen) * fixed query cache misses when using named bind parameters (Michael Greer) * recognize "left" and "right as keywords in SQL fragments * recognize SQL quoted identifiers in SQL fragments * improved identity handling on SQL Server by using scope_identity() for update counts (Arthur Fitt) * added DB2390Dialect for DB2/390 databases (Kristoffer Dyrkorn) * fixed a bug in toArray() of identifier bag collections (Khachchou Mohammed) * fixed a problem with DDL generation for serial columns in Informix * fixed a problem with DDL generation for timestamp columns in Informix (Michael Schmidt) * fixed a NPE that occurred calling saveOrUpdateCopy() for components * fixed a bug with replicate() and uninitialized collections * fixed a bug caching one-to-one associations * fixed eviction from named query cache regions Changes in version 2.1.3 (25.4.2004) ----------------------------------* added SELECT-clause SQL function support to main Dialects * fixed a problem where some unnecessary selects where issued for optional one-t o-one associations * fixed a bug in SQL generation for criteria queries with multiple one-to-many j oins * deprecated everything related to PersistentEnum * fixed an NPE that occurred when using <one-to-one property-ref> with composite ids * fixed a problem with JCA adaptor on WebLogic (Michael Gloegl) * improved behavior when removing elements from <idbag>s * fixed a bug in getGeneratedKeys() support (Michael Gloegl, Kevin Day) * fixed a bug when using Criteria queries with collections of joined-subclasses * fixed an NPE that occurred when calling comparator() on a lazy sorted set (Att ila Szegedi)

* fixed a bug when using setMaxResults() with native SQL queries in some Dialect s * validate that composite id classes override hashCode() (Adrien) * fixed some minor problems with saveOrUpdateCopy() * fixed some problems in OSCache provider * fixed an NPE that occurred when calling a lazy collection after evicting from session * fixed an NPE that occurred when select-before-update is used with unversioned data (Patrick Peralta) * fixed a bug where dynamic-components could not be queried (Massimo Ferrari) * SQL formula parser now recognizes all Dialect-specific SQL functions (Anthony Patricio) * fixed a problem where SQL CASE statements could not appear in SQL formulas * fixed a problem where subselects with joins could not appear in SQL formulas * C3P0 and Proxool pools now cleaned up after SessionFactory.close() * fixed a bug where dirty checking of mutable properties was broken after lock() * fixed a minor bug where orphan delete was broken for newly saved instances * added Query.setFetchSize() and Criteria.setFetchSize() * PreparedStatement pooling in DBCPConnectionProvider can now be disabled (Emman uel Bernard) * Query.setProperties(Object) now detects array and collection valued properties and delegates to Query.setParameterList() (Max Andersen, Nick Heudecker) * lengths of positional parameters and types arrays are now validated * fixed an obscure problem where a PreparedStatement was not closed Changes in version 2.1.2 (4.2.2004) ----------------------------------* added Session.isDirty() * fixed a very obscure concurrency problem with read-write cache for inverse col lections * deprecated Criteria.returnMaps() / Criteria.returnRootEntities() in favor of n ew ResultTransformer framework * don't cache objects with dynamic-update="true" or <joined-subclass> mappings i mmediately after insert/update * added version checking to saveOrUpdateCopy() * fixed constraint violations that occurred when mixing identity columns with ot her id generation strategies * added Sybase 11.9.2 dialect to support older versions of Sybase that do not su pport ANSI joins (Colm O' Flaherty) * added Informix9Dialect (Finn McCann and Max Andersen) * added DB2400Dialect (Peter DeGregorio) * fixed a problem where mapping validation failure was reported as duplicate imp ort (Michael Gloegl) * fixed a problem with Expression.not() in MySQL (Michael Gloegl) * added support for ResultSet.getGeneratedKeys() (David Morris, John Kristian) * added check attribute to allow check constraints in DDL * implicit polymorphism for Criteria queries (Shorn Tolley) * use IF EXISTS for dropping hilo tables (Michael Gloegl) * better exception report if deleted object is resaved by cascade * support nested components in Example queries (Emmanuel Bernard) * fixed a minor problem with onDelete() callbacks * fixed an obscure problem with select-before-update * added SunONETransactionManagerLookup (Robert Davidson) * fixed a problem with replicate() and <joined-subclass> mappings * made setParameterList() accept empty lists and deny null values (Max Andersen) * validation check on query parameters now allows setParameter(x, null) (Max And ersen) * added default-access to DTD (Max Andersen) * made Query.setParameterList() accept empty lists and deny null values (Max And ersen)

* allow Query.setParameter(x, null) (Max Andersen) * queries with "select new" now cacheable * throw meaningful exception when lazy initialization occurs on disconnected ses sion * added default-access to <hibernate-mapping> (Max Andersen) * added -text support to SchemaUpdate (Max Andersen, Matt Hall) * fixed broken implementation of embedded composite keys with createSQLQuery() ( Max Andersen) * added hibernate.cache.use_minimal_puts config property to reduce unnecessary s econd-level cache puts * optimized performance of orphan delete detection (Bertrand Renuart) * fixed problem where unnecessary UPDATE occurred after INSERT for versioned obj ects with collections * WebSphereTransactionManagerLookup for WAS 5.1 (Edina Pimp) * Criteria queries now cacheable (Mario Ivankovits) * fixed problem with ordered, paginated queries in DB2 (Tim Collins) * fixed a bug caching <idbag>s * lazy="true" collections are now lazy even when available in cache * fixed a problem with version unsaved-value="negative" * added hibernate.cache.region_prefix config property (William Drai) * fixed problem where configuration input streams were not closed (Rajesh Patel) Changes in version 2.1.1 (17.12.2003) ------------------------------------* added optional package attribute to <hibernate-mapping> * added <meta-value> element to allow simpler <any> mapping * native SQL queries are now cacheable - added <synchronize> element to allow co rrect result set expiry * fixed a bug in CGLIB2 integration (Chris Nockleberg) * added NamingStrategy * don't cache objects with formula properties immediately after insert/update * log generated SQL to a special category * type of property with access="field" may now be guessed using reflection Changes in version 2.1 final (12.12.2003) ----------------------------------------* fixed a problem with CGLIB2 proxies and method calls inside constructors * fixed a bug running SchemaExportTask with mappings in jar files (Tom McCune) * allow custom persister declaration for subclasses (Nick Johnson) * fixed handling of sequences in SchemaUpdate on Oracle (Andrew Delpha) * fixed a bug where Iterator did not handle single null values correctly * detect and throw exception in the case of a duplicate property mapping * don't auto-create indexes for collection foreign keys (roll back to 2.0.x) Changes in version 2.1 rc1 (29.11.2003) --------------------------------------* long identifier and discriminator column names are now safely aliased (Max And ersen) * cleaned up mapping package to allow applications to manipulate metamodel progr ammatically * fixed a recent bug where collection sort order was lost in second-level cache * formula attribute now supported for joined-subclass mappings * formula properties may now be used anywhere in queries * dialect-specific query pagination for SQL Server * fixed a bug where a long path expression ending in collection access by index missed some tables in SQL FROM clause * fixed a very ancient performance problem where null one-to-one associations ca used n+1 selects * added Session.saveOrUpdateCopy() * fixed some bugs in Example queries

