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Kathrina Masha C.

Guinto BSA 4 Mngt 423 (11:30 MWF) June 27, 2011

SYNTHESIS Ive learned that ethics is the study which deals with human conduct in so far as this conduct may be considered right or wrong. In connection with this, it would be very helpful when applied to business. It can pave the way for common ground in our understanding of the fundamental idea of what is good and what is bad in our human conduct in the working scenario. Without ethics, it would be a kind of subjective morality. There would be inconsistent standards to be implemented in a certain organization. Moreover, it helps businessmen and would- be businessmen to determine what business practices are right and what are wrong. On the other side, Ive also encountered the factors that influence ethical behavior which are the macro level or the business environment, factors related to the external environment and usually controlled by the organization and the systems they imposed. This includes culture, economics, technology, religion and law; middle level factors, organizational level-factors; organizations usually should exercise power on the facts and control through organizational policies and procedures. This includes competition, reward system, behavioral principles, job profile sources, organizational culture and climate, goals given position, performance evaluation and reference person; the level of wisdom or individual-level factors, this involves

factors attributed to the employees rather than the organizations. It includes attitude, intention, self power, control, field, independence, demographic, parents influence, level of moral development values and beliefs. Lastly, Ive learned about business myths on business ethics that have given me deeper understanding and knowledge. I know these would help me on my future endeavors. The five myths being presented are as follows: Myth 1: Ethics is a Personal Affair and not a public behavior matter There are some businessmen that are claiming that ethics is a private issue and not a public matter. Morality is a result of environmental factors such as culture, religion and family values that greatly affects personality. What is good for others might not be good for others. Myth 2: Ethics and Business do not mix Some businessmen claim that ethics has no place in business. This myth rooted to the idea of having or engaging into business and doing freely what they want and ethical standards have nothing to do with it. Myth 3: Ethics in business is relative There are universal principles that people share and agree upon regardless of religious orientations, cultures and value systems. Myth 4: Good business means good ethics Once business is profitable but the means acquiring profits is somehow questionable. The ends justify the means that is what ethics encouraging the businessmen in doing business. Myth 5: Business is a war

Business is a good human activity that promotes a healthy competition and not to destroy the competitors. All above mentioned myths are denied explaining that ethics being applied in business leads to a more harmonious and productive outcome when used properly. Moreover, business competition is healthy once this paves a way to improvement and development rather than unethical practices. To sum it up, business ethics is of great help in every way it would be imposed.

Avvy Gail S. Manansala Mngt 423 (11:30 MWF)

BSBA-MTA 4 June 27, 2011


Ive learned that ethics is a science that studies the morality of human act. As a science, ethics is concerned with the analysis of nature of the human conduct from the point of view of morality. From the perspective of philosophy, the primary reason why ethics must be studied is because it is directed towards meaningful activity as a result of profound reflection and analysis. Moreover, philosophy as a science therefore gives the one philosophizing an opportunity to reflect and think but also to analyze the contents of his thoughts. The main purpose of business ethics is to help the businessmen and would be businessmen to determine what practices are right and what are wrong to help them in making the right decisions. Moreover, business ethics paves the way for common grounds of our understanding of the fundamental idea of what is good and what is bad in our human conduct. Without this, people of businessmen will set their own moral standards, moral rules and moral principles that would result to a kind of subjective morality that what is good and what is bad in our human conduct but also to provide us with common understanding of the moral principles that governs our moral conduct and guides our moral decisions. In addition to my learning, there are business myths about business ethics which elaborated the fact that businessmen are not immoral and that business is certainly a

good human activity. It is the business leaders wrong perception about ethics and its role that made them sometimes in some case unethical. In myth #1, ethics is described as a personal affair and not a public debatable matter. Some businessmen are claiming that ethics is a private issue and not a public matter, in a sense that, ethics is relative to for what maybe good for others might not be good for you as a result of environmental factors such as religion, culture and family values. Those environmental factors greatly affect our understanding of what is good and what is bad because it serves as our training grounds for our ethical conduct. Myth #2, business and ethics do not mix. This myth rooted to the idea of having or engaging into business and doing freely what they want and ethical standards have nothing to do with it. Myth#3, ethics in business is relative, which is a wrong perception on the role of ethics. The truth of the matter is, there are universal principle that people share and agree upon regardless of religious consideration, cultures and value system. Myth #4, good business means good ethics. This is certainly a myth. Once business is profitable but the means acquiring profits is somehow questionable. The ends justify the means that is what ethics encouraging the businessmen in doing business. Myth #5 says that business is a war. For them, market is an arena for gladiators that fight for survival and vying for the number one position that resort to predatory tactics to destroy the competitors. Business is a good human activity that promotes a healthy competition and not to destroy the competitors.

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