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january 2012
The time is here...
If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I se2le on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. Psalm 139:9-10 NIV See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19 NIV
Can you believe it?! January 18: thats when I get on a plane to y away from Atlanta. Up unBl a couple weeks ago, I thought this Bme would never get here. I was sBll counBng down the months. Now, Im on a count-down measured in DAYS. Every morning when I wake up, I realize its one less day, start panicking because theres so much to do, then seNle down for some Bme with my Savior and realize once again that Hes got everything under control.

a newsletter from brandy ingle

How you can pray
Praise the Lord- I have all my paperwork and plane tickets! I y out of Atlanta on January 18. Pray for wisdom in knowing what to buy and pack for living in PNG for four years. Pray for my 14-week training (9 in Nobnob, PNG, and 5 in a remote village) beginning January 25. Pray for my brother, Ben, as he is being deployed back to Afghanistan for about 8 months. Pray for Lauren and Carter as they live without him back home!

Please see the second page for informa3on about the next few months!

A couple weeks ago, I was gePng a liNle worried, wondering if maybe Im making a mistake... if maybe I heard God wrong. What if Im not supposed to do this? And I was reminded to remember. So when I looked back on the last year and a half of this specic journey, I was amazed at what all I remember. And when I held my visa in my hand (nally!), I could hear God saying, Remember. Remember how far weve come. Remember what Ive brought you through, what Ive taught you. remember all the precious Bmes weve had together this year. Remember the mountains Ive Did you know that almost every weekend over the last year or so language communities in moved or turned into molehills. Remember how Ive Papua New Guinea have been celebrating the translation of Gods word into their language? provided. Remember the milestones weve created Rain or shine, all across the country, each weekend another community celebrates the together. Remember the people Ive brought into your opportunity to hold the completed New Testament scriptures in their hands for the rst time. life to encourage you, liY you up, pray for you. And not just to hold it, but to understand it. To understand Gods message of love, grace, Remember my love for you, and never forget it.
salvation, and a life lived to the full. Sheltered from the pouring rain, dancers from the Molima language community in the Milne Bay area make music in celebration. Joel, one of the translation team coordinators and a native speaker of Molima, speaks from his own experience the day before this image was taken I look forward to this dedication. It is going to bring change actually when people have the word of God in their heart language. Change of mindset and attitudes, and the way they approach their spiritual life will also change. When they read the word, it will be very clear to them and the most important thing is what the Word of God is going to do in their own lives. Many people are looking forward to having the Word of God in our own language. We are so excited.
-words from Wycliffe Global Alliances facebook -photo by Kimberly Brotzler

I want to especially say Thank You to YOU. All of you who have commiNed to pray for and support me have truly been a God-send. Thank you for your encouragement, for giving of your Bme and resources, so that Gods work can be carried out. And its not just for me that Hes doing new things... I cant wait to hear what He does in your life as you conBnue to seek Him!


To Donate: Wycliffe Bible Translators P.O. Box 628200 Orlando, FL 32862-8200 *Include a note: Brandy Ingle #227294


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the journey : january 2012! !

brandy ingle

Welcome to a taste of Christmas as an Ingle!

Christmas with my Grandma (moms side of the family)

Christmas with my Granddaddy and Grandmother (dads side)

We like to eat. All that for only 7 people!

We found the perfect tree

Whats Next?
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him. 1 Corinthians 2:9 NIV
Well, heres a liNle glimpse of my schedule for the next few months: January 12-16: Spend Bme at home in NC January 18: Fly to San Francisco January 21: Fly to Australia (arrive on January 23) January 23: Fly to PNG January 25: Begin Pacic OrientaBon Course (POC) in Nobnob, PNG (near Madang, PNG). Become immersed in the culture, the language, the food, the people. Get to know my fellow Wyclie workers. March 21(ish): Move to a village to live for 5 weeks April 25(ish): Back to Nobnob for debrieng May 2(ish): Move to Ukarumpa, my home in PNG! If you would like to write while Im in training, you can do so by the beginning of April. It takes 10-14 days for a First Class leNer to arrive in Nobnob from the States. Dont send packages- they may not arrive unBl Ive leY. Heres my address for POC: Brandy Ingle SIL-Pacic OrientaBon Course PO Box 872 Madang 511 Papua New Guinea I dont have my permanent address for Ukarumpa yet, but if youd like to send something ahead of Bme, you can send it to the main address and Christens birthday they will hold it for me. Here is the main address: with Joy and Christen Brandy Ingle Summer InsBtute of LinguisBcs PO Box 1 Ukarumpa EHP 444 Contact Information Papua New Guinea See you on my blog/facebook/email/skype! :) Skype: brandyingle
New Years Eve with Emily My dad worked as a supervisor for the Extreme Makeover home in Lincolnton, NC. The episode will air next Christmas!

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