* fixed some minor bugs in dialect-specific query pagination * immutable entity passed to update() is now lock()ed instead * reworked the semantics of nonstrict-read-write * JCS cache support now deprecated * fixed some obscure bugs in collection handling * migrated to CGLIB2 (thanks to Chris Nockleberg) * fixed bugs in replicate() * fixed a bug affecting joined-subclass mappings with dynamic-update=true * performance improvements to boolean type mappings (Bertrand Renuart) * integrated JBoss TreeCache clustered cache (thanks to Bela Ban and Ben Wang) * fixed a bug in new query parameter validation (Steve Ebersole) * fixed a bug where <any> mappings caused unnecessary ObjectDeletedException at flush time * fixed a bug where associations with property-ref mappings were not properly ca ched * throw PropertyValueException when not-null properties are null at flush time * added unsaved-value attribute to version property mapping (Emmanuel Bernard) * tolerate classnames containing $ (Steve Ebersole) Changes in version 2.1 beta 6 (5.11.2003) ----------------------------------------* added Session.cancelQuery() * improvements to transaction handling for failed commit (thanks to Juergen Hoel ler) * added cascade="delete-orphan" * fixed an exception that occurred when a property was declared not-null="true" update="false" (thanks to John Kristian) * support multiple named query cache regions (Mikheil Kapanadze) * some improvements to collection reattachment * fixed a bad bug with adds to an uninitialized bag or list * removed support for <dynabean/> components * added <dynamic-component/> mapping for properties of type Map * fixed a bug where schema export generated index names that were too long for D B2 * allow per-region expiry policies in OSCache (Matthias Bogaert) * fixed a stack overflow that could occur while initializing nonlazy collections * fixed a bug in case-insensitive like for Example queries * fixed a bug in ScrollableResults.setRowNumber() (Martin Priekopa) * improvements to the cache concurrency strategies Changes in version 2.1 beta 5 (30.10.2003) -----------------------------------------* Support for custom CollectionPersister (Nick Johnson, Max Andersen) * Support for named SQL queries (Max Andersen) * duplicate named queries now throws MappingException instead of just logging wa rning (Max Andersen) * fixed problems with WebSphereTransactionManagerLookup (Ralf Taugerbeck, Daniel Bradby) * added support for custom collection persisters (thanks to Max Anderson, Nick J ohnson) * fixed a performance problem during query compilation (Bulent Erdemir) * composite keys now supported in createSQLQuery() (Max Andersen) * fixed JCA adaptor to run in WebLogic (Daniel Bradby) * integrated SwarmCache (Jason Carreira) * integrated OSCache (Matthias Bogaert) * fixed an NPE that could occur with lists and orphan delete * allow nullable one-to-one with property-ref * improved usage of Dialect-specific limit SQL * fixed problem where non-lazy collections held by cached objects were not immed iately initialized

* fixed getReturnTypes() for native SQL queries (Max Andersen) * fixed problems with Criterions that applied to multi-column properties * check of rowcounts when JDBC batch updates enabled * added named SQL queries using <sql-query> element (Max Andersen) * added some extra validations so Hibernate fails earlier when user makes mistak es * allow lazy="true" as an alternative to proxy="ClassName" * removed dependency to commons-lang * SchemaExport now creates indexes for collection foreign key columns if specifi ed by Dialect * fixed a bug parsing named parameters in setParameterList() * select new Foo(...) will now tolerate null values if the constructor accepts a wrapper type * fixed a problem detecting Proxool * added logging of persistent object states during flush() * allow "not null" as a discriminator value * added "parameters" config param to "sequence" generator (Matthias Bogaert) Changes in version 2.1 beta 4 (3.10.2003) ----------------------------------------* fixed a bug where <any> mappings did not handle proxies correctly * implemented new optimistic-lock strategies * fixed several bugs in Criteria query API * fixed a bug caching property-ref associations * improvements to XML Databinder (Ara Abrahamian) * added Session.replicate() and ReplicationMode * added ScrollableResults.setRowNumber() / ScrollableResults.getRowNumber() * added query cache and Query.setCacheable() * added Criteria.returnMaps() * fixed some problems with CGLIB proxies * fixed an NPE that occurred when a joined-subclass of a versioned entity define d only collections * added the access attribute, direct field access and the PropertyAccessor exten sion point * added MatchMode for use with Criteria queries (thanks to Michael Gloegl) * fixed a bug where some lazy="false" collections were not immediately initializ ed * fixed problem with WebSphere 5 TransactionManager * support schema attribute in MySQL, by using an underscore in the table name (C hris Hane) * now seperate Dialects for Interbase and Firebird (Reha Cenani, Max Andersen) * removed built-in PreparedStatement cache * added Session.getSessionFactory() * fixed problem with native SQL queries and Query.setProperties() (Max Andersen) * Query now fully validates parameters against the query string before passing t hem to JDBC (Max Andersen) * fixed an NPE in SessionFactory.close() * fixed an NPE that occurred when using <idbag>s * added SQL-level query results paging to DB2Dialect * "foreign" id generator now handles detached instances Changes in version 2.1 beta 3 (7.9.2003) ---------------------------------------* added Example queries * fixed an exception that occurred at startup with <key-many-to-one> and <joined -subclass> * fixed a bug where composite-elements were not being updated if a property not in the equals() was changed * <parent> property of a composite-element may now be used in equals() * named parameters may now be used in HQL order by clause

* * * * * * * * * *

null value of version property now indicates unsaved instance added select-before-update attribute two-phase loading now use for components better implementation of equals()/hashCode() for proxies added property-ref attribute to <many-to-one> renamed result() to uniqueResult() added Session.get() added HashtableCacheProvider JTA TransactionManager now used even when not using Hibernate Transaction API always bypass process-level cache for LockMode.READ

Changes in version 2.1 beta 2 (27.8.2003) ----------------------------------------* <subclass> and <joined-subclass> may now appear outside of a <class> element, by providing the extends attribute (Max Andersen) * fixed an NPE at startup that was introduced in beta 1 * fixed a bug in Map.putAll() * new pluggable cache API - deprecated <jcs-cache> in favor of <cache> - net.sf.hibernate.cache.CacheProvider settable via hibernate.cache.provider_cla ss * more aggressive caching * added Hibernate.close(Iterator) * Criteria queries may now include joins - Criteria.addJoin() - Criteria.createCriteria() * hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class should now ALWAYS be specified in J TA environment when using jcs caching * fixed a bug caching <key-many-to-one> * fixed bug where cached component did not get <parent> property populated * added hibernate.max_fetch_depth property * smarter outer-join fetching * transient object may now be associated with session using Session.lock() * added Query.result(), Criteria.result() Changes in version 2.1 beta 1 (10.8.2003) ----------------------------------------* batch-size attribute for collection and class mappings, to allow batch loading * collections of "value types" (including composite-elements) may now appear in HQL from clause * more efficient loading of collections, and better handling of non-lazy collect ions * added HQL index() function to allow access to collection element index * added Session.createSQLQuery() (Max Andersen) * added outer-join attribute to collection mappings * Criteria.setFetchMode() now applies to collection-valued path expressions * added property-ref attribute to <one-to-one>, enabling unique foreign key asso ciations * added hibernate.max_fetch_depth config property * added config property * fixed a bug with combination of <jcs-cache> and <key-many-to-one> * support for Dialect-specific SQL functions in HQL select clause (David Channon ) * added Session.clear() Changes in version 2.0.2 (2.8.2003) ----------------------------------* subqueries may now use HAVING and GROUP BY clauses * fixed a bug with setMaxResults(), setFirstResult() in HSQL (introduced in 2.0. 1)

* fixed a bug in Set.removeAll() * fixed a bug in SchemaUpdate (Mathias Bogaert) * added weak typing functionality to ScrollableResults * fixed a bug with "calendar" versioning in IBM JDK1.3.1 (workaround for JDK bug ) * fixed a bug in mapping DTD that caused a problem for hbm2java (Max Andersen) * fixed a bug querying nested components * SQL generation now prefers ANSI-style inner joins to theta inner joins * fixed a bug caching collection references loaded using FETCH * fixed a bug with composite foreign keys in normalized table mappings (Tom Sedg e) * limit support for Interbase (Ludovic Orban) * added where attribute to <class> mappings * added cascade="all-delete-orphan" for collection mappings * fixed a bug binding named parameters with setMaxResults()/setFirstResults() * fixed some minor bugs in HQL translator * fixed a long-standing bug where a <key-many-to-one> could not be dereferenced in HQL * SQL UPDATEs now occur in a predictable order (same order as objects were loade d) * support for SELECT ... FOR UPDATE in SAPDB * fixed bug where Criteria queries against a subclass also returned superclass i nstances * fixed a very rare bug where an update could get lost with normalized mappings * fixed a problem with proxied class heirarchies rooted at an interface or abstr act class * where and order-by attributes now allow SQL function calls and subselects * added formula attribute to <property> tag, to allow "computed" properties * fixed a bug where PreparedStatements were sometimes not closed when an excepti on occured * workaround for a problem with <joined-subclass> and Interceptor.onFlushDirty() Changes in version 2.0.1 (17.6.2003) -----------------------------------* fixed some problems with new dialect-specific LIMIT clauses * improved parsing of collection where attribute * made one-to-many bags more efficient (they are really sets!) * allowed type="calendar" for <version> properties * fixed a bug with locking a versioned composite-id class * refresh() may now take a transient instance * added ProxoolConnectionProvider (Martin Crawford) * fixed some minor JCA issues (Mike Mosiewicz) * fixed a bug with FETCH and sorted associations * improved performance of SchemaUpdate tool (Teodor Danciu) * fixed a bug in Configuration.addFile(String) (Ken Geis) * tidied up and documented hbm2ddl package (esp. Ant tasks) * deprecated CounterGenerator in favor of IncrementGenerator * improved logging during initialization * deprecated "vm" in favor of "increment" id generator Changes in version 2.0 final (8.6.2003) --------------------------------------* added "fetch" keyword to HQL * added evict() methods to SessionFactory for JVM-level cache * destroy caches from SessionFactory.close() * fixed an NPE in Session.evict() (Simon Spero) * added Query.setLockMode() * tidied up implementation of Loader * release ResultSets more aggressively * miscellaneous improvements to some Dialects

* hbm2java now honors the sort attribute (Max Andersen) * added exceptions to Interceptor interface * fixed problem with setMaxResults(), setFirstResult() in Oracle (introduced in beta 6) * fixed some SQL generation that was a problem for Sybase (Dietmar Posselt) * fixed some problems with ODMG API (Oliver Gries) * added JOTMTransactionManagerLookup (Low Heng Sin) * added JOnASTransactionManagerLookup (?) * fixed a bug in WeblogicTransactionManagerLookup (Mathias Bogaert) * added Criteria.setFetchMode() * added new Expressions * much more elegant/robust handling of quoted identifiers * renamed Hibernate.association() to Hibernate.entity() * added dynamic-update and dynamic-insert mapping attributes * fixed a bug with refresh() of objects with collections * HQL aliases now optional - "from Cat" now legal * platform-independant quoting of identifiers using backticks Changes in version 2.0 beta 6 (10.5.2003) ----------------------------------------* fixed a bug querying one-to-many associations to a <joined-subclass> * added support for dialect-specific LIMIT-style clauses (David White) * added <idbag> * fixed bug in hashCode() of persistent collections * <joined-subclass> now supported in HSQL (Wolfgang Jung) * fixed problem for XML parsers which ignore default values declared in DTD * <meta> tags can now be set to not be inheritable * fixed bug in * fixed an NPE that could occur from update() in very strange cases (Chris Nockl eberg) * disabled outer-join back to owner when initializing one-to-many (performance i mprovement) * fixed a bug in Query.setParameterList() (Nick Heudecker) * improved JCA support (Igor Fedorenko) Changes in version 2.0 beta 5 (21.4.2003) ----------------------------------------* Informix support (Steve Molitor) * fixed a bug parsing "select new ... " queries * deprecated "object" type in favor of <any> mappings * added Session.contains() * added extra DBCP config options (Alex Burgel) * SessionFactory.close() now unbinds from JNDI * added Session.evict() * got rid of an unnecessary SQL DELETE issued when an empty collection was deref erenced * where attribute of collection mappings no longer ignored for deletion * improved logging * support polymorphic associations to "embedded" composite id classes * various bugfixes to collection filter parameter binding * fixed some problems with proxies introduced in earlier beta versions * fixed bug with self-reference in the case of identity column id generation * added hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer property * added nonstrict-read-write cache * fixed an SQL-generation bug in new Criteria API * added CompositeUserType * sequence and table id generators now aware of default-schema * added update and insert attributes to <component> element * fixed a bug with expressions like elements( in where clause * more efficient Set initialization (two-phase load)

* removed support for hibernate.query.imports and added <import> mapping element * fixed problem in DBCP connection validation and added new config properties * hbm2java can now generate finder methods for persistent objects (experimental) (Matt Hall) * hbm2java small fixes/refactorings to support generating more than one file per persistent object (Max Andersen) Changes in version 2.0 beta 4 (22.3.2003) ----------------------------------------* Major HQL improvements - from "Foo as foo join foo.bars as bar" instead of "from foo in class Foo, bar in elements(foo.bars)" - "select new Foo(, bar.amount) from ...." - outer and full join support * Query methods now return this, to allow chaining * FrontBase support (Run Lussier) * experimental JCA support (Daniel Bradby) * hbm2java now can generate Beans style property events (Klaus Zimmermann) * support SQL identifiers quoted with [] * fixed bug with PostgreSQL * name attribute now optional in .cfg.xml * support for postgres ilike operator (M Lang) * squash warnings with GNU JAXP (Chris Nockleberg) * fixed a bug in Query.setParameterList() * Ingres support (Ian Booth) * collections now detect changes not made via wrapper for newly saved objects * new (experimental) Criteria + Expression APIs * Query.setEntity(), etc, now aware of proxies (also improved hueristics for gue ssing Type) * added Hibernate.isInitialized() * detect changes made directly to newly-wrapped collection (ie. not via the wrap per) * added Hibernate.refresh(Object, LockMode) * update(), saveOrUpdate() no longer initialize a proxy * fixed problems with Sybase * added force attribute to <discriminator> * improved handling of null discriminator-value * support SQL-style '' escape for HQL strings Changes in version 2.0 beta 3 (24.2.2003) ---------------------------------------* collections now represent null elements as a missing row * collections now deserialize correctly (fix for bug in beta 2) * standardised on dom4j for XML parsing * fixed bugs in collection caching (an exception occurred for some sorted collec tions and some kinds of maps) * allowed null discriminators * set autocommit to true in SchemaUpdate * fixed a stack overflow that could occur in toString() of classes created with hbm2java (Max Andersen) * fixed a bug where composite-element <parent> property was not being set after retrieval from cache * added where attribute to collection mappings to allow filtering * fixed a exception that occurred when wrapping collections with sort="MyCompara tor" (Jason Horne) * objects with mutable="false" are now never updated * fixed an exception that occurs with <key-many-to-one> association to a class w ith a composite id (Stefano Travelli) * added SchemaExport Ant task (Rong C Ou) * integrated latest CGLIB release (Juozas Baliuka)

- added support for new CGLIB reflection optimizer (Juozas Baliuka) * improved query cache algorithm (Who?) * fixed a bug in "object" type * Lists and arrays now represent null elements as a missing row * fixed a bug in Hibernate PreparedStatement cache where maxRows and fetchSize w ere not cleared before re-caching * fixed a bug in HibernateService that caused a restart to fail * added SybaseAnywhereDialect (?) * added SessionFactory.close() Changes in version 2.0 beta 2 (2.2.2003) ---------------------------------------* property column names may now be of any length (Mark Woon) * fixed problem where CodeGenerator created private get/set pairs (Max Andersen) * fixed all silly bugs in Configuration.configure() * efficient collection updates from Session.update() * added <jcs-class-cache> and <jcs-collection-cache> elements to hibernate-confi guration.dtd * support for normalized mappings for databases with DECODE instead of CASE (Sim on Harris) * added Oracle9Dialect * added JRun4TransactionManagerLookup (Joseph Bissen) * fixed JDBCException to keep reference to underlying SQLException * fixed a bug loading many-to-many associations with a repeated column name * fixed a bug in ShortType * added IngresDialect (Ian Booth) * added --config option to SchemaExport Changed in version 2.0 beta 1 (28.1.2003) ----------------------------------------* renamed packages to net.sf.hibernate.* * all API methods now wrap SQLExceptions * removed support for toplevel collections / subcollections * created hibernate-mapping-2.0.dtd - renamed 'readonly' attribute to 'inverse' - renamed 'role' attribute to 'name' - changed default value for 'unsaved-value' to "null" - added mandatory 'name' attribute to <param> - added <meta> tag * created hibernate-configuration-2.0.dtd * brand new Configuration API, including exposed mapping package * completely reworked IdentifierGenerator framework - built-in generators now auto-detect the type (so integer identity columns are supported, for example) - parameters are now named - built-in strategies are renamed * expanded Interceptor interface * removed exceptions that occur if an object is saved or deleted multiple times in a session * added <parent> subelement to <composite-element> and <nested-composite-element > * collections except for <bag>s now implement by-value equals() and hashCode() * removed all deprecated methods * added Session.refresh() * added dynamic-update functionality * added update and insert attributes to <property> and <many-to-one> mappings * added elements(), indices(), size(), maxelement(), minelement(), maxindex(), m inindex() collection functions to query language * huge improvements to CodeGenerator (Max Andersen) * enhanced outerjoin fetching support in queries

* experimental support for DynaBeans as components Changes in version 1.2.3 (28.1.2003) -----------------------------------* fixed a recently-introduced problem with Timestamp dirty checking * added createClob(), createBlob() for streams (Benoit Menendez) * SchemaUpdate now configures Dialect correctly (Michael Locher) * update() now working for classes with embedded composite ids * unsaved-value attribute now recognized for <composite-id> * fixed a minor problem where a very specific kind of SQL select did not qualify a column name * added Query.getQueryString() * fixed an NPE that sometimes occurred when hibernate.connection.username was no t specified * fixed a bug in SchemaExport where foreign key constraints did not use qualifie d tablenames * added isFirst(), isLast() to ScrollableResults * fixed bug finding properties inherited by mapped interfaces Changes in version 1.2.1b (4.1.2003) -----------------------------------* fixed an NPE that occurred while loading Hibernate classes in IBM JVM * arbitrary JNDI InitialContext properties may now be passed as hibernate.jndi.* * fixed a problem where index column was not being nullified when an entity was removed from a one-to-many Changes in version 1.2.1 (31.12.2002) ------------------------------------* Changed the MySQL mapping of Hibernate "timestamp" to MySQL "DATETIME" (Matthi as Schwinn) * TransactionManagerLookup classes now define defaut UserTransaction JNDI names * support for WebSphere 5 (Venkat Srinivasan) * fixed a bug with query expressions of the form "" for normalized map pings * experimental Blob/Clob support (thanks to Benoit Menendez and Mark Woon) * improvements to SchemaUpdater (Benoit Menendez) * deprecated suspendFlushes() / resumeFlushes() in favor of FlushMode * deprecated IDGenerationException in favor of IdentifierGenerationException * fixed a bug introduced in 1.2 final where cascade save-update was sometimes ig nored for readonly="true" bags * fixed a bug caching null-valued one-to-one associations * CodeGenerator now supports <bag> and <joined-subclass> * fixed problem with TimestampType on DB2 (Jonas) * fixed a bug in generated SQL for collections with <joined-subclass> mappings ( Robson Miranda) * fixed a bug caching Maps (Benoit Menendez) * SchemaExport now accepts a .jar file as a source of mappings * hibernate.dbcp.validationQuery setting (Juozas Baliuka) * hibernate.c3p0.validate setting * added Query.setTimeout() * setMaxResults() now behaves sensibly on SAPDB (Russel Smyth) * added Query.setProperties() and Query.getNamedParameters(), fixed a bug in Que ry.getReturnTypes() * CodeGenerator now generates equals() and hashCode() for composite-id classes ( and toString() for all classes) * CodeGenerator now includes superclass properties in subclass constructors (Max Andersen) * added Hibernate.custom() Changes in version 1.2 final (7.12.2002)

---------------------------------------* fixed a bug where uppercase IS NOT NULL, NOT IN, etc were not parsed correctly * addition to readonly="true" bags now no longer requires collection initializat ion * added ResinTransactionManagerLookup (Aapo Laakkonen) * improved exception message when setting null to primitive type (Max Andersen) * improved exception message for an unserializable identifier * support for overloaded setter methods (patch by Alex Staubo) * CodeGenerator support for <composite-element> (patch by Wolfgang Jung) Changes in version 1.2 beta 4 (29.11.2002) -----------------------------------------* fixed bugs in one-to-many associations to a <joined-subclass> * LockMode class now properly serializable * exceptions thrown by proxied objects are now propagated correctly (rather than being wrapped) * made Calendar types compilable in JDK1.2 * added --format and --delimiter options to SchemaExport (thanks to Richard Mixo n) * fix for problem with class with no properties + native id generation + MS SQL Server contributed by Max Andersen * fixed a BAD bug in Hibernate.configure() (thanks to Rob Stokes) * CodeGenerator now recognizes <key-many-to-one> (patch by Wolfgang Jung) * CodeGenerator now recognizes <version> and <timestamp> (patch by Max Andersen) Changes in version 1.2 beta 3 (26.11.2002) -----------------------------------------* fixed bug in UPDATE SQL generation for <joined-subclass> mapping strategy (fix by Robson Miranda) * support <composite-id> correctly in CodeGenerator (patch by Tom Cellucci) * fixed an exception that occurred with short qualified tablenames * added the polymorphism attribute to the <class> element * allow "not between", "not in" in query language * allow subqueries beginning with a from clause in query language * query expressions like "not (" now translated to "(bar.baz!=1 an d" * support for PostgreSQL ~ operator (regular expression match) * load(id, lockMode) now working for normalized table mappings * now compiling properly under JDK1.2, 1.3 (fix by Tom Cellucci) * support for subcollections in query language: foo.bars[2]['index'], foo.bars[4 ].elements, foo.bars[0].size, etc. * added calendar and calendar_date types * find() queries may now return scalar values * component-type properties may appear in a select clause * ConnectionProviders now set isolation level before toggle autocommit * now throws NoSuchElementException as per Iterator contract (fi x by Alex Staubo) * database reverse engineering GUI tool contributed by Tom Cellucci * SchemaExport now generates column in mapping file order (rather than alphabeti cal order) * <joined-subclass> mappings working on Oracle (?) Changes in version 1.2 beta 2 (15.11.2002) -----------------------------------------* support multi-argument SQL functions in queries * reintroduced deprecated form of update() with slightly altered semantics * fixed BAD problem in the generated SQL for certain queries * added OrionTransactionManagerLookup Changes in version 1.2 beta 1 (11.11.2002)

-----------------------------------------* Fixed a bad bug binding to JNDI with servers that use serialization in prefere nce to getReference() * support for quoted SQL identifiers (patch by Jean-Francois Nadeau) * Hibernate.initialize() allows the user to force initialization of a proxy or p ersistent collection * fix to minor bug in CodeGenerator by Max Andersen * fixed a problem with outerjoin fetching of one-to-one associations defined on subclasses * fixed a minor problem with proxies of classes that override finalize() * finished work on normalized table mappings using <joined-subclass> declaration (only for databases with ANSI OUTER JOIN and CASE) * deprecated hibernate-mapping.dtd in favor of hibernate-mapping-1.1.dtd * reworked unmapped class / interface / table-per-concrete-class query functiona lity, fixing several problems * removed deprecated methods * deprecated findIdentifiers() * fixed some problems with embedded composite identifiers * fixed a bug cascading deletes to one-to-one associations * CodeGenerator now generates isFoo() style getters for boolean properties (patc h by Aapo Laakkonen) * components may now have a nonpublic constructor (patch by Jon Lipsky) * changes / bugfixes to MapGenerator tool * experimental SchemaUpdate tool contributed by Christoph Sturm Changes in version 1.1.8 (30.10.2002) ------------------------------------* full support for composite keys in query language * fixed bug where character type could not be null * fixed bug parsing collection filters like: "group by" * fixed a bad bug where C3P0 properties were not always being used * replaced hibernate.use_jdbc_batch with hibernate.jdbc.batch_size * renamed some other properties to hibernate.jdbc.* * made hibernate.show_sql settable from JMX (patch by Matas Veitas) * added SessionFactory.getAllClassMetadata(), getAllCollectionMetadata (patch by Max Andersen) * allowed use of concrete-class proxies with inherited classes ie. <subclass nam e="ConcreteClass" proxy="ConcreteClass"> * HibernateException extends Apache commons lang NestableException (patch by Max Andersen) * <parent> subelement of <component> allows a component to get a reference back to owning entity * Query.setParameterList() to bind lists of values to "in (:list)" * Java constants may now be used in Queries * serialization of an object graph now removes all initialized proxies * several other improvements to proxy handling * proxies may now be used in JDK 1.2 Changes in version 1.1.7 (25.10.2002) ------------------------------------* added Session.createFilter() * fixed a bug parsing queries with properties of form idXXX (introduced in 1.1.6 ) * fixed a bug parsing queries with the id property named in the select clause (i ntroduced in 1.1.6) * fixed a bug dirty checking big_decimal (fix by Andrea Aime) Changes in version 1.1.6 (24.10.2002) ------------------------------------* classes without subclasses may now declare themselves as their own proxy

* outer-join attribute now working for component properties and <many-to-many> * outer-join="true" will now force outerjoin loading for an association even if associated class has a proxy * enabled oracle-style outerjoins for SAP DB * version properties may now be long or short (previously always integer) * discriminators may now be boolean type * fixed the syntax for queries doing composite-key joins * fixed an NPE that occurred when no Dialect was specified * CodeGenerator now fully proxy-aware (patch by Max Andersen) * removed dependency upon trove4j Changes in version 1.1.5b (20.10.2002) -------------------------------------* fixed an NPE that occurred on JMX startup * smarter fetching for one-to-one associations Changes in version 1.1.5 (19.10.2002) ------------------------------------* added built-in currency and timezone types * hibernate-mapping-1.1.dtd - added <index-many-to-many> and <composite-index> subelements of <map> - added <key-property> and <key-many-to-one> - renamed "save/update" to "save-update" - tightened up the dtd (now using enumerated attribute types) * enabled multi-column map indexes (ie. key of a Map) * composited-id may now include a many-to-one association * improvements to Databinder contributed by Brad Clow * fixed bugs in minIndex, maxIndex, minElement, maxElement * fixed a problem with JTATransaction in a JBoss BMT bean * added addMapResource() to the MBean * minor improvements to Configuration * more accurate cache entry timestamping to increase the likelihood of cache hit s * JCS cache may now be used with JTATransaction in WebSphere, Weblogic, JBoss (t hanks to Matt Baird) * improvements to CodeGenerator contributed by Andrea Aime * stopped a TransientObjectException that was being thrown when it shouldn't be * re-enabled primary key export for tables of sets with not-null elements * hibernate.statement.fetch_size configuration contributed by Matas Veitas * added Interceptor application callback interface * added metadata package to expose persistence metadata to the application * changed filter() argument type from Collection to Object to allow filtering of arrays and Maps * added <column> index attribute to allow table indexes to be specified in mappi ng document * implemented support for queries against interfaces and abstract superclasses Changes in version 1.1.4b (4.10.2002) ------------------------------------* fixed problems for JDK1.2 (thanks to Chris Webb) Changes in version 1.1.4 (4.10.2002) -----------------------------------* New locking API * disabled 2-phase load for objects contained in Sets (because they should be in itialized before equals() or hashCode() is called) * fixed a bug where non-serializable cache entries could not be cached by JCS au xiliary cache * fixed a bug in dirty checking PersistentEnums * deprecated getID() in favor of getIdentifier() (for mainly cosmetic reasons)

* HibernateService may now be subclassed to obtain mapping files by some other m echanism (patch by Chris Winters) Changes in version 1.1.3 (1.10.2002) -----------------------------------* new 2-phase loading process (replaces complicated "deferred" loading process) * new ScrollableResults interface for efficiently navigating Query results * removed deprecated interfaces * created engine package to hold "internal" APIs (ie. the external contract of t he impl package) * fixed bug where a component defined before all collections in the mapping file caused collections to not be persisted (thanks to Michael Link) * fixed a bug where cascaded saveOrUpdate was ignoring the unsaved-value setting * faster Timestamp dirty checking Changes in version 1.1.2 (29.9.2002) -----------------------------------* added persister attibute of class mapping to support custom persistence strate gies * Support for Oracle outerjoins contributed by Jon Lipsky * Reworked versioning, fixing bugs (and tightening tests) * Fixed a bug where an ObjectNotFoundException was thrown for null one-to-one as sociations * fixed problems with timestamps introduced in 1.1.1 * added batch file for running demo Changes in version 1.1.1 (27.9.2002) -----------------------------------* Major refactoring / abstraction of persistence logic * added maxIndex, minIndex, maxElement, minElement properties for collections * added support for class names in where clause of queries * fixed a bug where an association could become null after caching * fixed a bug where an NPE could occur for a null component * fixed minor bugs in SortedMap, SortedSet * object type is now cacheable * added big_integer type * improved dirty checking for timestamp type Changes in version 1.1.0 (22.9.2002) -----------------------------------* implemented collection indexing with [] in query language * fixed some minor query-language bugs Changes in version 1.1 beta 14 (19.9.2002) -----------------------------------------* bags now implement java.util.List * delete() may now take a transient object * bug where sorted collections were not being sorted fixed by Brad Clow * fixed a bug in many-to-many association filtering * no longer try to query connection metadata when using user-supplied connection s * added hibernate.use_scrollable_resultsets for user-supplied connections * fixed a problem where sublists were not being proxied * fixed a problem where Hibernate could not call methods of package-visibility c lasses * removed obsolete select attribute from MapGenerator * multiple occurrences of same path in a query no longer require multiple joins * added WrongClassException Changes in version 1.1 beta 13 (15.9.2002)

-----------------------------------------* added constants to Lifecycle interface * fix for circular cascade="save/update" * fixed a bug in cascaded update introduced in version 1.1 beta 11 * added object type Changes in version 1.1 beta 12 (14.9.2002) -----------------------------------------* Session.filter() for applying a filter query to collections * experimental ODMG API (OQL features are not yet compliant) * new DBCPConnectionProvider for Apache commons-dbcp connection pool * Session.lock() now does version number check even on databases with no FOR UPD ATE clause * introduced new cascade styles: cascade="save/update", cascade="delete" * added default-cascade attribute * foreign key columns lengths now automatically set to primary key column length s for SchemaExport * added error checking of row update counts when batching disabled * major improvements to ProxyGenerator tool * CodeGenerator now aware of proxy attribute * integrated PointbaseDialect contributed by Ed Mackenzie * fix for problem where Proxies were being initialized on identifier access by C hristoph Sturm Changes in version 1.1 beta 11 (7.9.2002) ----------------------------------------* deprecated update() in favor of saveOrUpdate() and introduced unsaved-value at tribute of <id> * children mapped with cascade="all" are now always saved/updated even without a call to update(parent) * support for composite-id classes where the composite id consists of properties of the persistent class * added constrained attribute to <one-to-one> element * added Validatable interface * renamed several config properties (Hibernate issues log warnings for obsolete property usage) * arbitrary JDBC connection properties may now be passed using hibernate.connect ion.* * fixed a classloading bug in C3P0ConnectionProvider (introduced in 1.1 beta 10) * CodeGenerator may now take multiple mapping files on the commandline Changes in version 1.1 beta 10 (28.8.2002) -----------------------------------------* fixed a bug that occurred when calling Session.update() for an object with no properties * changed class loading to use the context classloader first * introduced <timestamp> as an alternative to <version> * added Query.getReturnTypes() * fixed a bug with composite-elements introduced in 1.1 beta 7 * save() may now be used to persist classes with composite-ids * improved handling of nanoseconds values in Timestamps * support for composite id properties + objects in select clause of iterate() * beefed-up collection tests Changes in version 1.1 beta 9 (26.8.2002) ----------------------------------------* fixed a bug introduced in 1.1 beta 8 that could cause an NPE after deserializi ng a session with proxies * deprecated insert() in favor of more flexible save() * deprecated IDGenerator in favor of new IdentifierGenerator interface

* "assigned" id generator now returns the existing value of the id property inst ead of throwing an Exception * fixed a problem where PreparedStatements were not being recached after retriev ing a natively generated id Changes in version 1.1 beta 8 (25.8.2002) ----------------------------------------* fixed a bug introduced in 1.1 beta 6 where an updated element of an indexed on e-to-many collection caused an SQLException * uninitialized collections passed to update() may now be initialized in the new Session * uninitialized proxies passed to update() may now be initialized in the new Ses sion Changes in version 1.1 beta 7 (23.8.2002) ----------------------------------------* fixed a bug where Hibernate was not returning statements to the cache when bat ch updates were disabled * fixed a bad bug parsing mappings with toplevel one-to-many associations * fixed a bug with versioning and subcollections * reworked Set updates again for much improved efficiency * schema export now creates primary keys for indexed collection tables * minor refactor to Type hierarchy * improved some user-error detection * fixed foreign key constraint creation for MySQL with Innodb tables Changes in version 1.1 beta 6b (20.8.2002) -----------------------------------------* Fixed a problem updating Sets * added <bag> mapping for java.util.Collection Changes in version 1.1 beta 6 (20.8.2002) ----------------------------------------* completely reworked fetching code - one-to-many associations now always fetched in a single select - many-to-many associations fetched in a single select when outerjoin fetching i s enabled - this includes nested outerjoin fetching of the associated class! - outerjoin fetching for <many-to-one> nested inside <component> or <composite-e lement> - code refactored to be cleaner and faster * removed unnecessary order by clause in List and array fetching SQL * collections now individually update, insert and delete only rows that changed (thanks to Doug Currie) * fixed a problem where exceptions were being wrapped in a LazyInitializationExc eption for non-lazy collections * added order-by attribute to <set> and <map> to specify a table column as defin ing the iteration order (JDK1.4 only) * improved error detection in Session.update() * further usage of JDBC2 batch updates * some fine-tuning of JDBC2 feature usage configuration * CodeGenerator will now generate components and arrays * fixed problem where CodeGenerator could not generate classes in the default pa ckage * improved logging of flush() activity * renamed property hibernate.use_jdbc2 to hibernate.use_jdbc_batch Changes in version 1.1 beta 5 (13.8.2002) ----------------------------------------* hibernate.query.imports property to allow use of unqualified classnames in que

ries * fixed a bug in collection flushing that was introduced in 1.1 beta 4 Changes in version 1.1 beta 4 (11.8.2002) ----------------------------------------* JMX integration (thanks to John Urberg) * "having" clause in query language Changes in version 1.1 beta 3 (10.8.2002) ----------------------------------------* removed the select="all" attribute for <class> mappings - "select distinct" no w specified in the hibernate query * system properties now override * Session now flushes changes even less often (only when actual updates to the q ueried table(s) are waiting) * fixed a *very* rare problem where an unnecessary update could be accidently is sued before a delete Changes in version 1.1 beta 2 (6.8.2002) ---------------------------------------* fixed a bug exporting schemas with identity columns * implemented factory-level caching of collections * Datastore.storeJar() contributed by Christian Meunier * added <mapping jar="jarfile"> to hibernate.cfg.xml Changes in version 1.1 beta 1 (4.8.2002) ---------------------------------------* new Query API including named parameters, pageable results * subqueries in Hibernate queries (only for databases that support subselects) * new DocBook documentation (contributed by Christian Bauer) * support collections .elements, .indices inside select clause (even in aggregat e functions) * don't load collections before removal unless absolutely necessary * mutable="false" attribute in <class> element to map immutable classes * use JDBC batch to insert collection elements if hibernate.use_jdbc2 is set * brand new PreparedStatementCache * improvements to MYSQL dialect for long datatypes * always check isAccessible() before setAccessible(true) * removed extra unnecessary table join in queries with one-to-many association * removed ugly "WHERE 1=1" from generated SQL * fixed exception mapping a class with no properties (fix by Rob Stokes) * logging enhancements including SQLException logging * reworked factory-level cache and integrated JCS support (thanks to Christian M eunier) * fixed a bug with circular references in cached data * removed blocking cache support * now rendering outerjoins as "LEFT OUTER JOIN" because "LEFT JOIN" caused probl ems for some Sybase versions * added default Hibernate properties to Dialects * native id generation now falls back to sequence id generation when identity co lumns not supported by the dialect * fixed some problems with native id generation under HSQL * may now use Session.insert() even when using native id generation Changes in version 1.0.1b (18.7.2002) ------------------------------------* fixed a bad bug in query parser when hibernate.query.substitutions was unset * much improved build.xml Ant script * latest c3p0.jar

Changes in version 1.0.1 (17.7.2002) -----------------------------------* enabled use of scalar values and aggregate SQL functions in select clause of i terate() queries * fixed bug in JNDI lookup for SessionFactory * changed ordering of SQL inserts/deletes for child collections of a cascade-ena bled association - better behaviour for some not-null constraints - performance optimization for bidirectional many-to-one associations * added hibernate.query.substitutions property to allow named query constants (e g. translate 'true' to '1') * added locale type for java.util.Locale * added sequence hi/lo generator (seqhilo.long) * fixed bug where load(), onLoad() callbacks were sometimes called at wrong time * fixed an exception (fix by Eric Everman) and improved identifier searching in MapGenerator tool * refactored SerializableType * extra logging + error handling * documentation enhancements Changes in version 0.9.17 (3.7.2002) -----------------------------------* Added UserType interface * documented Lifecycle * added some new trace messages to log * bugfix to allow SQL functions like upper(), lower(), etc to work on all platfo rms * documented SAP DB support (dialect contributed by Brad Clow) * foreign key constraint export for SAP DB * map index may be the composite-id of the element class (contributed by Jon Lip sky) * fixes to CodeGenerator tool (contributed by Uros Jurglic) Changes in version 0.9.16 (19.6.2002) -----------------------------------* fixed bug cacheing objects with references to themselves * support for composite ids of classes with no id property * may now disable outer join (deep) fetching for an association by setting outer -join="false" * enabled outer join fetching for one-to-one * fixed a bug for mappings that specify class attribute of <one-to-many> * fixed a bug where Hashbelt did not expire cached data in a timely fashion * fixed a mistake in the mapping DTD * new user-error check in update() Changes in version 0.9.15 (15.6.2002) -----------------------------------* one-to-one associations * support for "tricky" mappings in SchemaExport tool (multiple properties to one column, etc) * Transaction API contributed by Anton van Straaten * SessionFactory may be bound to JNDI name by setting hibernate.session_factory_ name * Sessions are now Serializable! * added Session.findIdentifiers() query methods * new Lifecycle interface to replace deprecated PersistentLifecycle * fixed problem where session did not autoflush on iterate() queries * performance enhancements to collection dirty checking * added Hibernate.configure() and configuration file format * removed some deprecated methods

* refactored Type hierarchy * query language identifiers now case sensitive (bugfix for case sensitive SQL d ialects) * username/password now optional for datasource (contributed by Emmanuel Bourg) * much improved API documentation * binary types now saved using streams if hibernate.use_streams_for_binary=true (contributed by Jon Lipsky) * MySQL Strings now mapped to TEXT columns if length > 255 (contributed by Chris toph Beck) Changes in version 0.9.14 (4.6.2002) ------------------------------------* lifecycle objects - properties now have a cascade attribute to cascade save, u pdate, delete * composite id properties may now be used in queries eg. (contributed by Jon Lipsky) * slightly changed semantics of update() so it now also save()s new transient in stances * Session now flushes() itself less often before query execution (performance en hancement) * fixed problem where returned null instead of the natively gener ated id * fixed bug with object identity for cached classes * fixed bug where delete(x) could not be called after update(x) * MUCH improved Exception hierarchy * deprecated create() * added sql-type attribute to <column> tag to allow user to override default typ e mapping * deeper fetching with use_outer_join * new ConnectionProvider framework * fixed a bug where blocking cache could return stale data * now working again in JDK1.2.2 * fixed problem with not-null associations + native key generation * minor changes to PersistentLifecycle interface * initial, minimal version of new Transaction mechanism * MUCH improved documentation Changes in version 0.9.13 (25.5.2002) ------------------------------------* Datastore.storeResource() to load mapping files from classpath * fixed a problem executing under JDK1.3 when compiled from JDK1.4 * documentation improvements Changes in version 0.9.12 (24.5.2002) -----------------------------------* Session.update() methods to update a persistent instance from transient copy ( as requested by many users) * discriminator column name, type, length, etc now configurable by <discriminato r> tag in mapping file * discriminator column values configurable by discriminator-value attribute of < class> and <subclass> tags * added Session.insert(object, id) for classes with no identifier property * fixed another bad bug with connection handling (fix by Anton van Straaten) * fixed a problem with deferred loading * fixed a problem with sorted collections (fix by Anton van Straaten) * nested collections of objects now require 2 SQL SELECTs to load, rather than s ize+1 * session is NO LONGER atomic - application should discard session when exceptio n occurs * fixed problem where character type was mapped to VARCHAR column

* arrays of proxies now possible by using new element-class attribute of <array> tag * fixed various problems with proxies * added proxy generation tool * proxy unit tests * replaced two RuntimeExceptions with checked exceptions * made hibernate.username/hibernate.password optional for DriverManager * CodeGenerator now supports all hibernate basic types * much improved caching algorithm for compiled queries * may now specify properties simply by placing in classpath * documentation improvements + fixes * --abstract switch to MapGenerator (contributed by Eric Everman) Changes in version 0.9.11 (12.5.2002) -----------------------------------* fixed major bug with connection handling (fix by Anton van Straaten) Changes in version 0.9.10 (11.5.2002) -----------------------------------* set a default schema name using SessionFactory property hibernate.default_sche ma * code generator tool contributed by Brad Clow ( * lazy object initialization under JDK 1.3 and above * fixed some error messages to go to logging framework, not stdout * new system property hibernate.show_sql=true logs all executed SQL to stdout * integration of bugfixes in c3p0 * wrap IllegalArgumentExceptions in HibernateExceptions * added ObjectNotFoundException and StaleObjectStateException * fixed a bug when using schemas * new caching strategy (and documented cache feature) Changes in version 0.9.9 (25.4.2002) ----------------------------------* sorted sets and maps (thanks to Doug Currie) * mapping files may now be loaded using getResourceAsStream() (thanks to Markus Meissner) * hibernate messages now logged by Apache commons-logging * default hi/lo generator table now has column named "next_id", instead of "next " * query language may now refer to identifier property name (eg. foo.fooKey as al ternative to * hibernate.jndi_class, hibernate.jndi_url now optional when using datasource * hibernate now throws an exception if you try to persist an object with a refer ence to a transient object * improved connection pooling algorithm (hibernate.pool_size limits pooled conec tions) * very experimental integration of c3p0 JDBC connection pool (http://sourceforge .net/projects/c3p0) * now compiles under JDK 1.2.2 * fixed bug persisting null components * fixed bug where cached prepared statements were not cleaned up after disconnec t() session * fixed a null pointer exception in MappingByReflection Changes in version 0.9.8 (13.3.2002) ----------------------------------* supports database native key generation in Sybase, MS SQL, MySQL, DB2, Hyperso nic (contributed by Christoph Sturm) * supports Mckoi (dialect contributed by Doug Currie) * supports Progress (dialect contributed by Phillip Baird)

* added exceptions to catch Session reentrancy from PersistentLifecycle.load() + store() * experimental cross-transaction cache * Session.lock() and Session.loadWithLock() for pessimistic locking * HiLoGenerators may now use their own DriverManager connection properties + may now use same table across diff mapping files * Session.flush(), Session.close() and Session.connection() replace Session.comm it(), Session.cancel() * Session.disconnect() and Session.reconnect() for long transactions * added single JVM id generators vm.long, vm.hex * added unique column constraints to mappings * extensions to IDGenerator framework * support sequence-style ID generation in Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, Interbase * fixed problem where subcollections of a collection that changed roles would be deleted * changed class loading strategy to be compatible with JBoss * stopped queries retrieving unnecessary columns * mutable types (binary + serializable) now always detected as dirty Changes in version 0.9.7 (26.2.2002) ----------------------------------* save() now safe from foreign key violations (so create() is no longer preferre d method of adding data) * delete() now completely safe from foreign key violations - it no longer matter s what order objects are deleted in * removed Session.copy() * hilo generators now NOT for use with application server datasources * * * * fixed fixed fixed fixed two intermittent bugs in queries a problem where components not detected as dirty broken hilo generator which was not updating database a minor bug when hibernate.use_outer_join was set

Changes in version 0.9.6 (24.2.2002) ----------------------------------* experimental XML generation * added support for bi-directional associations (one-to-set, set-to-set) with <s et readonly="true"> config * reflective generation of mappings tool was contributed by Doug Currie * Session operations now atomic, so exceptions are recoverable * made ID properties optional in persistent classes * support for multiple schemas through schema attribute of <hibernate-mapping>, <class>, <set>, <map>, etc. * auto-creation of tables for hilo id generators (restriction: cannot use same t able from more than one mapping file) * added some more assertions to catch user "mistakes" like deleting transient or saving persistent objects * major rework of collections and fixed some bad bugs * lazy initialization re-enabled for one-to-many associations (thanks to Georg S chneemayer) * fixed a problem in the mapping DTD to allow nested components in collections * fixed a BAD bug in RelationalDatabaseSession when loading objects with Persist entLifecycle callbacks (thanks to Paul Szego) * fixed problems with quoted strings in query language * fixed a bug where a stack overflow occurred instead of HibernateException thro wn (thanks to Georg Schneemayer) * fixed a bug deleting updated versioned data * fixed some problems with name generation for indexes + foreign keys

* fixed problem in Sun JDK 1.4 (only?) where IllegalArgumentException was not ha ndled * minor improvements to handling of dates and times * HiLoGenerator now safe for all transaction isolation levels + safe when rollba ck occurs * noticed and fixed obscure piece of nonthreadsafe code outside of core persiste nce engine * removed unnecessary drop constraints for some dialects * MUCH more comprehensive test suite * changed some terminology used in documentation * added javadoc for API classes * commented the mapping DTD Changes in version 0.9.5 (8.2.2002) ----------------------------------* supports HypersonicSQL (dialect contributed by Phillip Baird) * supports Microsoft SQL server (with third party JDBC driver) * proper command-line tool for schema generation and export * deprecated the interface cirrus.hibernate.Persistent (due to popular demand) * changes to hibernate-mapping DTD (required to support optional Persistent inte rface): - deprecated <property type="package.PersistentClassName"/> in favor of <many-to -one class="package.PersistentClassName"/> - deprecated <element type="package.PersistentClassName"/> in favor of <many-tomany class="package.PersistentClassName"/> - deprecated <property role="..."/> in favor of <collection role="..."/> - deprecated <element role=".."/> in favor of <subcollection role="..."/> - deprecated <association> in favor of <one-to-many> * class attribute optional in <component> and <composite-id> tags (determined by reflection) * querying components of components now supported * one-shot table creation (no use of unportable "alter table") * time dataype support * reflective mappings of java.sql.Time, java.sql.Timestamp, java.sql.Date * fixed error msg thrown when class is missing a method but has a superclass * property names now conform to JavaBean spec ("foo" instead of "Foo"). Note tha t "Foo" still works * constructors of persistent classes may now be non-public * collection indexes now mapped to not-null columns * fixed obscure bug with querying collections inside components of components * fixed potential bug related to cacheing of compiled queries * major rewrite of code relating to O-R mappings * Session.copy() and Session.equals() as convenience for users * fixed repeated invocations of hasNext() on iterator + iterators now always wor k with distinct SQL resultsets * McKoi dialect was contributed by Gabe Hicks Changes in version 0.9.4 (29.1.2002) -----------------------------------* fixed BAD bug where XML parsing would not work for parsers other than Xerces thanks to Christian Winkler * added some more assertions to catch user "mistakes" like changing ids or reusi ng existing ids Changes in version 0.9.3 (27.1.2002) -----------------------------------* repackaged (corrupted DatasourceConnectionProvider.class) * better exception reporting using datasource

* added Datastore.storeClass() which looks for mapping file in classpath (class foo.Bar -> foo/Bar.hbm.xml) * improved documentation Changes in version 0.9.2 (25.1.2002) -----------------------------------* iterate over query results (lazy instantiation of query results) * added "select foo, bar" style queries returning multiple objects per row * delete by query * composite key support * outer joins for faster (?) loading of associated objects ( set "hibernate.use_ outer_join" to "true" ) * connection pooling when using DriverManager * foreign key constraint from unkeyed collection table to owner entity table * improved drop tables script execution (still not infallible) * added <composite-element> tag * added not-null properties and elements * added an optimisation for dates and components * made some XML attributes optional * fixed errors in documentation + documented some extra features * bugfix: store() not getting called on lifecycle interface * bugfix: schema generation for indexed associations * added many tests Changes in version 0.9.1 (20.1.2002) -----------------------------------Too many to list version 0.8.1 ------------Initial alpha version

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